Saturday, October 6, 2012

Big LIES, LIES, LIES by avcf

Diocesan Bulletin  - Issue No. 39 Oct 2012
Message from the Bishop
The Rt Rev Datuk Albert Vun
For almost a year now, there are people claiming to be concerned Anglicans who anonymously post all kind of things on the Internet.  All the things they have posted are factually untrue and destructive. They challenged us to answer this and that and when we did not, they claimed that what they alleged were true. I decided not to discuss our church matters on the Internet with people who do not take responsibility for what they post, who dare not put their names behinds their words, but to bring all things before the Lord in prayer.  I was learning from Moses to bring the complaints before the Lord.  We have invited them to meet with us – to see how we can solve whatever the problems were – but they did not.  They could meet with our Standing Committee but they did not.  Even when we tried to explain some of their

Allegations in issuing pastoral letters and in the open session in our recent Synod, our attempts were twisted and ridiculed.  The House of Bishops had issued some recommendations through a pastoral letter from the Archbishop, I have decided to submit to the recommendations.
The way to resolve conflict is not through signing petitions, stirring up dissent or spreading words that we hear from others. So much time and energy have been stolen from us

[Extracts from the message]
The real position is as follows:-
1.     The problem was brewing since AVCF assume Bishop in 2006, first with the replacement of the staff at the diocese and ASC.
2.    What are posted although anonymous are largely true according to an online survey.
3.    What had been posted about the acting Dean and All Saints’ Cathedral were confirmed true in the ASC AGM 2012.  As a result of that, I had prepared a long list of items which had been part of my Statement of Claims in the High Court case.  AVCF just refused to answer them one by one, except come up with a dubious Defence on 27th September, 2012 with a guilty denial.
4.    Most were anonymous, but a few were not including  myself and Mr. William Thien.  I had written to the AVCF with AR Register letters, emails, faxes, but none of them acknowledged by AVCF and his gang.  Too true for AVCF to deny in writing.
5.    What a BIG lie “.  We have invited them to meet with us – to see how we can solve whatever the problems were – but they did not. “. 
6.    What another BIG lie “.  They could meet with our Standing Committee but they did not.”
7.    What another BIG lie “Even when we tried to explain some of their allegations in issuing pastoral letters and in the open session in our recent Synod, our attempts were twisted and ridiculed. “ Where is the OPEN session in the ILLEGAL Synod?
8.    Where is the letter of the Archbishop signed by AVCF?
9.    Another BIG lie “, I have decided to submit to the recommendations.”  And so far nothing implemented in the separation of power of  ASC and the Diocese of Sabah. (still onemanshow)
10.                       I spoke so much at the ASC AGM 2012 including calling AVCF as ‘one-man-show’ which was considered by the illegal Chairman aka illegal Rector as ‘defamatory’, yet it was accepted by AVCF.

So AVCF, why you left out the Civil Case of mine against you in the above message?  Scared of the TRUTH I have shown you in the very bulky Court Documents.

My advice to you AVCF is to resign and face me in the Court for the merits of my case.

Joshua Y. C. Kong


  1. The godfather who is protecting the Trojan Horse is very rich as he had tricked many people for very cheap land.

    So the Trojan Horse may find himself cheated by the land grabber as ADOS has a fairly low priced land bank.

    When that happen the whole ADOS and members would be cheated but too late to take any action.

    Now time is running out and STOP the land grabber and only Trojan Horse get some cash in the land deal.

  2. How can BIG LIES be mixed with some Biblical verses in the same message?

  3. My advice to you AVCF is to resign and face me in the Court for the merits of my case.

    If AVCF does not resign, the church money, time would be further abused to defend an indefensible case which the root cause of AVCF himself and his gang.

  4. Look at it in this new light.
    APSEA had given a letter (not yet seen) to AVCF to sign, AVCF confirmed he had signed.

    We know the pastoral letter by APSEA dated 18 September, 2012 has an underlying ingredients of 38 items
    of 'crimes' of AVCF. If that is so, why is AVCF let off with a letter as signed.

    Since that APSEA letter to AVCF signed on 11th September, 2012 and today is 8th October, 2012 and nothing has been
    done by AVCF to address what he had signed.

    So what would anyone is given a 'show cause' letter, and the next thing is the SACK.

    But we want restoration and restitution of the 'crimes' of AVCF immediately.

    So the petition is a good thing and the civil court method is still better.

  5. What is House of Bishops of APSEA waiting?

    Waiting for the total ruins of ADOS and this is contagious for the Anglican Province?

    The Trojan Horse is just waiting to strike and that is too late.

    I have posted many times..and God knows whose side are the HoBs on.
