Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BAV on the way out?

SOS from BAV

Below is an sms from Bishop Albert Vun to his lieutenants today. Brothers and sisters don’t quit praying.
Msg from Bshp: Please pray.. The group is pressing me to resign or to get the HOB to Institute The ecclesiastical court.. I will be under tremendous pressure.. Need every ounce of God’s grace to survive.. 24 pg accusations including spending 8 millions for a white elephant project Kokol Prayer Summit?? All kinds of accusations that has no factual basis… I just received copy of their petitions. May the Lord have mercy… Please pray with me.. Thx Bishop



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God would deliver ADOS and ASC from the crimes of AVCF…
End to an era of TPW AVCF..Praise God.
Keep on fast and pray for the end is near..
Bishop Rennis should recuse himself in HOBs meeting today when the final decision is to be made.


  1. Quote: "24 pg accusations including spending 8 millions for a white elephant project Kokol Prayer Summit??"

    KPS is proven an ILLEGAL project right from the beginning?

    Yet AVCF wrote "All kinds of accusations that has no factual basis."

    Face them now AVCF.

  2. Who are going to die for the 'mouserap"? Bishop Rennis or AVCF for AVCF posted the message in Bishop Rennis blog that AVCF was" a closed friend of many years" and there AVCF set a trap for himself and Bishop Rennis as they cannot do anything about it but to 'die' the natural way.

    I am also born in the year of mouse as in 1948 and I had wanted to warn everyone to take action but all so fearful of man and not fear God...

    So God cannot foresake His Church in ADOS and ASC.

    What else does this story conveyed as ONE person is a majority.

    I think Bishop Ng Moon Hing is the ONE in the majority in HOBs to sack AVCF now before others are trapped now to the total destruction of ADOS and ASC in every aspect and contagous to the Christian communities in Sabah and beyond.

  3. also go to

    A crime is a crime and a criminal is a criminal even not convicted.

    So how can such a move of any new diocese can be done alone when there is a Provincial Synod and the Church of England's Archbishop of Canterbury to consider? The Constitution of the Province of Anglican Church in South East Asia in Articles XIV and XV and XVI need to be complied.

    Now that the Archbishop of Canterbury is fully aware of the 'rubbish' of AVCF, the scenario is very difficult for AVCF to avoid whatever Stephen Foo may think. Actually he made himself a foo on April fool day at the ASC AGM 2012 as the Diocesan Chancellor and that is the start of exposure and visible action by me.

    The only quick and easy solution for Bishopgate is for AVCF to resign immediately as he is so capable to bring his brand of theology to set up his own church. But at the same time, he should refund whatever money he had taken from the Diocese directly or indirectly for twenty years to the ADOS.

    So what AVCF and SF are just buying up time to 'rob' the ADOS further as whose money had been used for his defence. AVCF is already guilty for using ADOS and church resources for his defence in my civil case against him and his office as Bishop of Sabah.

  4. Before AVCF leaves office, please ask him to deposit his DNA for future reference as his capability needs to be assessed.

  5. http://www.anglicansabah.org/2010.1/main.htm

    The ADOS homepage and what do you see?

    You would see the long standing Pastoral letter by AVCF with my name at the top of 5th August, 2012 to defame me. What AVCF wrote there is FALSE.

    What I do see is that no more programmes for December, 2012 and so AVCF is on the way out.

  6. https://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/no-news-is-good-news/comment-page-1/#comment-4420

    Project Nehemiah in 52 days since 23rd September, 2012…

    Whither what now?

    Why give AVCF any more time for his trojan horse agenda..

    Suspend him now or even on 18the Sept. 2012.

    The mousetrap story is true for HOB now.

  7. http://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/11/23/rm100000-bonus/

    November 23, 2012
    RM120,000 Bonus

    UPDATED Nov 23, 11:10pm:

    Bishop Albert Vun gives himself a RM20,000 bonus. This sum is taken from the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund. Traditionally, the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund is used to help parishes with urgent financial needs that cannot wait for the Stand Comm, which only meets every 3 months, to deliberate. It is unclear how BAV concluded he deserved such a bonus at this time, nor do we know how BAV was appraised.

    Dear Anglican members,

    We have reached that stage that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

    Based on the reply of AVCF to one parishioner in Christ Church circulated in an email,

    AVCF is definitely UNFIT to be bishop.

    We as Anglican Sabah needs to conduct an inquiry on the way money has been taken out of the bank and paid without vouchers and records etc.


  8. the thought in many may think the normal processes would take place.

    We have to deal with this as an abnormal scenario hence extra-ordinary actions need to be pursued quickly and aptly.

    Having said that time and financial circumstances are not in the hands of the members and beneficiaries when the wealth or assets are concerned?

    When everything in ADOS is destroyed and lost, what is there for members and beneficiaries to fight for when we know the ‘rotten’ system prevails?

    Who want to act when everything is gone?

    So it is still time to act with simultaneous actions be it popular or not, be it washing dirty linen of the dirt created by AVCF.

    Some would say Anglicans can start again but the seasons may be over after a ‘tsunami’.

    So act now in concerted effort, and don’t just give up so easily when AVCF and DSF said “fight till the end” when everything is gone with the trojan horse.

  9. I was told in an earlier email by the Provincial secretary after I queried the photo of 11 Sept of the 4 bishops that the Judges were mixing with the accused.

    The PS was telling me that Archbishop could not reply to me because BL is the Judge and had to distant himself from others. But BL was very close to the accused who was already decided by PAC as guilty in 38 out of 40 counts.

    Can anyone be still hopeful on the Hob when Rennis was declared by AVCF as “closed friends for many years” and yet sit as a Judge and not recuse himself in the trial of AVCF. What a great miscarriage of justice in APSEA already?

    What a shame and sham as it is in the Body of Christ, they (HOB) act…?

  10. http://www.zianet.com/maxey/reflx183.htm

    interest to read

  11. Conclusion

    "One masterful, power-loving man in a Church may work incalculable mischief and injury; therefore (1) let us guard against the presence or growth of such a spirit in ourselves; (2) let us take heed that we afford no encouragement or countenance to such a spirit in others" (The Pulpit Commentary, vol. 22). One cannot condemn too strongly the sin of one man seeking to lord it over another! And when such a despot tyrannizes an entire group of disciples, the offence against both God and men is thereby magnified exponentially!

