Saturday, April 27, 2013

Some emails to top leaders on the Deanary as empty on 6th Dec 2012

--------- Forwarded message ----------
Joshua Kong <>
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 10:48 AM
Subject: What is next for the ASC Deanery 'theft"?
To: "Most Rev. Bolly Lapok" <>, Lambeth Palace <>, canonmoon Ng <>,, Ping Chung Yong <>, Bishop chen fah <>, Tais Bishop Melter <>,, John Yeo <>,, James Chhoa <>, Rev Thiam Choy <>, "" <>, 2Ps Stella Lo <>, stella lo <>, Moses Chin <>

Dear Archbishops, bishops and others and also in bcc.

[Please extend a copy to the Facilitator Bishop Moses Tay and Commissary Rev Herbert Tong]

Further to my demand for action on the ‘theft’ at the All Saints’ Cathedral’s Deanery when the illegal occupants ‘Rev’ P Lo Vui Chong of (NRIC 550609-12-5441) and pastor S Lo [Yek Zhu Gyn@Stella Yek Ann Ann of (NRIC 670331-12-5426)  left  on 6th December, 2012.

The ‘theft’ or loss of the very much furnishing  in the Deanery was confirmed at the ASC AGM on 24th March, 2013 under the chairmanship of new Dean Very Rev Chak Sen Fen who was installed on 6th January, 2013.  This question was raised by Mr Wong Vui Yin at the AGM.  I had also raised the same question amongst many in a written mode one week before the AGM for answers at the AGM but it was reject by Dean Chak who wanted to give me an audience after the AGM.  Two weeks after the AGM, the audience is still pending.

The ‘theft’ took place under the acting Dean Albert Vun Chong Fui of NRIC H0282185/ 561202-12-5507 who also called himself the Dean who held office until 6th January, 2013.

Why nobody cares for the church’s God money and public fund incurred for the Deanery since it was first completed and occupied in 2000?  A full report should be prepared by the Cathedral especially for the period 2006 till 6th December, 2012 after the first occupant Dean Koo and family left in early 2006.  All records of expenditure for  the Deanery by ASC should be maintained properly for at least 7 years.

I hope the new Honorary Treasurer also practicing attorney from ASC AGM 2013 together with the previous Treasurer both Chartered Accountants would now compile a full reports on the expenditure in 2006 until 2012. [just received a mail from Bobby Tan] In 2006, the acting Dean did move into the Deanery for a few months when the massive renovation, refurbishment and extension of the Bishop Lodge was carried out.  The actual cost of this project on the Bishop Lodge is itself a major issue.  When AVCF moved out for the forced Sabbatical leave for 6 month in February, 2013 from the Bishop, the inventory issue was also brought up in the blog.  Are the new items of up to RM1m still intact in Bishop Lodge?  Please show us the records.

How many are concerned with the ongoing ‘thefts’ in ADOS vis-à-vis ASC?

Unless the people in authority do something about the alleged ‘thefts’, can I allege that you are all aiding and abetting thefts in the Anglican church?  This cannot be hidden anymore and I am just the whistleblower after the confirmation of ‘theft’ in the ASC AGM.

I have given the full names and identity cards’ number for the purpose of lodging Police Report by those who are in authority in the Anglican church so that a full report from ASC would be available.  Those who are so ‘desperate’ to be elected into the new PCC of ASC at the recent AGM  to serve God and not himself/herself or any human being should show your jest and sincerity now to right all the wrong doings in ADOS vis-à-vis ASC for the years since 2006 when much frauds had been committed.  You all know that the Wrath of God can arise anytime now.
Don’t blame me as the whistleblower but I am still waiting for the pending meeting with the new Dean and his committee on all my up to 100 questions on the rottenness of ASC vis-à-vis ADOS when ASC has been the major contributor to the Diocese of Sabah which is now deemed the ‘robber’.as legalized by the defective Constitutions of ASC and ADOS.  The acting Dean AVCF had simply abused both Constitutions.

The Bible in Malachi 3 tells us to bring the tithes and donations to the church for sharing and instead most of it siphoned off by the  ADOS in the diocesan assessment hence ADOS and the Bishop are deemed the ‘robber’ as Malachi also want the believers against robbing God.  Whatever we look at this, God is robbed in Sabah Anglican churches.

In the Dean Chak’s Devotion and Report for the ASC AGM 2013, the Dean wrote  connecting with God in crisis – “Therefore we don not lose heart…For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen and on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”  (2Cor 4:16-18).

How do we connect with God in crisis in this ‘theft’ and robbing God in the Deanery and the Diocesan Assessment both now seen (only two examples amongst many in ASC and ADOS)?  If no action is taken, then it become ‘unseen’ deliberate distortion or denial hence fitting for eternal damnation for all in the know as per verse above.  Some would say forgive and forget them but what would God says?  God save us now.

How do you want to speak up now?

If you do not speak up now for fear of man, not fear God as per Anita Moorjani in her best selling book “Dying to be me” in 28 languages [ ], then the ADOS already in cancer now would be destroyed soon.  The first to perish would be the mother church All Saints’ Cathedral of 101 years as I believe the Trojan Horse with his gang is already in the move to ‘transfer’ the land of ASC ground discreetly for personal gains under all guise of unjustifiable temptation of getting questionable “40,000 acres’ of little value in wilderness.  Surely someone can confirm this.

 There is a Chinese say “Sai Sai tail chim, thai loi tail kim”  or “Small children steal needle and grown up steal gold”

So what is your conscience now to fear God or man?  STOP the biggest theft in ADOS and ASC for now or to be damned forever.

Take heed - Don’t say later, you are not aware of that. 

God bless those who stand up for God as those who bless Israel would be blessed.

Joshua Y. C. Kong


---------- Forwarded message ----------
chak sen fen sen fen <>
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 6:01 PM
Subject: RE: What is next for the ASC Deanery 'theft"?
To: Joshua Kong <>, "Most Rev. Bolly Lapok" <>, Lambeth Palace <>, canonmoon Ng <>, "" <>, "" <>, chenfah&mida <>, Tais Bishop Melter <>, "" <>, john Yeo <>, "" <>, James Chhoa <>, YONG Thiam Choi <>, "" <>, stella lo <>, Moses Chin <>

Dear Joshua,

As the Dean of ASC, I want to correct you by saying that "nobody cares about the church money". I also want to correct your accusation that the AGM confirmed the loss of furniture in the deanery. Someone brought up the issue including you and Dr James responded and I mentioned that the deanery was not empty.

I got a letter from Rev Philip explained that he brought all their furniture from Tawau. A list of furniture and loose equipment and fixtures that was left in the Deanery was attached and witnessed by our Administrator on Dec 7, 2012.

I will clarify the issue in our next PCC meeting. As the request of our last PCC, some of us will be meeting you. Please wait for the suitable time.

"The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked" (Pro 10:11)

Dean Chak

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