Sunday, February 17, 2013

Rape of minor in ASC ground

Confirmed - like father like son a RAPIST. Offer DNA to rebut this...

Anonymous27 August 2012 01:18
View & brotherly advise from a Criminal Lawyer
to Philip Lo.
Mr.Lo, have you educate your children on safe sex education & the morale discipline to zip up always ?
Had a police report been lodged by the victim family, a very lengthy jail sentance would have been imposed on D.Lo for statutory rape of a 16 years old girl. Her promising life has been destroyed by a ruthless young boy.
Have you sent D.Lo for counseling ?
Do you still have the moral ground to go ahead with your ordination ?

What actually happen to this rape case?
Did AVCF lodge a Police Report?
Who is the D Lo??? 

more postings --

nonymous28 August 2012 16:12
We are a group of very concern parents and would like to ask The Rector of ASC whether it is safe to bring our childern for Cathedral activities or camps after having read about unexpected pregnancy committed by a Pastor's 16 years old boy ?

Fr: 25 fearful parents.


  1. Some one said not to expose this news on the blog spoiling a family's reputation and breaking a family up ,why children are dragged into the crisis,but I must say what harm is there? Again sweep everything under the carpet? I can visual how much concern these 25 parents are and they want the leaders of the church to say something about the safety of their children if sent to activities and camp!These parents have a right to know.
  2. PLEASE lodge Police report.

    I can help you to lodge Police Report if you have the facts.

  3. Reply

    another post ---

    A email sent to Rt. Rev. Asst. Bishop John Yeo & cc to Pastor Stella Lo from a parishioner from St.Patrick - Tawau,

    August 30th. 2012

    Greetings in the name of Christ.

    Dear Rt. Rev. Asst. Bishop Yeo,

    Kindly let us have a truthful & honest answers from you on the following issues,

    1/. Did you not humilated a young couple to do a Public Confession at Christ Church, Likas
    for having pre marital sex ?
    2/. Did you not as as young man at FT Labuan while dating your current wife also had pre
    marital sex ?
    3/. Did you not use St.Patrick's funds to take care of the lovebaby of the Lo's ?
    4/. Why didn't you ask D.Lo to do a public confession for having sex with a teen ?
    5/. Since you always projected yourself are clean, honorable and etc, etc, as a Asst.
    Bishop of Sabah, why didn't you recommend to the Synod to sack the parents of
    D.Lo for disgracing the Cathedral ?

    6/. Will you give a written guarantee to all parents that all the children will be very safe during
    all churches activities & camps ?

    Look forward to your honest reply to the above issues.

    F.T Lau
    St.Patrick - Tawau.


    Who want to write to the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) against AVCF and Archbishop Bolly Lapok and others in the Provincial House of Bishops in South East Asia? 


    1. To bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present, and
    2. To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state.
    Headquarters: London, England
    Convening Session: Monday, September 12, 2011 in London


  1. David Lo (Rev Philip Lo's 2nd son)

    Can an accused rapist be granted/continued scholarship?

    Think about it- whose son???

    get the DNA to stop the SHAM and SHAME..

  2. David Lo (Rev Philip Lo's 2nd son)

    Can an alleged rapist be granted/continued scholarship?

    Think about it..
    Whose son???

    Get the DNA to stop the sham and shame...