    Brethren, there are would-be LORDS among us. Wolves among the sheep. Despots among the disciples of Jesus Christ. Paul warned the elders in Ephesus to be on the alert, because these little lords would be looking to gain a following (Acts 20:29-31). That is good advice for us today, as well. Let us look to ourselves, evaluating our hearts and minds and motives very carefully, lest we become a Diotrephes. Let us also look very carefully and prayerfully among our fellow disciples. If we see any among them begin to elevate themselves above the rest, demanding compliance to their will and whims, effecting sanctions against those who differ with them, take immediate action to quash the rise to power of this would-be lord of the church. There is only "one Lord" over the church (Eph. 4:5; 1:22), and none of us have the right to assume that position over the rest. Those who do so, and those who allow it, and those who refuse to expose it, are the enemies of Jesus Christ and His One Body.


  12. http://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/12/07/what-was-pacs-recommendation/comment-page-1/#comment-4485
    Mandy, (thetruthasc)

    It is not the RM50K the only issue here. There is a much rottenness in the HOBs of APSEA that is causing so many sleepless nights in the whole province and beyond.
    FYI, I had brought the issue of HOBs almost everywhere I consider important and essential for a quick and proper solution.

    What do you think about this post by AVCF in the Bishop Rennis's article on his installation in Singapore on 20th Oct and I quote "a closed friend for many years" and may I ask how "closed" can that be when Singapore and Sabah are separated by the South China Sea? Is there something more that we do not see or hear for these two men?

    It is timely that we in ADOS take the decision of our stance to resolve the BISHOPGATE without expecting too much on HOBs of APSEA which I consider as totally hopeless as every day goes by without the good and proper decision from HOBs.

    How can we allow the Body of Christ be so sick in ADOS and APSEA and beyond for so long with the thorns in the flesh?

    We all know what to do when there is thorn in the flesh and even a little kid would know.

    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and I would say enough is much more enough now for ADOS.

  13. http://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/12/05/if-hob-failed-us/comment-page-1/#comment-4488

    December 5, 2012
    If HOB Failed Us…

    Mark wrote “We will leave it to the task force to work out the details”.

    All concerned Anglicans Sabah, the task force is long overdue.

    I had suggested a better SAFE to resolve the BISHOPGATE and yet no many serious members come forward to implement a comprehensive program to anticipate appropriate action to resolve the Crisis and then revamp the ADOS.

    For all of us, this is an extra-ordinary incidence and need special care and attention to handle it and so SAFE is the best option to be visible, transparent, just, fair, all embracing, self adequacy, and consensus, rather than just write and talk and then disappear under anonymity or into thin air…very SAD indeed.

    What is holding up our concerted effort ? No more “don’t touch the anointed” and nothing to fear except fear God. I have seen enough of this misplaced myth of what anointing??? The anointing was misplaced in the first place in 2005 and need to be corrected now.

    Be courageous and be counted for Christ in his church…

  14. http://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/12/06/will-god-deny-us-justice/comment-page-1/#comment-4507

    December 6, 2012
    Will God Deny Us Justice?

    I wrote the first comment - "What justice are you talking about?"

    Is it the justice some people believe it must be biblical only selectively? Cannot bring Christians to civil court?
    Cannot touch the socalled 'anointed" and fooled by some preachers with hidden greedy agenda?

    So with the delayed justice from HOB of APSEA, can we deem that as justice denied be it within the church or outside of the church?
    If HOB cannot find solution within the church due to some questioned behaviour of some bishops, and so justice is denied by some greedy people and not from God as per title here. Can we now blame God for "Will God deny us justice?" ?

    Or can we blame God for the socalled self anointed to be priests and bishops?

    Based on the latest developments, were those socalled anointing as bishops really valid now?

    We should not start harbouring such thought of the fake bishops with fake anointing when we already have a confirmed fake priest in Philip Lo Vui Chong and ADOS is exporting the fake priest overseas. When this is found out, who do we blamed? Surely it is AVCF and HoBs to be blamed as HOBs allowed the fake ordination despite much protests to them. Why God allows that ? Can we ask that now?

    Now PM of UK demands the church to bless and conduct holy matrimony of gay marriages??? OK or not?

    What would Jesus Christ say when we have 'demonic' marriage ceremonies in His church?

    What would Jesus Christ say when we fake priests ordained by fake Bishop AVCF for 6 years?

    What Justice is left for us except go to the Civil Courts?

    HOBs must also NOW help his sheep to get Justice in the Civil Courts - positive or negative means.

    The best Christmas present for ADOS is justice from the resignation of AVCF and his gang plus restitution of the stolen wealth from HIS church for Jesus birth again in 2012 - the year of Jubilee for ADOS and ASC..

  15. Can someone tell us if the Accused AVCF was also given the complete PAC report?
    When was it given if a copy was given to AVCF?

    Did AVCF reply officially in writing to all those allegations of FACT as confirmed his wrongdoings?

    Was it simply resolved by crocodile tears in Changi Singapore on 11th September and a photo session of the 4 bishops?

    If AVCF did in writing, did he write all LIES as he had been telling us in his official pastoral letters etc.?

    If AVCF did confirm his wrongdoings NOT as mistakes, why is AVCF fighting to the end now?

    Surrender, resign, restore the ill gotten gains of tens of millions Ringgit immediately and don’t waste any more
    resources of ADOS, ASC, APSEA, and God knows what to do next?

    ADOS needs to move on to get the right harvest not deceptions and lies.

  16. If ever E-Court is instituted, the same bishops would be the Judges and it is indeed a gone case. No more time to waste.

    So it is now clearer that the HOBs is unreliable to bring true Justice for ADOS and beyond.

    How many Bishops of APSEA are now trapped by the mousetrap?
    BRP and BBL are likely victims of good fellows in the highest level in APSEA.

    So we are now left with BNMH to be stand tall in the effort to resolve BISHOPGATE.

    If the decision of APSEA of 18th September had been tampered by emotion and personal consideration as we know AVCF cried like little not so innocent baby – the mousetrap of sort -then it is really meaningless as members in ADOS had seen it through and through as the very positive PAC report cannot be faulted.

    So the delay of BRP to make himself at the Kuching to meet the 10 delegates from ADOS on 7 n 8 November is another pointer of failed bishop to deal with a very urgent and important crisis in Sabah.
    The much delayed sort of final meeting fixed for 28th November is another pointer of failed Bishops in the indecisiveness to resolve an already decided scenario in public forums.

