Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Education Fund ADOS

Michael Chin Kwet Kyun,
Lot 26, Tmn. Jaya,
Km 4 ½ , Jalan Tuaran,
88450, Kota Kinabalu.
Tel: 019-8329829

Date :  10th December, 2012

The right Reverend Mellter Tais,
Assistant Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Sabah,
Telupid, Sabah.

Dear Sir,

Re Education Scholarship

1. Shalom. Recently I have the opportunity to see a reply from Mr. Paul Liew to Mr. George Lim pertaining to a series of irregularities of the Diocese financial management. Amongst the issues is the education scholarship which I appended for your reference.
2. Looking at it, there is so many unsavory implications in the awarding of the scholarship to those favoured few mentioned and I do not intend to dwell forensically. I will go straight to the point how I see the whole situation, in the eyes of a lay man and a Christian, more so an Anglican of four generations:

i)                According  to statistic, there are still 30% of the population who live in abject poverty and 60% below poverty line in our country. It means that over half of our parishioners in the Diocese are living below poverty line and I am safe to say that basically majority are our native brothers and sisters in Christ. Bear in mind that Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia. In this context, I would have expected the award goes to the underprivileged and yet sad to say not even a single child of our native clergies is listed since the conception of the fund.
ii)              A case in point to emphasize a deserving case is the children of the late Rev. Rukuman who died standing (so to speak) to serve God during conducting services. Regardless of what other assistance, be that financial and in kind been given to the widow and family at that moment in time but what after that? Whether in my ignorance or lack of information, though no fault of mine because there never had any accountability or transparency from the Diocese on the fund collection and management. Correct me if I am wrong and I will be glad to hear the number of native Christians children are being awarded.

3. Bishop Melter, I have the highest reverence and admiration for you amongst all the cleric in the Diocese because I have heard a lot of your cardinal virtue as a man of God. Now that this issue out of so many has come to light, I am at loss as to why there is an absolute absence of native being awarded. Taking into consideration the bulk of the clergies and the parishioners in the Diocese are native but I am perplex there is total servitude, submission and resignation to a man rather than to God. Sir, you are the highest ranking cleric amongst the indigenous Sabahan. I am sure your people look up to you. In God’s eyes are we  all equal  and why is our Diocese practicing otherwise ?

4. I apologize if there is any offensive remarks and I pray that the Anglicans in Sabah will rally to the call for restoration of God’s Words, truth, justice, love , humility, servanthood and faith and most important that Jesus is our Lord and Master.

Thank you and may the peace of God be with you.

In God we trust,

DSP (rtd). Michael Chin Kwet Kyun BSK.

c.c. The Most Revd. Datuk Bolly Lapok, Archbishop of the Province of SEA.

1 comment:

  1. see for yourself


    Appendix A
    Click HERE to download
    Appendix B
    Click HERE to download

    Click B to get this

    [ C ]

    Scholarship Fund

    Year 2011

    Year 2010

    Samuel Vun (Bishop Vun's Eldest Son)



    Irene Kong (Rev Jeffery Kong's daughter)



    Jonathan Leong (Rev Victor Leong's Son)



    Sarah Vun (Bishop Vun's daughter)



    Samuel Lo Qi Feng (Rev Philip Lo's Eldest son)



    David Lo (Rev Philip Lo's 2nd son)




    Now you know who get the scholarships.


    1. What is the selection criteria that two families with bright children get the
    ‘cheap’ fund?

    2. Who head this committee?

    3. Other children of the 100 other clergies and pastors are not up to the notch to get scholarships? Why?b
