Wednesday, February 26, 2014

318. God's money for AVCF to waste

UPDATED 9:05pm, September 4
It’s a lot of legal and accounting jargons to process. So let me try to illustrate actual facts/numbers through a fictional story (italicized).
A bishop and his assistant together with their wives flew to New York. The official reasons was to recruit a teacher for a school the diocese is running, and to preach in a couple of churches. Why did the wives come alone? Well, the bishop’s wive runs the Diocesan Academy Board. But why did the assistant bishop & his wife went as well? It was a mission trip. By the way, the quartet bumped into the bishop’s former personal assistant and her husband in New York too. What a small world!
Well, between preaching in two Sunday services, and meeting up with the teaching candidate, the 3 couples went shopping at 5th Avenue, caught Jeremy Lin at a NBA game, had great meals in five star hotels, watched a musical, took a dinner cruise around New York Harbour, Brooklyn Bridge and Ellis Island. Then they headed south for some Jazz music at New Orleans and more sightseeing. The bill come up to around RM180,000. It was charged to the Mission Fund because the trip was about recruiting a teacher and visiting some Christian schools; and the Diocesan Academy Board operates under this fund.
Come the time for audit, the accountant noted RM921,533 was spent in Mission Funds in 2011. The RM180,000 bill was just a lump sum expenditure under “Diocesan Academy’s study visit and recruitment” with no receipts to back up the amount.
Here ends the fictional story. Do you get a better picture what perhaps the auditor was saying?

317. Appeal for Anglican Independent Inquiry Committee (AIIC)

OPEN APPEAL - Anglican Diocese of Sabah (ADOS) and BISHOPGATE constitutionally


If this article does not give you a SHOCK, the men reas of your mind must be of criminal dimension.
I do not go for fantasies as some people in high positions and some professionals do as we witness in ADOS and beyond as they unfold since BISHOPGATE is exposed.
Such departures from the norms of if ever there is a standard operating practice (SOP) in ADOS.
Maybe each property deal goes through different SOP as we have witnessed in the Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC) reports so far exposed in the truth blog.  Actually PAC was supposed to be the investigations of the wrong doings of AVCF (bishop) if not of the alleged embezzlement of God’s money as claimed by AVCF in his prerogative power that he could use or abuse the God’s money in his fancy in his many deliveries in pulpit and the official media channels.
So we see the common vein in most properties as abused in departed proper procedures or SOP.
My very costly research as I go through his mud – legal or otherwise has taught me slightly more knowledge and I want to share it here FOC as this cannot go on in ADOS and beyond. 
Instead of just talking, I put this in writing to enlighten others in these very important matters and the discrepancies thereof especially in the purchase of the church premises of an industrial shop in Tenom.
If any one do not like what I write so far, please stop here.
One thing I can tell you if a bishop is bent in irregularities to achieve some hidden agenda to enrich himself, his family or families, or cronies or gang, then everything would go wrong with ADOS but such a bishop would blame others like the  Synod (ADOS assembly), the Standing Committee, other committees or other people in his close circle when actually he himself is the root of all evils preaching one thing and doing another to please his lying ego as possibly the greatest LIAR in the religious ministerial  communities.
So this writing as I go on is to educate members of ADOS that the Anglican church lacks check and balance in the Constitutions or otherwise and much need to be done to upgrade them objectively.
The Constitutions have given too much credit to the Bishop when such a person lacks in so many aspects  namely emotional, mental, physical and spiritual.  Even a very sick ? patient (bishop) can work full time?. Don’t expect the bishops to know every thing like some would say “lawyer buruk”.
So like it or not, there is a general consensus as we go through the mud of AVCF in ADOS and beyond that there is a need for a separation of power in terms of spiritual and secular matters of the Anglican Church and more so when the church has grown over the century in Sabah. So that is the way forward for ADOS or we do away with ADOS and decentralize the system as we have now giving too much power or irresponsible/oppressive power to be abused by one man.
A classic case of Tenom shophouse  in its departure from SOP has given out concern as the whole deal smells a rat.  Is it the first time that the Sale & Purchase done by a local firm and a non Christian one as that?  But it has one bright spark when the owner is Bishop of Sabah (registered trustee) as per S&P document.  Being a new fresh head, the lawyer followed the legal name in the Instrument of incorporation of sole trustee.  Our legal professionals  in ADOS have been too comfortable in the way things done in the name of God or face God for wrongs-   have been negligent that most titles of the landed properties and other assets are registered in other terms of the socalled owner.  Don’t assume that once it is done in the name of God, everything is alright when we were told by the honourable Court that House of Bishops (HoBS) of the Anglican Province of churches in South East Asia (APSEA) is a non legal identity.
Lawyers, please take note that this is properly done.  Socalled learned Ronny who earned the ‘ wrath’ of the judge in my case against AVCF or his positive deliverance that Ronny earned the MORAL victory in defending AVCF.  Now Ronny may have earned another “moral  victory” when he sought another Judge to declare HOBs of APSEA as non legal entity.  So do we learn from the two cases?  Ronny or the Defendant AVCF had insisted that all properties and assets of ADOS in one of the Affidavits in my case that the proper owner is BISHOP OF SABAH (REGISTERED OWNER).  But AVCF did not do the right thing in all legal documents.  So I want an independent committee of ADOS to scrutinize all legal documents that the correct owner is on them, failing which it is an illegal asset and nobody actually owns them and problem may arise to transfer the assets concerned. ( I am not to mention here of the ultra vires property deals overseas initially registered in AVCF name)  Also check all documents of cars, vehicles likely registered in AVCF names and Diosis of Sabah both illegal identities in the context of correct name, and that is BISHOP OF SABAH (REGISTERED TRUSTEE).  I think a few parties are at fault including AVCF (who sign all legal documents ignorantly or blindly and maybe he thinks he owns them all) , land & survey department and JpJ.
I have been doing some land title searches at the Land office, Kota Kinabalu so unnecessary if ADOS shows them to all members as such assets do not belong to AVCF.  In a particular case of search on the land of All Saints Cathedral where the premises is sited, I had to submit my identity card and the reason given was that that title was on the table of the head of section.  Why it has been sitting on that table for a year already and what changes are in stall?
The other question I would like to raise is that the Tenom case was done by ADOS and I believe that is SOP of all land properties to be so but it is important to know how many more private properties bequeathed or donated by members to the respective local churches go on to the ADOS for processing?  If not why not as in the case of Tenom with the S&P done by a private non Christian law firm.  In the Tenom case it may have been done by the private firm but the Diocesan Chancellor so conveniently denied knowledge of the final deal when he told the dialogue in ASC in October, 2012 that he was not extended a copy of the S&P.  Should not he ask for a copy of the S&P as a Diocesan Chancellor?
If I want to write about the many illegalities of ADOS under AVCF under the microscope, it would go in many pages. Nobody would pay for it and yet some people are paid to do rotten actions hurting the Anglican church.
ADOS needs to appoint an Anglican independent inquiry committee (AIIC) to clean the acts or misdeeds of AVCF for it to grow accordingly to bless the Bride of Christ. HOBs of APSEA has unfortunately as a non legal entity has doubly washed its dirty hands onto an already very dirty scenario in ADOS reaching out to the sky of South East Asia and beyond.
Now we know that the Truthblog and my blog are washing ‘dirty linen’ of AVCF/ADOS  and HOBs of APSEA for good reasons.  It could have been avoided if APSEA had done its job according to its Constitution of the Province.
Now do we have a choice to settle the whole mess of AVCF getting messier?  Yes, I would say if an AIIC comprising independent members is set up and AVCF be suspended.