    Today at 9th December, we still do not hear from HOBs on it final decision in its finality in the handling of the BISHOPGATE for ADOS to move on.

    Who would be responsible for the continued losses as long as AVCF remains bishop of Sabah even during the Sabbatical leave? ADOS lost RM120k purportedly for bonus which cannot be verified. I wonder who pays bonus before the year is over?

    Can the Diocesan chancellor and the Diocesan treasurer explain this bonus if it is true?

    The more I search for the faults of AVCF, the more I find and losses to ADOS is not easily quantifiable.
    The losses of ADOS in term of morality is also quantifiable..

  17. correction --

    The losses of ADOS in term of morality is also NOT quantifiable..

  18. Thetruthasc,

    Yes, I have studied the Provincial Constitution.

    The E-Court would be chaired by a Diocesan Chancellor (which one in this case of 3 others DC?)
    The 3 House of Bishops, (exclude BOS for this case)
    3 members of the House of clergy, (exclude ADOS)
    3 members of the House of Laity.. (exclude ADOS)

    So far with the PAC, and the decision of 18th Sept, 7&8 November, 2012 and 28 November, 2012, there are lots of shortcomings in terms quality, quantity, priority and urgency including the AVCF could continue to play havoc while under investigation.

    AVCF could go oversea for costly mission while under investigation- meaningless and none of his faulty power especially as the sole trustee was not curbed. To AVCF, it was business as usual to destroy ADOS as trojan horse.
    AVCF could use the church resources to defend his civil suit while defaming the civil Judge and the plaintiff with impunity. The pastoral letter against me dated 5th August is still posted in ADOS homepage when that letter was partial lies of AVCF as advised by three lawyers.

    Back on this possibility of E-Court for the first time in a complex case, it is very doubtful if the E-Court is any good at all. It may take another few months if not a year and more to conclude the hearing while many witnesses may not turn up and E-Court has no power to subpena any stubborn witness to appear before the E-Court. Such a challenge is too costly in terms of money and time to be pursued by APSEA with its impartiality already know to be in favour of the accused. As long as AVCF is not suspended, it is sheer insanity to proceed trying to resolve the BISHOPGATE.

    It is posted in the blogs how the PAC conducted the interviews and very short of clarity.

    Has the Diocesan Chancellor of the Anglican Diocese of Kuching advised the APSEA about the unconstitutional decision of 18th Sept when Regulation B has no such provision? In this E-Court, who decide on the composition of the panel? Even ADOS synod members/delegates are largely cronies of AVCF.

    So can an E-court also be loaded by questioned nominees?

    So the best is still the civil court (secular matters) along side with TRC as the TRC can deal with the spiritual abuses of AVCF..

  19. TOP Urgent,

    very sad indeed that we have a HOBs who can play the game of removal of bishop like a toy.
    Everything else including E-Court would be like a toy or some may call that "kangaroo court" - a total waste of resources and time which is no longer available for ADOS while APSEA can be in slumber.

    In Regulation B as who determine the members of the E-Court, I hope that is already done and ever ready to sit on AVCF if E-Court was approved on 18th Sept. But if the composition of the E-Court was not done, then we have to wait till the next Provincial Synod to establish one and too long to wait. the question is how fair and true are such members in the E-Court when the HOBs had gave away their likely bias but denied.
    Can Archbishop BL tell us who are the members of the E-Court? Who is now the Chairman of the E-Court?

    When 38 items in the complaint of 40 matter had been confirmed wrongdoings of AVCF, then I believe the E-Court if ever be held would deliberate on the 38 items plus other new emerging matters with OPEN court calling for witnesses. But E-Court has any power to subpoena any witness who are stubborn to come forward when what AVCF had committed had an element of cronyism? So what value is there for E-Court to remove AVCF quickly? It may take years and the ADOS would definitely suffer more in all aspects - morally, financially and . spiritually.

    The hearing on Dec 17, 2012 would apply reasonable and appropriate pressure to expedite the removal of bishop because can the ADOS, APSEA and beyond tolerate the washing of dirty linen in public. Are your faces now become RED and hotter too?

    The first victims are the occupiers of the ASC deanery.

  20. Mandy, (thetruthasc)
    We don’t need a criminal lawyer to do that as any good lawyer can volunteer for this lodging of the Police Report and then forward it to the Commercial Crime Dept KL and even to the Prime Minister.

    We must act fast and do it (Police Report) by tomorrow and then file the case latest by this Friday morning to the High Court for prompt attention.

    I can assist in this effort with documentary evidence.

    The fund raising must be set up now with at least six figure to start with and be adequate to handle this case to finish as quickly as possible.
    Can a small group of Anglicans sit down to sort the priorities immediately after all those prayers.?

  21. The Anglican bishops are so good to preach and then do otherwise like all the Constitutions of ASC, ADOS, and APSEA had been violated for those personal agenda to the detriment of the church in general.

    The latest violation or gross abuse by HOBs of APSEA [please don't confuse ourselves here, when HOBs here refer to APSEA when each diocese also has a HOBs at the local level] and APSEA Provincial constitution being the highest level also grossly violated, what future is there for the APSEA?

    The decision by HOBs APSEA on 18th Sept on AVCF vide a Pastoral letter is unconstitutional. What can we do about this illegal decision.

    What PAC's report recommended is within the Constitution and so it must be published to clear all the doubts like RCI decisions not circulated widely.

    So HOBs of APSEA need to restore the proper decision of 18th Sep following an appeal by Project Nehemiah with a signature campaign carried by 10 delegates on 7 and 8 November to HOBs Kuching APSEA and such an appeal is also not in the Constitution but is a natural justice process.

    In this vein, the 28 days notice is not applicable as it is not a fresh complaint although it may have some new evidence. From 7 n 8 Nov and today is 11 December, it is long overdue for a prompt decision largely due to the reluctance of another recalcitrant bishop to delay going to HOBs meeting in kuching which only happened in Kuching on 28th November, 2012. Even that is not acceptable today for no final decision for all to move on.
    The impasse is totally evil for a church.

    Even during the investigation by PAC since May 2012, AVCF was not even suspended making it a laughing stock within and without. AVCF continues his rotten ways even after 18 Sept with a sort of warning Pastoral letter to restore what had been wrong doings in ADOS.

