Sunday, February 15, 2015

This posting of legacy should be removed now. SHAME

 Bolly, please publish Albert's crimes as per Court order as per Rosalind Liew and Rev C Fu.

This posting of legacy should be removed now.  SHAME.  Joshua

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:20-21)
Our beloved Bishop Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui went home to be with the Lord on the 15th July 2014. However, he left behind his legacy of faith and faithfulness for us to follow. He is a living testimony of a man who has sacrificed everything and lived his life for Christ.
Bishop Vun’s legacy of faith is seen in his zeal for the Lord. The evidence of his passion is expressed through the spirit of excellence in all that he did for the Diocese. He constantly challenges mediocrity, shifts paradigms and pushes boundaries so that our diocese does not lose its cutting edge and become irrelevant in an ever-changing world. Yet he did so without compromising the foundation of biblical truth and the authority of the Scripture.
He is a visionary - a catalyst for growth. He worked tirelessly to plant new churches and expands our mission horizon beyond the shores of Sabah. His desire to develop both rural and urban churches is seen in the overall increase in our facilities and infrastructure throughout our Diocese. He simply wanted the whole diocese to be strong.
The legacy of faithfulness is seen in him finishing strong for the Lord. In spite of his illness and battle with cancer, he worked tirelessly to the end. In his last sermon preached at the Cathedral, he challenged everyone to give their all, their best to the Lord. And it was not merely empty words but exemplified with every ounce of his strength.
Much more could have been said in his eight years of episcopacy. His concern in education, in social issues, in the training of full-time workers and many more will all bear testimony of his conviction in the years to come.
Bishop Albert Vun has passed on his baton to us to continue a legacy of what it means to “live is for Christ; to die is gain!”  We do continue to remember his wife Datin Mary, and children Samuel, Sarah and Andrew.

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