Sunday, May 20, 2012

What the Bishop wrote on 20 May 2012?

Quote: (ASC Sunday message in the Bulletin) "At this revival Congress, we look to the Lord to give to our Diocese a fresh anointing to move forward to do His will. We pray His Spirit will convict all our hearts to repent and to return to him. We pray the Lord to break all our bondages so we can move in a spirit of freedom and joy." Comments by Joshua Kong What is written Is still a subtle attack on the congregation at ASC as it is diversion of 15, 22 and 29 April when it was worst insult.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Declaration by Bishop Designate

Take notice - AVCF has failed in this pledge or declaraton for what had been appointed in 2005/6. Amongst the items at the Ordination and Installation of the Bishop of Sabah, the following would be related:- (25 April, 2006) Archbishop <... >:In the declaration you (bishop designate) are about to make, will you affirm your loyalty to this inheritance of faith as your inspiration and guidance under God in bringing the grace and truth of Christ in this generation and making him known to those in your care? Bishop designate: I, .................... Do so affirm, and accordingly declare my belief in the faith which is revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds and to which the historic formularies of the Anglican Church bears witness, and in public prayers and administration of the sacraments, I will use only the forms of service which are authorised or allowed by Canon. The DECLARATION:- The bishop-designate stands before the Archbishop, and the people sit. Archbishop: A bishop is called to lead in serving and caring for the people of God and to work with them in the oversight of the Church. As a chief pastor he shares with his fellow bishops a special responsibility to maintain and further the unity of the church, to uphold its discipline, and to guard its faith. He is to promote its mission throughout the world. It is his duty ti watch over and pray for all those committed to his charge, and to teach and govern them after the exaple of the Apostles, speaking in the name of God and proclaiming the gospel of Christ. He is to know his people and be known by them. He is to ordain and to send new ministers, guiding those who serve with him and enabling them to fulfil their ministry. He is to baptise and confirm, to preside at the Holy Communion, and to lead the offering of prayer and praise. He is to be merciful, but with firmness, and to minister discipline, but with mercy. He is to have a special care for the outcast and needy, and to those who turn to God he is to declare the forgiveness of sins. The Archbishop says to the bishop-designate In order that we may know your mind and purpose, and that you may be strengthened in your resolve to fulfil your ministry, you must make the declarations we now put to you. Do you believe, so far as you know your own heart, that God has called to the office and work of a bishop in his Church? Answer: I believe that God has called me. Archbishop: Do you accept the Holy Scriptures as revealing all things necessary for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ? Answer: I do so accept them. Archbishop: Do you believe the doctrine of the Christian faith as the Anglican Church has received it, and in your ministry will you expound and teach it? Answer: I believe it, and will so do. Archbishop: Will you accept the discipline of this Chirch and faithfully exercise authority within it? Answer: By the help of God, I will. Archbishop: Will you be deligent in prayer, in reading holy Scripture, and in all studies that will deepen your faith and fit you to uphold the truth of the Gospel against error? Answer: By the help of God, I will. Archbishop: Will you strive to fashion your own life and that of your household according to the way of Christ? Answer: By the help of God, I will. Archbishop: Will you promote unity, peace, and love among all Christian people, and especially among those whom you serve? Answer: By the help of God, I will. Archbishop: Will you then be a faithful witness to Christ to those among whom you live, and lead your people to obey the Saviour's command to make disciples of all nations? Answer: By the help of God, I will. Archbishop: Almighty God, who has given you the will to undertake all these things, give you also the strength to perform them, that we may complete that work which he has begun in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord,. Amen.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

CASE for trial soon

VERY URGENT NOW and nothing to hide anymore We have to come to this stage now that we have to get the evidence in whatever forms such as any external/internal document of certain things posted in the ascblogs. We need to be prepared for that. The evidence can be in the form of sworn statement or affidavit and the Police/MACC and others may want to interview such people who can come forward later. All these would be kept confidential. All these documents would help them in authorities to go in to investigate as all approaches seem to be hard to get to deal with BAV. Even when we go to the High Court, such documents would help.Some people must be in the position of some documents of the fact they had posted in the ascblog and not only allegations. So I want your help to contact one or two of such people directly and ask them to contact me directly or simply send me some documents to my P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu or fax it first to 088 247823. All would be done confidentially. My handphone is 012-8380897. Reward if you want may be possible but we are all do this for God. I will tell you the particular postings (only a few). Joshua Y. C. Kong,