  22. Dear truthasc,

    It is good you have come up with such a letter as even God is now 'frustrated' and hopefully not so and that we can be more patient now that it is more than a month from 7th and 8th November, 2012.

    Can God be giving such a final warning to the House of Bishops excluding bishop AVCF after you had posted the 'story of a mousetrap' which was good enough as the final warning to the people or members on both side of the divide which is narrowing substantively and substantially with the poll online on the choice of publication of the PAC report. Who want to be damn now with your sort of ultimatum in the case of Jonah without any further action by the BOBs APSEA? Failing any further action from the HOBs like the E-Court, we as members of ADOS may save the day with the publication of the PAC report when nobody can hide under the folder "confidential" and the Light of Jesus would shine brightly in ADOS and ASC.

    Those who has the PAC report have two choices to obey the order of man in shelving the PAC from others or let it be exposed in public domain to see all the terrible wrongdoings of AVCF which may include allegation of 'deaths'.

    Mandy had also written about all the members of Anglican in the scenario of facing the 'mousetrap'. Is this warning to be ignored too?

    Ah Gin told the famous 5 to update members and what better thing to do NOW is to publish the PAC as a corporate responsibility in soft and hard copy to clear all the doubt still mingling in some minds as spoiling the Kingdom of God.

    To AVCF, the pastoral letter of 18th Sept by Archb BL on his wrongdoings with a chance to do amend but none has been done in defiance of canonical obedience and instead AVCF went several overseas trips as if nothing matters when all his shepherd in the light and in the dark are still groping for the pure and justified action of the HOB.

    Time had run out for ADOS and when would God implement the scenario of Jonah and in this case there is no second or third chance for anyone including HOBs and AVCF in particular as it is a mousetrap not the big fish after three days as AVCF has not repented since 23 October, 2011 and 18th September, 2012 and rather had been even more defiant as he though his prerogative power had been challenged when that power has limitation under the Constitution to do things in orderly manner.

    So something got to change in ADOS and the best thing now for Christmas is the removal of AVCF as Bishop as all easy approaches done without the decent result to revamp ADOS from all the wrong doings of AVCF..

  23. http://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/a-letter-to-the-house-of-bishops/comment-page-1/#comment-4596

    December 12, 2012
    A Letter to The House of Bishops

    Dear truthasc,
    With the warning of Jonah, it is really final for the HOBs to act accordingly or be damned forever even for the forgiving God for his anointing? Can God withdraws the anointing?

    How prepared is the APSEA in the process of the E-Court in terms of manpower, finance and the drilling/grilling process being the first one in APSEA since 1996 ? If it is not ready, then E-Court is meaningless as time is no longer with ADOS with the recalcitrant and defiant bishop committing more wrong doings since 18th September, 2012 especially since the three dialogues from 15 October, 2012.

    AVCF really posted a tasteless but true comment on his close relationship with Bishop RP of Singapore on 20th October, 2012. How distasteful can that be as it can be misconstrued or be true? A mousetrap of sort.

    You have also ignored the civil court in the process when you wrote that the chance of internal settlement was still preferred. It is already too embarrassing as the lips on most people is "How is the Court case?"

    Is APSEA prepared to go the full journey with my civil case and be untouched now when APSEA has not acted accordingly to the Provincial Constitution? So is the Provincial Constitution valid when the Archbishop of Canterbury did not ratify that? The Provincial Constitution of APSEA is too inadequate when other Anglican Constitutions go into more than a hundred pages.

    The way it is going APSEA and others would be dragged into my civil case against AVCF.

    Something got to change in ADOS and APSEA for the glory of God.

  24. Results of Disobedience (1:1-12)
    In category:


    “But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of Yahweh. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid its fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of Yahweh.” (Jonah 1:3) The message to Jonah was very clear. Why then did he disobey? The fundamental reason for deliberate disobedience always is that we choose to harden our hearts. As it says in Psalms, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts...” (Psalm 95:7b-8 NIV)

    Perhaps at this point you are thinking, “But, I am not a prophet. How can I hear God’s voice?” The key is wanting to do God’s will. Jesus said, “If anyone desires to do his will, he will know about the teaching, whether it is from God, or if I am speaking from myself.” (John 7:17) God communicates in many different ways, but we will mention just two of them. One way that God speaks to us today is through the words that He has already revealed to His prophets. In the book of 2 Peter 1:20-21 it says, “knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation. For no prophecy ever came by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke, being moved by the Holy Spirit.” This is why it is so important for us to regularly read and study the Bible. As it says in Psalms, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

    Another way that God speaks is through His Holy Spirit. The same Spirit through whom God spoke to the prophets, is living in each Christian. As the scripture says, “Now he who establishes us with you in Christ, and anointed us, is God; who also sealed us, and gave us the down payment of the Spirit in our hearts.” (2 Corinthians 1:21-22) In another place it is written, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” (Galatians 5:16-18) But whether God speaks to us through His Word, His Spirit or some other means, it is essential that we do not harden our hearts to His message as Jonah did.

    (part 1 of 2)

  25. part 2 of 3

    Now let’s consider the results of disobedience. In Jonah 1:4-10 it says:

    “But Yahweh [that is, God] sent out a great wind on the sea, and there was a mighty storm on the sea, so that the ship was likely to break up. Then the mariners were afraid, and every man cried to his god. They threw the cargo that was in the ship into the sea to lighten the ship. But Jonah had gone down into the innermost parts of the ship, and he was laying down, and was fast asleep. So the shipmaster came to him, and said to him, “What do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God! Maybe your God will notice us, so that we won’t perish.” They all said to each other, “Come, let us cast lots, that we may know who is responsible for this evil that is on us.” So they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah. Then they asked him, “Tell us, please, for whose cause this evil is on us. What is your occupation? Where do you come from? What is your country? Of what people are you?” He said to them, “I am a Hebrew, and I fear Yahweh, the God of heaven, who has made the sea and the dry land.” Then were the men exceedingly afraid, and said to him, “What is this that you have done?” For the men knew that he was fleeing from the presence of Yahweh, because he had told them.”

    One of the tragedies of hardening one’s heart is that we become insensitive to what is going on. Where we once were able to clearly hear Gods “still small voice” we are now unaware of the hurricane that is threatening our destruction. It seems incredible that Jonah could be totally oblivious to what was happening, yet while the ship is in danger of breaking up around him, he is deep in slumber. We should learn a lesson from this. Do we often find ourselves in unexpected trouble? Is it difficult for us to hear God’s voice? If so, it might be that we have ignored or refused what God has already told us.

