Saturday, July 6, 2013

204. An issue of ethic

An issue of ethic for a crimes-laden bishop to be defended

This is indeed a pressing issue possibly coming out from some legal fraternity.

What do the lawyers feel about this case of defending the crimes-laden bishop?

What do the parishioners and congregation feel if the crimes-laden bishop be allowed to be defended in a Court of laws by any lawyer?

What about the lawyers feel that a crimes-laden bishop be protected by another set of laws which itself can be questioned?  Why cannot the bishop defend himself if he is so clean as he claims?

For most lawyers, is it really a business at work?

A bishop may be a different case if when we want to wrap up all things together with other criminals.  Is this really so?

Do you think the lawyers have any conscience at all by defending a crimes-laden bishop?

By defending the case of the crimes-laden as a business, the lawyers are getting a quick rewards in cash and in kind and in this case how would the Bishop get his cash to pay up the lawyers?  In this case the lawyers concerned got the rewards in kind by the moral victory by defending the crimes-laden bishop.  Every thing is written on the wall.

I also heard that the crimes-laden bishop had been visiting Thailand despite on forced Sabbatical leaves and for what business is he there?  This rumours of his visits to Thailand must be cleared as money of the church sent there has yet to be returned the Anglican Diocese of Sabah. 

We must know how did the crimes-laden Bishop afford to pay for the hefty fees charged by the lawyers.  Did the crimes-laden bishop use the tithes/fund of the church to pay for the fees to defend his crimes already proven beyond doubt?  If so, we must get to the root of this payment.

Someone had described the whole crisis as “the bishop is spending the blood and sweat money of the members for his pleasure”.

Does it really bring sort of shame that the defending lawyers are Christians including a  senior pastor of an independent church in City Mall?  How would this bring aura and prestige to the Christian communities when crimes-laden bishop can be defended blindly?

I want those who read this article of mine, pray about this.

It is now almost 6 months up for the forced Sabbatical leave and the crimes-laden bishop is likely back to business as usual with more oomph to steal after the feet washing by some people on some people on 19th July, 2013.  How can this crimes-laden bishop come back after a crisis without giving any report by the parties concerned?

I have been busy with several other matters to complete my book – BISHOPGATE IN ANGLICAN SABAH – a case of crimes-laden bishop”. This crime is contagious and affects all other bishops and the Anglican Communion.

Hopefully by August, 2013, my paper to ITCCS would be ready.

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