Monday, May 14, 2012

be safe in SAFE in Sabah and beyond

Dear friends, It is only right now to consider this very important aspect. At the AGM 2012 held at the ASC on 1st April, 2012, we were told in great details how the PCC function in the formulation of policies and implementation of such decisions made. It was exposed at the second motions which was voted on with the results as rigged. We had seen how the policies made at the PCC meetings had caused the ASC to have massive deficits for 2010 and 2011 of over a RM1m in two years. It was observed how impotent it was at the said AGM and an earlier one in 2011. So I would like to see a full report on how the Synod had performed since 2000 especially from 2006. It can affect the ADOS and ASC as the mother church. Have members of ADOS and ASC got any chance to address the shortcomings of the policies making, the decisions made, and the implementation thereof for the wellbeings of all concerned? For the strengths if any, the members can further made them more significant. So it is also worthwhile to consider the Standing Committee SC of the ADOS. The composition of the SC needs to be made public Someone in the ascblog wrote "You have sixteen members in the Standing Committee, not including the auditor and the Chancellor. Out of these, twelve of them are under the payroll of the Church of which you are boss. Only four are from the laity. Would you tell us who can vote? I bet any proposal by you will be carried because the four members of laity are grossly outnumbered by the house of clergy and others, if all are allowed to vote. Do you follow the Constitution on who can vote? Does every one present carry a vote?" How would such S C implement the decisions made at the Synod? How would the Synod knows that SC has implemented decisions made and those expensive projects made? Who actually played the major role in the implementation of those projects? Could any conflict of interests had arisen? The areas of conflict can occur in the dealings vis-a-vis all the committees and the sole trustee. A classic example like the Kokol Prayers Centre KPC was quite obvious as how the decision made? I think it was a fast tracked project? Was due process (all sequences) properly done? We all know what happened to that KPC project possibly overpriced and subject to questioned quality. Where is the OC to be exhibited? The other project like Celebration Centre CC is easily to be questioned in the same pattern like KPC. We know the Bishop/Acting Dean/Dean wrote in the Bulletin that all decisions were made in PCC of ASC and the SC. So we want to see all the minutes and documents to that effect. Another obvious failure of BAV is that the effort to pull out ADOS from the Province of South East Asia to set up his own idea of Sabah own Archbishopship has an agenda of BAV to be seriously reviewed by the members of ADOS. I only learned of this in the ascblog. So members in ADOS, ASC and other major churches should now wake up to what Synod, SC, PCC and the executive arms of the respective bodies to their own agenda under BAV. So the proposal of SAFE (Sabah Anglican Fellowship Entity) throughout Sabah be timely to be set up under ROS for the good of all. So my dear friends, please give this SAFE a proper consideration. Joshua Y. C. Kong SAFE

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Letter to AVCF for removal as acting dean/dean

2nd May, 2012 To the acting Dean/Dean All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu. Attention: Bishop Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui Dear Acting Dean/ Dean, Re: Termination of the Bishop as acting Dean/ Dean of ASC As members of the All Saints Cathedral, this letter is odd but it is true and natural justice we have to apply here to bring Glory to God. While many wrongs had been committed by you for six years but denied by you. The evidence is all there. Based on the Resolution at the AGM on 1st April, 2012 that the church needs a senior priest to be appointed as Dean as the acting dean position is clearly long overdue. You as acting dean/dean has been most unethical as far as rules are concerned when an official Resolution at the AGM was made and you simply ignored it and replied in the Sunday Bulletin in your message on 15 April, 2012 which was unsigned. You can deny it that the message was written by you. Reasons thereof given for not appointing dean are invalid. In any natural course of justice, and any item that concerned you, you cannot deal with it using whatever power that you may exercise. In this case, you have clearly stated your case in bad faith and with malice that you had exercised your prerogative not to entertain the said resolution. When the Church constitution is silent about any resolution passed to take effect within any period, and in this case it is 30 days as it is applicable in the national parliament when the Agong does not give consent to any law or statute passed in the parliament.. So you are now redundant as we also have a rector appointed by you to assume your duty as the acting dean/dean. This is already another abuse as the duplicacy of dean and rector supposedly doing the same duty. Please take notice, that you are no longer the acting dean/dean of All Saints Cathedral and please vacate your position with immediate effect as the 30 days had lapsed. To the Glory of God, Yours truly, Members of ADOS and ASC. NB: Members need to present this letter to AVCF.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

TODAY we must act

Act now to resolve BISHOPGATE. 012-8380897 for more news. thank you.

