To Bobby Tan, your appointment may be tainted by the uncouth and despicable shameful behavior of Dean Chak and BAV who show no integrity for the positions they hold and should resign immediately like their good friend, Rev Canon George Kovoor ( who has some dignity to resign after being caught). There are many accountants in the Cathedral who can give you good advise including Rosalind -unlike BAV who thinks that there is only one accountant namely Micheal Tong in the whole Diocese. No disrespect to Micheal Tong, on his professionalism but gives in to BAV too much for whatever reason. I would suggest to you that you recommend an external auditor to audit the Cathedral accounts. In fact, the Cathedral accounts are so simple that a 3 days man hours would suffice. However, it gives credence and independence. It would not cost a lot – much much cheaper than spending on the jingle lights.
Several issues you need to immediately take control and that is the signing of cheques. All cheques must have 2 signatories and one must be you, without exception. Your signatory represents the Laity as treasurer for good internal control. You are answerable to us, members of the Trust for all expenditures incurred for the advancement of God’s work on Earth especially in Sabah. No two clergies can sign cheques to pass payments. The Clergies are not our bosses. If payments are suspect such as without invoices or supporting documents or payments that are not approved by the PCC then it should not be reimbursed such as ipads given to clergies etc. Love gifts to overseas speakers are fair but not to Diocese salaried clergies as they get a salary already. You must be firm on this matter. Resign, if your conscience is not clear like a professional.
Some trivial news – Rev Canon George Kovoor, a controversial figure recently resigned as principal of Trinity College, Bristol. He was given an Honorary Canon of All Saints Cathedral by BAV in Y2010. Normally the title is given to parish clergies in the Diocese, in recognition of long and dedicated service to the Diocese. The Canon chapter plays a role in the administration of the Cathedral from which a Dean is appointed. I do not understand what George Kovoor has done to deserve a Canon.
Anyway, quote ‘ it follows an inspection report earlier this year from the Ministry Division of the Church of England which highlighted ‘serious concern about a number of governance and managerial issues’. Concerns were raised about lines of accountability, the nature and authority of the senior management team …….’ unquote. Well, well – birds of the same feather flock together!! He voluntarily resigned…when is BAV resigning?
1.Micheal Tong in collusion with
Dean Chak and BAV does not deserve such reaction.
JK - from the emails BAV is sort of involved as BAV had wanted to replace Rosalind even in AGM 2011.
2. External auditor
JK- even without amend the ASC Constitution, it is good governance to appoint an internal Audit committee especially an honorary auditor is still pending and the hon Treasurer has yet to take control of the account after more than 30 days. Also we cannot leave it too late for the honorary Treasurer to work lest the accounts become 'messy' or incomplete in entries or supporting documents.
3.No two clergies can sign cheques to
pass payments.
JK -Is that the duty of the Hon Treasurer to insist that he/she sign all cheques and if so why the Hon Treasurer has yet to see the accounts after more than 30 days meaning there were no payments made in this period since the AGM? Also I believe many cheques under acting Dean were not signed by the previous Treasurer as part of my many questions to ASC.
4. Rev Canon George Kovoor,
JK- What do we intend to do about Rev Canon George Kovoor, who is also a canon of ASC or ADOS as regards to the Cathedral Chapter which does not mention about 'removal' of Canon.
5. Michael Tong only in BAV's mind????
JK - I do not know if Michael Tong is to be appointed outside of the AGM be appropriate especially he seems to have failed to honour his promise on the rectification/verification of the Synod accounts as the new Treasurer from September 2012? Where are the many alleged'misappropriations' of fund in ADOS?
6. Settle the mess in good govenance
JK - We need to put the whole house of Synod and ASC in order as I am still awaiting the audience with Dean and PCC possibly with the attendance of the hon Auditor of ASC.
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