I also believe a lot of under current is ongoing to bring ADOS /HoBs of APSEA to the proper perspective but not after we have touched the bottom of the bottomless pit of mud caused by AVCF.
One of the immediate action even before the 38 offensive items of AVCF are fully published in the truthblog following the recent HOBs of APSEA Court case, the Tenom case – a glaring example for action would be amongst others in the next Police Report
The urgency is there.   Appoint AIIC within 5 working days or the Police Report would go forward.
Joshua Y. C. Kong

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

316. John 3:16 Save ADOS by Police Report

Police Report on Anglican Bishop of Sabah on deals with irregularities.                       March, 2014

I, as a member of All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu and Anglican Diocese of Sabah want the Police and other relevant authorities to review some of the many deals done by the Anglican Bishop of Sabah Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui of Wisma Anglican, Jalan Lee Tet  Phui, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.  (6088-245846; 249296) when such deals with irregularities as exposed by the Investigation Report of the Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC) dated 27th August, 2012.  The Investigation Report from the House of Bishops of the Anglican Province of Churches in South East Asia  (APSEA) was marked “Strictly Confidential” to the five complainants.  After two of the complainants filed a civil suit to the High Court, the PAC’s Reports were gradually published in a popular blog since February, 2014.

2.  The Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee) has committed many criminal breaches of trust as alleged and an instance of perjury in a Sworn Affidavit in Opposition dated 30th July, 2012 as per appendix A against my Writ of Summons in a High Court in Sabah and Sarawak at Kota Kinabalu Suit No. KK-22-128/6 of 2012 where Albert Vun wrote in paragraph 8 (1) and I quote “ My role as Bishop under Para 2 of Article VI is only over matters of Faith and Order. Under Para. 3, the Diocesan Synod has the power to make standing order and regulations for the proper conduct of the business of the Diocese.  I am only the Chairman of the meeting of the Diocesan Synod.”

