Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Has AVCF pockected RM120K for staff bonus?

See for yourself AVCF replying (bottom) to P Lee on this questioned cash for bonus.
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 5:03 AM
Subject: Do you want to post this in thetruthasc blog online?

Dear Philip,

One short sentence of judgement for AVCF, "unfit to be bishop'.
He does not know how many priests and pastors he has.  Based on
records from the internet, it is likely nearly 100 or even more.

How much can RM1-2k each for around for 100 with RM100k?

Definitely someone never get anything.

For those senior ones with more than RM5k per month
RM1k or 2k is insult to them as he stated it is one month bonus.

AVCF is still cheating without vouchers.

Do we need to call an inquiry now?

God bless ADOS.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: vunalbert <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 2:22 AM
Subject: Re:

Dear Philip,

This was done end of last year on the principle which was agreed in our salary terms n conditions, that we reward those who worked harder, n for clergy n pastors from smaller churches where no bonuses were paid.  I shared with the Stand Com.  the Treasurer n accounts staff were in the know. The Diocesan office staff were given about 1 month's pay each. The rest distributed to clergy n pastors. $1000 to $2000 each. we have 60 over clergy n pastors.  Yes, we didn't have a full name list. That was my mistake.

In the future, we will do a full name list, if we do this again. Now there is a group trying to discredit me.  I have led the best I could in the right spirit. If you don't trust me on this, I also cannot do anything now.  I'm taking time off to pray if the Lord wants me to serve someway else..

Please help to pray for the church n help to built unity.



Sent from Samsung tablet

PHILIP LEE <> wrote:
Date: 04/12/2012
To : The Right Revd. Datuk Albert Vun, Bishop of Sabah.
From: Philip Lee ( member of Christ Church)
Dear Bishop Albert Vun,
Re Accusation of Ill-gotten money
I was saddened to learn from the “The Truth” that you have, under the excuse of making payment of bonus to the clergies, cashed out RM 100,000 from the Diocese Bank Account.
It was also said that no payment voucher was issued for the recipients to acknowledge receipt of the so-called bonus payment. Don’t you realize that you have violated the accounting rule? Don’t you realize that your violation has raised doubt about your integrity—church members suspected that you have misappropriated church money?
Being a senior member in Christ Church, I have confidence in you and I do believe that the accusation against you is probably calculated to defame you. If your conscience is clear, I hope you would take action to refute the rumors by listing all the names of the recipients and the respective amount paid.
Again, I must reiterate that I have my undivided trust in you and I hope that it is not misplaced.
I look forward to receiving your explanation at your convenience.
Philip Lee of Christ Church, K.K.
Email :

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