Monday, October 29, 2012

Another Police Report on 11.11.2012

Straight forward to another Police Report to remove AVCF as Bishop  at noon on 11.11.12

We must take stock of what some of our people are doing since October, 2011.

Today it is 29th October, 2012 with the anniversary 23rd October just past for the first blog was started and it has been non stop for the campaign to remove the Bishop of Sabah in the person of Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui.

Most of you know the almost full story with some yet to unfold.

Are the campaigners on track to remove AVCF as soon as possible the root cause of the crisis aka BISHOPGATE ?  Yes, I would say but we need  to push forward yet with another Police Reports.

How many Police Reports had been lodged by AVCF and his gang?

If no Police Report was not made, how did the All Saints’ Cathedral as confirmed by Rector Yong Thiam Choy (YTC) the presence of many police personnel inside the Cathedral church and the Cathedral compound on the night of 29th August, 2012. YTC even blamed me for the presence of the Police in church.  So ridiculous indeed.

So we too can lodge more Police Reports at the Karamunsing Police Station on various important issues hopefully the Police would take appropriate action on AVCF and his gang.

The lodgement of Police Reports would be effective if we have up to 1,000 supporters all lined up in the Karamunsing Police Station compound spilling over to the All Saints’ Cathedral at 12noon of 11th November, 2012.  Some banners would be useful for good publicity.  Be there - my friends.

Who want to volunteer as the organizers?  We need to meet.

The details of the Police Report/s would be only known after the lodgement to the press.

Time is running out after various hideous programmes of the Bishop.  Now we have a dubious written APOLOGY of a crime committed by AVCF.  There are many more ‘crimes’ committed by AVCF and his gang.

You all would appreciate how very important to remove the Bishop AVCF who is also the sole trustee of Anglican Diocese of Sabah when a trustee cannot remember what he had said or done recently.

All the blame games, all the lies, all the thieving, all the illegal acts, all the oversea travels MUST end now.

My friends, STOP that once and for all with FINAL Police Reports and no regrets as there is no such thing for the socalled ‘anointed one’.
This is Judgement from God through us.  Thank God.

Joshua Y. C. Kong
012-8380897; 013-8394513

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A prophecy on "So Chai" in AVCF  by Caleb

Monday, 30 April 2012


The crisis in ASC today is the result of what God said on 18th December, 2005 "The devil is eyeing to take over ASC, rebuke, resist him in JESUS' NAME" But ASC didn't obey God.

God says - when Albert Vun destroyed the two Altars in ASC he opened up a door for a powerful demon named "So Chai" (mad man) to enter him causing him to destroy the church.  More demonic doors were opened when AV. desobeyed God's specific commandments - 1. not to sell land to Freemason 2. to walk, not run.

God says, AV is not sincere in his heart. He lies all the time. He does not know he has been deceived by the devil.  That powerful demon inside him is controlling, making him do many many things to ruin, to destroy the church. He did many many things contrary to the will of God - holding two positions, caused many priests / pastors to resign, selling God's land, denying the dead of burial, using fear to control people, wasteful spending of God's money, God reveals that Bishop house is demons infested, demons do not want to be disturbed, Kokol and Celebration Centre are unholy.

God says Yong Thiam Choi, Stella and others who obey AV are actually obeying the demon who gives the instructions.  And those following think they serve God, in actual fact they are serving the demon. 

Listen, and be warned, whoever you are, whether you are Assistant Bishops, Priests / Pastors, office staff, security guards, PCC, Standing Committes, Ordinary Christians etc, etc - you must repent before God and men and turn from your wicked ways.  If not God will spit you out.

Those who attended ASC 7.30am service on 18th December, 2005 must also repent.

Albert Vun, you must repent before God, and before men and turn from your evil and wicked ways.  If not God will punish you severely and spit you out.

As your act of repentance, I now command you to appoint Moses Chin to be Dean of ASC, stop denying the dead of burial, cancel Celebration Centre, open Bishop house to parishioners, transfer Yong Thiam Choi and Stella away from Kota Kinabalu, re-instate Clarence Fu and Raymond Chin, cancel Director of projects, stop travelling outside Malaysia for one year, no more selling God's land / Properties, no more larvish spending, thus says the LORD.