3.  As we go through the first few items of exposed deals of the PAC’s reports, we can come to the conclusion that the Bishop of Sabah played a principle role to initiate, influence and even fixed the deals which later emerged with confirmed irregularities and embezzlement. 
There are just a sample of cases for your urgent review as follows:-
3.1  Acquisition of Sipitang Land.  (simply too much over priced) – Appendix B.
3.2   Acquisition of Tenom Shoplots ( details in para 4 below)  - Appendix C.
3.3   Acquisition of Menggatal Land  (conflict of interests and intention) – Appendix D.
3.4  Use of Project Fund – purchase of Alphard. (misappropriation and abuses) – Appendix E.
I will highlight the bias and dominant roles of Bishop of Sabah with the notes of each item as enclosed.

4         There are more documents on the purchase of the Tenom shophouse, I would pursue it in greater details as this case had been dealt with by the MACC which appeared to clear the case of any irregularities and alleged CBT. I would like to highlight this case so that a review by MACC is urgently needed as per appendix B. Then Bishop using the “inadequacy” of MACC to cover one’s modus operandi of crime is unacceptable hence MACC is urged review its earlier investigation based on the guidelines given in Appendix B.
5.       The Bishop of Sabah must be reminded of several allegations of Criminal Breach of Trusts as published in the article of Daily Express of 17th July, 2012 titled “Bishop under Probe” and the demanded apology by the Diocesan Chancellor was not forthcoming and Daily Express was not taken to Court confirming that the allegations of crimes were genuine.  See Appendix F.
6.       In Daily Express on 6th March, 2014, an article titled “Suit against Bishop was dismissed” contained defamatory words, insinuations, inaccuracies, misrepresentation, as to give the false impression to cover up the Bishop’s criminal activities.  The seditious article without the name of the writer is deemed to have implicated Daily Express an accomplice in the crimes of Anglican Diocese of Sabah headed by Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee) and ill advised by the Diocesan Chancellor Datuk Stephen Foo.  Dragging me in as a disgruntled parishioner in the article is certainly unjustified and tantamount to criminal defamation in a malicious effort of all the parties concerned seen and unseen in that article.   See Appendix G.
7.       I would urge the Police, the relevant authorities especially Malaysia Anti Corruption Agency and the Inland Revenue Board after proper and complete investigation initiate action to the Attorney General for an appropriate prosecution against various parties such as Albert Vun, Stephen Foo, Daily Express and others over alleged offences including perjury, CBT, thefts, tax evasion, sedition, indefensible civil and secular crimes and abuses of public funds.

Joshua Y. C. Kong,  P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.  6013-8394513.                                                 

who want to accompany me to the Police Station for a Police Report on the biggest LIAR avcf..?

I think a CBT case can be filed by any lawyer with named plaintiffs and named defendants. It has to go through the Attorney General’s office before it can be accepted as an action. It may be wise to present the case as a civil issue with little mention of religious figures due to sensitivity reasons.
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Peter, that maybe so but who can be the plaintiff with the locus standi for CBT? Also a Police Report would be needed and how to get through the Police permission? Then much cost is involved and a lot of work is needed to get the right kind of evidence? We all want to see AVCF go to jail.

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Lets look at the CBT positively.
1. What are the conditions for CBT to be filed?
2. If HOBs of APSEA strips AVCF as a Bishop for obvious reason, then it is easier to charge him for CBT.
3. For CBT, we need the documentary evidence, and how to get them when he locks everything away.
4. It is either the Synod and the HOB of APSEA sue AVCF for CBT and maybe both Synod and HoB both non legal entity cannot sue AVCF and the SC for CBT.
5. So it is up to MACC and Police/AG to take AVCF to Court for CBT, provided the Police is prepare to raid ADOS office for documents.
6. So who want to lodge Police Reports to be accepted by the Police and maybe we need to go to the Police Station in the hundred or even thousands to influence the Police to act now.
7. Once the Police Reports are accepted, then the opening of CBT, Commercial Crimes, Perjury, Income Tax and thefts can be possibilities.