Land Titles of ADOS

It is known that ADOS owned both landed properties and shop lots. Several major ones had been sold and several new ones had been bought. Where has all the money gone? I would like to know all the details of the assets sold and bought like title numbers and selling prices. Who say members cannot be given these information? When abuses had been suspected, the more we need to see as the church belongs to all the members. God is also concerned at the present moment as ADOS has become a trading house of properties and morning breakfast. Whatever information in this respect would be appreciated. Tel: 088 247823, 012-8380897 and; and Thank you, Joshua Kong

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Grounds for removal of Bishop Albert Vun

Extracts of a paper on the Removal of Bishop now:- 4. Major faults identified 4.1 As acting Dean in All Saints Cathedral ASC, Bishop Albert Vun started to bring a team from St Patrick Church Tawau to replace the former serving team in ASC. ASC is the mother church of the Anglican Church of Sabah with 100 years of tradition. The Diocese of Sabah was established in 1962. 4.2 The ADOS is guided by a Constitution and I have yet to sight such Constitution. The ASC has its own constitution as updated and drawn up by the Rt Rev. Datuk Yong Ping Chung on 3 October, 1996. A copy of the Constitution of ASC CASC is attached. According to the CASC, the Bishop has the overriding power to veto whatever that is decided by ASC. So Bishop AVCF as Bishop and Dean as dual roles do find conflict to arise. When parishioners want to lodge any complaint of the Dean of ASC to the Bishop, nothing would happen as the same person hold both positions. Hence a range of abuses of power have been observed. 4.3 Bishop AVCF is seen to have also misapplied the clause VIII IC in the CASC by allowing any clergy to serve in the Parochial Church Council PCC where elections are held to elect 3 People Warden, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and ten ordinary members. The Chairman of the PCC is the Dean while the Deputy Chairman is the Dean’s warden appointed by the Dean. When the clergy and office workers serve on the PCC, the elected ones could be outnumbered by the appointed ones by the Dean cum Bishop. It was reported that many decisions at the PCC was prior decided by the Chairman/Dean at any PCC meetings. So it was deemed to be one-man –show. 4.4 The Bishop as sole registered trustee has been dealing in many land and properties transactions with questionable handling of such deals such as land and properties were sold at low prices without proper procedures applied while purchases of assets were done at high prices. Such deals lack transparency although done at the level of the Bishop office with the guidance or lack of that by the Standing Committee. Such documents are not exhibited for the purpose to get support from all the parishioners. The financial accounts of the ADOS are not available to any church members. The financial accounts of the ASC also lack quality/quantity in information. Extracts of the comments of the land deal in Likas of 13.86 acres with suspicion of malpractice are attached. 4.5 The Kokol Retreat Centre KRC and its implementation costing some RM5 million has been questioned as to its justification, legality and the availability of the Occupation Certificate yet to be exhibited. KRC is subject to landslides giving rise to safety of the building. 4.6 Staff and human resources management has been under spotlight after some 13 senior priests had largely left offices abruptly possibly due to mishandling of the human relationship. Even a senior priest had brought his flock of up to 800 to form their own independent church in suburban Kota Kinabalu. 4.7 Closure of the ASC kindergarten without proper notice and suddenly causing much inconvenience to the teachers and the parents who had to look elsewhere for the children education mid way in the year. 4.8 Excessive wastage of church funds, and various extravagant expenditures not justified in the context of a church where massive funds come from the contributions of the members. 4.9 The decision to go ahead with the construction of the Celebration Centre in the ASC ground costing an initial outlay of RM30m without proper consultation with the members of the ASC. Initial funding/handling of this proposed project has raised many questions especially when adequate fund is not at hand to implement it. 4.10 The AGM 2011 and 2012 at ASC has been mishandled by the Chairman/Dean in many aspects after the ASC had incurred deficit of more than RM500,000 in both years. At AGM 2011, the Chairman snatched the microphone from the Honorary Treasurer when she wanted to present her report. The Chairman AVCF did not appear to chair the AGM 2012 where there were many deficiency in the minutes and reports as presented. Many questions and comments from the floor were not addressed by the illegal Chairman (not properly authorized by the Chairman) and the Deputy chairman was redundant. 4.11 At the AGM 2012 on 1st April 2012, there were two motions which had been voted by the congregation and members. Both resolutions were ignored by the Chairman/Bishop/Dean (3 in 1) especially the first resolution with two third majority to replace the Acting dean/Dean was overruled by the Bishop in his prerogative to do as he chooses as per CASC. The election process was subject to rigging as detected. 4.12 While efforts to resolve this crisis aka BISHOPGATE within the church environment as some interprete it that way, all such approaches appear to be futile as Bishop/Acting Dean/Dean/Chairman is seen to be non reconcilable and instead use the pulpit and the Sunday ASC weekly bulletins to counter attack parishioners and congregation as evident in the Sunday ASC weekly bulletins of 15, 22, and 29 April, 2012. (copies are attached here). 4.13 The overseas trips of the Bishop and the money given to him must be properly reported and income accounted for in the church accounts. Cases of CBT can be considered. 4.14 The hope of the Ecclasiatical Court within the APSEA is still not at the horizon despite several appeals from various quarters since this explosive blog emerged on 23 October, 2011. [check all these out in the blog]