JK's comments ----

Now you can this "So Chai" in AVCF writing a rubbiish in ASC sheet unheaded and undated after Meltar Jiki Tai wrote an apology on 25th October, 2012.

Both mails seem to be similar - a crazy thing to do without any solution.

"I go; I go - I resign after the apologies"

Archbishop of Canterbury, your last 'rite' please

Dear Most Rev Archbishop,

A time of reckoning now for the establishment of the Province of Anglican Church in South East Asia - in disarray.
The Constitution of APSEA has been breached by none other the Archbishop of APSEA on  the removal of Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui as Bishop of Sabah.

Be it a great blessing for your immediate action now just before you retire...

Archbishop Datuk Bolly Lapok, your action now

Dear Most Rev Archbishop,

Please act according to the Constitution of the Province of Anglican church in South East Asia to remove Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui as Bishop of Sabah immediately..

All has been exposed and no longer 'rumours'  but TRUTH ...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Listing of possible Apologies from ADOS

Can we start now after the Assistant Bishop Melter Jiki Tais set the first case of written apology on his fake statement - " I was there and were you there?"
Now MJT appologised for his declaration  of what the names of the 5 famous complainants once disparaged by AVCF as TRAITORS in Telupid and damn serious as that.

So there are strings of apologies to come from the rotten ADOS under the megalomanic AVCF -

By the way, can we accept any apology from near mental patients as crocodile tears fall so freely?

It is over to you as the pending judgement on ADOS and his gang..

Can anyone list the TOP ten of lies of AVCF?  Searching for them...

1.  I tested the Visa to Thailand as a retired person.

2.  I and P Lo placed RM85,000 of ADOS fund for retired couple for working permit in Thailand and refundable?
 for me in
3. I did the bookkeeping items of all the Deposit interest of nearly RM1m into various funds and spend as I like..

4. I have to transfer all my former staff in St Patrick's Church because they work better  in "gang robbing ASC and ADOS".  Prove KK staff are useless and they do not know how to cry like AVCF.

5.  I don't know the Deanery in ASC is for a Dean???

6.  I don't need the senior staff of ADOS and promoted junior JY to assistant Bishop who can always lodge false Police Reports.  How many FALSE ones already lodged?

7.  I did not know MV is the principal of ASAA...if he knew she should not be there..

8.  I know the honorary Audit did not do a good job as it was on the eve of the Diocese Synod 2012 that we got the audited accounts back.  What a great lie.

9.  "I go I go, I resign because I had done nothing wrong in ADOS " as per the composed song by Eric of Goodsam.  Simply the best.

10. Don't blame me, blame the others all approved by PCC, Standcom, Diocesan Chancellor, Diocesan Secretary, Diocesan Treasurer, Honorary Auditor, and the Synod all his gang except the Honorary Auditor - what a pity?

(please add on now because all apologies to come soon )

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tsunami in ADOS tonight?

Berita Gempar Jam 8 Malam Esok

I hope the BM clergies and pastors of ADOS would withdraw their support for AVCF over the alleged deaths cum ‘nurders’ of some full time workers including Rev Dais Rukuman… Wake up my friends in Christ

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Remove AVCF as Bishop, WHY not?

The law of Removal of Bishop in accordance to the  following Constitutions:-
1.     The Constitution of Diocese of Sabah,
2.    The Constitution of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia.
The Constitution of Diocese of Sabah, where Article III subsection 3 “The Bishop  may be removed from office only for inability to perform the functions of the office, whether arising from infirmity by body or mind, or for misbehavior, or for heresy.  The procedure for removal shall be in accordance with Article IV (h) and Regulation B of the Constitution of the Province.

The Constitution of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia. Article IV (h) states “ A Diocese Bishop  may be removed from office only for inability to perform the functions of the office, whether arising from infirmity by body or mind, or for misbehavior, or for heresy. The procedure for  removal is set out in Regulation B.