    Notice too, how callous Jonah is to the other men caught up in this situation. He shows no anxiety or concern for them. In verse 12 Jonah says, “I know that because of me this great storm is on you,” yet shows no sorrow or remorse either for what he has done or for the loss and damage he has occasioned. The idea is prevalent in much of modern society that it’s alright to do whatever you like as long as it doesn’t hurt somebody else. Unfortunately, there is no sin that doesn’t harm others. If our sin does not bring actual harm to someone, then it at least withholds some good, that would have been theirs if we had not sinned. Jonah’s sin caused major financial loss and put lives in jeopardy. The fact that God brought great good out of the situation does not alter the fact that other people were badly hurt. Each one of us should ask ourselves if we too have become hard like Jonah. Do we care about the hurt our sin causes other people?

    Disobedience also destroys our prayer life. How astonishing that a prophet of God has to be admonished by a pagan sailor to pray! One would think that the very shame of the situation would have caused Jonah to repent. But this didn’t happen. Jonah did not begin to pray again until he was on the verge of drowning. In chapter two, verse seven he says, “When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you LORD, and my prayer rose to you...” (NIV) Do we wait to pray to God until our life is almost gone? How much better to repent and enlist God’s help before our lives are in danger!

  26. part 3 of 3

    Another lesson we can learn from Jonah is that our example and testimony to unbelievers is ruined by our disobedience. We need to be very careful that the way we live matches what we say. Scripture asks a very important question: “You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: “You who glory in the law, through your disobedience of the law do you dishonor God? For “the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you...”” (Romans 2:23-24) How incredibly absurd for Jonah to claim to worship the God who made the sea and land and yet try to run away from Him! Surely he was aware of Psalm 139 where it is written, “Where could I go from your Spirit? Or where could I flee from your presence? If I ascend up into heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in Sheol [that is, the grave], behold, you are there!” (Psalm 139:7-8) But knowledge and faith are two different things. Sin will always expose our inconsistencies and foolishness. Perhaps Jonah knew that he could not hide from God, but thought that he could disrupt God's plan. Perhaps he thought that by running away God’s message would never get to Nineveh or would get there too late to avert its destruction. In that case he should have paid more attention to what is written in Proverbs 21:30: “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against Yahweh.”

    Jonah ran from God. But he discovered that while you can turn your heart away from Him, it is impossible to escape from Him.

  27. Just to share this I receive this morning to defunct the anointing of man in AVCF as we can go direct to Jesus Christ --

    Wednesday, December 12th

    Good morning Joshua,

    Here's Today's Devotional from The Vine...

    The Rent Veil

    Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" Having said this, he breathed his last. - Luke 23:46

    The veil was the symbol of separation from God. In the Holy of holies behind it was the place where God's presence dwelt. Men could not pass the veil. The teaching was that God could not be approached by sinners, the way was not yet opened. Once in a year the high priest went behind the veil, implying that there was access to God, but only through a priest. He went with blood - never with out it - signifying that only by blood, by sacrifice, could God be approached. The priest was a type of Christ, and his yearly entrance with blood into the Holy of holies was a constant prefigurement of Christ's once entering with His own blood to make atonement.

    The rending of this veil at the time of Christ's death was not an accident caused by the earthquake. It was part of the symbolism - the end, the completion of it. Men were no longer to be excluded from God's presence, since the great sacrifice had now been made. The separating wall had been broken down by Christ's death. Hence the symbol of this separation was also removed. This rending of the veil was therefore a supernatural act, teaching that the way of access to God was now and for ever open to all.

    The fact that the veil was rent from top to bottom (that is, torn in two pieces) signifies that the way is entirely opened - the veil is clean gone; the Holiest of all stands wide open with its mercy-seat accessible to every sinner, without the intervention of any earthly priest. The time at which this rending took place is important. It was just after Christ had died - after He had cried, “It is finished.” It was because the great atonement was now made that the way was opened; as soon as the sacrifice had been made, the way to God was thrown open to all.

    Joshua, please share your thoughts on"The Rent Veil"

  28. John 2:1-11 states that while Jesus was attending a wedding in Cana with his disciples the party ran out of wine. Jesus' mother (unnamed in John's Gospel) told Jesus, "They have no wine," and Jesus replied, "O Woman, what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come." His mother then said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:3-5). Jesus ordered the servants to fill containers with water and to draw out some and take it to the chief steward waiter. After tasting it, and not knowing where it came from, the steward congratulated the bridegroom on departing from the custom of serving the best wine first by serving it last (John 2:6-10). John adds that: "Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee and it revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him (John 2:11)".

  29. http://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/more-dirt-from-synod/

    September 3, 2012
    More Dirt from Synod

    I have further questions on the renovation. What does RM600,000 include? Likely the structural work only as Chiew is an engineer. What about the furnishing and fittings? How much did that cost? Can we summon Bishop’s former PA and personal shopper Esther Liew to testify? Esther and Datin Mary Vun made trips to KL and Thailand to bring home containers of furnitures. Can the Bishop give us the figures for furniture and fittings please? More importantly who were in the committee to oversee the renovation? What was the budget set by the Standing Committee?

    RM600,000 = 1 year of offering+tithes from Church of the Good Shepherd (in 2006)
    RM600,000 = 1 year of offering+tithes from Christ Church Likas (in 2006)

    Let’s not forget in the same year, Philip Lo spent RM300,000 to renovate rectory II of Christ Church which he occupied for a few months before moving into the Deanery. In total, the Diocese spent RM900,000 on renovation in 2006, and we haven’t figured out the furnishing and fitting cost yet. That’s 40% of the Diocesan assessments (RM2.2 million) in 2006. Can you imagine 40% of what the whole Diocese collected in 2006 went into renovating houses for two families? Is this good stewardship of God’s money?

  30. Kawan,
    I am MOCKING here and the victory into the promised land, it is not gain for myself but for Christ church.

    I am pressing on with the message that more of us need to be focus to resolve BISHOPGATE, which is indeed a tough nut to crack and unity NOT silence can help us to move forward.

    How is Project Nehemiah doing? Please read Nehemiah ch 4 to face the challenge to rebuild ADOS as we are now in ruins because of AVCF and his gang.

