Sunday, December 29, 2013

277. Write to Archbishop of Canterbury

Why no response if why you want to be shepherd of the worst devils?  Joshua

I have sent to three email addresses connect with the AoC.

Dear Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby,
I regret that I have to write this very important message when the
House of Bishops of Anglican Churches in South East Asia is in deep
sleep for reasons only known to them.
I want to know why Bishop of Sabah under treatment of chemotherapy for suspected "pancreatic cancer" (dubious) in Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore without Medical Report (not seen) since late September, 2013  is still working full time in Anglican Diocese of Sabah (ADOS) and making major decisions.  It seems nobody in authority in SEA is concerned about this precedent as sick person stays in office without sick leave enforced.
I am attaching the blog items for your perusal and hope some good decisions would be made very, very soon to bring back the sanity.
Can it be a very sick person Bishop of Sabah stays in office and could
commit serious wrongs to cause great liabilities to the ADOS?  Who would then be liable  for such very bad decisions of Bishop of Sabah?
Thank you,

Joshua Kong

6013-8394513  30/12/2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

276. Ecclesiastical Court to happen?

Can Lapok be the chief judge is EC proceed after 29/1/2014 as Lapok is bias!!!  The Singapore's Bishop is also bias!!!  So what is the meaning of EC then?  laughing stock.  Joshua


We are entering a new 2014 with the unresolved crisis BISHOPGATE!!! How disgraceful indeed and Christians and non Christians are watching.  When we mention the politicians as corrupt, they will respond  look at the Bishop of Sabah, and what can you say further?  When we mention PM as corrupt, they will say look at Bolly Lapok, and what else to say?   So what is the New Year's resolution for the Anglican churches?  Get rid of AVCF and his gang as the fundamental cause for the likely demise of Anglican churches in South East Asia.  Joshua
By writing this letter to HOBs, it would mean Ecclesiastical Court is a bridge too far despite the High Court case and why not leave it till the Court's decision --and so my contribution is here--

The whole BISHOPGATE is so rotten and only God using 100% of His Anglican members in Sabah and beyond can do something to bring about a proper end to this so far endless possibilities for the removal of the AVCF and even the possibility of the removal of Bolly Lapok and others in the HoBs for the condoning the GUILT and CRIMES of AVCF long reported to BL.

I just wonder how BL and AVCF would use this letter to their advantage of doubt in the ongoing High Court case which the Judge may or may not deliver its direction via VC (Video Conferencing) on 24/1/2014.  This team letter is also written by  5 + 10 inclusive of the two plaintiffs in the ongoing High Court which commenced Hearing in Chamber on 3rd December, 2013 and exchange of Summons/ Affidavits?

It is indeed a surprise that BL had acknowledged this simple letter while I posted a bulky memorandum of the behaviour of AVCF in mid of 2012 by SkyNet with the conclusion that AVCF is mentally unfit to be the Bishop hence should be removed and now it is known he is really very sick mentally with his recent acts of recalcitrant in the removals, sackings, transfers of some of young clergies who could serve God for a few decades yet to come, not to mention the drummed up Pancreatic cancer and yet working full time as an irresponsible Bishop.

If not careful, when Bishop dies of whatever reasons, the family can hold the ADOS and HOB responsible for not honouring his socalled heavy medical treatment by appointing a acting Bishop.  Who would be held responsible then?  BL, HoB, SC, and the Synod??? What a real mess we are in getting messier because of the Satanic attacks via one person AVCF?  

worthy to watch - on the crimes of AVCF in similar context.

Would the Ecclesiastical Court to happen?  How much would that cost the ADOS?  How much would that cost the HoB of South East Asia?

There are already too costly to keep AVCF in office since 1980s.

How much have been 'robbed" by AVCF and his gang over the decades?

We need a confession from AVCF and his gang.

Why should the poor ADOS retain such a rotten character as AVCF lives on since his habits in childhood?

AVCF had been paying for his legal fees alone or the church has been paying for it in my civil case against him?

HoB Sea also retained the same lawyer and at what costs?

HoB Sea likely also to pay for the legal cost of the two plaintiffs for a failure of the HoB Sea to implement an E Court after the PAC's report.

AVCF would likely also employ the same lawyer to represent him if the case goes to the E Court.

So how much it is going to cost ADOS and AVCF to keep his job when we know what he does in decades.

Very sad for such a precedent which has actually destroyed ADOS and the Anglican churches.

Don't blame the whistle blowers but AVCF himself.