Regulation “B” section 2 “When a complaint in writing against the Archbishop or a Diocesan Bishop is received, it shall in the first instance be referred to the House of Bishops.  A copy of the complaint shall be served on the Archbishop or the Diocesan Bishop as the case may be, who shall within 4 weeks thereof submit an explanation in writing.  The House of Bishops may dismiss the complaint or direct further investigations as it deems fit.
Section 3 states “Where it appears to the House of Bishops that the complaint is substantiated and sufficiently grave or serious as to warrant removal, the House of Bishops shall refer the complaint to the Ecclesiastical Court to be convened for the purpose of determining the removal or otherwise of the  Archbishop or Diocesan Bishop.
So Joshua Kong’s comments are as follows:-

1.     Bishop AV is unable to perform as inability to perform the functions of the office, whether arising from infirmity by body or mind, or for misbehavior, or for heresy. 
1.1           There are enough of incidences of that inability.  (schedule to be enclosed).  Actually I had done a dossier of 200 pages in August, 2012 and couriered to House of Bishops for consideration.
2.    If we examine Regulation “B” section 2 and 3, it is very clear that there is no provision for the House of Bishops to issue an unauthorized decision on 18th September, 2012 on the complaint of the 5.
2.1           Since it is proven in the Provincial Advisory Committee’s investigation in a report that 38 of the 40 items were valid, The Ecclesiastical Court must be established.
3.    Non Compliance of the Decision
Since 18th September, 2012 and  now more than a month, nothing in the Pastoral letter to the Diocese of Sabah has been complied with.
4.    Dialogues/Forums with members and beneficiaries
These three functions hastily arranged with very short notices in Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Tawau further confirm Bishop AV as unable  to perform. The answers given must be in writing as denials would arise.

5.    CHANNELS now open
5.1           Fresh petition for the Removal of Bishop of Sabah to the House of Bishops should state that the House of Bishops or Archbishop cannot issue that unauthorized decision of 18th September, 2012..
5.2           Demand that the House of Bishops act on the inability to perform.
5.3           The Civil Court case on the malpractice, irregularities to be pursued  by House of Bishops for restitution
5.4           Since Bishop AV has belittled the unauthorised decision (sort of concession), which BAV had consented to and like a show cause letter, House of Bishops can now bypass the E-court to remove the Bishop of Sabah.
5.5           Since BAV was not suspended during the PAC investigation, the removal now is even more pressing.

AVCF sure to sue me now..

MCMC sets up complaints bureau to tackle Internet misuse

Posted on October 23, 2012, Tuesday

KOTA KINABALU: The government has set up the Complaints Bureau through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to investigate complaints on the misuse of the Internet, and identify those responsible for providing and disseminating its content.
Sabah Assistant Minister of Resource Development and Information Technology Datuk Jainab Ahmad Ayid said the MCMC continues to monitor and take legal action under Section 211 and 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.
“Besides that, any individual defamed or shamed can take civil action in court by suing the alleged social network involved,” she said in reply to a question from Abd Muis Picho (Umno-Sebatik) at the state assembly, here yesterday.
Jainab said all network content, including social content on the Internet, was subjected to the country’s laws such as the Sedition Act 1948, Penal Code, Defamation Act 1957, Internal Security Act 1960 and the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.
She said the state government has created the website InsightSabah to promote Sabah through articles based on facts and statistics on the state government.
“The website also provides information pertaining to government agenda involving development, economy, social, politics and more,” she said. — Bernama

My Comment:-

AVCF has no more excuse not to sue me now..

Cheap talks and denials by AVCF only prove AVCF is guilty on all counts.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

why Police in church or All Saints Cathedral?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thiam Choy Yong <>
Date: Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 8:33 PM
Subject: RE: Re Police Personnel

Dear William
The reason we did so in the service as we need to maintain security in any big events in Cathedral because we have received threats of disorderliness since the day Joshua Kong has filed his suit against the Bishop of Sabah.
Let us continue to pray for the church as we go through this challenging period.

His Servant
Canon Yong

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 07:41:03 +0800
Subject: Re Police Personnel

An Open Letter to Rector Yong Thiam Choy (1st reminder for reply)

14th October, 2012

To: Rev Canon Yong Thiam Choy (

From: William Thien (

Dear Rev Yong,

Re Police Personnel

I was prompted by church members to write you this letter.

