Saturday, October 27, 2012

A prophecy on "So Chai" in AVCF  by Caleb

Monday, 30 April 2012


The crisis in ASC today is the result of what God said on 18th December, 2005 "The devil is eyeing to take over ASC, rebuke, resist him in JESUS' NAME" But ASC didn't obey God.

God says - when Albert Vun destroyed the two Altars in ASC he opened up a door for a powerful demon named "So Chai" (mad man) to enter him causing him to destroy the church.  More demonic doors were opened when AV. desobeyed God's specific commandments - 1. not to sell land to Freemason 2. to walk, not run.

God says, AV is not sincere in his heart. He lies all the time. He does not know he has been deceived by the devil.  That powerful demon inside him is controlling, making him do many many things to ruin, to destroy the church. He did many many things contrary to the will of God - holding two positions, caused many priests / pastors to resign, selling God's land, denying the dead of burial, using fear to control people, wasteful spending of God's money, God reveals that Bishop house is demons infested, demons do not want to be disturbed, Kokol and Celebration Centre are unholy.

God says Yong Thiam Choi, Stella and others who obey AV are actually obeying the demon who gives the instructions.  And those following think they serve God, in actual fact they are serving the demon. 

Listen, and be warned, whoever you are, whether you are Assistant Bishops, Priests / Pastors, office staff, security guards, PCC, Standing Committes, Ordinary Christians etc, etc - you must repent before God and men and turn from your wicked ways.  If not God will spit you out.

Those who attended ASC 7.30am service on 18th December, 2005 must also repent.

Albert Vun, you must repent before God, and before men and turn from your evil and wicked ways.  If not God will punish you severely and spit you out.

As your act of repentance, I now command you to appoint Moses Chin to be Dean of ASC, stop denying the dead of burial, cancel Celebration Centre, open Bishop house to parishioners, transfer Yong Thiam Choi and Stella away from Kota Kinabalu, re-instate Clarence Fu and Raymond Chin, cancel Director of projects, stop travelling outside Malaysia for one year, no more selling God's land / Properties, no more larvish spending, thus says the LORD.

JK's comments ----

Now you can this "So Chai" in AVCF writing a rubbiish in ASC sheet unheaded and undated after Meltar Jiki Tai wrote an apology on 25th October, 2012.

Both mails seem to be similar - a crazy thing to do without any solution.

"I go; I go - I resign after the apologies"



    To all church members who attended the dialogue at All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu on Monday, 15th October 2012.

    Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


    With reference to the above, I wish to admit that I got my fact wrong when I said that Bishop Datuk Albert Vun did not mention the name of the five complainants nor use the word ‘traitors’ during the Diocesan Revival Congress in Telupid in May this year. I did not purposely defend Bishop Datuk Albert Vun nor to deny the truth or to lie. I was merely saying what I could recall that night. However, upon verifying with my church staff in Telupid, It was reported to me that during Bishop Datuk Albert Vun meeting with the clergy, pastors and evangelists at the cafeteria in one afternoon, he did mention the names of the five complainants. However, they could not remember whether the word ‘traitors’ was used or not. Following this, I immediately called one of the complainants on Wednesday, 17th October, at 9.49am to admit my mistake and tendered my sincere apology before going to attend a funeral service in one village and to attend to the dialogue held at the Church of the Good Shepherd in the evening. The next day, I tendered my written apology to the five complainants via email.

    In view of the above, I humbly admit my mistake and tender my sincere apology to every one of you who attended the dialogue held at All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu last Monday night. Your gracious acceptance of my apology and your forgiveness are greatly appreciated. It is my hope and prayer that the Lord will fill our hearts with HIS love and to allow HIM to bring forgiveness, healing and reconciliation among us, so that we could fully focus in our worship of HIM and to continue serving HIM faithfully to the glory of HIS name.

    May our good Lord richly bless each one of you.

    Yours in Christ Jesus,
    Bishop Melter. J. Tais

  2. From Bishop Albert Vun

    Warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus.

    Last week, some standing committee members and I had dialogues with members of churches in KK, Sandakan, Tawau, to help clear up some matters faced by our Diocese at this time. In the course of our dialogue, some members have expressed that , as a bishop, have come across as proud or lacking in compassion. I would like to assure all our members that my heart is always to love our church, both the urban and the interior, and to grow our churches to be strong local churches each contributing to extend God's kingdom through effective evangelism and good works. I want to offer my sincere apology to our members, if in mobilizing the vision of our Diocese, I have hurt you in any way, I humbly ask you to forgive me.