Joshua Kong 60138394513

Sunday, December 15, 2013

275. A letter in Daily Express on Christian churches

update:   17/12/13 --288 pv    18/12/13 --169 pages views; 19/12/13 -- 175pv;  20/12/13 - 198pv;

update 9.08am 20/12/13 - hope that tomorrow the  newspaper would cover the Court case today.  Joshua

update 1.50pm (17/12/13 pages views -344)

Wait and see how AVCF or ADOS respond to the DE's shaming AVCF and ADOS.

update 10.24pm : 
How come a letter headed "NOT FOLLOWING POPE'S EXAMPLE" started in the second para of the long winded mouthpiece mention AVCF facing a Court case?  Indeed AVCF is infamous to destroy Christianity to get full 101% rewards from Satan soon.  So Jesus let AVCF gets his wish now and close the tragic chapter in Sabah & beyond"  Joshua

update 2.30pm - (page viewed - 15/12/13 -206)
The letter also mentioned how those money and land donated to the churches have gone)  Joshua

BLAME AVCF for the rot in Christian churches in Sabah & beyond.


Have you seen a "terrible" letter on the Christian churches in Sabah ?

That letter is very much edited and it is incohesive.

Was it written by form 3 student?

Why should such a letter come out in the Daily Express on 15th December, 2013?

What is the intention?

Was it written by avcf with bad English about his Court case to get more infamous that he is still around?

You form your own opinion.  May be some people are frustrated with what is going on in the Churches?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

274. AVCF supports this suit on ALLAH

(pages viewed 14th Dec - 164)

Why allow AVCF to be involved without referring to the ADOS and the Anglican churches at large??? AVCF should now resign too.  If you look deep into the characters of Allah and its 1.4 billions followers globally and the things they do always in opposition to the true God in Christ, who do you this god of the Quoran be? You have the answer - sure --- Joshua

Pakiam resigns, Vatican’s prompt nod fuels speculation

The legal tussle over the right to use the term ‘Allah’ has strained ties between the church and the government and now, the Vatican’s swift acceptance of the resignation of a top clergyman has led to speculation that contentious issue has something to do with it.

273. Please reflect

Why such success ended in suicide?  Joshua


In a purported suicide letter uncovered by family members last year, Hunter wrote that he wanted to be “remembered as a person who loved his children, his parents, his brothers, and his best friends,” but that he feared he would “love them better” in his absence.
“I have become what I never wished to be, a burden on those I love the most,” the letter continued.
The former pastor filed for divorce from his wife on Oct. 4, 2013, after 13 years of marriage; the divorce was not final at the time of his death.
Hunter founded Summit Church in 2002 with about 300 members; today the church has about 5,000 members, the Daily Mail reported.
Featured image via Summit Church

Sunday, December 8, 2013

272. How many priests and pastors are illegal in ADOS

  18 December 2013
To the church of The Good Samaritan
Because of the sudden departure of Rev.Eric Ling and his wife Phebe, some of our members may be
disappointed or confused. Some are misinformed about how he resigned or what actions I have taken
when he shared with me his decisions. I write this to you so everyone can be clear.
1.Rev.Eric told me he has decided to resign on 27th Nov and he told me they had decided to leave
on the 18th Dec. My first duty to him is to counsel him not to resign or if he were to resign to leave only
after Christmas. I counselled and prayed with him twice and sent Bishop John and Gillian to counsel
Eric and Phebe foe a whole day. And I gave him time to listen to the Lord. I disagree that he should
resign with reasons he had given, but in the end after counselling, he still decided he wanted to leave
on 18th Dec. I have to respect his decision. Obviously, we cannot announce to the church when I
am still counselling to him Rev. Eric because I was hoping we could change his mind. When we know our
counselling to him is not yielding the desired result, then I called a PCC meeting to announce to the PCC
and let the PCC hear Rev. Eric directly why he decided to resign from serving as a Priest in
Good Samaritan Church. The PCC listened to him and his reasons were recorded in minutes.
2. In our Diocese, when a pastor resigns his position as Pastor of a church, and I have accepted his
resignation, he has to lay down his pastoral authority over that church immediately. The family can stay
on in the Rectory for two weeks or even a month if necessary to pack and prepare to move. But he no
longer can exercise pastoral authority over the church like preaching, signing of our cheque or to chair
our PCC meeting. For example, in the case if the pastor leaving is setting up a church of his own. Can
you imagine how much damage he can cause to our congregations if he still preaches or authorise the
finance of our church. But even if the pastor is not setting up a church, the fact that he resigned, it goes
against Jesus’s teaching about good shepherd that he can still continue to exercise pastoral authority
over the church. My first duty here as the Diocesan Bishop is to protect the congregation and the future
of our church – of course to honour the Lord and give glory to Him in all that we do.
3.This is not the time to point finger or find faults. many things are outside our control. Rev. Eric’s
leaving has broken my hearts many times. I wept over this before the Lord when he was not willing to
stay till after Christmas. I love this brother and have spent a lot of effort to train him and nurture his
leadership. But he and Phebe decided. What can I do – but to let him go in peace of the
Lord. For Good Samaritan Church members, we must now work with our new Priest-in-charge. He is a
gifted preacher and a good leader. He is young so he will need your support and help. I believe
wholeheartedly that the Lord will bless Good Samaritan Church with a season of harvest and great
abundance in coming year.
Bishop Datuk Albert Vun.
Simon Templar
Am told that bishop Albert Vun published a letter to the congregation of Goodsam today which has defamed Eric Ling. In trying to absolve himself of blame for Eric’s sudden departure, Vun has implied that Eric is a person of dubious character, dishonest, scheming, and cannot be trusted to perform administrative and pastoral duties as he is capable of swindling and harming the parish. Eric Ling, if you are reading this, please get hold of a copy of the letter and sue the bishop of Sabah for libel and defamation. I guarantee you that you will win hands down. Instead of enlightening the parishioners of Eric’s resignation, the bishop has deepened the mystery. While he says that everyone of Eric’s reasons to resign has been minuted at a meeting with the PCC, he hasn’t revealed a single one. Why?

