Thursday, June 13, 2013

193. Look no further- Borneo is our promised land

Dear Ignatious,

I am Joshua and you are Ignatius.

WHY? WHY? Why are we not going to the promised land in Sabah (Sabbath), Borneo (Born New).  Why are we not resting for the Sabbath?

You had ignited this passion in Sabah – WHY?

We are all looking for the promised land in this life and the next, and why not now?  Why not in Sabah changed from North Borneo in 1963?

Since I met you in Grand Borneo Hotel or Grand Borneo Vision, this is my humble response to your answer.

Why are we in sort of mess in Sabah Borneo?

In Sabah right now, we lack unity in all aspects since 1963.

You can go to the Bible to find the answer.

I may not be going to your program in the mountain in July but pray about it as my wife and my dogs are factors to consider.  In end of July I have to move house.  Please pray that I have a good place to go or stay put in my present place which I prefer.

I am going to give you some possible answers right now as I had written in Daily Express years ago and we need to go back to history.

Why do we have North Borneo and now Sabah from a kingdom so vast as Borneo island?

You know Borneo was owned by the Sultan before he converted to Islam and nothing to do with religion then but history and now but it is the move of God as a lesson for all of us in Borneo and beyond and whether we want to accept this or not it is our problems in so many aspects.

Sultan of Brunei in the history did not give away North Borneo and Sarawak and Kalimantan but share out the kingdom in Borneo with others as in the Restaurant Soul Out in Grand Borneo Hotel.  Did SoB lose his soul?  Sort of???  It was in Grand Borneo then.  Now some people would ask why Brunei still blessed with so much oil in Borneo.
Actually the oil in Brunei comes from the flow of it in the gradual sloping shelf from North Borneo along the Spratly Island nearest to Jesselton now Kota Kinabalu.  It is a conflict area claimed by six nations and yet KK is still untouched by that conflict and hope it will never be.  Praise God for that Amen.

So are we so blessed indeed and yet we have our oil ‘stolen’ and you know who and why?  Our disunity since 1963 because of the “Freem...n”.  Even the death of the 11 could not save our oil.  Why then and why now?  I had asked for the 100% of our oil in Sabah, not 5, 10 or 15 or 20 or 30%.  Why should we ask for less when God had given us so much?  So pray about this unceasingly.  Actually we can (should) only get 100% (recover) what we had lost but why are we asking for less?  God would not give us less like 30% and God would only give or already given 100% but again our disobedience or disunity…

So is our palm oil gone to outsiders…

So I now come to the dog head shape of Sabah or North Borneo.  This is not superstitious as some may think so but pray about it.
I am not to write this very sensitive item, but enough to say that  how can someone claim this land when they also hate the said ‘animal’  and you know what I mean.

Many of our people already in the promised land in North Borneo (Born New) and link to Jesus Christ as I saw vision that Jesus would touch down on Mount Kinabalu on His return and I don’t know when in the endtime age.

Many had chosen to migrant to other land in deception when North Borneo is so blessed.  I went to UK for study and to run away from oppression of some people in the early 1970s, but God wanted me back and till today I have suffered and survived so much ‘hardship’ making me more determined to keep on fighting and the end is yet to come.   Disunity is a factor of all the WHYs now in Sabah then and now.  Why Sabah had lost so much to ‘robbers’ since 1963, God says it is more blessed to give then to receive and so why?  You can remember why Lahad Datu?

Did not the migration from Malaya reside in Lahad Datu and there about?  Where are those migrants now in Lahad Datu?  Could not stay in Lahad Datu.  If you look at the dog head again and what is Lahad Datu to the dog head in its position?  Why the invasion of the Tanduoa in 2013 our golden jubilee?.  Who died there ?  Why bloodshed?  Why all those bombs from the air for the first time since 1963?

The Bible tells us where we are born and we belong there and you can find the verse.  So why are our people migrant from the promised land like going back to ‘Egypt’?  So it is disobedience and disunity of our people like Moses was leading those people across the Red Sea into Sinai.

So Ignatius, God has used you as often will to ignite an issue – new and old  - WHY? Why in Sabah, North Borneo and Grand Borneo?  We meet in 1Borneo and Grand Borneo Hotel and Restaurant Soul Out.

I also did not know why 1Borneo in Muis land now also stolen by some people using what you know.  Then we have Grand Borneo Hotel.  These names come much later after I had done so much in Borneo Forum (now closed since 2006).  I will show you this website or blog.  I wrote much about Borneo (Born New) and Grand Borneo Vision in Borneo Forum of and my yahoo email groups.  So possible I inspired these names when 1Borneo came on the land of muis.

Can you now identify who is Caleb – physically and spiritually in Borneo in this great and grand vision of One Borneo in reality and so that there is Unity in Borneo rather then split into so many parts with Labuan further split in 1984.

Borneo island used to be ONE and now split into 5 as Brunei proper, Labuan, Sabah, Kalimantan, Sarawak and the power of 5 would be great if united like our palm and five loaves and two fishes. Can we find unity in Sabah and Borneo?  If not WHY?

Thank you for reading this sharing and give it to God the ‘hardship’ as our own doing in Sabah.

God bless all and if all our people who had migrated come back
the harvest would be plentiful as I sow this sharing.


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