Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dean, please act on the alleged rape case in 2012 in ASC ground

Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Very Rev  Dean Chak Sen Fun,                                                            28th April, 2013
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinbalu, Sabah

Dear Dean,

Re:  Alleged Rape case in All Saints’ Cathedral (ASC) Ground, 2012

I don’t like flowery letter and deceptive praise and I go straight to the point.

The alleged rape of a minor is posted in the blogs and involved a young boy D. Lo whose real parents are known to the two close families concerned. .At least another 25 other parents knew this story of crime.  It is no surprise that the acting Dean AVCF did nothing or something to this crime.  The matter is a Police case and why no Police Report was lodged by the acting Dean who may deny he knew nothing or something?

This crime cannot be hidden especially after the 4 emails as exposed between AVCF and you over the alleged ‘manipulations’ of the 2013 AGM of ASC on the elections of the PCC.

I am writing this alert and it is up to you to act now because sooner or later this crime would be exposed and the young girl could be destroyed and the young youth could say he ‘escaped’ once and he could become a serial rapist.  The young girl could become a ‘wild’ girl or commit suicide later.  Dean, you need to institute an investigation.

My conscience is disturbed if I do not write you this warning and please take heed as it is now in the newspapers of famous people like Jimmy Saville (now dead cannot be charged) and Max Clifford now charged for sexual crimes committed more than two decades ago.  

You are now given the golden opportunity to put this wrong of a young man who parents had been recalcitrant and encourage the PCC of 2012 to do the needful like lodging a Police Report.
This serious sexual crime if known cannot be ‘settled’ among some parties because sooner or later this would be blown up albeit too late to face the consequences for the ADOS and ASC.

If the acting Dean of  2016 -2012 want to deny what are posted in the blogs as lies, he should lodge report to various authorities like the Police, MACC, MCMC and the Archbishop of Canterbury.  As he has not done so, his attitude and action is questioned as he viewed serious sexual crime as nothing or something.  Since AVCF failed to do so, it is now for Dean Chak to restore the prestige and standing of ASC  to put wrongdoings known to positive stance.

If you want to view all allegations, please go to the blogs already known to many parishioners and the public at large who laugh both in front and back of us – Anglicans.

I trust this is in order,
Yours faithfully,

Joshua Y. C. Kong

by email to all senior clergy near and far.

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