Thursday, September 13, 2012

Counting the assets of ADOS

Counting the assets of ADOS
BISHOPGATE- ADOS queries by Joshua Y. C. Kong.
P 1.. According to page 56 of the 27th SYNOD report 2012, the assets/land/properties purchase since AV became Bishop was RM14,691,327. The balance sheet as per page 3, shows property and equipment at RM16,159,570 and note 2 page 8 shows lesser than RM10m.

P1Q1. We need to show a detailed list of assets for the balance sheet figures for the omission of assets.

P2. Two Assets were bought in Thailand namely as follows:-
P2.1..Asset 1 – as per page 56 of the 27th SYNOD report 2012,Yannawa District Bangkok Garden- condominium uniy @0, 289/600 10th Floor for Rangsit Outreach
Date of Purchase : 28 Feb., 2009: Standing committee Min 156 dated 1st March, 2009 RM507,308. According Report Synod 2010, Diocese Financial Report page 14, the total payments were RM267,738 (2008) and RM 457,040 (2009) making a total RM724,778.
P2.2 ,Asset 2 – as page 56 of the 27th SYNOD report 2012, Bangkok Studio Flat unit for residential at 515/193 15Fl, Supalai Oriental – Tenant CMS RM208,800 purchased on 20/6/2006.

P2.1Q1 Why a discrepancy of RM217,470
P2.1Q2 Why a Condominium used for Rangsit Outreach?
P2.1Q3 Was this asset earlier registered in AVCF name?
P2.1Q4 Is it all right to buy first before the Standing committee when AVCF always said SC is in charge when AVCF is actually in charge? What did Standing committee do about it?

P2.2Q1 No mention of this property by AVCF so far as he only talked of one property in his pastoral letter dated 21st July, 2012?
P2.2Q2 Is this property also in his name and sold with money into his pocket?

Diocese of Sabah is largely Sabah, Labuan and little bit of Kalimantan, and how can AVCF goes and buy up properties outside this boundary, hence Ultra Vires the Constitution of ADOS. Buying the properties in Petaling Jaya is alsoUltra Vires. So Standing Committee also had done illegal things in ADOS.
Registering the Thailand’s properties in AVCF name is Criminal Breach of Turst and so he know Bishop of Sabah cannot be registered in the land titles.

Since he already knew it in 2006, he continued to register the Condominion in his name but a trust deed was done in June 2012. That Ultra Vire act and CBT cannot be absolved by doing a trust deed. (no crocodile tears can cover this). I don’t think the trust deed can keep the asset bought with ADOS money be asset of ADOS as it is no effect. We want to see ALL the land titles now. Even a registered company wholely own by ADOS cannot buy any assets outside the boundary of ADOS.

What about the Rangsit Centre where the church activities are held? This asset is not mentioned in page 56 of the 27th SYNOD report 2012. Was it purchased in 2009 or earlier? Page 56 is a list of assets since 2006. I don’t see ADOS paying any rent? So is this asset also registered in AVCF name?

So AVCF always tells half truth or no truth at all. That is the man anointed by God doing God’s work passionately putting his UNCLEAN hands into God’s money for own gains. AVCF has no respect for the Constitutions (albeit illegal)of ASC, ADOS and the Province of SEA. AVCF makes more illegalities the way of life of a humiliated God’s socalled servant.


  1. I think there is a lot of things hidden by Philip Lo as the "Project Director cum Mission Director" not provided in the ADOS Constitution.

    Of course P Lo works hands in glove with AV.

    How do we expect the Synod delegates to see such smallese prints in page 56 of the Report 2012? If the Synod delegates could not see those smallest print, the delegates should have rejected the whole report. If they could not understand the accounts without the Management Report as it was qualified audited accounts, the delegates of the Synod should have suspended the audited account. Oh no, the crocodile tears did it again and possibly again to the HoB in Changi or change it on 11th Septemeber, 2012.

    Now what can we do about the audited accounts? See the next post.

  2. I am sorry to say that although we need to do the forensic audit as the normal approach but in ADOS case it is extra-ordinary as where do find CEO with crocodile tears at the AGM?