update 7.38am on 22/12/13
If you read this write up properly, you will link this to the forced resignation of Rev. Eric as it is a vindictive avcf with the dark memory --

update 5.36 am - confirmed
Simon Templer,
The reason why Rev Eric resigned is given here.. you may not know it but time will tell, hence AVCF is not physical sick but sure mentally VERY sick in vindictiveness and vengeance and vendetta – Joshua

update from - see the RED bold letters .

Simon Templar
Understand that the assistant Bishop John Yeo told a pack of lies at Goodsam this morning. What was most deplorable was that no reason was given of Eric Ling’s sudden resignation. Yeo said Ling resigned for “personal reasons” but refused to elaborate except to say that Eric couldn’t bear his wife suffering from vicious rumours, gossips and comments. Goodsam parishioners say this is contrary to their experience. They say the couple have always been jovial and have got along very well with everyone. In fact Eric was in high spirit and was enthusiastically arranging for the Christmas Open House, working very hard to make sure as many people turn up for the celebration. There was no hint of him resigning. The only hint he dropped about a month ago was that there was a possibility that he would be transferred but then joking said he hoped not. Parishioners said he was looking forward to conduct the wedding of Robert Lim’s son on December 28. What is pathetic, they say, was that David Chung, the people’s warden, had to lie for Bishop Albert Vun on Eric’s sudden resignation. He told the congregation this morning that the bishop had received Eric’s resignation long ago but had not announced it as he was “praying” and “trying to persuade Eric” to change his mind. But Eric remained firm and he had to “announce” Eric’s resignation in such an awkward manner and at such a time when Christmas is round the corner. It is frightening that we have people, and those in high religious order, lying with impunity in the house of God. We have an invertebrate liar who sees himself as the successor of the dying bishop. The Anglican Church has certainly gone to the dogs.

 update:  7.02pm 13/12/13  (page views 12/12/13 -153)

I think many more priests and pastors under employ by AVCF are likely 'illegal' workers with proper work permits which are not normally granted and some may work for 5 years and then disappear under a special concession for clergy.

Some resign on completion of 5 years. Some resign soon to avoid problems with the Immigration.

(page views on 9/11/13 -202 10/12/13 209, 11.12.13 143)  update 10.34am 12/12/13

 Imagine this scenario if AVCF resigns or dead for any reason including his socalled cancer, and if the relevant departments decide to check on ADOS, and if found to be employing "illegal" people as priests and pastors without proper work permits and who are going to pay for the heavy penalties and also who would go to jail for such offence?  Would any of the Stand Com go to take responsibility?  Obvious it would be a very heavy burden for ADOS, and why not settle this while AVCF is still stuck with these CRIMES?  Joshua

Before AVCF resigns or sacked or passed away, please tell us how many priests and pastors are working illegally in Sabah?  Citizens of Sarawak and West Malaysia need to have work permits to work here and it is not easy to get such permits if they apply for the junior jobs.

West Malaysians enter Sabah for three months only and obviously cannot be in employment in Sabah.

Similar Sarawakians are treated the same.

