Friday, March 1, 2013

Rev Herbert Tong, please confirm UPDATED

Update 1st April, 2013 - not april fool --

Where was the Commisary HT for the Easter service?  Bishop YPC and family was at ASC 7.30am service.

Every Easter, the Bishop should be in ASC 7.30am service.

If the TROUBLEMAKER HT himself is still mired by those self created trouble in 1991-1994, then how can he be the Commissary to avoid ASC?

Also there was a question asked at ASC AGM why a priest C Fu could stand for PCC?

People also want to know why a priest who left ASC /ADOS for more than 15 years can be appointed as the Commisary?

Do these make sense?

BTW, we want a full report how the Commisary supervise the forced Sabbatical leave of AVCF who is reported to be seen in KK regularly?  What is he doing at the Wisma Anglican where AVCF was seen?


For the information of all Anglicans & part of context of conversation as follows,a/.HT said, 7.30 am English Parishioners were trouble makers & very judgemental.
b/.HT said, BAV didn’t not take a single cent from ASC & ADOS.
( HT, where did the cash money came from on the Sulaiman Mansion cash purchased ?
were those money came from all the love gifts engagements overseas & in particular
from the rich Indoinesian lady ? ).
c/.HT said, Priests don’t have to be poor & why questioned the 2nd. Condo purchased ?
( Were BAV not abusing & plundering God’s money for 2nd. Condo purchased done
registered under his personal name without seeking Standing Comm. approval ).
d/.HT said, attendance throughout ADOS is growing & ASC 7,30′s congregation was only a very
portion of the Diocese.
( HT, were all these figures on attandance been grossly inflated to shows growth &
were the Celrgy not cheating God ? ).
The above was said by HT during the 3rd. day of a CNY gathering of over 50 family members & HT was
wearing a grey long sleve shirt. A group photo was taken & HT was standing on 2nd.last roll on the right.
To all my friends at ASC, I leave it to you to assess whether HT has been too bias & impartial . Does he
still has the moral & creditability to preach in our pulpits ?

 from Joshua Kong
So HT, you are aiding and abetting the biggest thief in ADOS -AVCF and you would regret this.

So HT you may also be a LIAR, and you may deny what you had said when challenged..

 March 24, 2013 - 7:33 am thetruthasc
William Thien: it has already polarized the church. With top leadership sinning at will, the church is losing ground and God is turning his face away from us. HT believes every lie that BAV told him. He projects his own rejection by the church 20 years ago to the current crisis and concluded that just as he was “cast aside” by troublemakers then, BAV is being prosecuted by troublemakers today. It’s not about issues, sins, right or wrong anymore. The very persons who are supposed to teach the word of God is abusing the authority given to them to teach. There’s a blatant superiority complex the men in robes know better and is holier than the laity. How much worse can things go? How much more shaking and sifting does God want to do?


ASC never have any troublemakers except we want to reform the church.

It is very sad for HT to even mention troublemakers in his time as Dean of ASC except himself to be blamed.

The problems faced by HT are totally different from what AVCF is facing in ADOS and ASC.

So how can HT be so confused as he was when he was Dean.

HT should now name those alleged 'troublemakers' and done just make sweeping statement.

Was HT referring to the 50 visiting Americans with Bob Liardon who were sent off by the Police and Immigration
for an offence at the Conference organised by William Vun as Rector of GoodSam.?

So HT is definitely unfit to be the Bishop's Commisary.

Actually made some good changes in ASC but he did not see the beauty of it.

I believe HT was under the evil attacks which he blame it to troublemakers.

We need to ask the business man Steven our Bible study group.

1 comment:

  1. Come to tell us this --

    Is HT worth anything in ADOS? Is he still an Anglican? What would happen to HT after the 6 months are up?

    Did anyone hear his sermon in ASC on resurrection last Sunday 7 April, 2013?

    Did HT interprete his own understanding of the verses in the Bible?

    Why should he mention about "FIGHT" when we are joined together with God as this word cannot be in the verses? Any justification here?

    So was the sermon enriching at all spiritually?

    Just searching some verification and opinions.
