Tuesday, October 15, 2013

239. Why ADOS support the ALLAH court case?

Allah and its implications of herald in  malaysia.

I do not intend to dwell on the religious or spiritual aspects of the word ALLAH.

If I go into that that would be too voluminous and also a bit complex as who is God vis-à-vis ALLAH.

It is endless to debate or discuss the word ALLAH and there are many forums especially in the Internet.

So I would like to simply say how it would affect Malaysians in general and Malaysians in Sabah and Sarawak with regards to rights constitutional or otherwise.

Does our Malaysian constitution protect all Malaysians or not irrespective our race and our religions?

Does our Malaysian constitution really protect our people in respect to race vis-à-vis religion?

Can anyone tell me how this constitution that states that Muslims are Malay and Malay are Muslims with regards to race?  If Malay is a race, how can Islam a religion make a person a Malay race simply by the Constitution?  If Malay is a race, can Islam the religion of Muslim make any other race to be Malay by embracing Islam?  Who is God here when God created the human race?  Be reminded that the people who now call themselves Malay were Hindu worshippers before Islam reached the shores of Malaya.

I think most religions if ever there is such a word belonging to God as God has nothing to do with religions.  Who can tell me why God is so divided by so many religions we have today on earth if religions have anything to do with God.  Religion is defined by a belief in God but there are people who make everything they believe in as God or god.  So religion has various meanings and one of them can be directed to God.  But God cannot be divided within Himself even in the ONE Trinity God.  So if religion has something to do with God, then there can only be one such religion to be genuine.  What we sometimes see is that several major religions are linked to certain races by certain localities.

So religions created by man have divided God based on various understandings.  but there is only one God, one heaven, one hell, one earth, one race – the human race and one world.  How are various major religions to divide the heaven, the hell, the earth, the human race and the world?

So from the beginning when God created the earth and the universe, God was in unity with the human race as created by God as God created man in His image.

Instead today we see so much divisions including dividing God into various names including Allah and claim Allah with the sole proprietary rights to the Muslims in Malaysia holding onto the religion Islam.  Logically who can understand this perception?

Most Christians hold the understanding of the ONE Trinitarian God while Islam considers a single God.  Anything wrong with this is not for us to decide as God is beyond us but we have adequate data to show such existence in the case of the God according to the Holy Bible.

Another aspect of the Malaysian constitution is that Islam is the official religion while all people can have total freedom of worship without any restriction.

So when the Appeal Court banned the use of Allah in the Herald publication printed in Kuching, is that not restriction when Allah is simply a word for universal application like all English words?

Without restriction simply means Christians worship their God in BM services by whatever name including Allah and Muslims worship their God also by whatever name and in this case it is also Allah unfortunately.

As it is public knowledge that Allah predated Islam, then in true justice it is for the Christians to restrict the Muslims to use ALLAH and instead in Malaysia it is the other way round.  Why should this be so?  Nobody can be confused except that God is confused with what we do trivially.

Christians are in the world to do mission for God and never could they find themselves in this struggle over Allah until the Federal Court with more agitation possibly endless in Malaysia.  Muslims in Malaysia are also in mission to promote Islam but such agitation is definitely a divergent.

There are some quarters in great enthusiasm after the ban for Allah in HERALD by the Appeal Court declared that they will make sure churches in Malaysia especially in Sabah and Sarawak do not use ALLAH in anything and would take appropriate action if found in violation of the Appeal Court’s decision.

Honestly speaking, I would not know how the extreme Muslim groups go about checking/policing the churches without going into the churches which are normally out of bound for Muslims for a known reason but churches are open to all to worship God.

So to cut the matter short to avoid any more conflict and best respect to the Appeal Court’s ruling and the HERALD being the focus of this struggle over Allah maybe telling the good news of the end of Malaysia with the separation of Sabah including Labuan and Sarawak from the disjointed partnership since 9th of August, 1965.  Hence the HERALD has the very good news for the end of Malaysia in 2013 – the Golden Jubilee year of change.  Lets us draw up a comprehensive separation agreement – The HERALD Separation Agreement.

Joshua Y. C. Kong     15th of October, 2013

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