    At the KK meeting on Monday, I was asked if I had named the 5 complainants, who lodged complaints to the Archbishop, at the private meeting with our clergy and evangelists in May 2012. I truly do not remember if I had named the 5 complainants and called them "traitors". But one of our pastors later informed us she remembered I did. I want to take full responsibility for wht I have done and said, I offer to the 5 complainants my sincere and unreserved apology. I humbly ask for their forgiveness.

    I am not perfect. But I have tried my best to serve and to lead our church as Diocesan Bishop in the last 6 years, looking to the for direction and courage to break through new grounds. None of us want see our church divided and we all want to seek reconciliation and peace in our church. I am asking all of us to do our part to build up the church. Let us forgive one another and grow in love. For the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us learn to speak the truth in love to one another openly and honestly. We do need to give time and opportunities for the leadership to resolve the problems through proper channels and in the spirit of Christian love and grace.

    The Rt Rev Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui.

  3. AVCF and gang is the trojan horse trying to destroy ADOS for personal gains.

    He is toying with time using small items when the assets of ADOS would be lost forever and BISHOPGATE is what is all about.

    AVCF has to come to the table with full solutions including all the records and then restitution of the stolen wealth from ADOS so far and as far as the days he was the Rector in Church of Good Samaritan in the late 1980s...

    Unless he is prepared for that, he has to resign and the law takes it course.

  4. If AVCF could not remember what he said in May 2012,

    If MJT also could not remember what was said by AVCF in May, 2012,

    If JY also did not clarify what AVCF said in May 2012 in Telupid in a public event,

    then all three are unsound minds, infirmity of the minds and should be remove from their high positions in ADOS.

    It is not child play after they have stolen or allow to have stolen so much money without accountability in six years of Bishopship of AVCF.

    Has the Archbishop of APSEA any sense of direction in this crisis?

  5. why no apologies for a few amongst many issues?

    Is John Yeo to follow up with this case of 5 and for lodging a FALSE Police report on me on 23rd July, 2012?

    All three bishops are rotten to the core and no excuse now as the issue of apologies is long overdue.

    What about Yong TC stating that I was the reason for bringing Police to the church on 29th August, 2012 in an email reply to the member William Thien? Should he find a scapegoat on me when they habitually lodged Police Reports and the Police don’t believe them even they hold high office. They themselves are worried of their own shadows going after them for ordaining ‘illegal’ person.

  6. nothing to do any more with "So Chai"

    My comments here are not exhaustive --

    My comments:- [this is very serious matters ]

    From Bishop Albert Vun

    JK:-- This is untitled or unheaded and undated and so he could deny it.

    Warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus.

    Last week, some standing committee members and I had dialogues with members of churches in KK, Sandakan, Tawau, to help clear up some matters faced by our Diocese at this time.

    JK – If it is with the Standing Committee, the Diocesan Chancellor should not be in the front line and he should be from the floor.

    In Sandakan and Tawau, could that be considered dialogues or forums where AVCF dominated the events. Only less than 20% of the church matters are raised and nothing in writing. Why there is no recordings in St Patrick church, Tawau? Everything is not in order in all three events with such short notices. A lot of work still need to be followed up by the exhibition of documents. The ADOS accounts are still subject to much clarification with documentary evidence.

    In the course of our dialogue, some members have expressed that , as a bishop, have come across as proud or lacking in compassion. I would like to assure all our members that my heart is always to love our church, both the urban and the interior, and to grow our churches to be strong local churches each contributing to extend God's kingdom through effective evangelism and good works.

    JK- This is just a meaningless expression to deceive the members. Please show with reports as how to grow the churches to be strong when AVCF has singlehandly destroyed he church aided by some accomplices for hidden agenda. What has been built up by a century of hard works and much sacrifice of early priests and community etc has been destroyed by AVCF in six years. Even the Bishop’s Lodge is out of bound for Christmas OPEN house since 2006. Please list out your itinerary as a bishop of sabah since 2006.

    I want to offer my sincere apology to our members, if in mobilizing the vision of our Diocese, I have hurt you in any way, I humbly ask you to forgive me.

    JK- The hurt is irreparable and needless to go on as Bishop of Sabah. It is not only the members had been offended grievously but also God knows what is going on. There are lots of much more important devastation issues that need to be address. No such thing as one glove fits all and think all is over and actually this is only the glimpse of the beginning to resolve BISHOPGATE. AVCF, take note - as this is taking too long, we can resolve BISHOPGATE without you and your gang. But leave all those ill gotten gains with the ADOS before you go.

    At the KK meeting on Monday, I was asked if I had named the 5 complainants, who lodged complaints to the Archbishop, at the private meeting with our clergy and evangelists in May 2012. I truly do not remember if I had named the 5 complainants and called them "traitors".

