Bishop’s Message
We praise God for the Diocesan Golden Jubilee Celebration on 24th July,
2012. The anniversary celebration began with a symbolic ground breaking of
a RM30m House of Celebration Project consisting of a 3000-seater sanctuary,
a training school and a multi-storey car-park. Both Fund raising and
application for approval for the building plans are now in process. Phase
One of the project will commence when the applications are approved. This
is a Diocesan faith project with the next generation and leaders in mind as
we step into the next 50 years and beyond.
The celebration was followed by the Jubilee Thanksgiving Service at All
Saints’ Cathedral. We praise God that more than 2000 people packed the
Cathedral to give thanks for God’s faithfulness and love for His people. The
service began with the blowing of shofars (trumpet) followed by exuberant
praise and worship. The Cathedral Choir and Children Choir also added to
the jubilation. Bishop Vun encouraged the whole Diocese to continue
moving in the power of the Holy Spirit, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
possess the Favor of the Lord as Jubilee people entering a new beginning.
Among the Heads of Churches and dignitaries present were The Most Revd
Datuk Bolly Lapok (Archbishop of the Province of South East Asia) and The
Most Revd Paul Kwong (Archbishop of the Province of Hong Kong), Diocesan
Bishops of the South East Asia Province, representatives of missionary
agencies and Senior Pastors and leaders of local churches in Kota Kinabalu.
A contingent of over 700 leaders and members from the interior churches of
Sabah were also present.
The anniversary celebration ended with a Jubilee Thanksgiving Dinner at
Magellan Sutera Grand Ballroom. Again the evening was filled with 1220
members and guests throughout the Diocese and overseas. Those present also
witnessed the launching of The Diocese of Sabah 1962-2012 History Book
which captures the humble beginnings of Diocese of Sabah to where it is
today. Another highlight of the night was the cheque presentation of “seed
offering” towards the House of Celebration. The offerings together with the
offering taken at the Jubilee Thanksgiving Service amount to RM910,213.15.
The night was further graced with celebration and thanksgiving with dances
and songs presented by all three archdeaconries including a special finale
by the clergy. It was truly a night of great joy and thanksgiving.
We give the highest praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for His promise and
faithfulness that “(He) will build His church and the gates of Hades will not
prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18b). We also thank all His faithful people
who have served sacrificially to the glory of God. Let us all move in zeal and
faith into the next 50 years and beyond!
--- by Bishop John Yeo ---
Note: Please make your Cheque payable to St. Patrick Church (FCC)
my comment---
Why pay to St Patrick church (FCC) when it is a joint venture of ASC and Anglican Diocese of Sabah?
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