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fund for action from the church

Would members of the ADOS and ASC come up with this suggestion that fund to resolve this BISHOPGATE should be from the church as the mess is created by the onemanshow together with some cronies who are supposed to have served the church and the members. As legal option amongst others is ongoing, urgent fund is needed as the final action is to restore the crisis in ADOS and ASC and it is no longer a personal effort. It is the whole effort of the whole church. The legal option is to sue the datuk AVCF and not the church for all sorts of good reasons. Some church members can be the plaintiff. BISHOPGATE is not a religious matter but a secular issue. Some say I am alone - visible- to pursue this BISHOPGATE although the ADOS and ASC have thousands of members. Onemanshow is also alone in bankrupting the Anglican church in Sabah. I remember in the early days when YTC came to preach at the pulpit in ASC, he used to say "One person is a MAJORITY'. So he was sort of prophetic message then. So isn't it ONE a majority if the rest remain silent and invisible in any action?

A major piece of BISHOPGATE (thousands of postings over 7 months) Anonymous Jan 3, 2012 11:09 AM CORRECTION FROM: Anonymous of 28/12/2011 @ 17:17 This writer had heard and written earlier that the purchaser for the Likas land was Bina Puri. Thanks be to God, this info was corrected by another contributor that the purchaser is a plantation co. and Anonymous of 31/12/2011 @ 03:47 who knew a lot about the land did not fully disclose the info. Thanks just the same. It goes to show we need to put all our resources together to overcome this tyrant and his lackey Standing Committee (save a few brave souls). It shows very well Albert Vun is controlling the info tightly. This very info should be made freely to all members who asked in AGM or other forums. Why does AV need to shut off microphones and gag info? A person doing God's work has no fear to reveal what he does in God's name, especially it comes to God's money in the church. Thanks once again to Anonymous of 31/12/2011 @ 03:47, here is the full detail of this formerly "unknown or mysterious (hushed-hushed) Likas Land". As our Lord teaches us in Matthew, we TELL IT TO THE CHURCH the affairs of the church: Land Title: TL1687 Size: 13.86 Acres Caveat by: One Prima Property Development Sdn. Bhd. Date: 08/06/2009 @ 0845 Hrs Reg. Memo No. : 10511289 Transfer from Vendor: The Bishop of Sabah Transfer to Buyer: One Prima Property Development Sdn. Bhd. Date: 14/06/2009 @ 1030 Hrs Reg. Memo No. : 10512275 Charge by: One Prima Property Development Sdn. Bhd. to: RHB Bank Berhad Charge Amount: RM16,700,000.00 Date: 24/06/2009 @ 1035 Hrs Reg. Memo No. : 10512276 Charge by: One Prima Property Development Sdn. Bhd. to: RHB Bank Berhad Charge Amount: RM5,000,000.00 Date: 14/06/2009 @ 1040 Hrs Reg. Memo No. : 10512277 Total Charge to RHB = RM (16.7 + 5.0) = RM21.7 million. As for the comments by Anonymous of 31/12/2011 @ 31/12/2011 @ 03:47 hrs, the valuation should best be left to a panel of valuers. It may or may not be correct. By the way, Paul Liew - Diocesan Secretary - is a valuer under his firm of Henry Butcher - Is he involved in the valuation? These are QUESTIONS WE HAVE TO ASK. If it is transparent, why do we have to grope in the dark to find these inf? Albert Vun as a "supposedly as man doing God's work" should and MUST NOT HAVE FEAR DISCLOSING SUCH INFO TO HIS FELLOW PARISHIONERS". He claimed he has no fear of man but God. Well said (if applied in the proper context)but HE HAS FEAR DIVULGING INFO ON HIS SECRET OR LESS THAN ABOVE-BOARD DEALINGS to, well, man - his parishioners. He even has to go to the extent of SHUTTING OFF MICROPHONES & SHOUTED DOWN those who dare ask him questions about his dealings and decisions. In any case, coming back to the Likas Land, it was sold in a "selective bid" manner. When it comes to "selective bids" in government projects, we know what it means. WHO SELECTS WHO TO BID? If AV is sincere in getting the BEST FOR GOD (his favourite words when it comes to prestigious buildings, attire, renovation, material and earthly things), how does AV knows he is getting the BEST PRICE FOR GOD'S PROPERTIES when many parishioners DID NOT KNOW OF SUCH IMPENDING SALE OF CHURCH PRIME PROPERTY? This writer, like many others, was still groping in the dark before this blog existed. It was only after 18 months now from June, 2011 that we now know the buyer of this land is One Prima Property Development Sdn. Bhd. He should at least announce it in his Diocesan Bulletin and all the church bulletins so that all church members are informed. Church members and/or their relatives or friends (who may or may not be Christians) may be able to offer a better price? This opportunity is lost. Can some one please do a search on the shareholders of "ONE PRIMA PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT SDN. BHD" and TELL IT TO THE CHURCH. Reply