    The crocodile tears were sort of "signs" from God and yet the Synod delegates so mired in some "Bible verses" were swayed by the deceit of AV. Did not synod delegates read that sign correctly? With those crocodile tears, AV should hand over those documents, records, accounts book plus everything for six years and resign straight away.

    I am for the forensic audit in a normal case and in this case the neccessary records are already destroyed hence AV could issue a standard reply to the honorary auditor on his Management letter which was supposed to "convict" AV for his control over the Standing Committee? With that standard meaningless letter, AV thought he could cover himself for his wrong doings and then with the crocodile tears.

    It is costly forensic audit and the accountants in ADOS untainted by the crocodile tears can do better when records are missing because we have read all the information in the blogs of thousands of postings. Tell me how many other accountants have read the blogs with sincerity?

    I tell you when I was with the Federal Audit Department, nobody did any audit on the IRD and I was the only one then to do that without accounting training (that is Sabah style) in those days and I did justice for the ordinary people with millions of Ringgit of recoveries.

    Our rights as members must be respected and don't leave it to the Synod delegates largely the cronies of AV.

    The petition that is to go on / going to be is to ask the Bishop, the Standing Committee to hand over all the records that are still available and we can proceed from there. We will scrutiny them with a detailed audit programme. Better still ask him to go on long leave.

    Please also look at the case of SGCC done by a top 5 audit firm..

  3. Standing Committee Assures Parishioners on Management Letter

    Dear Parishioners,

    The Honorary Auditor in his auditor’s report dated 29 Aug 2012 presented to the Diocesan Synod, which met on 30 Aug-1 Sept 2012, mentioned a Management Letter (“ML”). This ML was addressed to the Bishop of Sabah and the Standing Committee (“SC”) members.

    The ML was received by the Diocesan office on 29 Aug 2012, i.e., on the eve of the Synod, when in the same evening the SC was to be dissolved, to pave way for the election of new SC members in the Synod. As a result, the immediate past Honorary Treasurer and the SC did not have adequate time and opportunity to officially address the issues raised and the reservations expressed through the audit qualification.

    It has come to the SC’s attention that various forms of negative interpretations and insinuations had been made in certain blog concerning the contents of the ML in respect of the Diocesan Financial Statements for 2010 and 2011. Extracts of the accounts were also posted and uninformed conclusions were being drawn thereof insinuating possibilities of impropriety in the financial management.

    The SC wishes to assure all parishioners that since the Diocesan Synod, the new Honorary Treasurer and the SC have begun the process of drafting a comprehensive reply to the audit queries and issues raised by the Honorary Auditor. In fact, our new Honorary Treasurer is currently in the final stage of addressing the accounting issues raised. The other legal and constitutional issues are also being looked into by the Chancellor and Honorary Secretary.

    The SC calls on all church members who may be alarmed by the negative interpretations and insinuations, to remain calm and be patient. The SC is eager to clarify and settle all the issues raised, including rectification of shortcomings if any, raised by the Honorary Auditor, at the earliest opportunity by compiling answers as comprehensive as possible to the ML so that our Church can move on with the Diocese’s agenda for mission.

    We are grateful for the genuine concern shown by our church members. It shows your great love for our church.

    Thank You.

    Yours truly in Christ,

    For and on behalf of the Standing Committee of The Diocese Of Sabah


    Hon. Secretary

    Dated: 23 September 2012

    [Is this another LIE?]

  4. Just ask the ADOS to hand over a copy of all the land/properties titles and then we will know the status of the assets of the ADOS.

    Don't let the chief thief and the others to get away..

  5. from thetruthasc:---

    Quote: Anon,
    "A forensic audit on the diocesan accounts, all the church accounts and all the projects under AV will be the only way to nab the culprits. Anything less will not bring closure to this sad episode of ADOS."

    The forensic audit is too costly and can be unreliable if the audit firm is linked to this group 'fm', forensic audit is incapable to do much if most records are missing or badly manipulated.

    So the closest effort is my civil court case on secular matters and I need some help me on or 012-8380897, no need to spend any more money now.

  6. Please check how AVCF and allowed by PL to buy NT Siptang land without road access at more than RM400 per acre when the price of roadside NT land is only RM69,000.

    How dare they rob the church...?

    That is the most capable acting Dean of ASC..

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