Thursday, August 22, 2013

210. The answers are all there


I think you got the answers to all your questions on the relationship of Albert, Stella, David, Philip.

Why the cover ups allowed in ADOS?

It is all criminal in nature and yet the HoB of SEA is blind and part and parcel of the crimes...

Where is the Anglican province of SEA heading to?

and this is in response to

We must continue to press for high standards in morality and teaching of the Word. It is not a sin to question the bishops, priests and all the leaders on their decisions and conduct. They are subject to public scrutiny because they are servants. Their ‘ anointing’ is subject to disqualification as it is only valid when their hearts and actions reflect what they preach and believe. Right now they have no anointing and they are just disappointing.
Why did Albert adamantly ordain Philip knowing that he could not preach and he was not a priest material plus protests from members of some parishes? Albert also knew about the baby fathered by David Lo and yet no public confession and restoration was done. Why did he cover this? If intention was not to create public shame then why did he approve of such practices in other similar cases. Why blunders of Stella can be excused? What is the relationship between Albert and Stella?

Why wasn’t a Dean appointed for 6 years for ASC? The Los occupied the deanery for years until the members start to fuss. There are many questions from public observations of these people. Perhaps it is time to have another forum and call all these characters so we can get the answers straight from them or better still ask them when they turn up at the thanksgiving service. Whilst the hypocrites are preparing for the service, we should prepare the list of immorality cover ups for these ‘ hole-ly men ‘ to answer.
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I think you got the answers to all your questions on the relationship of Albert, Stella, David, Philip.
Why the cover ups allowed in ADOS?
It is all criminal in nature and yet the HoB of SEA is blind and part and parcel of the crimes…
Where is the Anglican province of SEA heading to?

1 comment:

  1. from the same blog ---

    August 23, 2013 - 11:01 am Tawau Observer

    Dear Why,
    Why Stella still hold the post of a children coordinator when she obviously failed to protect her own grand daughter? Why did John Yeo allow the child free education at the church play school? Why are the sexual misconducts of priests’ children covered up where as ordinary members are made to do public confessions? Why are all the babies conceived out of these situations not accepted and why our priests hushed over these?

    Why can’t Albert and priests put things right according to God’s standards instead they are sinking deeper into the foothold of the devil? Why do they compromise on the immoral actions of their peers? Why does the church take immorality so lightly? Why the subject of sexual purity and warnings of immorality not preached in the pulpit? Why are our priests so fearful and lame in their ministries?
