Wednesday, February 26, 2014

318. God's money for AVCF to waste

UPDATED 9:05pm, September 4
It’s a lot of legal and accounting jargons to process. So let me try to illustrate actual facts/numbers through a fictional story (italicized).
A bishop and his assistant together with their wives flew to New York. The official reasons was to recruit a teacher for a school the diocese is running, and to preach in a couple of churches. Why did the wives come alone? Well, the bishop’s wive runs the Diocesan Academy Board. But why did the assistant bishop & his wife went as well? It was a mission trip. By the way, the quartet bumped into the bishop’s former personal assistant and her husband in New York too. What a small world!
Well, between preaching in two Sunday services, and meeting up with the teaching candidate, the 3 couples went shopping at 5th Avenue, caught Jeremy Lin at a NBA game, had great meals in five star hotels, watched a musical, took a dinner cruise around New York Harbour, Brooklyn Bridge and Ellis Island. Then they headed south for some Jazz music at New Orleans and more sightseeing. The bill come up to around RM180,000. It was charged to the Mission Fund because the trip was about recruiting a teacher and visiting some Christian schools; and the Diocesan Academy Board operates under this fund.
Come the time for audit, the accountant noted RM921,533 was spent in Mission Funds in 2011. The RM180,000 bill was just a lump sum expenditure under “Diocesan Academy’s study visit and recruitment” with no receipts to back up the amount.
Here ends the fictional story. Do you get a better picture what perhaps the auditor was saying?

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