  31. http://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/how-to-remove-a-bishop/

    December 14, 2012 - 11:46 pm anonymous

    Do you all know that BAV had ordained an illegal Immigrant as priest. This person came to Sabah from a neighbouring country, and bribed (gave money to) a ‘Ketua Kampung’ so that he can apply / register for the Malaysian blue identity card (MYCARD). Now he got a blue identity card and even married to a local Kadazan girl from Kudat, and has children. In 2009, he was serving in Kota Marudu. Before that he was serving in St.Philip’s Church Bukit Belachon, Lahad Datu. Although BAV knew that the person concerned got his MYCard illegally and was not right before the Malaysian law (bribing and getting a blue ic illegally), BAV proceed to ordain the person as priest. So to BAV bribing is a normal thing. Therefore, it is not surprising if BAV is practising bribery in the form of bonus for himself, taking excessive visa fee, whereabout the All Saints’ Cathedral money (the deficit), the illegal transaction of the DOS money, and to name a few more. Morally it is wrong and spiritually it is against the church teaching or to God. I don’t believed that all the church workers of DOS are given the bonus, I think only his cronies. The innocent workers who dared to speak the truth normally will be vehemously marked with negative word – it is a character assassination – until the worker cannot take it anymore. The only option is either to fight it in court or to leave (resign). Just imagined the innocent worker who doesn’t have enough money to go to the court to fight his case. The only option is to leave.

    December 15, 2012 - 7:56 am joshuakong823

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Please bring this case to RCI II, so that it is another BOMB for AVCF.

    I am a witness to RCI II.

  32. Matthew 23:23-28

    New International Version (NIV)

    23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.

    25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

    27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

    Proverbs 20:11

    New International Version (NIV)

    11 Even small children are known by their actions,
    so is their conduct really pure and upright?

  33. With the Archbishop's latest pastoral Advent letter of 19th December, 2012, it is likely HOBs is finding a moral victory over his sheep protecting a known criminal and I hope it is NOT the birds of the same feathers flock together.

  34. We are indeed in more turmoil as HOBs has been indecisive and wishy washy and also fishy.

    If we see all those movements of the staff and clergy and pastors, we are seeing more unsettling scenario as all those
    involved with such transition could be removed if there a committee to restore ADOS.

    The questioned transition is both costly and disruptive arising from the rottenness of AVCF.

    Would the recalcitrant TPW really going in Feb 2013?

    All these transition measures should be minimal.

  35. https://thetruthasc.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/did-bishop-albert-vun-tell-us-the-whole-truth/comment-page-1/#comment-4977

    December 24, 2012 - 3:09 pm Just courious

    I hope the bishop’s lodge has an inventory list to show what belongs to the church and what belongs to AV! The correct procedure is when a person leaves from the house that he is going to vacant,the person who is in charged of these things should also be present and check all the inventory to see none is taken away that does not belong to the one who leaves.This is the normal thing when the tenant leaves the rented house with the owner checking on his things in the house.Both of them present. Is AV going to leave bishop’s lodge when he goes on sabbatical leave? Or is he just going to store his things in the 20ft container to make way for bishop commissary?

    How to rely on this recalcitrant Bishop for so much pilling up wrong doings still piling up in ADOS and elsewhere as long as he remains Bishop.

    Can you imagine if it is true that he needed a 20ft container for his personal chattels and that is a lot of things after 6 years? Where is the container now?

    Would those things carted away include things that were apid by ASC and ADOS as almost a million Ringgit were incurred for the renovation and furnishing?

    Someone has posted that he has changed his mind about going on Sabbatical leave.

    What is what now?

    If AVCF could lie in ASC church on 15th October, 2012, he is everything in DISORDER and in canonical disobedience and a wolf shepherd.

  36. December 27, 2012 - 11:10 am Charlie Fu

    I strongly believe for the moment we give the Arch-Bishop Bolly recommendation a chance before we say anything which we may regret later. The most important thing for us now is to know who the Bishop commissary is and who the mediator is before we make our next move. Mean time if those who wish to take other alternative Venue, do continue to plan and start the ball rolling otherwise its all here say only but no action, which bring us to nowhere. This is one of the reason why AV and his cronies are laughing and continue to behave as if they own ADOS, and looking at us as if we are a basin of loose sand. At least Arch-Bishop Bolly has given us something that we may be able to act upon at the end of the day. I am not pouring cold water over what all of us have written in the blog so far, apart for directing our anger at the HOB and Arch-Bishop Bolly. They have done what they are capable of doing within the confinement of their authority in accordance to the constitution and the name APSEA at large. I think we need to know what type of authorities the provincial constitution have over the bishop of a diocese, unless they have the authority like the MACC, otherwise nothing much they can do. I believe APSEA do not have the mechanism and finance like the government. AV and his counselor have their side of the stories to tell. You cannot simply take a person to court when your constitution does not have proper guide lines. Because, I believe the HOB and Arch-Bishop also know ultimately they have to answer to the Almighty God, if what they did was wrongs, they will carry this guilt the rest of their lives until they come before the Heavenly Judge. We should not make judgment on the HOB unless we are there during their meeting, because they may be looking at things in a bigger consequences. If you want to nail a thief you need to have the proofs that he have in his possession the items stolen from you otherwise no case. Let us see who the commissary and mediator are? Are they Godly and fair in working with us to change the constitutions and re audit the ADOS and ASC accounts? We need to get to the bottom of every thing before we can say now we have the complete picture and we can act with full force. At the moment we only have half the picture. We have come this far just wait another two months does not make any different to us. But it allows AV to make more blunders. He who did evil in the present of our Almighty God will not escape His punishment. We must have faith in God because we have been praying to Him to act in accordance to His will, otherwise all our prayers will be in vain. No amount of anger and posting will change anything for the moments. Either we wait or act through the court. The choice is our. Amen.
    December 27, 2012 - 2:26 pm joshuakong823

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    AVCF has written his own bible with his own baby Jesus and Jesus is possibly living somewhere such as Thailand as he had to be in Thailand on April Fool to fool all of us with his rector YTC as the illegal chairman.
    How nice AVCF can appoint illegal chairman when ASC almost lost two millions Ringgit in a few years. We all know where some of the money has gone and that is the proof that some of those money had gone to his bank account or his pocket.

    to be continued ---


  37. So with the tens of Millions of Ringgit in ADOS and many more hundreds of millions of assets in ADOS, how can anyone trust this AVCF to look after those God’s assets?