Kokol Retreat Center on NT titled land

Quote from 23 Oct 2011 "The bishop knows more than all the engineers,how come he does not know about soil erosion? The next unchristianed thing he did was to design the Kokol retreat center with a reclining cross giving the impression that Jesus still has not resurrected yet! As far as I know all crosses are upright but then this bishop always wants to be different from others. He says he knows best and now we are landed with a building that is going to collapse bit by bit if nothing concrete is done and is it worthed doing it since the land is NT-lease 30 years-correct me if wrong- No wonder someone told him that he is dedicating an illegal building to God and was shouted down by BAV!Well bishop, you have to answer for your wrong doings.You just cannot tell people to shut up when there are signs showing something is wrong.God does not want an illegal building or anything illegal.Better keep away from this center-who knows what will happen!!" Yet in the ADOS website this is what we are told ---- About Kokol Prayers Retreat Center in ADOS's website, ADOS only managed to raise RM600,000 out of the expected RM4.2m initially and yet the Dean Warden was so boastful of that project in his report to the AGM 2012. The land would be registered in Bishop of Sabah. BAV please confirm that the OC for the kokol summit building is in the name of Bishop of Sabah or the name of other people?If in the name of others, it is as good as gone as this has happen to many cases.So who is right here? What is the truth for a RM5 million project to go to other people?How much is the land of ten acres worth up the hilly site? The story to come later. So what is what now? more lies? Who really made the money in this project?

What hanky panky here???

