Monday, April 29, 2013

AVCF and Dean Chak must be removed immediately

The end of the road for the Trojan Horses otherwise ADOS and ASC would be destroyed soon.

So ASC members have to be in unity to move the trojan horses out immediately
Mau Wah How Kong -   No more talk and post here only by members.

What are the options now?

1. Petition to the PHoB?
2. Lodge Police Report,
3.  Go to the Press,
4.  Do a silent protest on Sunday service
5.  Call an EGM to reconvene a fresh AGM.
6.  Parishioners take control of the church not forcefully but peacefully.

Any other avenues now to pursue to right the wrongdoings aplenty.

How can we allow AVCF to be trustee of the ADOS to waste all the fund in ADOS?


  1. thetruthasc -----

    Dear Philip Lee,

    I hope you would call on AVCF to resign together with his gang.

    I hope you would also urge Herbert Tong to do his work properly with a report after three months.

    HT did not reply to my letter faxed to his office for more than three weeks.

    I was told by a church warden that Dean chak and PCC would see me soon.

    I hope a few of us would also attend in an independent venue.

    Please contact me on 013-8394513.

  2. Senior Citizen on the consecration of PCC of ASC

    I would support this call for a walk out to send the right message to the very much questioned church leaders who had themselves brought shame and disrepute to the Anglican Church for the first time despite enough reminders to do things right for God's glory with repentance.

    Can the rigged church AGM elections do anything good for ASC? I doubt very much except to send the church to further rottenness... very sad and grief the Holy Spirit.