    You have time to wait and that is how AVCF is laughing because he needs time as the Trojan horse to strike at the right time after the GE13 if ever to be held soon.

    If we file a suit or two in the Civil Court, there is still a long time to wait to see the result and if the Writ cannot be served on the missing AVCF, we will have to wait another year or so and that is what AVCF wants because he holds the trump cards to do total damage to ADOS and laughing to the banks in oversea..

    See how he had written a new Bible – the new Albert version when he preached at ASC’s midnight Christmas eve service that Jesus must not be missed at Christmas eve or we miss Jesus on Christmas day. That is reported in the Daily Express of 27 December, 2012 page 3 by Mary Chin. Is that true teaching? Jesus is the living God omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresence. PERIOD.

    AVCF must be removed as the sole trustee of ADOS immediately and maybe a court case can be filed for this. This we cannot wait as long as he remains the bishop even on Sabbatical leave.

  38. from thetruthasc ---A bridge too far ---

    All the 5 points as indicated would not solve the crisis in ADOS aka BISHOPGATE whatever some may think unless the Trojan horse is removed by stroke of a pen. There is nothing left for the Archbishop and PHOBs to do to resolve this BISHOPGATE.

    If we want to draw a parallel to “A bridge too far”, there is no choice now with a stroke of pen that AVCF is removed hence it is the Trojan Horse.

    There is nothing to compare with the removal of AVCF like the removal of the cancer or Trojan Horse that would destroy ADOS and which may go on to destroy the Province of South East Asia.

    If we maintain a new approach as suggested by the Advent letter, ADOS would surely and slowly be destroyed using own expenses and explode and nothing is left with ADOS and ADOS can be Albert Diocese of Sabah.


    All the works of Mediation and restructuring with AVCF still as Bishop is tantamount to profligacy leading to nihilism in ADOS as the pattern is already set in motion.

    So the letters of 18 Sep and Advent Letter is doom to failure with dire consequences to the Province of SEA and beyond for the Anglican Communion.

    But all is not lost yet, and I have lost some small battles but not the War.

    A bridge too far in the context of the survival of AVCF thus far can be seen that AVCF had relied on Archbishop as the superior in PSEA to stay in office albeit with some vague compliance of those unworkable provisions albeit illegal and departure of the Constitutions of the Diocese and Province.

    Very sad to say, PHOBs has not grasped the full gravity of the BISHOPGATE.

    The members and beneficiaries of ADOS cannot FAIL if we now re-ignite ourselves and unite in a concerted effort for a common purpose. Don’t be discouraged by my little loss in the battles but the War has yet to be won.

    There are so much we can do together if we come out in the OPEN so as recover the lost ground in ADOS and our true God cannot lose his church in Sabah.

    So it will be ‘a bridge too far for AVCF’ and victory for God, and to God be the glory.

  39. According to the sharing by Bishop YPC at the STS on 27 Nov, the “best yet to come” and that is long stay Uni Kepayan for AVCF as we set in motion the Court actions.

  40. from thetruthasc blog ---

    ecember 31, 2012 - 3:21 pm anglican

    Before Dean Chak steps foot into ASC,the members must make it known that he must be transparent in all that he does.He cannot say,he is the Dean,he has the prerogative— and speaks AV’s language or else he will meet with the same fate!! We must stand firm right from the beginning. We must still abstain from giving until everything is put right.

    A little bird told me AV will go for sabbatical leave in UK two months and US 2 months,wow if that is true,he is having the time of his life and who pays for his expenses,I wonder? He is having the best of both worlds.HOB is very generous with him at the expense of the church?? I hope this is only just allegations .

    January 1, 2013 - 1:08 am joshuakong823

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    Did you hear it wrong and don’t worry it is very cheap and fast if CBT and we can send AVCF to UK -Uni Kepayan for free and to USA also for free in United Sabah Asylum., and so we have to start working on 1/1/2013…

  41. Dear blogger,
    While it is good to flash back to the HORROR of AVCF in 2012, it is much better that in the first week of 2013, we engineer our tougher approach to send AVCF to UK and Bukit Padang Mesra Hospital as not choice for AVCF.

    Surprised a bit only, our blogger goes backward a few step only to march on in unity in his last sentence "The way forward will be long. It will require greater sacrifices from all of us. I pray God will convict us what we should do, and give us the courage and perseverance to journey on."

    Our good friend Charlie Fu to whom many look forward to deal with AVCF for the good reasons suddenly decided to move ahead to the AGM 2013.

    It is painful to recall the HORRORS of AVCF and we have to face the BISHOPGATE by holding the bull by the head and not avoiding it now...

    What is next now???

  42. from a bridge too far ---

    Sen Ka Pak (or false prophet in Hakka) and KK (ketua Kampong) and others esp MACC, Mark, Simon T.,

    Now we are in 2nd day of new year, and why cannot all groups come together now to do the big battle to win the war finally with the finality that the BISHOPGATE need to be dealt with fatally with the Spirit of God.

    Forget and forgive all those minor grudges on the way to end of 2012. Have a fresh page in our FOCUS.
    Don't even let blogger bring us back to 2012 (painful - urgh urgh ) or let Charlie fu further into the AGM 2013 in March (false comfort?) but now bring our strategy to a long or small table to bring down the Jericho for onward march to the Promised land without the imposter 'moses' of the dreamland in ADOS and his cronies.

    I am very interested to know that group yet to surface and hope it is not another TALK one.

    I was unknown at the beginning but how to hide when it is in the civil court.
    We propose and God disposes for now.

  43. My friends, -- an encounter with AVCF for less than a minute --
    this is a secret I can tell you why I dare to challenge AVCF. There was a spiritual direction a few years back at the entrance of All Saints' Cathedral.

    I already heard from friends that AVCF was always telling some people who ask questions and comments he does not like to hear, and the standard verse like in Albert Bible was instead of answering the question or the comment AVCF would respond like "If you don't like, you can go".

    Then one fine Sunday morning, it was so early at the door of ASC, AVCF as the Bishop was there so early. So I chance to say something which I cannot remember now. He did not reply or comment on my comment but said " If you don't like................" and his body language of turning his head and body in front of me for some moments of 20 seconds and no words come out from the very BIG mouth mean his spirit was stopped by God.

