Friday, November 2, 2012

Questions and issues Hon Auditor must address

 OPEN letter to Mr George Lim who is redoing the audit of the ADOS accounts for two years 2010 and 2011.

Most of these issues are raised in three blogs and until the matters raised are addressed by Mr Lim, I am afraid the accounts would never be approved.

So it is learned that AVCF was also the bookkeeping and accounts clerk at certain times --

Dear George,

Here are some questions and matters to be answered -

1.  Who are the signatories of the bank accounts of ADOS considering AVCF is the sole trustee?

2.  Are the payment vouchers properly prepared with check and balance?

3.  Are the ledger computerised or manual done?

4.  If you cannot get the final report of the PAC which is treated as confidential, then
you can get the issues raised by the 5 to the HoB as it is sort of internal audit/investigation.
It is better you get the copy which is confidential.  Otherwise the audit is incomplete.

5.  You have to provide the comparative figures for 2009.

6.  You have to check all the assets and vehicles of the  Diocese against the original document.

7.  Are you sure the ADOS owns all the properties if registered in Bishop of Sabah?

8.  Have you checked the palm oil revenue is accounted for in the ADOS accounts?

9.  Please check the itinerary and passport of the Bishop against the trips he made domestic and overseas and who had paid the travel costs?

10.  Have you check the full payroll of the clergies and pastor against the salary cards?

more to come after I have studied the ADOS accounts more.


  1. more issues

    11. Please check if the rental paid for FCC in KL are reasonable and identify who own those properties used by the FCC.

    12. Check out the Government grants had complied with the guidelines of the grants.

    13. Would the Auditor comment on the price of Sipitang land and to avoid such loss to the ADOS, the land should be valued or auctioned and any difference in disposal price must be made good by AVCF.

    14. Would the Auditors ask for the list of accounting staff since 2006 and call for interview ? A report be compiled.

    15. Ask for a complete lists of all churches in ADOS and examine the returns from such churches. Then check this list of churches as posted in the official website of ADOS.

    16. Ask why the Donations for the Building Fund of House of Celebrations as per FCC website be paid to St Patrick;s Church? So ask JY to account for this.

    17. Get the latest Bank statements and the balances of Fixed Deposits and confirm who are signatories of each account.

    18. Write to Anglican Diocese of Singapore to confirm whose baby is the Rangsit Outreach Anglican Center in Bangkok? Please prepare a statement of expenses in respect of this project which is Ultra Vires ADOS.

    20. Please write to Thailand on the Visa Deposit of RM85,000 and examine all documents available.

    21. Please confirm with Thai lawyers or international lawyers in Malaysia that the Trust Deeds for Thailand's properties be valid in Thailand when the said assets need to be re-coup from AVCF.

    22. ADOS must have a complete statement of accounts of the Bishop Lodge's renovation and improvement/extension must be capitalised and not treated as expenses. Are there any outstanding payments not made to the contractors?

    23. was the note 7 for the Diocesan assessment missing in the Accounts presented at the synod? If so why?

    more still to come

  2. 24. Please provide a list of the workers getting salaries more than RM3000 per month in the Diocese and all the affiliated company.

    25. Please also audit the accounts of the Cafeteria with enough details, and not just a figure of loss or profit.

    26. What is happening to the money invested in the Menggatal land - the former land of AVCF?

    27. Any valuation for the property at Sulaman for the purpose of a church?

    28. Do another valuation on the land of Sipitang for the purpose to claim back the difference of price paid and the new valuation.

  3. 29. Please check how the scholarships were awarded to those named in the list as provided.

    30. Please seek clarification from the Secretary of some of information to you as vague.

    31. When would your draft after fresh audit be ready?

  4. 32. Please the diocesan assessment for 2010 and 2011 with a reconciliation with all the churches in this scheme.

    33. Please check all the grants given by the Diocese to the various churches to ensure that all the churches had actually receive those grants.

    34. Please check how well is Kokol Prayers Summit done for 2010, 2011 in financial terms. How much loss has been incurred in the said operations.

    35. Please check all the seminars, conferences and forums etc done by ADOS.

    more to come


    This reply maybe in more than 20 pages but a lot of shortcomings confirmed as prevailing.

    It was 18 October, 2012 and where is the updated audited management letter and report as required as the hon auditor was doing it for the second time...

  6. A full report on the motor vehicles must be presented by the Hon Auditor.

    I will prepare my own copy for the Court case.