Priests and pastors, please declare yourselves to avoid threats from AVCF who could end up in jail for many years or the ADOS has to pay heavy penalties for the illegal employment...

So AVCF is another great liability to ADOS and I hope SC is aware of this.

Friday, December 6, 2013

271. A reminder to all esp AVCF

“The king must not build up a large stable of horses for himself or send his people to Egypt to buy horses, for the Lord has told you, ‘You must never return to Egypt.’ The king must not take many wives for himself, because they will turn his heart away from the Lord. And he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth in silver and gold for himself” (Deuteronomy 17:16-17). - See more at:
“The king must not build up a large stable of horses for himself or send his people to Egypt to buy horses, for the Lord has told you, ‘You must never return to Egypt.’ The king must not take many wives for himself, because they will turn his heart away from the Lord. And he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth in silver and gold for himself” (Deuteronomy 17:16-17). - See more at:
5 Dec 2013 by Lim Poh Ann-
Whether we opt for 3G or 4G is a matter of preference. But when these three G’s loom large in our lives, we are in deep trouble.
When the Israelites set foot on the Promised Land, they wanted to be ruled by a king just like the nations around them. They preferred a monarchy to a theocracy.
Though it was not His perfect will, God relented. But He set conditions concerning the king’s conduct within His permissive will:
“The king must not build up a large stable of horses for himself or send his people to Egypt to buy horses, for the Lord has told you, ‘You must never return to Egypt.’ The king must not take many wives for himself, because they will turn his heart away from the Lord. And he must not accumulate large amounts of wealth in silver and gold for himself” (Deuteronomy 17:16-17).
Did King David, a ‘man after God’s own heart’, fulfill these conditions? No. He failed in two out of three areas.
David gave generously towards the building of the temple because he acknowledged that all blessings come from God. So he was not mesmerised by gold and material things (1 Chronicles 29: 12-16).
But he had a weakness for women, committing adultery despite having several wives.
And when he took a census for his own personal glory, he showed his reliance on his many horses, soldiers and chariots rather than God. 
At a time when kings were supposed to lead armies into battle, King David was idling. A naked lady bathing at the rooftop caught his eye. And the ‘man after God’s own heart’ fell for the charms of another man’s wife. Like tumbling dominoes, events unfolded swiftly, moving David from temptation to lust to adultery and to murder (2 Samuel 11: 1-17).
Because he could not control his lust, David not only committed adultery with Bathsheba but was instrumental in the death of her husband, Uriah. The latter was sent to the frontline where he was most likely to be struck down in battle.
What accounted for David’s weakness for other women? He already had Abigail, Ahinoam and Michal as his wives before Bathsheba came into the scene (1 Samuel 25: 42-44). Clearly what was sitting on the torso’s upper pole could not control what was on its lower pole.
Clearly both David and Solomon have forgotten the injunction in Proverbs 31:3: “Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.”
Is it a “natural weakness” to fall for other women when one becomes rich and powerful—when every wish almost immediately becomes a reality?
Was it the “philandering genes” Solomon inherited from his father David that caused the former to have seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines (1 Kings 11:3)?   
- See more at:

270. See Jesus Christ & heaven

 uodate:  (page views on 7th Dec 13 - 298)

Why AVCF never share anything like that?  Joshua

Must see the video in the end of the page..

269. Is AVCF really with terminal cancer?

This is a good story for us to ponder....also dying with terminal pancreatic cancer if this is true of AVCF?

He was said to have prepared the gifts when he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer, which was diagnosed in March last year.
He Chen, who worked in the production industry, passed away recently. The signs of his cancer had begun in January last year, when he started complaining of a backache. His wife to Shin Min Daily that as the cancer had spread, the cancer could no longer be treated with an operation and chemotherapy was the only option.
His conditon improved for awhile, but took a turn for the worse two months ago and he lost 30kg of body weight. He died in November in the company of several friends and relatives.
- See more at:

Thursday, Dec 05, 2013
The Star/Asia News Network
By Allison Lai, Carmen Hon, A.Raman
SINGAPORE - A terminally ill man, who knew that his days were numbered, prepared a series of time capsule gifts to mark every birthday of his daughter until she reaches 21 years of age.
Chen Zhen Xing, 45, told his wife Liu Jin Hua, 39, before he died that he was worried about their eight-year-old daughter and wante­d her to be able to feel his love as she grows up after his death.
Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that Chen, who is from Singapore, planned for the gifts to be given to his daughter on her birthdays until she reaches the age of 21.
- See more at:

Terminally ill S'pore dad prepared 8 time capsules for daughter to remember him

Thursday, Dec 05, 2013
The Star/Asia News Network
By Allison Lai
SINGAPORE - A terminally ill man, who knew that his days were numbered, prepared a series of time capsule gifts to mark every birthday of his daughter until she reaches 21 years of age.
Chen Zhen Xing, 45, told his wife Liu Jin Hua, 39, before he died that he was worried about their eight-year-old daughter and wante­d her to be able to feel his love as she grows up after his death.
Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that Chen, who is from Singapore, planned for the gifts to be given to his daughter on her birthdays until she reaches the age of 21.
Some of the gifts included a bracelet to be sent to his daughter when she reaches 18. There was also a fountain pen carved with her name for her university graduation later on in life.
He was said to have prepared the gifts when he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer, which was diagnosed in March last year.
He Chen, who worked in the production industry, passed away recently. The signs of his cancer had begun in January last year, when he started complaining of a backache. His wife to Shin Min Daily that as the cancer had spread, the cancer could no longer be treated with an operation and chemotherapy was the only option.
His conditon improved for awhile, but took a turn for the worse two months ago and he lost 30kg of body weight. He died in November in the company of several friends and relatives.
His wife told Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wanbao that he was a very loving father who would accompany the little girl to play badminton and cycle even after being diagnosed with cancer.
Knowing he did not have much time left with his family, he tried his best to spend his last days with his loved ones.
Before his death, he brought his family to many holiday trips to the destinations his daughter had always wanted to go to.
The list of gifts he bought for his daughter includes:
For her 9th birthday: A set of Hello Kitty pens
For her 10th birthday: A pink exercise outfit for his daughter who loves to exercise
For her 13th birthday: A towel embroidered with a message of love for her to use after exercising
For her 18th birthday: A designer bracelet for his daughter when she becomes a woman, so that he can always stay by her side
For her 21st birthday: A carefully selected gold necklace
For the day she graduates from university: A designer pen engraved with the name of his daughter
Additional information added in from Lianhe Wanbao and Shin Min Daily translation.
Thursday, Dec 05, 2013
The Star/Asia News Network
By Allison Lai, Carmen Hon, A.Raman
SINGAPORE - A terminally ill man, who knew that his days were numbered, prepared a series of time capsule gifts to mark every birthday of his daughter until she reaches 21 years of age.
Chen Zhen Xing, 45, told his wife Liu Jin Hua, 39, before he died that he was worried about their eight-year-old daughter and wante­d her to be able to feel his love as she grows up after his death.
Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that Chen, who is from Singapore, planned for the gifts to be given to his daughter on her birthdays until she reaches the age of 21.
- See more at:

SINGAPORE - A terminally ill man, who knew that his days were numbered, prepared a series of time capsule gifts to mark every birthday of his daughter until she reaches 21 years of age.
Chen Zhen Xing, 45, told his wife Liu Jin Hua, 39, before he died that he was worried about their eight-year-old daughter and wante­d her to be able to feel his love as she grows up after his death.
Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that Chen, who is from Singapore, planned for the gifts to be given to his daughter on her birthdays until she reaches the age of 21.
- See more at:

Thursday, Dec 05, 2013
The Star/Asia News Network
By Allison Lai, Carmen Hon, A.Raman
SINGAPORE - A terminally ill man, who knew that his days were numbered, prepared a series of time capsule gifts to mark every birthday of his daughter until she reaches 21 years of age.
Chen Zhen Xing, 45, told his wife Liu Jin Hua, 39, before he died that he was worried about their eight-year-old daughter and wante­d her to be able to feel his love as she grows up after his death.
Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that Chen, who is from Singapore, planned for the gifts to be given to his daughter on her birthdays until she reaches the age of 21.
Some of the gifts included a bracelet to be sent to his daughter when she reaches 18. There was also a fountain pen carved with her name for her university graduation later on in life.
He was said to have prepared the gifts when he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer, which was diagnosed in March last year.
He Chen, who worked in the production industry, passed away recently. The signs of his cancer had begun in January last year, when he started complaining of a backache. His wife to Shin Min Daily that as the cancer had spread, the cancer could no longer be treated with an operation and chemotherapy was the only option.
His conditon improved for awhile, but took a turn for the worse two months ago and he lost 30kg of body weight. He died in November in the company of several friends and relatives
- See more at:

Thursday, Dec 05, 2013
The Star/Asia News Network
By Allison Lai, Carmen Hon, A.Raman
SINGAPORE - A terminally ill man, who knew that his days were numbered, prepared a series of time capsule gifts to mark every birthday of his daughter until she reaches 21 years of age.
Chen Zhen Xing, 45, told his wife Liu Jin Hua, 39, before he died that he was worried about their eight-year-old daughter and wante­d her to be able to feel his love as she grows up after his death.
Sin Chew Daily and China Press reported that Chen, who is from Singapore, planned for the gifts to be given to his daughter on her birthdays until she reaches the age of 21.
Some of the gifts included a bracelet to be sent to his daughter when she reaches 18. There was also a fountain pen carved with her name for her university graduation later on in life.
He was said to have prepared the gifts when he was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer, which was diagnosed in March last year.
He Chen, who worked in the production industry, passed away recently. The signs of his cancer had begun in January last year, when he started complaining of a backache. His wife to Shin Min Daily that as the cancer had spread, the cancer could no longer be treated with an operation and chemotherapy was the only option.
His conditon improved for awhile, but took a turn for the worse two months ago and he lost 30kg of body weight. He died in November in the company of several friends and relatives
- See more at:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

268. Medical fees for the dying AVCF

update 11.26am - (page views7/12/13, 8/12/13 and  9/12/13 -298, 278 & 202)
ADOS must not fall into the medical bill trap of millions of Ringgit without any thing to see as the charges can go extremely high with a possible pancrea transplant with or without an actual transplant and the victim be cured or not cured as this is a scam to be avoided.  If the SC want to do anything further without documentary checks and second opinion as this hospital is famous or infamous with dubious claims and so SC be held responsible to pay all those claims dubious or genuine as I know a case with my late father in law and Dr Mitchele knew about this case. Joshua 

update 7.24pm of 8th of Dec 2013 -- very urgent

Can someone in the legal profession help me to file a suit against the ADOS, Standing Committee, ASC for the issue of a letter signed by the Secretary Paul Liew 'demanding' for medical money to help AVCF when it is not proven that AVCF needs all those treatment as alleged as per handout with the newsletter/Sunday bulletin on 8th of December, 2013 to put the records to be straight. Joshua 

Definitely this is part of script for his High life as Bishop of Sabah as ill conceived.

See how the story unfolds with the latest DEMANDS for medical fund when he is not sick.  AVCF is quick to blame others for the appeal letter for medical fund when something goes awry.

He should know how Jesus handled the doubting Thomas who want proof that Jesus the person appearing to Thomas was the resurrected Christ and Jesus obliged with that proof and yet Jesus told others it is more blessed to believe without seeing.

How can we want to compare the greatest liar with Jesus Christ but this victim of his vain pursuits to keep his vices alive is to have plenty of cash in his disposal even if the money belongs to God applying his prerogative to do whatever he likes In his many vices of evil with the ill gotten gains?

So for AVCF to demand cash or cheques donation to the Anglican Medical Fund in this particular time, we do not even know how much he needs although he stated as per Paul Liew that “He completely dependent on Him  for a miraculous healing” and possibly by a pancreas transplant and like a few years more and that costing a few million Ringgit largely going to the doctors etc and his cronies in Anglican Churches.

Who actually asked Paul Liew to write the note for the medical fund?  Is he merely a parrot acting of AVCF who unfortunately also control the machine of “Standing Committee”.

As a chartered valuer, Paul Liew would have to scrutinize lots of data and documents to come to any valuation.  If he does the professional work likes he writes the said letter, then he is also a ‘con man’ to mislead the church.  Maybe, he stands to benefit from that letter.

Before he wrote the letter, had he seen the full medical reports, those interim invoices, those medical test reports, plus regular updates on the treatment?

The other important factor is that why does not AVCF write his own appeal letter and come out in the church service to state his case with all documentary materials so that we can counter check the authenticity of those reports.   He must show all material documents to demand anything without limits and take others as fools as he had done for more than 20 years.  So all his scams must come  to an end.   When is he to confess all his vices even though he is a priest in sheep skin.

The ADOS and ASC have plenty of issues yet to be resolved and such issues can add up to RM100m over two decades.  Now we have another item in the scheming script of AVCF but this must be exposed now.

We work in unity after one whistle blower is a majority.

Keep the Christ church going in sincerity.

Joshua Y. C. Kong

 How much money is needed due to the scandalous schemes of AVCF  in the first legal case of mine and then the second legal case of two others and now the full medical treatment of AVCF in questionable cancer when it could be nothing to worry as AVCF is still so vindictive and enjoy vendetta.  You should have seen him after downgrade MC as Archdeacon!!! So contented at last he did a great deal to break the "curse" (from the point of AVCF madness) of good people.  Joshua

Would the letter by Paul Liew degrade his profession until he now show all the documents on the treatment etc and full set of accounts to show the amount needed for the full course of treatment including air/accomodation and how much has been incurred?