    So I am very encouraged by that message spiritually since then but never had the chance to meet him later until 2009.

    We are in a spiritual war and hence I have come so far as a very little David with nothing except mighty pen in my hand.


  44. from thetruthasc blog -

    Time is the essence of this case be it within and without, and at the present scenario both are beyond our control as the quickest way to solve the crisis in God way is what every body wants except BAV and his cronies including some in the Standcom and Synod.

    So not much time left to save ADOS and ASC, if we continue to look backward whatever that had happened.

    We have plenty of lessons from this move to remove AVCF. All will be done in God's timing but we need to prompt now.

    Go to my bishopgate blog to read my 28 Q for ASC AGM 2013. A lot of work is needed.

    God has provided much for my action and will do so and have faith. Put aside all different opinions and feelings.

  45. HOBs decision 18 Sep and Advent letter and all those proposals are too costly and ineffective for reasons already known and soon we will see it as futile.

    It is very likely bring all to HOLLAND..

  46. January 4, 2013 - 10:05 am Sen Ka Pak

    Joshua Kong, are you insane? Lets review your performance. Your case was thrown out with cost, but you said you withdrew it. You said you would refile two Fridays ago but you didn’t. Now we should listen to you? You want 500 members to file police report? You want a SAFE taskforce? Pls la. You have failed to deliver one ounce of results and you want more resources?

    January 4, 2013 - 10:14 am joshuakong823

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    Sen Ka Pak,
    All very good points you have raised but you were not in the Court to see what happened.

    In God’s kingdom, we have every reason to see God’s purpose.

    The journey is still on whatever shortcoming so far albeit with some disappointment some people cannot accept.

    Like last time, people told me to be patient with the 5, then the 10 until 19.12.2012, and I now appeal to people to be patient a bit more..

    keep on praying..

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. The various solutions of the PHOBs of 18 Sep and 19 December, 2012 are really a bridge too far and it is hard for them to implement those provisions - all illegal - without the E-Court.

    So the PHOBs is now in dire dilemma for violating the Provincial constitution, and while the commisary is within the ADOS Constitution but this can be abused by remote control as long as the recalcitrant AVCF remain the Bishop on leave and PHOBs does not know how to salvage the scenario of "A bridge too far" and the Mediator is a red herring as how such a mediator negotiate in the absence of the AVCF?

    Going by the prevailing and known scenario ADOS and ASC would be totally destroyed within this year after the GE 13.

    Since the provisions of the PHOBs are all illegal where the Constitutions do not provide a Mediator, how would we expect AVCF to comply except to use more God's money in his socalled unjustified Sabbatical leave.

    So we need to think out of the box to salvage the BISHOPGATE and suspend AVCF, get a task force similar to a Diocesan Synod with fresh elections and appointments.

    PHOBs already defeated and a new approach is the only way out as Os Anon has given sort of guideline for asking the right thing to replace the wrong thing in AVCF.

    So we need fast action now.

  49. After reading the posting of OS Anon and Truthasc,
    it is the PHOBs taking the matters into their own hands in the following manners:-
    1. The PHOBs did not comply with the Provincial Constitution after the 5 complainants were justified with the PAC report on 38 of the 40 culpable items lodged.
    2. The 10 delegates did warn the PHOBs (if that is right?) that AVCF did commit CBT, and the PHOBs via the Archbishop should lodge a Police Report as it is the preview of the Criminal Court. Instead, the PHOBs came out with an Advent letter introducing items not provided in the ADOS Constitution.

    3. PHOBs never suspended AVCF while under investigation and little cooperation except crocodile tears in Changi Singapore.

    So it very clear how any body in proper authority deal with this BISHOPGATE embracing civil, criminal and spiritual elements, and Archbishop BL did none of that except appoint a Mediator for what? You mean such a Mediator can deal with civil and criminal issues?

    So much to do and do it right now.

  50. January 7, 2013 - 8:10 am joshuakong823

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    It is our own fault that we have allowed AVCF to do it his way ruining slowly and surely since those days at Goodsam and carried on till ASC to make a stop here as the buck stops here.

    So what are we waiting for after more than 20 years now?

    The destruction is not yet total and we all want to see this happen and then nothing for any one to repent..very. very sad.

  51. January 7, 2013 - 8:39 am joshuakong823

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    I think I know what happen to the RM85,000 and awaiting confirmation from AVCF.
    Even the recent bonus of RM120,000 is dubious and what now then?

  52. why only this Diocesan Boards’ Chairmen: in the ADOS website?

    What about the Standing Committee members?

    Why is the Advent letter missing?

    Diocesan Boards’ Chairmen:
    Diocesan Welfare & Disaster Relief Board:
    Mr Wilson Rantau

    Diocesan Education Board:
    Datuk Mary Yap

    Diocesan Vocation Committee:
    Bishop John Yeo

    Diocesan Mission & Church Planting Committee: Canon Chak Sen Fen

    Diocesan Scholarship Board:
    Rev Chin Kah Jin

    Diocesan Training Committee:
    Rev Lin Khee Vun

    Diocesan Development Board:
    Mr Chris Chiew

  53. anuary 7, 2013 - 9:41 am Anonymous

    Last Sunday AV preached at 10 am English service. He said he was recommended by the coming appointed “Mediator” to attend a course in US and it is costly! Is AV going to conveniently accept this and go for another paid holiday ? Isn’t he supposed to be counselled for the crises he created during his sabbatical leave? Doesn’t he feel that he is misusing the church money? Its rediculous! He also said he “may not” return. If so, why is he still using church money to attend more “course” overseas which is expensive. Its wiser for him to resign now and leave ADOS.

    I wonder what is HOB doing? What is ADOS going to do? Just say yes to him? Its really shameful!
    January 7, 2013 - 1:28 pm member

    HOB should be more transparent to us.If AV is going for a course in US and may not return then HOB should spell out who is paying for the course.What about his being the trustee of the Anglican properties,and those under his own name? Have they arranged all these should be transferred back to the church? Before AV leaves he should clear up the mess that he has built up for over 6 years.
    January 7, 2013 - 3:47 pm joshuakong823

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    So why are so many waiting in vain?
    Why should the mediator function in US and not here? It is definitely a red herring.

    Only mad people would accept such developments.
    AVCF should be sacked and forced to give back all that stolen from ADOS and various churches.