We were deeply shocked and saddened to learn of a police patrol car stationed at our church compound at the time when Philip Lo was ordained as God’s servant. Several plain-clothed policemen were found inside the church--the holy and worshipping place for Christian.

There is no denying that the appearance of police personnel in the All Saints Cathedral has invited widespread negative speculation about our church, and you are held responsible for sowing the doubts.

We have the following questions and hope that you will give us the answers at your soonest possible. We need to remind you that God’s law clearly forbids intentional lying and we believe that you will tell us the truth.

  1. Why did you need to call the police to the church?
  2. Who were threatened and what did you expect would happen at that night?
  3. Church members complained that you had acted blasphemously to our God by calling the police to the church, do you have any objection?
  4. Can you tell us what did you fear and why?
  5. Do you need police protection on every Sunday service?
  6. Do you have God’s peace in your mind?
  7. Will you invite the police personnel to the dialogue to be held tomorrow night?

We are your sheep, we are not wolves. You are our shepherd, we need your guidance and protection, but….are you capable of doing that?

May God Bless you!

Yours truly,

William Thien


My comment is that the church leaders are insane to react in such a way..


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cry, cries, cried, AVCF, why, what?

**UPDATED INFO: there are eye witnesses that testify BAV didn’t say he cannot be removed, but pointed out his Bishopric is not decided by popularity vote. Some remarked BAV look more contrite than his usual self, apologizing for his pride and arrogance and wept several times. ***

What are these symptoms of such crying by such an adult of high position?

He cried, cries and cry because his agenda is delayed by GE 13.

What Agenda is he crying, better ask him...

Is it about missing the 40,000 ac of hinterland and if so come in the OPEN, we can all discuss in the FULL so it is WIN, WIN, WIN for all.

If it is not transparent, only one or  two parties and too much losses for many in ADOS.

So don't be deceived by those CROCODILE tears of AVCF,

Come clean now and not one and a few  only to have hidden gain at the expense of thousands others.

We may all come out with a beautiful plan if we act together...

It is also reported AVCF cried before his two assistant bishops after the Monday Dialogue in KK.

He also cried as reported before the HoBs in Singapore on 11th September, 2012

AVCF cried at the Diocesan Synod 2012 in KK...

So many cries.....and nothing to worry if we send him to Hospital Mersa...NOW

Friday, October 19, 2012

Views of Forum in Tawau with AVCF

A mafia church at SPC and that is the fruit of 'murderer' AVCF.

BAV and Standing Com have yet to answer my set of easy questions in writing within 24 hours since the night of 15th October, and so BAV and Standing must immediately resign as it is more than 4 days now for not replying my questions with YES or No.

Jyeo had lodged a FALSE report against me on 23rd July, 2012 and terrible crime to make such serious allegations, and so he too has to resign now.

MJT told a LIE over the question of the AVCF naming the 5 complainants and called them TRAITORS in Telupid.  So must also resign immediately.

They cannot serve God.

AVCF said "In Tawau, BAV boasted under the constitution he cannot be removed unless he resigned, that even a petition to HOB is pointless. He also denied being “spiritually unfit” just because he has been ordered by the HOB to see a Spiritual Director. CEOs also have mentors, BAV replied."

So AVCF is against the HoBs decision in the Pastoral letter to the Diocese of Sabah and should not be given any time to remain as Bishop of Sabah.

You all know what happen when anyone is given a show cause letter, either comply or resign immediately.

My Bishops and Archbishop of Province of Anglican churches in South East Asia, if you do not act now, who would believe you as AVCF is beyond repair and it is very likely he needs to have his head checked and many people would agreed with me in this - send him to Hospital Mesra now.

Postings of William Thien in asc blog

I have extracted some of the postings of William Thien for all to appreciate with ease..

william thien26 January 2012 18:56

It is widely known that the leader of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah is presently getting bogged down in a flood of negative accusation—violation of the Diocesan’s Ordinance. Parishioners have come to believe that over the past five years he has acted in ways of abusive and dishonest. A website has been set up for them to air out their grievances. He is described as an arrogant, selfish, and opinionated man. He regards himself the only man who is more prominent in all fields of work. He is deaf and insensitive to criticism. Though parishioners throughout the Diocese have been complaining him about his behavior, he has never denied nor refuted the accusations. His total ignorance of the public opinion about him has sparked off a towering wave of anger in the Diocese.

