Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pray with me, my bros and sis in Christ

Joshua, read aloud, proclaim ,claim Joshua Chapter 3 every day for 3 days before 17th December.Consecrate yourself as you face the enemy daily.This is spiritual battle against "...against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. ....put on the full armor and stand (stand firm in the LORD JESUS) Pray daily and commit this case, yourself, your lawyer and the Judge to HIM, ask for wisdom to deal with this case ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD.FEAR NOT FOR THE LORD IS WITH THE RIGHTEOUS MAN.Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE HIM,and HE will make your paths straight (Pro.5-6).
In Jesus name. Amen!

Monday, 12 November 2012



this ascblogs has an error and my many postings did not get through but this one from a prophet got through.

Praise God, Amen, Amen, Amen.



  1. Can a committee of 12 from 12 professionals be set up now to address all the key issues in ADOS and APSEA to revamp the Anglican Communion so that BISHOPGATE would not be prolonged and all Glory to God in Christ.

    Please name the twelve professions.

  2. Friday, December 14th

    Good morning Joshua,

    Here's Today's Devotional from The Vine...

    Joseph Of Arimathea

    Joseph of Arimathaea, a prominent council member who also himself was looking for the Kingdom of God, came. He boldly went in to Pilate, and asked for Jesus' body. - Mark 15:43

    Joseph had been a disciple of Christ for some time before, but had lacked the courage to come out boldly. He was rich and influential, and had feared the consequences of a public identification with Jesus. But now he throws away his timidity, and comes out boldly as a friend of Jesus. He did it at a time when all the other disciples, even the apostles, were paralyzed with fear and afraid to speak. He did it, too, at a time of greatest peril, when shame covered the name of Jesus, and the bitterness against him was intensest. He did it also at a time when faith had died in the hearts of all Christ's friends, and when there could be no hope of personal preference or gain as a reward for his act.

    There were several reasons why Joseph made this bold confession at this time. One was because he was a true disciple; and true love for Christ cannot always hide itself. Then, when he saw Christ suffering so at the hands of His enemies, the loyalty of his own heart was strengthened, and he felt that he must avow it. When he saw Jesus dead, all the warm and long pent-up affection in his soul awoke. Then he saw how unworthy his conduct had been in hiding his friendship for Christ at a time when confession would have done him good. It looks as if his act were an effort to atone for the inperfectness of his former discipleship.

    We must ever be grateful that Joseph gave Jesus such noble burial. Yet we cannot but remember that his love blossomed out too late. It is evident that his discipleship was incomplete, that it missed much of the blessing of open discipleship, and that even to himself it was far from satisfactory when the great crisis came. Secret discipleship cannot always remain secret; it must at some time and in some way confess itself, regardless of what it may cost.

    Joshua, please share your thoughts on"Joseph Of Arimathea"

  3. Get ready with the support when walk past Jordan into Jericho with the full trial and help to prepare the trial to save the ADOS and Church.

    After the trial prepare to enter the promised land.

    A lot of work ahead...without AVCF and his cronies.

  4. Please pray on for the hearing adjourned to 9am tomorrow.

  5. Pray for the release of the bondage of confusions of those involved with this case.

    Pray that this case go forward ASAP to full trial..without any further delay.

  6. Praise God that the next filing would be more oomph...
