Tuesday, December 25, 2012

OPEN letter to ‘Bishop’ Albert CF Vun

OPEN letter to ‘Bishop’ Albert CF Vun, by Joshua Y. C. Kong    25th December, 2012

‘Bishop’ Albert Vun,
Diocese of Sabah
Kota Kinabalu.

Re:  Your recent performance in Anglican Diocese of Sabah

This open letter is based on recent developments as published in the Diocesan Bulletin Issue No. 40, December 2012 (DB 40).

2.1              Sulaman Anglican Church
In the DB 40, the first service was held on 7th October, 2012 but the photograph published did not see you amongst the alleged 111 present.  In the ASC Sunday Bulletin of  2nd December, 2012, you wrote “This morning, I am visiting and preaching at the new Sulaman Anglican Church” It is no longer a new church but an incomplete church without a name sign board which was only fixed on 22nd December, 2012.  You like to post pictures of your events in the homepage but the event on 2nd December was not there.  So was the function/service held?   The picture of the church was also missing in the newspaper advertisement (DE 23.12.2012) as I believe there was no name.

2.2              Movement of clergy within ADOS and FCC

2.2.1    I do not know whether it is justified for those transfers within ADOS church within Sabah as published in the DB40 when only two key posts were appointed for the Dean of ASC and .Rector of St Michael & All Angel’s Sandakan.

2.2.2        About the movement of pastor Stella Lo and her husband to FCC, why is it she left on 7th December 2012 and only turn up in FCC on 24 February, 2013 meaning they are paid for almost three months for leave for what?  Did not they take their annual leaves for 6 years?  Please show us the records.  Also how would ‘Rev’ P. Lo still be effective as mission director and project manager when he is based in FCC away from Sabah?  Plesse confirm the status of the positions of P. Lo.

3.                  Confirmations and bonus to AVCF

According to the pictures of the 27 confirmations in DB40, I think ‘Bishop’ AVCF only appeared in three events.  Were these the total confirmations in 2012 when there are about 50 churches?   Why were there no confirmations sessions in the other churches?  Confirmations are annual high points in any Diocese and the churches?    How do we assess of AVCF of three out of 27 confirmations?  In the time of his predecessor, there was only one Bishop and the assist Bishop was appointed much later.  Do you think AVCF can be entitled to any bonus in 2012 be it RM20,000 or RM120,000 (unverified) for this performance?

4.                  The Menggatal Anglican Church.(MAC)
In the homepage’s directory,   MAC was listed as 27-28, 1st Floor, WTK Building, Menggatal New Township, with telephone number 088-493551.  In the newspaper advertisement of Daily Express page 31, the same church is listed at Pekan Menggatal (not clear) with telephone 493551.and this church is sited in AVCF family land bought by ADOS.  What had happened to the premises at Menggatal New Township?  Also the Christmas service was advertised as a combined service with   Telipok Anglican Church but Teleipok Anglican Church is not in the homepage’s directory.

5.                  Clergy and pastors of  ADOS
Does the ‘Bishop’ has a list of clergy and pastors in his office?  Does he know the actually number of clergy and pastors under him in ADOS.

6.                  I am doing it as it is current affairs and you are a bad administrator.  The earlier you are removed it is better for all in ADOS and beyond.

7.                  I will be issuing a final warning in another OPEN letter to the Province of Anglican Church in South East Asia’s House of Bishops.

I would appreciate a prompt reply.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Y. C. Kong


  1. Was he not rejected by some parishes to do confirmation?

    I hope the assistant Bishops and others in the know come out to clarify this?

    So why should we have such a bishop in the Diocese?

  2. Confirmations and bonus to AVCF

    According to the pictures of the 27 confirmations in DB40, I think ‘Bishop’ AVCF only appeared in three events. Were these the total confirmations in 2012 when there are about 50 churches? Why were there no confirmations sessions in the other churches? Confirmations are annual high points in any Diocese and the churches? How do we assess of AVCF of three out of 27 confirmations? In the time of his predecessor, there was only one Bishop and the assist Bishop was appointed much later. Do you think AVCF can be entitled to any bonus in 2012 be it RM20,000 or RM120,000 (unverified) for this performance?

    If AVCF asks others to do the confirmations, why is he still the Bishop.

    In our days only the Bishop and not ass Bishops do confirmation…

    So AVCF is redundant and must be remove even on this count.

    why Archbishop BL still sleeping and maybe the same feather too.

  3. as long avcf is 'bishop' ADOS is a cultic church, and congratulation to Archbishop BL not taken appropriate action.

  4. AVCF,

    Nothing is lies here.

    To prove you right to a fair pay, please produce your passports and itinerary in Sabah and beyond since 2006....

    For each trip overseas, you need to have a report.

  5. AVCF,

    If you are really accoutable to Archbishop, please show what reports you had done since 2006 to Archbishop BL.

    We want to see who are the liars not to be tolerated any more.

    What were you actually doing overseas? God knows.