He was suspected of being involved in corruption and many other malpractices Such accusations are beyond parishioners’ comprehension. They are unwilling to accept the fact that a God-fearing leader would have committed such mistakes. They have been crying out for his clarification because they all think that the accusations of corruption is highly defamatory to the Diocese. They have the same wishful thinking—they want the leader to prove himself innocent of all the accusations. They want to know the truth.

However, their grievances are still ignored by him. He has consistently and openly displayed daring challenges to their will and the Diocesan Ordinance. He has compounded his errors –despite written and strong verbal objections, he had resolutely ordained Philip Lo who is said to be an unqualified person, to the position of Deacon on the 15th of January, 2012. They are in great doubt now—were there any similar scandalous ordinations in the past? They want his explanation why he wanted to ordain such a person who is ineligible for the position.

There are also questions about his attitude towards the complaints. He has absolved himself of the responsibility by pushing the issue to the Chancellor who heads the Standing Committee. He stated that it is his advice that he chose not to respond. Parishioners are inclined to ask—why did he give the leader such an advice? The Chancellor should realize that responding to queries should not be construed as the leader’s admission of the accusations. Keeping silence is not the proper way to resolve problem. His advice was deemed as inappropriate and it has aroused widespread public curiosity—did the leader actually commit the irregularities in handling the church money? The Chancellor was denounced and he should be held responsible for the current crisis in 1

Correspondence of William Thien

I have extracted  some correspondence of William Thien who have done very well.

An open letter to the bishop of Anglicans Diocese of Sabah.

William Thien,
Chinese 9:30 am service
15th December, 2011

The Bishop of Anglican Diocese of Sabah,
Sabah, Malaysia.

Dear Bishop Vun,

As you will realize, the recent accusations of corruption against you will not only triggered off a crisis in the All Saints Cathedral, but also the Diocese of Sabah. I could hardly believe that you, as a honorable bishop, would have committed the offences. I would rather believe that it is bitterness that caused the complaints.

There is no denying that the congregation are anxiously waiting for your response to the matter. However, you have disappointed them because you have displayed a willful disregard of the accusations, giving the reason that the complainants did not reveal their identities. You are destroying your prestige which you have gained during your hard work in the past years. How do you rectify your mistake?

You should have sensed their disapproval of your leadership. The bloggers have initiated a move to boycott you and there is no excuse for this chaotic state of affairs to drag on and remain unsolved. Though some members in the Chinese 9:30 am service appeared to be quiet, their silence could not be construed as agreement with you. Don’t you feel embarrassed facing them on Sunday service? The key to the door of solution is with you and it is within your discretion to settle the matter.

I must emphasize that I and some members still remain neutral till all the facts are made known. You have stated that you are under no obligation to respond to the unidentified letters and I agree with you to a certain extent. But I must remind you that your insistence has undoubtedly been causing a harmful effect to the good name of All Saints Cathedral and the Anglican Diocese of Sabah as unfavorable rumors regarding the church leaders are being spread around in the State. Are you saddened to hear of this bad news?

I love All Saints Cathedral and I am proud to be a member of the Anglican church. Realizing that you will ignore all unidentified letters, I have therefore sincerely revealed myself hoping that you will, for the sake of All Saints Cathedral’s unity and without any further excuse, give the congregation a clarification.

I trust that the issue will be resolved amicably within the church.

Yours faithfully,

William Thien

This letter will be published :
--on my wall in the Facebook.(I have added you )
--on the blog

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mary Vun on ASAA ???

What Mary Vun says about ASAA is a lot to be questioned?

As ASAA licenced as a school if the standard is to be maintained?

Is ASAA licensed with DBKK? If not why not?

I understand there is a concession since the British time that anything under the roof of the Christian church is exempted from the requirement of what other bodies have to comply.

Anglican Diocese of Sabah is not a church in the real context of that meaning.
AVCF said he had transferred ASAA to ADOS so that other churches in ADOS would do likewise.

