Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cry, cries, cried, AVCF, why, what?

**UPDATED INFO: there are eye witnesses that testify BAV didn’t say he cannot be removed, but pointed out his Bishopric is not decided by popularity vote. Some remarked BAV look more contrite than his usual self, apologizing for his pride and arrogance and wept several times. ***

What are these symptoms of such crying by such an adult of high position?

He cried, cries and cry because his agenda is delayed by GE 13.

What Agenda is he crying, better ask him...

Is it about missing the 40,000 ac of hinterland and if so come in the OPEN, we can all discuss in the FULL so it is WIN, WIN, WIN for all.

If it is not transparent, only one or  two parties and too much losses for many in ADOS.

So don't be deceived by those CROCODILE tears of AVCF,

Come clean now and not one and a few  only to have hidden gain at the expense of thousands others.

We may all come out with a beautiful plan if we act together...

It is also reported AVCF cried before his two assistant bishops after the Monday Dialogue in KK.

He also cried as reported before the HoBs in Singapore on 11th September, 2012

AVCF cried at the Diocesan Synod 2012 in KK...

So many cries.....and nothing to worry if we send him to Hospital Mersa...NOW

1 comment:

  1. I heard AVCF telling the forum in Sandakan that he is now studying the postings in the blogs in greater details and so he is using all the resources of the office to do that in addition to defend his case.

    Is that fair to the church and the wastage of more resources for all the 'crimes' he had committed alone and with his accomplices like in a sort of gangsterism.?

    Members of the church must demand that AVCF be suspended while he deals with his personal matters.. This has been going on for afew months already.

    Now in Sandakan, AVCF tried to answer as if he is an accountant as the Treasurer is absent. So it means he had been handling the accounting and bookkeeping functions of the ADOS when Paul Chong was a non-paid treasurer.

    What say the Honorary Auditor now George is accused by AVCF of malfunctioning as an Auditor of the ADOS accounts.

    The Auditor cannot go wrong to issue the Management letter as he depends on the quality of the accounts as presented to him.