Police Report on Anglican Diocese of Sabah on Tenom shophouse – TL no. 167503844

I want to urge the Police and other relevant authorities to deal with this irregularities affecting various groups of people on the purchase of shop Lot No. 6 , Block  A, PANGIE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX,  Tenom, 89907 Sabah.
Different opinions had been expressed by the Auditor in his management report dated 29th of Auugust, 2012,, the reply by the Diocesean Secretary of   October, 2012 and now the handling of the Sale & Purchase by the Standing Committee vis-à-vis the vendor as exposed by the blog on the Provincial Advisory Committee’s report now released.
While there is a suspect of collaboration over the selling price inflated with the inclusive price of RM50,000 charity and further suspicion has arisen as Bishop Albert Vun reported as
 “ PAC Report :Acquisition of Tenom shop lot
134. Bav had disclosed to the PAC that the MACC had visited the Diocesan office and inquired about this matter. According to him MACC was satisfied with the clarification.  Notwithstanding this however, the PAC understands that under the stamp Duty Act cap 378, falsely declaring the purchase price in a Sale & Purchase Agreement of property may attract penal sanctions either as a simple act of tax evasion (s610 or as an act of fraud on revenue (s74).  Such offences appear however to be compoundable and as such steps should be taken  to remedy this to avoid embarrassment to the office of the Bishop.”
In any normal case of corruption the giver and the receiver are equally liable to be answerable to such allegation.  In this case if closer scrutiny is done  on the available documents such as the S&P Agreement and  the payment vouchers, the ingredients or foot prints of corruption are observed as iit is unusual that the buyer had to make additional payment of RM50,000 for the seller or developer to do charity.  The modus operandi of the additional amount does indicate a strong case of corruption coupled with abuse of payments procedure.  Then using the inadequacy of MACC to cover one’s modus operandi of crime is unacceptable hence MACC is urged review its earlier investigation based on the guidelines given in Appendix 1.

Why lodge Police Report now rather than later?

If we wait till all 38 reports in the truthasc, it would take 90 days and that is May, 2014 and another 6 months for the authorities to work on them to come up with appropriate action which may never come because the authorities including the Police consider it is an internal matter involving private money as stolen by AVCF in tricky ways.

How to enforce CBT when there is no official relationship between an employer and employee?  AVCF is the one in control with prerogative power and serviced by some ‘lapdogs”in the name of God or AVCF??

The only way we can catch AVCF is the position of sole trustee but if we go to Courts, he will plea himself an illegal sole trustee hence the Courts would let him go.  His lawyers are worst than AVCF in stealing in more ways than expected.

So two fast strategies are deal with the sole tustee and the persons who signed cheques without responsibilities.
The other is the Tenom case where some people have complete documents where the Government was cheated of stamp duties and the government would act if IRD is aware of that.

Like the Sipitang case, we don’t even have the title number of the 2.07 ac land sold for RM850,000, RM600,000 more than the market price. Again the Police and others are not interested, as private money is concerned.
When I want to lodge Police Reports, they will tell you that you have all the committees, and how to make them believe our committees are fools.

So don’t wait as in May and then in December, 2014, AVCF may become the Archbishop of APSEA even it is a Non Legal Entity and so AVCF would create more havoc in  the Anglican Province in South East Asia.  If not Archbishop of SEA, it can be Archbishop of Sabah and Ransit etc.

So the Tenom case is the best one and an immediate action is possible and we can add on as wwe go along.
Finally, we have to protect the ASC grounds at all costs.  Anything can happen to All Saints’ Cathedral.

I am just a humble whistle blower for God’s kingdom on earth and am doing it with great sacrifice.
Pray about it and action is of paramount importance now.

I will prepare the Police Report on the Tenom land.

Joshua Kong 013-8394513
I hope to make 2  Police  reports of my own.

anyone wants to join me next week to make on ADOS.


315. AVCF is the biggest LIAR in ADOS

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Based on what you said that KPS was only brought up in 2008 Synod when collection was already started in early 2006, and so is that an illegal fund raising and why so rushed as that?

How much was really collected and how much was actually incurred for the KPS up to date? Is there any project accounts to show? Do you think KPS really need that much money to build when the land cost is almost nil? Any QS here to give a proper assessment of the costs here when there is no piling but flat foundation due to the rocky ground?
I believe KPS was already in use in 2009? and I will check that up?

 get the PERJURY in High Court now as AVCF lied in Court when it is so obvious that he DID everything his way in the Standing Committee based on the PAC reports in 4 items so far.

Why should the mother want to sell the family land to the church when she insisted that the land be a church land only?  You mean a seller can insist the buyer at market price to use it as a church?  who are crazy here and definitely not the mother.  

PAC Report: Acquisition of Menggatal Land

So AVCF always accused the blogs of lies and when he is the bigest LIAR of all.  AVCF also claimed many times that he does not read the blogs because many posters are anonymous ignoring some like me and William Thien with clear name..   So what is reported here do appear the same as reported/posted in the blogs - this one and  So the blogs are largely true and some maybe inaccurate and possibly posted by his cronies to mislead others.  Because I believe true and as agreed by my learned counsel, thousands of pages were submitted to the High CourtJoshua