So what is the really concept of the ASAA under ADOS when All Saints’ Cathedral is not longer in control.

Since ASC is no more in control, the Academy should change its name to ADOS Academy, Kota Kinabalu and likewise St Patrick’s Academy to ADOS Acadeny, tawau, and then we will see what happen then.

Also how can unlicenced school and entity open bank account without separate licence from DBKK? Has the Bank overlooked this?

Are Bishop and wife toying with the children’s future in Education?

Bishop and wife also not aware I was the one to suggest to Rev Tan Chor Kee about All Saints’ Anglican Academy instead of All Saints’ Academy where the Anglican idenity is lost.

Monday, October 15, 2012

From the High Court today

The trial will be held soon…and can he stand this trial?

This is a report from the Court hearing

The Learned High Court Judge , Justice Datuk David Wong Dak Wah this
morning confirmed that he will hear both the Plaintiff’s and the Defendants
Applications on the 17th December 2012.
Lawyer Rakhbir Singh appeared for KONG YUN CHEE @ JOSHUA KONG ,
the Plaintiff in this cause whilst Lawyer Brandon Soh appeared for DATUK
ALBERT VUN CHEONG FUI the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah
Before agreeing to proceed to hear the matter in Court , Judge David sought
confirmation from both Lawyers if their client’s have any objections that he
hears the matter.
The Judge disclosed that he is of a Catholic faith.
Both Counsels then informed the Judge that they have no objections to His
Lordship to hear the matter
Lawyer Rakhbir Singh informed the Learned High Court Judge that he will be
filing an Application to amend the Writ and claim and had also informed the
Court that on the other hand the Defendant has filed an Application to strike
out the Writ.
In the meantime outside the Court, lawyer Rakhbir Singh said that the State
AG had confirmed in writing that it had no interest in the Trust in a letter
dated 4th October 2012
The hearing is now scheduled on the 17th December 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

what forum as such short notice?

Dear Bishop and Standing Committee of ADOS,

I don’t know why the issues raised in

  since 12 September, 2012 have not being addressed.

The accounts of ADOS are totally unacceptable and ADOS would have the money to engaged good account staff.

I have my own issues at the end of this mail and 3 at the moment is enough.

So all together is 17 sweet questions and just quote the number when you reply in writing.

Thank you,



Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Ezekiel 3:18
When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

Any financial person will ask some of these questions in the Synod if they are given time to read the accounts: 

a)       What is the definition of fixed assets in accounting?  Why was the Bangkok  condominium treated as off balance sheet item? Why was it never a fixed asset?  Who suggested it as revenue expenditure (charged out as expenses) instead of capital expenditure (fixed assets)?

1-JK’s Question ---who has given the instruction ?  Who did the bookkeeping entry?

b)    How did the KK land sales of RM236,500 become receivables?  What is this? Land sales from Likas land not fully collected?  ADOS only sold 2 parcels of KK land.  The Likas Land and the road access to the freemason. This amount owing from which buyer?

2-JK’s Question:  When did this figure first occur and for what?

c)     Why is the Kokol Project Account supposedly monitored by Michael Tong (the treasurer for the project) cost only RM5.1mil but the costs booked in ADOS accounts shows RM6mil? ADOS account shows Kokol cost RM836,000 more than the project account under the project treasurer Michael Tong. How and why? This can only suggests some unknown expenses were booked in as costs to this project in ADOS account.  The Kokol building was completed and dedicated end of August 2010.  Why was there still an addition of RM538,967 costs in 2011?  How could two different figures presented to the Synod? How could the accounts be approved and accepted?

3-JK’s Question – Show us the complete project account and documents.

d)    Where has the rental income gone?  ADOS has been receiving rental like from Wisma Anglican, staff apartment and various premises.  Why were these not reported in the accounts?

4-JK’s Question: -Please give us a complete list of properties rented out and the respective rent.

e)     There was RM38.8mil of bank balances from the close of 2009 financial.  After    having spent RM18.1mil for both 2010 and 2011 and received income RM7.4 of income for the 2 years, there should only have left with RM28.1mil.  This is simple mathematics.  Why there is still RM34.5mil?  How have overnight miracles happened that RM6.4mil just appeared into the bank from nowhere?

