Daily Express report -- http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news.cfm?NewsID=83794
X'mas not all about shopping, remind churches
Published on: Thursday, December 27, 2012
The crib reminds Christians how a child was born for us and a son was given to us by God, said Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, Datuk Rev John Lee.
He said the child was Man as well as God, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was crucified and then resurrection from the dead.
"That is the mystery of God. Christ was anointed by God to save the whole Mankind. He has to be a real man and a real God to save us.
"I want you to recognise the child and Son of God. The child is the Saviour, Christ the Lord. Fall on your knees before Him and worship Him," he told the congregation at Midnight Mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral on Christmas Eve.
Saying secularism was coming into the world, Rev Lee said it was as if the world had no God.
"Too many Catholics have no faith in God. We have to ask for the Lord to give you faith. Try to know who is Jesus. Unless we know, we will not experience His presence in our life.
"Walk the way of Jesus Christ. Follow Christ in your daily life.
Listen to the word of God," he said.
In his sermon, Bishop Rt Rev Datuk Albert Vun of the Anglican Diocese of
Sabah stressed that if Christians missed the visitation of Jesus Christ
over Christmas, then they would have missed Christmas altogether.
Praying for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the congregation at the All Saints' Cathedral, he said:
"When celebrating Christmas, don't miss Jesus or you will have a sense of missing something.
"Be humble and open your heart to receive Jesus - your Lord and Saviour
who died on the Cross for our sins. This is the greatest gift you can
have on Christmas Eve and God will extend grace to you on Christmas Day.
"Make room for Jesus in your heart. He came to save those who are lost - sinners."
Meanwhile, Rt Rev Vun lamented that Christmas would lose its meaning if people celebrated the occasion just because of presents.
"If we talk about the Christmas tree and shopping only, by and large, we
would miss the message and meaning of having an encounter with Jesus
"We should be talking about Jesus and not about Christmas Night in New York or Osaka, for example," he said.
At SIB Likas (English Congregation), President of SIB Sabah, Datuk Rev
Jerry Dusing and wife, Senior Pastor Lee Lee welcomed the people to the
Christmas Celebration Service. "May God's peace dwell richly in your heart. May the grace that we encounter at this time of Christmas cheer remain throughout the year," they said.
Meanwhile, Rev Dusing said God is real and His love has impact on our lives.
He led the congregation in praying for God's continued blessing in our homes.
My comment -- please contact me on 013-8394513 and jknow823@gmail.com
Is this not false teaching of AVCF???---
This is the greatest gift you can have on Christmas Eve and God will extend grace to you on Christmas Day.
This is irrelevant as Christmas is joy and nothing wrong to give gifts from shopping ---
"If we talk about the Christmas tree and shopping only, by and large, we
would miss the message and meaning of having an encounter with Jesus
"We should be talking about Jesus and not about Christmas Night in New York or Osaka, for example," he said.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
How can we have a Bishop who is preaching his thoughts when the Bible does not say so?
ReplyDeleteso beware of a cultic bishop to disguise his sins worsening. The truth of his dirty ways would be revealed in due course..
This is altogether a conflict here in inverted commas ---
ReplyDeleteIn his sermon, Bishop Rt Rev Datuk Albert Vun of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah stressed that if Christians missed the visitation of Jesus Christ over Christmas, then """"they would have missed Christmas altogether.""""
Praying for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the congregation at the All Saints' Cathedral, he said:
"When celebrating Christmas, don't miss Jesus or you will """"have a sense of missing something.""""
Is missing Christmas altogether the same as missing something???
Is this in the Bible?
Isn't the living God in Jesus omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience?
So why only at Christmas eve and Christmas day?
The baby Jesus 'created' by AVCF is his own little baby living somewhere in Thailand etc????
His little Jesus only turned up with AVCF at Christmas eve 2012 as AVCF has been missing in ASC services.
AVCF has no credential and credibility to condemn people from the pulpit on celebrating Christmas and shopping etc as AVCF has been living an extravagant life flying business and first class and dining in 5 stars hotels at the expenses of the God's money...
ReplyDelete"Make room for Jesus in your heart. He came to save those who are lost - sinners."
ReplyDeleteThe first person to do that is AVCF himself and not qualified to warn others unless he deals with his own terrible sins for all his life...
All these sinful ways are recorded in all the blogs and have been the talk of the town.
So Daily Express has done a superb job to trace the foot prints of the great sinner AVCF.
Isn't Jesus the living God available all the time and not only at Christmas eve or Christmas Day? How can we miss Jesus.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that by turning up in church on Christmas eve, we get the grace in Christmas Day?
Don't tell me AVCF does not do shoppings to give gifts to all his 1st, 2nd, 3rd families etc?? So what is wrong with shopping and the Christmas tree? If some Christians 'worship' AVCF like they do, so what is wrong with Christmas trees and shopping?
Why condemn others in NY or Osaka when his behaviour is so much to be desired as he prefers go round the world using church money? He should first condemn himself and his 'dirty' ways...