Saturday, October 13, 2012

Is AVCF the serial “murderer”?

Is AVCF the serial “murderer”?

My friends,

Stay on your chair well.

Don’t blame me if you fall out of the chair and die like Rev Dais Rukuman died after preaching at St Andrew’s church, Tuaran 6 years ago.  The death was confirmed by some people today who knew this event.

Was Bishop AVCF the “murderer” then after the deceased was not given 3 months leave after the by-pass surgery in SMC.  He was given only 3 days after the surgery.

So God bless his soul.

AVCF, please confess this issue to God yourself.

this is Not another ‘lie’ according to AVCF.

Another pastor also died due to the stress from AVCF…


  1. who can his next victims??

    God protects all.

  2. why is this item later deleted in the TRUTH blog?

    Lets call an Royal Commission of Inquiry on this..

    The TRUTH must be known.

  3. from blog

    9. BAV denied he only gave the late Rev. Dais 3 days leave after Dais’ second open heart surgery. BAV claimed he wasn’t the Bishop when Rev. Dais passed away just weeks after the 2nd surgery. Bishop Melter concurred by stating Rev. Dais passed away in 2007. (FYI, BAV was enthroned the Bishop of ADOS in 2006.)

    JK – call an Inquiry now and someone lodge Police Report on the ‘murder’ of the more than one persons including priests and pastors under AVCF.



    September 1, 2012 - 3:20 am johny bin Sondait

    Jemaat sudah lupa mengapa mandiang Rev. Dais Rukuman meninggal dunia….”Tekanan” Siapakah yang memarahi beliau dgn menalipon dia siang dan malam???? Pada hal mandiang baru keluar dari Sabah Medical Centre yang baru menjalani pembedahan jantung??????????

    Kenapakah mandiang tidak diperkenankan mendapat cuti selama tiga bulan menurut nasihat doktor. Dan beliau hanya diberikan tiga hari cuti….saja.!!!!!!

    Kenapkah kita sudah lupa semuanya ini? Di mana keadilan dlm kes ini. ??????????

    Translated/interpreted as:-

    September 3, 2012 - 12:27 am Liaw

    Extracted from brother johny bin Sondait who wrote in BM

    If this has really happened as claimed then the person who did this to him has basically caused this brother to die of a heart attack because of mental and physical stress. My goodness he might as well have pull the trigger with the gun pointed at Rev. Dais heart. This is murder!

  5. can bishop Datuk Yong PC come here and confirm about the allegation by avcf?

  6. More 'murders' maybe on the way if not dealt with NOW.

    The easy ways to get them out of the Anglican system is to commit them for some months in Bukit Padang Mesra Hospital as already proven his mental capacity is deranged.

    So we need a team of people including Anglican medical doctors, Anglican lawyers and some status retired senior citizens to file a suit in Court for urgent attention to commit them to detention in Mesra Hospital.

    I can present all those papers to confirmed their unsound minds.

    AVCF already in the worst state of mind with inability to cope with many memory lapses;

    JY also lodged false Police Report with inaccurate information due to mental stress to cope with the Bishopgate.

    Melta Jiki Tai also cannot remember recent developments although he is away from the urban stress..

    This way we can keep the ADOS from mentally sick people too much for them.

  7. A fatalistic error for whoever wrote this testimony-----

    "The day before he passed away on 2nd of June 2007, at St. Andrew’s church, Tuaran, we had a ‘gotong-royong’ at the church and its surrounding areas from morning until the afternoon. In the evening, together with a few church leaders, they visited one of the church member’s child in Queen Elizabeth Hospital. After returning from the visitation, our whole family attended a cell group in Kg. Bulihin, Tuaran. After the cell group, my husband and I spent time together sharing but he never mentioned anything about Bishop Albert Vun. Moreover, he shared about a dream he had about heaven again on Friday night, 1st October 2007, but I distracted the conversation by asking him to close the main gate of the church because it was already very late."

    Why is there an errors here about the date namely late Rev Dais passed away on 2nd June, 2007 and... Friday night, 1st October, 2007"

    which is correct then? Did the blogger amend this testimony?

    So this can be another giveaway that someone had written this testimony to fool others...

    Also which Friday's night?

  8. 3rd June, 2007 is Sunday when Rev Dais died after preaching.

    In the article or testimony, it was written 2nd June, 2007.

    So how can this be called a true TESTIMONY of Pastor Sonia.

    So stressful indeed.

  9. was the wife of the late Rev Dais involved with a road accident?

    Let God protect her...

  10. Can Rev Dais Rukuman die in vain?

    Should Rev Dais Rukuman die in such manner in his church?

    No peace for ADOS because of what we know…

    A top confession and apology on the way?