5-JK’s Question:- Please show us the Diocesan assessment schedule due and payable and paid by those churches concerned in these two years.

f)      Movement of specific fund was all done with wrong accounting.  Why funds utilised (spent) is also funds transferred into this account?  This is not right.  There was RM41mil in the special fund at the close of 2009 financial.  RM3.7mil for 2009 & 2010 from the assessment has been allocated into this fund, a total of RM44.7mil. RM18.1mil have been utilised.  There should only be RM26.6mil.  Why is there still RM37mil?  This is very strange.

6-JK’s Question – Please show us the relevant ledger of these fund for 2010, 2011.

g)         Development fund & Kokol were over charged by RM96,728 and RM34,912 in the specific fund.  How could RM131,640 overspent from this account?  How will these discrepancies be accounted for?

7-JK’s Question -  Please show us the relevant ledgers with these items.

h)      What was the reason for no budget was presented during the 2010 Synod?  Is it right that the Chairman had violated the Constitution of the Diocesan and manipulated the Synod? Without the budget from the previous Synod, more than RM6.4 worth of properties had been purchased between last Synod and this.  Was it not Bishop Vun initiated to purchase the Tenom shop lots, Sipitang and Menggatal land worth more than RM2mil? (We all know these RM2mil deals were all with contentious issues). Then, why were these selectively not taken up as fixed assets of ADOS but the Sulaiman and Lahad Datu were booked as assets in ADOS account ?  Who decided the purchase of Sulaiman and the Lahad Datu shoplots worth more than RM4.1mil?

8-Jk’s Question – We need to examine copies of  titles of all land and landed properties.  The three pieces of properties Tenom, Sipitang and Menggatal maybe included in the list of assets  2006-2012 in page 56 but we need to have a schedule of assets as at 2010 and 2011 to be reconciled to the Balance sheet of the two years.  Show us Synod 2009’s minute or the Standing Committee on the purchase of landed assets.

i)         RM6.3mil was spent for purchase of land and church planting and RM3.4mil as mission and outreach fun. A total of RM9.7mil from the sales of Likas Land has been spent over the past 2-3years.  There should only be RM21.3mil remaining not utilised. How long will this last if the same pattern of spending is practiced for the next 5 years? Have we achieved our purpose from the intention of the Synod to approve the sales of this land?

9-JK’s Question -  When was the sale of likas land actually approved by Synod and the purpose of that sale?  Why was the Likas land not retained for the expansion development of ADOS?

The Diocesan Academies Board (Hearing it 1st time)
j)          When was this Board formed? The All Saints Anglican Academy started immediately Bishop Vun was made the Bishop.   Why only now in Synod 2012 then the Diocesan Board was formed?  Who decided on the members of the Board?  There are 8 members on the Board 7 members are directly under the payroll of the Diocesan Bishop.  The members are Stella Lo (Bishop’s representative), Bishop John Yeo, Canon Yong Thiam Choy, Datin Mary Vun(Chairman), Rev Tan Chor Kee, Lily Tan ( Rev Tan’s wife) Mdm Chung Shuk Yong.  The other person is none other than the Diocesan treasurer.  How can the Board make objective decisions when they are all interested parties?

10-JK’s Question – Are the Diocesan Academies the family business of the Bishop all subsidized/funded by church money?

All Saints Anglican Academy (ASAA, the school)
k)       Why all the academy accounts not included as part of ADOS accounts yet funds were transferred out from ADOS’s mission funds expenses to finance the school activities. Why is this account so preferential that need not to be audited?  Who owns the school? Does it belong to Mary Vun ( the chairwoman) or the Diocese?

11-JK’s Question -  Isn’t this action of transferring ASAA out of ASC to ADOS subject to Criminal Breach of Trust?

l)        Salaries for ASAA has increased close to RM90,000 between 2010 & 2011.  If every staff (including Mary Vun) get one month bonus, there is still an unexplained RM45,000.  Was this paid to Mary Vun for being consultants to the China failed mission?

