Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Motions to ASC AGM on 24th March, 2013

Motion 1 to 3 sent to the Secretary, last Sunday 

Motion  1.

All Saints’ Cathedral members would urge the Dean and the PCC to appeal to the Bishop of Sabah to amend the following matters in the Constitutions that affect ASC in good governance with a sub-committee comprising 50% of ASC members and such amended Constitutions be in due process with the members of ADOS apart from Synod based on a guideline of proceedings.
The matters are as follows:-
1.1       Article XIII Cathedral Chapter of The Constitution of  Diocese of Sabah in sub section 3 as “In the event of the departure or transfer or retirement of the Dean, the Bishop shall be the acting Dean until a suitable successor is appointed” to be amended to ““In the event of the departure or transfer or retirement of the Dean, the Bishop shall be the acting Dean until a suitable successor is appointed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND WITHIN one YEARS”
1.2       The Composition of the Council
Under clause ( c ) of Article VIII  where “Any other clergy and lay workers licensed by the Bishop to serve in the Parish” shall be observers status only and not part of the quorum.

1.3  In the Conduct of Annual General Meeting

The Motions and the audited accounts together with the previous AGM minutes and Reports must be made available in hard copy one week before the AGM and issued to those who are entitled to receive them.
The AGM minutes must be ready within one month of the AGM as concluded.  Such minute must be verified within 45 days from  date of AGM by a verification committee consisting 2 member of clergy, 3 members of outgoing/incoming members plus 5 ordinary members attending the AGM.  The minute must be fully signed and confirmed as correct.
1.4    Major projects above RM30,000
Any major projects above RM30,000 at any time in the basis year should be approved by an EGM unless it was already approved at the previous AGM.  A proper project paper would be desirable at the EGM.

1.  Norms for governance to be defined
2.   To avoid conflict, contradiction and selective application.
3.   Certainties of roles.

Motion 2    We demand for a full investigation of the performance of the acting Dean since 2006 in ASC.  An investigation committee be formed in this AGM to look into all aspects of ASC vis-à-vis ADOS to declare Datuk AV as unfit to remain as Bishop.

1. Platform for appropriate corrective actions including restitution of losses etc.
2. To firm up misleading accusations as denied.
3. For moral, morale and good practice.
4. To implement the vote against AVCF as acting Dean in last AGM.
Motion 3
We call for a full review of the Diocesan Assessment for All Saints Cathedral in the context of Biblical interpretation and administrative justice for God as money or tithe collected by ASC to be retained in ASC say 70%  and 30%  only to the Diocese of Sabah which is not a church under a new structure and constitution.

1.    Uniformity, accountability and transparency for the system.
2.    ASC has its own sister churches but not accountable to ASC.
3.    ASC has no say in how the money under the Diocesan Assessment has been deployed in the Synod.
4.    The Synod accounts for 2010 and 2011 did not disclose the Diocesan Assessment
5.    Much of income of ASC has been diverted to Diocesan account directly.
6.    ASC to play a greater role in missions and ministries on its own.

NB:  I did not send motion 4 last Sunday. 

Motion 4.

All Saints’ Cathedral is urged to make POLICE reports on the following matters amongst many yet to surface:-

1. The rape of a minor in All Saints’ Cathedral ground in a children camp in August, 2011.
2. The ordination of unqualified persons including non Sabahans as priests/pastors by Bishop of Sabah;
3. The electoral rolls of ASC likely to include non Malaysians and dubious citizens with project IC.
4. The presence of several police personnel including a patrol car in the church of ASCon 29th August, 2012
5. The press report in the Church of England newspaper in January, 2013 on the corruption in the Province of South East Asia and the Bishop of Sabah as accused of financial misconduct. No defence for AVCF.
6. The ‘theft’ of fixed assets of the Deanery and the Bishop Lodge when the previous occupants moved out.
7. The massive deficits of the All Saints’ Cathedral of 2010 and 2011.
8. The inappropriate approval of the House of Celebration worth RM30m causing liabilities and anxieties .
9. The three massive blogs with massive crimes of AVCF are allowed to prevail or exist for its truth not lies as alleged by AVCF.
10. The sudden closure of All Saints’ Kindergarten.
11. The existence of All Saints Anglican Academy once with unqualified principal just resigned in December, 2012.
12.  The deaths of priests, pastors, and sudden resignations of clergies in ADOS affecting the mother church ASC being the major financier for decades in ADOS. (ASC had contributed at least RM5-8m since 2006)

1.    The truth must be restored to the Anglican Diocese of Sabah for public assurance.
2.    No multiple standards allowed.
3.    The rule of law must prevail.
4.    Good governance and public accountability.
5.    Punitive measures to be applied.

Proposed by Joshua Kong   second by:  ????? anyone ??? 

any comments welcome ---

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