Posted in 23 October, 2011 "AnonymousDec 9, 2011 08:21 AM Wow, I am so, so, very impressed with the fleet of expensive cars our Cathedral is having in the pool. Can someone furnish me all the cars number plates ? I will get my runner to have a fast check with JPJ who are the registerd owners of all these very expensive cars, plus Mary Poppins Toyota Harrier & the Range Rover 3di driven by our Project Manager cum " MISSION DIRECTOR ? ". Will inform all accordingly after the checking with JPJ. ( FYI Project Manager told my friemds a few months back, the Rover that he is using was a " GIFT " from a businessman from Tawau. 1/. Gift or BRIBE from VISION Schools contractors ? 2/. Why wasn't BAV sacked him for accepting the Rover gift. Washing mechine gift can have a Pastor in the interior sacked & this under BAV very eyes & nose, yet he see nothing, hear nothing, talk nothing & no sacking ?). My brothers & sisters who are Roman Chatholics are also very impressed with all our Anglicans Pastors & of course the very expensive taste & eletronic savvy of Bishop Vun. .Our Pastors celebrated birthdays at Shangri-La's Tg. Aru Resort vs church hall. .Buy grocery at Tong Hing Supermarket vs Sevey or CKS. .Use MONBLANK pens vs Faber Castell pens. .Wear expensive leather shoes vs sanddles. .Paid 4 figures monthly salary vs RM 300/- pocket money + very simple food provided. .Mission Director driving a Range Rover vs Nissan Van or very old 4WD. Halaluya to all ASC Pastors. Any one with details of the vehicles, please contact me. The extravagant spending could be linked to the sale of the prime land in Tawau next to St Patrick Church. Anyone to confirm this?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Bishop wrote on 290412 "Yes, last year for our Centenary Celebration, we have spent money to change the carpet, clean up the pews, put up lights, put in a back-up generator set, make necessary repairs etc." Bishop wrote on 220412 "Some members may not agree with how the church's money is used, but the PCC is responsible to mobilize the funds of the church to do the works of the church. Last year, because of the Centenary celebration, extra funds was mobilized to clean up the pews, to publish the centenary history book, to upgrade our facilities for the youth and children ministries, etc. All these are good and they build up the life of the church." Bishop wrote 150412 "They do not have the vision to lead the church forward but they want to control how the funds are mobilized." So the socalled Bishop keeps on repeating almost the same thing as per extractions. He thinks we are only concerned with the Centenarian Celebrations CC and its excesses when in actual fact any NGO would use the ocassion to raise substantial fund for the organisation as it is very rare time to do that in 100 years. Why AVCF failed in this aspects? Maybe the money raised had ended up in some people pockets and you know whose long and deep pockets none other than the onemanshow. Now the many copies of the Centenary's souvenir programme worth RM80k+ is left to rot ? Why? It would be precious for the memory of many in good and bad times of ASC. If the souvenur booklets are done properly with valuable feedbacks. So AVCF failed again. Who want to read about the rotten head? About the disgraceful Centenary's Celebration due to the brewing BISHOPGATE hence ugliness of the ocassion was sort of upstaged by this blog started on 23 October 2011 as few days before All Saints Day on 1 November, 2011. Most parishioners would have been disheartened by the crisis of 6 years and complaining about CC and the organisation of that. Imagine, just months before the CC, the microphone was snatched from the Treasurer at the AGM 2011. Terrible shame and yet no public apology from onemanshow. Imagine this confusion when CC can mean Centenarian Celebrations as well as Celebration Centre? AVCF seems to have lump the two together especially in the raising of fund. Another failure to be focus. AVCF has not failed to have accountability for the CC only but the whole ADOS and ASC. His total failure has precipitated in the way the whole set up is run as anyone in authority would conduct a postmortem of any major event to assess strengths and weaknesses. AVCF is not concerned how public fund and tithes had been used believing that the people are fools and that tithe would be flowing in otherwise AVCF would curse them as in his three written messages so far. I have asked for a postmortem report on the CC since 5th April, and has yet to receive it. If it is done (PCC to confirm it), I should have received it already. This is another failure for AVCF. MIA at AGM 2012 is another total disaster for AVCF. We want complete reports and document of AVCF performance in 6 years, and failing that there is only ONE way - out of ADOS and ASC.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Bishop wrote 29 April, 2012

Bishop to confirm this. The Bishop writes 29 April 20l2 I heard that there are some mischievous members trying to make fun of giving by encouraging people to give Rm 1 offering. Canon Thiam Choy has already addressed this in the sermon and called for repentance. I want to encourage all of us to have a change of heart if you have been affected by this kind of mischievous talks. They are not godly and they go against the word of God. Tithes belong to God. That is why if a man withholds his tithes, he is robbing God because he takes what belongs to God: Mal 3:8-9 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me." But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' " In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse--the whole nation of you--because you are robbing me. This will bring a curse upon us and upon our church. I travel to many churches and I see many churches that cannot grow and cannot experience spiritual revival because they rob God. I have seen families not experiencing God's blessings because they rob God. What is recorded in the word of God is fulfilled in their lives. So we must not mock God by playing around with our giving. I ask all our members not to be affected by the negative talks of people whose hearts are not committed to build up the church. I also assure you that all our funds are properly mobilized to invest, to build up the ministries of our church and to extend mission works. We invest to improve our facilities so the children, youth, senior citizen and intercessory ministries have proper places to meet. Yes, last year for our Centenary Celebration, we have spent money to change the carpet, clean up the pews, put up lights, put in a back-up generator set, make necessary repairs etc. All these are to help build up the church and to reflect the Glory of God. If the house of God is in disrepair, it does not glorify God. We must invest in what we believe in. The church has a future and a strong local church is the hope of the nation. When the church is strong and preaching the gospel, then there is hope for the world. Otherwise, people will die in sin without knowing the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ. So the resources of the church (tithes and offerings) are to be invested to do the works of the church: evangelism, teaching, training, mission, administration, worship and music, help to the poor, new church planting works etc. Using the funds of the church to build up these works are right and must be supported. When we give our tithes faithfully, the Lord will bless us and bless our church. Mal 3:10-12 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the LORD Almighty. "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the LORD Almighty.