12-JK’s Question -  We want to see the salary card of ASAA and Form E to the Inland Revenue Department.

m)      Guess who are the signatories to the cheques of the ASAA?  Is it not Mary Vun?  Together with her, there is a young priest who is also under the payroll of Mary Vun’s husband (the bishop).  Interestingly, this account was not included in ADOS financial.  If it is not part of ADOS, why is ADOS so obligated to transfer funds out to aid ASAA, Sunway and Beijing?  Do you think this is right? Being an interested party to the Bishop, she received the money from her husband.  Why was the formation of the Academy Board only done in 2012 before the Synod? Has it been discussed and approved by the standing committee?

13-JK’s Question – Does ASAA have a trading licence?

n)    The school (ASAA) venture into China with the Koreans.  Is that all we have invested RM80,000 as reported by the Board secretary?
 Inconsistencies: Auditor’s finding was RM650,000 and another RM600,000 without records.  We want the truth to be unfolded.

14-JK’s Question – What is the present status of this proposed venture?  Is it one or off?

Additional Questions by Joshua Kong for Bishop A Vun and his standing committee as they need to give valid explanation in writing  while Bishop remains in office against protests.

JK- Q15. We are not only interested to know more about two years 2010 and 2011 but also years 2006-2009.  So when can get certified true copies of those years?

JK-Q16. It is now known that ADOS land had been planted with oil palm and substantial revenue has been estimated for a few years and have these income being included in ADOS accounts? If so, please give details.

17.It is now alleged that at least a BM priest and BM pastor have died prematurely since  2006.  The Rev Rais died in Tuaran after a by pass operation after preaching in church.  Bishop did not allow him to go for full rest of three months after the heart surgery and instead gave him 3 days leave only.

17a-Question:  What did the Bishop do after the death of the BM priest?  Should the Bishop now agree to have an Inquiry on his premature death to clear his blame for the death?  This is very important as more than one deaths and at least 13 sudden resignation of senior priests since  2005/2006.

I have many more questions and leave them to another forum and I hope I can have the answers in writing as the forum on Monday would not have the time to deal with them satisfactory.

Thank you,

Joshua Y. C. Kong   012-8380897; 013-8394513.

It is really too little and too late.

AVCF is playing the game to catch the members flat footed, and unprepared.

1.What is the full Agenda?

2.Who is the Chairman/  If AV is the Chairman, he will dominate the floor with LIES and plenty of talk and two hours is soon over without answering the questions.

3.We want to see the amended accounts with at least days notice. Don’t expect the members to ask good accounting questions within one hour.

4.We want to hear from the.honorary Auditor.

5. If AV and Michael Tong want to give answers, we want the written answers posted in a website within 24 hours, then we can have a second or third rounds if necessary.

  1. Since Philip Chhoa volunteer to ask written questions, I will give him all the questions apart from what had been reported in the three blogs namely; and (my own blogs).

  1. There are enough questions in the three blogs and why M Tong does not answer them also in a blog set up for such purpose so that we can raise all the points there?

  1. We need to see a re-audited accounts and fresh audit report/audit management letter on the amended accounts before such a forum.

  1. What is the implication of a re-convened Synod of fresh delegates elected by members as far as account or newly prepared one is concerned.

  1. Would all those who want to ask questions be given the chance?  If this is the case, I don’t think the hours would be enough.

More to come…

I prefer we go ahead with the petition and let AVCF and M Tong answer all the points of accounts of ADOS in court hearing soon

We need to meet soon to set up our strategy in a Court case..

Is AVCF the serial “murderer”?

Is AVCF the serial “murderer”?

My friends,

Stay on your chair well.

Don’t blame me if you fall out of the chair and die like Rev Dais Rukuman died after preaching at St Andrew’s church, Tuaran 6 years ago.  The death was confirmed by some people today who knew this event.

Was Bishop AVCF the “murderer” then after the deceased was not given 3 months leave after the by-pass surgery in SMC.  He was given only 3 days after the surgery.

So God bless his soul.

AVCF, please confess this issue to God yourself.

this is Not another ‘lie’ according to AVCF.

Another pastor also died due to the stress from AVCF…