It is getting clearer that the scam is getting more true to be believed in a script already written since the BISHOPGATE has emerged in 2011..

update: 7.28am 5/12/13 (page views 3/12/13 - 393)
why raise money for treatment by doctors when AVCF (very mad) wrote "Anglican Diocese of Sabah
Thanks everyone for your Birthday wishes. Thanks for your prayers. I am trusting the Lord wholeheartedly! Bishop"

 update:  6.08am 4/12/13
Without full Medical Report, without taking the treatment serious for sick leave not complied with, without going to the local hospital, it could be AVCF's own diagnosis bordering on "scam" with cohorts to cheat, rob, deceive, to get sympathy to stay on as Bishop for his hidden agenda to avoid own resignation and only now asking for more and more money.   He did a few illogical, costly and malicious  administrative blunders during the medical treatment to plunder ADOS resulting in this manifested DEMAND for medical fund - so clear to further ill treat the sheep as the 'anointed' one in Satan.

Why the HOB and the sheep still want to allow this?  He could have prepared his own "death" certificate and signed it as he had given himself two months.

The Standing Committee's secretary Paul Liew asked for medical fund for AVCF and Rosalind Liew (one of two plaintiffs)- the sister of PL sued the Archbishop over AVCF's "criminal" case. Such madness cannot come at the same time and it is solely AVCF to be blamed and no one else.  Joshua  

Who want to challenge God when it is God dealing with AVCF?  So let it go this time - Joshua

Medical Fund for Bishop Albert Vun

The following is a letter from the Standing Committee published in St. Patrick’s Church bulletin last Sunday.

How long?, how much?, what for? why in SPC? especially when the accounts of ADOS and ASC have been blacklisted and yet the Standing Committee dares to ask for money especially AVCF believes "he is “completely dependent on Him for a miraculous healing” from pancreatic cancer."  and that is to be FOC.

Also without a proper Medical Report (that hospital/doctors is known for cheating) and AVCF bringing many people with him to Singapore confirms irresponsibility (trends of past wasteful spending of God's money) and working full time possibly against "doctor's advice on wasted treatment" is madness.  Why then need to waste money, doctors' time, and then give doubt to claim of cancer, this precedent cannot go on..

No offence to the 'anointed' in Satan and we must put back proper order to the ADOS.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

267. Great Day for Bolly Lapok

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Dear Dr Richard,
AVCF is unfortunately the yeast of the ADOS and beyond and the Anglican churches may have temporarily lost its focus for a purpose yet to be known. Whilst Anglican churches under APSEA maybe declared not legal entity and if the case goes to Appeal, then better not to release the PAC’s report which contained 38 of 40 allegations as proven AVCF as “guilty”. If that PAC’s report is released, it may prejudice the Appeal process.
There are enough substance to the legal entity of HoBs as its power was devolved on it when the Archbishop of Canterbury transfer its power to HoBs/APSEA as it was detailed by the same legal counsel in my case.
So our legal entity is inherited by the Archbishop of APSEA.

After an initial high expectation of 6 months, the case is dismissed today 29th january and so the sin of AVCF is very much locked up.  Joshua.

Why two dates for decision?  Which one then???

Page: 1 of 1  Total Records: 1
No.Case No.PartiesJudgeHearing Date
1BKI-24-170/8-2013Clarence Fu Tze Kong (640907-12-5473), Rosalind Liew Fui Lee (710115-12-5046),
(Shelley Yap, Ronny Cham & Co.)
The House Of Bishops Of The Province Of The Anglican Church In South East Asia (-)
Azhahari Kamal Bin Ramli03-12-2013 (Hearing)

17-12-2013 (Hearing)

20-12-2013 (Hearing)

24-01-2014 (Decision)

29-01-2014 (Decision)
VC is so damn special with this case??? why???

Confirmed 24.1.2014 and VC??? is video conference???

