Saturday, September 7, 2013

224. Who had committed murders in ADOS?

This is a real story while we do read them in Courts, law books, penal codes and the Bible.

What are the consequences of murders amongst human beings?

Have any murders being committed by anyone including AVCF by himself or proxies?

I heard about black magic in church circles?  What black magic when black magic can also kill at times?

Do you think it is really a SIN to kill by whatever methods direct or indirectly known or unknown?

So be careful as the Bible has warned us of the evil as even in the hearts of the desire of killing others is a major sin.

So stay clear off all evil be it killing or cursing someone to die.

HT did a very good job cursing others and laughing at his own jokes at the pulpit.

So this is true story before my eyes in my own home.

I have two bitches.  The younger bitch also the daughter of the older bitch gave birth to three puppies on 15 January, 2013.

We were not at home and when we returned home that morning we saw the dead puppy with the older bitch.  The younger bitch was in the birth delivery space to guard the attack on the other two puppies.

So till today the younger bitch has not forgiven lest forgotten the attack on the puppy of the younger bitch so much so the younger bitch would attack the older bitch whenever they come to meet each other.

I have separated them into different areas but somehow they would meet and the younger bitch would attack the older bitch.

So this is the message from heaven about MURDER as indicated by the hatred between the two bitches.

So we want to play down any murder within the church environment?

Confessions would be useless as it is MORTAL sin.

So our church would have to expose those involved with MURDER in one way or another.

Don't blame SATAN for murder but our own lusts and consequences of lusts.

Joshua Kong



    murders???? confessions???

    why pastor a 5 storeys empty building of 4 floor in Sulaman?

    October 21, 2012
    Testimony from Pastor Sonia Puyang Ding


    Shalom, greetings in the love of Jesus Christ.

    In the Bishop and The Standing Committee dialogue on the 15th of October 2012, I, Ps. Sonia Puyang Ding was not able to attend due to the youth ministry in Sulaman which have just started.

    On the same day, I heard that that there were people who exploited my late husband, Rev. Dais Rukuman, to accuse Bishop Albert Vun for calling him and scolding him before the day he passed away for an hour. This is very offending to me and my family.

    All this is NOT TRUE about my late husband and it is very disappointing for them to say this without my consent. If these people are really concerned about my family, they should have called us at least, to support me and my three children. Why did they only bring up this matter after 5 years to attack Bishop Albert Vun? Is there no one alive that can voice out rather than using a dead person to voice out?

    I, as his wife, his companion, who is the closest to him and lived together with him, have never heard him mentioned that he was scolded by Bishop Albert Vun, let alone a day before he passed away. He was very faithful and committed to his ministries at St. Andrew’s Church, Tuaran.

    My husband did the bypass in 2005, during Bishop Yong Ping Chung’s time. Bishop Yong Ping Chung, Bishop Chen Fah, Datin Julia and Bishop Albert Vun even paid him a visit and prayed for him at IJN, Kuala Lumpur.

    The day before he passed away on 2nd of June 2007, at St. Andrew’s church, Tuaran, we had a ‘gotong-royong’ at the church and its surrounding areas from morning until the afternoon. In the evening, together with a few church leaders, they visited one of the church member’s child in Queen Elizabeth Hospital. After returning from the visitation, our whole family attended a cell group in Kg. Bulihin, Tuaran. After the cell group, my husband and I spent time together sharing but he never mentioned anything about Bishop Albert Vun. Moreover, he shared about a dream he had about heaven again on Friday night, 1st October 2007, but I distracted the conversation by asking him to close the main gate of the church because it was already very late.

    (part 1 )

  2. part 2 --
    Two weeks before he passed away, he often dreamed of heaven. One of the dreams that he shared to me on one of the days was he saw himself walking on the road in heaven and he said, “We always heard from the testimony of others that the road in heaven were made of gold. It is true! And I stepped on it!” On the last night, he dreamed that he moved into a big and beautiful house and he said, “That’s the house that God wants to give it to us!” However, on the same night, I dreamed that my children and I were also moving into a new house but surprisingly, my husband was not with us. I told him that we should not move because we have not yet served a full year here, and it is very troublesome to move again.

    On the 3rd of June 2007, he breathed his last breath on the pulpit while preaching. A few weeks ago before the incident he was still very passionate in preaching the word of God. He even left a message to the congregation to be rooted in God, encouraging the congregation to bring the bible to the church and read God’s word. On that night, I dreamed that he came and handed me something. As I was receiving it with both of my hands, I woke up from my sleep. I prayed and asked God what is the meaning of the dream. God showed me clearly that the thing that my husband wanted to hand over was a green baton. God said that the baton is the responsibility of my children and a mandate continue my late husband’s ministries on this earth.

    I thank God that Bishop Albert Vun took care of my family and our welfare. He offered us accommodation, a car to use, and even letting me start a new ministry, to plant a new church in Sulaman. This is God’s calling and vision for me, and Bishop has been very supportive of this ministry.

    Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to state that the death of my late husband Rev. Dais Rukuman is fully God’s will and NOT because he was scolded by Bishop as accused. I am working directly under his leadership and I know very well. He is not the type of person that people accused him of. Those who say they were hurt by Bishop Albert Vun should not use a dead person to accuse him. I would like to encourage you to face him personally if you have personal matters. He is willing to listen, give encouragement, and even pray for us.
    A servant of Christ

    Pastor Sonia Puyang Ding
