Friday, April 26, 2013

More and more Archbishops are mired in dirt of AVCF and gang

A Scandalous Plot – Part I

This article is published in 中文 & Bahasa Malaysia.
Dean Chak Sen Fen’s appointment and the departure of Bishop Albert Vun, Philip Lo and Stella Lo from All Saints Cathedral brought an immediate truce. Many were hopeful this would free ASC from BAV’s meddling and manipulation, that Chak would gather the local leaders and together chart the way forward for ASC. The people wanted BAV to butt out of the day-to-day running of ASC and her direction. One of the biggest fracture points during BAV’s reign at ASC was the lack of boundaries between the Diocesan and ASC affairs. The two were one in many cases as BAV controlled both. ASC funds were lifted for Diocesan projects, rising Cathedral’s deficit further. The members also aspire to take ownership of ASC’s vision and direction once again, instead of being dictated by BAV’s whims, fancies and ego.
With Chak’s appointment as Dean, we hope to turn a new leaf at ASC. There are certainly reasons to be hopeful as Dean Chak was a humble, hardworking and honest clergy during his days at ASC many years ago. Early signs were good. Chak appointed James Chhoa and the PCC to improve the voting system for the AGM. Despite controversy of pastoral staff campaigning for certain candidates, Chak was spared from criticisms as he was away in the Holy Land until 3 days before the AGM.
It appears that BAV is out of the picture and Chak is steering ASC away from deception, manipulation & tyrannical era of his predecessor, ushering her into a new chapter where ASC will be led by transparency, accountability and teamwork.  This is the general perception of Chak.
At the Diocesan level, Bishop Moses Tey  is in town to facilitate the way forward. Hurting and frustrated members finally found a pair of listening ears from the Province, our first ever Archbishop no less. While his reasonings and theology is not easily understood, many reckon he is neutral and just. The medical doctor’s analytical skills can surely be counted upon to recognize the symptoms, identify the root cause and prescribe the right treatment. He assures everyone  he is neutral and he seeks God’s way forward. Hard not to believe a former Archbishop.
If you share such perception of Dean Chak and Bishop Moses Tey, then what you are about to read next will challenge and likely overturn those perceptions.
Thanks to an anonymous whistleblower, this blog has obtained copies of emails by BAV and Dean Chak.
Email from Dean Chak to Bishop Albert Vun
Dean Chak Sen Fen's email to Bishop Albert Vun
The authenticity of these emails is certain, however Dean Chak and Bishop Albert Vun are welcome to challenge it if they disagree. The repercussions of these correspondences is far reaching. Here are the vital issues and questions:
1. Dean Chak claims to know who Bishop Moses Tey has been meeting and BMT’s opinion of those he has met with.Weren’t the meetings of various members with Bishop Moses Tey private & confidential? Did Bishop Moses Tey breach confidentiality? Did Bishop Moses Tey allege James Chhoa, Clarence Fu and Rosalind Liew of planning to “dominate the PCC” of All Saints Cathedral? What did Bishop Moses Tey say that gives Dean Chak the impression they “began to see the dark side of this group”? To be fair, we have only read what Dean Chak claimed to have happened. Bishop Moses Tey deserves the opportunity to clarify. I cannot believe the former Archbishop and a representative from the Provincial House of Bishops can be so indiscreet, impartial and bias. So please do not jump into any conclusions until we hear from him. Bishop Moses Tey, this blog is happy to publish your clarification.
2. Dean Chak ONLY asked the BM and Chinese congregations to be proactive in the AGM. Why only these congregations? Isn’t he the Dean of all the congregations? Is he trying to pit the BM and Chinese congregations against the English congregation?
3. Dean Chak shared with BAV his plan to disqualify certain candidates during the final PCC meeting. While a clergy cannot be elected as a PCC member, Rev. Clarence Fu is no longer a Diocesan staff nor licensed to minister in ADOS. While he had resigned from the Diocese, his ordination as a priest is a lifelong calling; that is why he is still called Rev. Fu unless he is defrocked. The constitution is clear that Fu, as a member of ASC, is eligible to be elected as a PCC member just like any other ASC members. Dean Chak’s email showed his bias and perhaps a personal agenda. The more important question is how did so many in the Chinese congregation also shared Dean Chak’s doubt and bias against Rev. Fu’s eligibility? How did this doubt spread from a single email to so many?
4. As the Dean, all nomination forms come back to him. With this information, he engineered his staff’s brother to contest against the incumbent treasurer. This was done behind the veneer of piousness and appearance of impartiality. Will it be accurate to call this HYPOCRISY?
What was BAV’s response to Chak’s email? Was it true he manipulated the election? Who is in charge of ASC? The Dean or BAV?
What is hidden will soon be revealed. Find out tomorrow night, 8pm when A Scandalous Plot – Part II goes LIVE.