    JK – all this shit nobody would buy unless you have your head checked with Hospital Mesra Bukit Padang for your own good and also bring along with you assistant Bishop Meltar J Tais and John Yeo.

    But one of our pastors later informed us she remembered I did. I want to take full responsibility for what I have done and said, I offer to the 5 complainants my sincere and unreserved apology. I humbly ask for their forgiveness.

    JK – Name the pastor please so that she can give a “Testimony” like Pastor Sonia did over the death of late Rev Dais Rukaman. No more scheming and wayang (shadow play). This is exactly what Meltar did for his apology. Hence it is not acceptable as it also confirms infirmity of the mind.

    (part 1 of 2)

  7. part 2

    I am not perfect. But I have tried my best to serve and to lead our church as Diocesan Bishop in the last 6 years,

    JK- If you are not perfect, then don’t use the term “I am Bishop” and “It is my prerogative” to act abusing the Constitution for the proper running of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah and All Saints’ Cathedral. This “I am not perfect” is a sham to cover your ‘crimes’ so much already confirmed as committed by you and you try to plead innocence with evil intent, bad faith, malice to yourself, instigate your cronies to follow your “criminal” ways and very vindictive habit to make you fall in the Satanic ways. All already exposed.

    looking to the for direction and courage to break through new grounds.

    JK- what new grounds? In the new grounds in the interior of 40,000 acres of jungle land swapped with prime land of ADOS with total losses to ADoS and you become loaded with ill gotten gains. Come clean AVCF. The rumours have been around far too long. How would you find the money to develop distant wilderness land when the prime land are gone? Please confirm that the sale proceeds of Likas land has not been abused.

    None of us want see our church divided

    JK- AVCF is the divisive factor in so many known areas such as PCC, church offices, standing committee and the Diocesan Synod where delegates are your rubber stamp approving the rotten ADOS accounts in September, 2012 despite the glaring management letter of the Honorary Auditor when the accounts done by AVCF and ‘manipulated’ by the treasurer is nothing but a scam. See how AVCF behaved in three events on 15th October, 17th October and 18th Oct with great discrepancies as far the accounts were concerned.

    and we all want to seek reconciliation and peace in our church.
    JK- Since the Pastoral letter of the Archbishop Datuk Bolly Lapok dated 18th September, what have AVCF done to put the house of ADOS in order. You think the Archbishop is in your pocket after some sweets, cries, cash and issuing such a decision in breach of the Constitution of the Province and AVCF careless about it. In actually fact if AVCF is serious on the BISHOPGATE he should have cancelled all his programmes near and far to deal with the decision laid out in the said pastoral letter. So far none has been done construed as challenging such decision because AVCF thinks he is beyond reproach and he is the only “anointed by God” as his cronies tell us “don’t touch him” when he is under the influence of “So Chai” as per word of knowledge published by Caleb. How to find peace real peace in ADOS?

    I am asking all of us to do our part to build up the church. Let us forgive one another and grow in love. For the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us learn to speak the truth in love to one another openly and honestly.

    JK – another deception so often used by AVCF and his gang trying to buy Time and time is running out for ADOS and the earlier AVCF resigns the better. If not AVCF must be removed. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

    to be continued --

  8. part 3 ---

    We do need to give time and opportunities for the leadership to resolve the problems through proper channels and in the spirit of Christian love and grace.

    JK – No need to be given any more time but hand over your keys of the offices, store, and vehicles plus all the important documents of the ADOS and we will take care of the valuable of the church as the legacy belong to all sincere and loving members and beneficiaries of the ADOS. The proper channels have all lapsed and futile. The three recent socalled dialogues meaningless to solve BISHOPGATE. Instead more problems have arisen as most things said thereof were not verifiable. Instead more blame on others had surfaced. AVCF and MJT have to rely on others to recalled the naming of the 5 as “traitors” only a few months ago. No amount of apologies going to solve the crisis and apologies can be a tool to destroy ADOS with time running out fast.

    The Rt Rev Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui.

    General comments—

    Get out “So Chai” in the most holy name of Lord Jesus Christ.

    Get out AVCF, in the name of the peace in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Get out MJT, in the name of the truth in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Get out JY, in the name of harmony without bouncers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The load of the BISHOPGATE is really too much to be resolved with a few long overdue socalled apologies.

    It is only the start of the threshold to resolve BISHOPGATE. God help us.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Don't give AVCF, MJT and JY any more time as time is the tool to destroy ADOS in some ways to get ill gotten gains.

    Act fast, remove them and their cronies..

    See how the dialogue in KK on 15th October was such a shame and sham.. another chance to LIE all round.

    See how the dialogue in Sandakan when the villian AVCF turned hero for a few hours on 17th October.