See another confusion in the Court document online-   Hearing To 24.1.2013 for Decision via VC
[according to the Court document]   Why 2013 and what  is VC and should be 2014. Joshua

see the confusion in the Court notice online-
Clarence Fu Tze Kong (640907-12-5473), Rosalind Liew Fui Lee (710115-12-5046),
(Shelley Yap, Ronny Cham & Co.)
The House Of Bishops Of The Province Of The Anglican Church In South East Asia (-)

 Azhahari Kamal Bin Ramli03-12-2013 (Hearing)  17-12-2013 (Hearing)   20-12-2013 (Hearing)

another case management on 17th December, 2013

The madness of AVCF has been contagious throughout Anglican Province of South East Asia as who are the madess of all ?  Archbishop is really  mad unable to resolve this with his prerogative = perrogative of bishop AVCF, and who is greater now.  Sorry, my friends, it is not a battle of men but a BATTLE OF GOD, and so beware.  Joshua

Now the battle field is enlarged and when will it all end if AVCF remains so stubborn and not SICK with cancer but with his head and satanic possession.  Joshua

from the court record online --

03.12.2013 -Case adjourned to 17.12.2013 before High Court 3 for case management

Who are going to pay for the Legal fees of Bolly Lapok for the Court case?  Who are going to pay for the hefty medical fees of socalled AVCF's cancer treatment?  So ADOS is destroyed the satanic person AVCF afterall he is dying in two months according to him.  Joshua

update 11.11. on 3 Dec 2013 (page views 2 Dec - 350)
The hearing was in chamber with Ronny represented the defendants - HoB while Datuk Roderick represented the two plantiffs who were not around in the third floor, High Court Block B.

This is the first hearing and more exchange of documents for another hearing on 17 Dec possibly before another Judge who will then make a ruling in the new year.

In my own case I was represented by Rakhbir and all the Rs. and so what do we expect this new case to be?   Joshua

updated 2.33pm  - the best solution before the Judge would be the HOB sacks AVCF instantly to avoid further washing very dirty linen in public - which I believe is already in the Chinese press - and if nothing
is done properly, the whole Anglican Province in South East Asia ( crisis or BISHOPGATE now widening and spreading fast) can be blotted out, and so pray hard in PUSH for tomorrow...Joshua

[see the Chief Judge of EC]

House of Bishops Retreat in Changi Singapore 11th September 2012 - 
Good time for Bishops to come together to pray and to fellowship

Hopefully the case would be very quick and afterwards we can see crimes of AVCF
for public consumptions --- Joshua

Before Judge YA Chew Soo Ho,

Clarence Fu Tze Kong, Rosalind Liew Fui Lee (Shelley Yap)
The House Of Bishops Of The Province Of The Anglican Church In South
East Asia (Ronny Cham & Co.) 

item 5 of page 15.

266. No "fung shui" but what says AVCF ?

I am going to post 4 items of an email with the latest one of the four first ...and prayers for direction as it is about Jesus Christ in 2014 and beyond.... Joshua

Joshua Kong <>
2:44 AM (13 minutes ago)

to Steven

Dear bro Steven,
Every thing good or bad belongs to God.
The message although expressed in "Fung Shui" has another angle of it.

We may agree or disagree in any belief system.

We do not throw away the baby with the bath water.
Since I sent it out, a great miracle had occurred within two hours.
You don't know when Jesus was born, because God is endless and He is the Alpha and Omega. Jesus has a spiritual and physical birthday on 25th December and 23 August respectively.
As I type this message the song in Traxxfm is HAPPY BIRTHDAY at 2.42am.
God bless you,
Steven Lee
9:28 PM (5 hours ago)

to me
Dear bro Joshua,
Can i just let you know a little secret? Christians are not supposed to believe in 'Feng Tsui".
Please do not forward anything on this matter.
Thank you.

Joshua Kong <>
Nov 30 (2 days ago)

to justknock7, bcc: Anthony, bcc: aaron, bcc: Albert, bcc: ASC, bcc: 2Alan, bcc: Andrew, bcc: ansarico, bcc: abdsani_yahmin, bcc: John, bcc: Haji, bcc: 3Ewon, bcc: Ahlun, bcc: Aik, bcc: Aishah, bcc: alice, bcc: Albert, bcc: amara, bcc: 3Francis, bcc: atimes, bcc: Richard, bcc: Bobby, bcc: Bishop, bcc: eddy, bcc: Eddy
FYI - my birthday is Aug23 or 823 and I believe Jesus was born on 23 August.  Joshua
khin cheong chu
Nov 30 (2 days ago)

to Devadas
The only time you will witness this phenomenon in your life.    
August 2014 
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Next year, the month of August will count 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This phenomenon occurs only once every 823 years.Chinese people call it: ‘Pocketful of money!’ 

So... send this to all your friends and in 4 days, you will have a pleasant monetary surprise...  Based on Chinese Feng Shui.
Whoever does not forward this message... could find himself without a clue of what’s going on in his life... and that’s no laughing matter.