My comments are :-

1.  Is George Lim an ASC member?

2.  Bobby Tan wants to be the new Treasurer but unable to give me answers to all my many questions.

3.  Actually the question of Rev Clarence Fu to stand for office already settled in the the last PCC before the AGM and yet this issue was raised by a young man.  The Dean should not allow this question as it is outside the Agenda of the ASC AGM.  This is the real troublemarking for the young man to ask this issue.   Yet many people tried to answer this questions when it is a personal VENDETTA.

4.  I wanted to ask those questions already presented in writing for the AGM and yet the Dean told me that my questions would be answered in a separate session to be arranged and today after more than a month, I hear nothing from the Dean.

5.  It is a surprise that AVCF has said he likes the PBS Candidate for P190 where Datuk Mary Yapp is standing and why the Dean is so busy to give me the meeting as he said it to the members at the ASC AGM on 24th March, 2013  and I hope he is also not involved with the campaign in Tawau for the Board Director of the ADOS Educational Board.

6.  Why Paul Chong never refused to continue auditor before and now ?  Paul Chong should also try to answer my many questions of ASC from 2006 -2012 as the auditor.  So is Paul absconding from his duty but he was reported to be 'manipulating' the accounts of possibly ADOS and ASC  in the blogs and yet Paul kept silent about these allegations by more than one posters.

7.  As the Honoury Auditor had no faith in the correctness of the accounts of ASC for 6 years, a full review must be carried out so the acting Dean must be made to be accountable for the "THEFT" of God's money etc...

8.  The Deanery issue of nearly empty of furniture on 6th December, 2012 is still drawing a blank.  Why the thieves are allowed to go free in ASC?  No Police Reports and nobody is held to be responsible.  It is still the responsibility of the acting Dean for non performance of his duty in ASC.

9.  Would God really allow BISHOPGATE to be resolved by the Facilitator and Commisary?


<><><> update
So now what else for HT after the betrayal of BMT,
Good to remind us here of HT----
February 26, 2013 - 3:30 pm member

Please ask ‘listen’.He posted his remarks about HT on Feb 19 2013 at 10.57am in Blog Bishop AV goes international.
March 1, 2013 - 8:05 am Liaten.

For the information of all Anglicans & part of context of conversation as follows,
a/.HT said, 7.30 am English Parishioners were trouble makers & very judgemental.
b/.HT said, BAV didn’t not take a single cent from ASC & ADOS.
( HT, where did the cash money came from on the Sulaiman Mansion cash purchased ?
were those money came from all the love gifts engagements overseas & in particular
from the rich Indoinesian lady ? ).
c/.HT said, Priests don’t have to be poor & why questioned the 2nd. Condo purchased ?
( Were BAV not abusing & plundering God’s money for 2nd. Condo purchased done
registered under his personal name without seeking Standing Comm. approval ).
d/.HT said, attendance throughout ADOS is growing & ASC 7,30′s congregation was only a very
portion of the Diocese.
( HT, were all these figures on attandance been grossly inflated to shows growth &
were the Celrgy not cheating God ? ).
The above was said by HT during the 3rd. day of a CNY gathering of over 50 family members & HT was
wearing a grey long sleve shirt. A group photo was taken & HT was standing on 2nd.last roll on the right.
To all my friends at ASC, I leave it to you to assess whether HT has been too bias & impartial . Does he
still has the moral & creditability to preach in our pulpits ?

The plan already done by AVCF to come back and sack CSF and instal either P. Lo or himself as acting dean after the messier thing done by BMT and HT.
Maybe by then the land of ASC sited is sold…

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