    See how the crook JY brought in the bouncer into St Patrick's Church in Tawau on 18th October.

    See how YTC - the Rector of ASC brought in the Police and of course with the sanction of AVCF..

    See how JY lodged a false Police Report against me on 23rd July, 2012,

    See how YTC blamed for me for the reason to bringing in Police to ASC on 29th Aug, 2012.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This was not published by AVCF, MJT and JY==


    We, the Rt. Rev. Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui, the Rt Rev. Melter Tais Jiki and the Rt Rev. John Yeo, bishops of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah, Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia jointly state as follows :-

    1. At the Dialogue held at All Saint’s Cathedral on 15th October 2012 between members of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Sabah and the Parishioners of the Anglican Churches in Kota Kinabalu and the West Coast of Sabah, a specific assertion was made by a speaker that it was wrong, unacceptable and unwarranted to individually name the Complainants as ‘Traitors’ at one of the unofficial sessions of the Bahasa Malaysia Revival Congress at Telupid towards the end of May 2012.

    2. In response to this assertion Datuk Bishop Albert Vun and Bishop Melter Tais had at the Dialogue vehemently denied :-

    (a) naming the 5 Complainants individually by their names, and

    (b) using the term ‘Traitors’ to describe the 5 Complainants.

    This denial was clearly audible and heard by the over 400 Parishioners who were present at the Dialogue.

    3. It is now established clearly beyond any doubt after the Dialogue that the denial on naming the 5 Complainants individually by their names was totally untrue.

    In other words, all 5 of them were indeed named individually at that unofficial session of the Bahasa Malaysia Revival Congress.

    4. It is further realized by us the undersigned as the top echelon of the leaders in the Anglican Diocese of Sabah that the denial was also totally unwarranted and inappropriate, giving rise to wide-spread conclusion on the part of many Parishioners that the top leaders had not spoken the truth inside All Saint’s Cathedral on that night, 15th October 2012.

    As the top leaders and servants of God in this Diocese, we now wish to state that it was very wrong and inappropriate to have made the denial which has caused so much hurt, distress, shock and wide-spread bewilderment to the 5 Complainants and parishioners present at the Dialogue.

    Accordingly, we now hereby tender our sincere, unconditional and unreserved apology to:-

    (a) Rev. Clarence Fu and Dr. James Chhoa who came out to speak on this specific matter and who graciously withheld the names of those who could have come forward to confirm that there was indeed the naming of the 5 Complainants. As a result of their graciousness, they have suffered embarrassment in the face of the denial.

    (b) The 5 Complainants, on the deep-seated hurt and distress that have been inflicted on them through the naming of all 5 of them on that occasion in Telupid and more particularly, when the denial was made on the night of the Dialogue.

    (c) The whole Anglican Diocese of Sabah and especially to those present at the Dialogue for the wrongful denial on our part that has caused shock, disgust, confusion, unbelief, bewilderment and most materially, the perception that our spiritual leaders are Liars.

    In conclusion, we further wish to state and undertake categorically that we will not repeat the same mistake as to speak or assert any untruth nor to allow nor encourage any servants of God to do likewise in all Diocesan communications actions and ministries.

    May the Almighty God, our creator, author and perfector of our faith reign in our Diocese of Sabah.

    Dated this 28th day of October 2012.

    The Rt. Rev, Datuk Bishop Albert Vun Cheong Fui, The Rt. Rev. Bishop Melter Tais Jiki and The Rt. Rev, Bishop John Yeo

    October 28, 2012 7:16 AM

  13. why no mention of the apology for the 5 complainants as demanded--

    above reproach??

    Here is what JY wrote in Tawau's bulletin today.
    Way Forward - With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)
    The above passage serves as a prayer and aspiration, and that is to be counted worthy of God, fulfill every good purposes of God and glorify Jesus in and through our lives.
    I thank God for the meeting with Bishop Albert Vun last Thursday. I thank God for all who came and sought clarification and for all who cared and prayed for the church. I am proud of the maturity and composure shown by every member of St. Patrick’s Church. You have honored God both in conduct and His sanctuary. This is a great testimony in how the community of faith ought to resolve conflicts.
    While this is merely a small step forward in healing and restoration, the meeting did give us a huge hope that with God’s help and grace, it is possible to rise again. There is much to do to restore confidence, trust and perceptions. There is much to do to clarify, reconcile and restore. There is also much to do to implement greater transparency, good governance and the recommendations from the House of Bishops. But it requires all of us to join hands to make good things happen.
    While some may feel that this is an herculean task and impossible, last Thursday gave me hope and faith to believe in the Lord that he who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)
    May I encourage all of us to do what Colossians 3:12-14 says, “Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”
