How much of the RM49million still there now?
see for yourself and act now before it is too late.
Quote: “Anonymous14 July 2012 03:16
Albert, we trust you will not use ADOS or ASC’s piggy banks to dabble in KLSE.
Making profits in KLSE investments belongs to Vun Cheong Fui & lost making
investments redirect to ADOS & ASC’s accounts ?
I heard you used to be a very active stocks market punter when you were in Tawau & you used to trade through my cousin brother.”
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Ezekiel 3:18
I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn
them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save
their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold
you accountable for their blood.
Any financial person will ask some of these questions in the Synod if they are given time to read the accounts:
Read most rotten deals here--
What William Thien posted in ASC blog is correct about the shoplot in Tenom.
ReplyDeleteIf RM473,830 was paid according to the information here, then Rev JL can clarify it this Sunday in ASC.
The actual amount is RM365,000.
willliam thien13 September 2012 22:12
The latest episode in the fraud scandal about the church leader has shocked all the church members. They express their gratitude to the “THETRUTHASC”, saying it was the author’s efforts and strong desire to piece together all the facts and evidence that enabled them to get a better understanding of the unethical practices in the Diocese.
The amount, more than RM10 millions involved in the scandal, is considered as tremendous, unprecedented and a historic shame to the Diocese. Judging from the auditor’s report and the analysis of the “THETRUTHASC”, church members believe that the leader and some of his associates have obviously committed a breach of trust. What are the consequences of choosing to sin?
It is suspected that the Sale & Purchase Agreement for the shop-lot in Tenom had been tampered with before conducting the audit of the Diocese account by George Lim. From the information disclosed, the actual amount overpaid for the shop-lot should be RM108,830.00 and not RM58,830.00 as detected. It could be justified by referring to the facts as outlined below:
1. The Agreement was made between Lingkudou Development Sdn Bhd and Bishop of Sabah.
2. Date of the Agreement: 30th December 2009
3. Agreement prepared by: Messrs Azman Baginda & Co, 1st Floor, Block E1, Lot 7 & 8, Beriawa Shophouse, Jalan Bumiputra, P.O.Box 274, 89008 Keningau, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 087-331743.
4. Price of the shop-lot: it was RM365,000.00 as clearly stated in the agreement.
5. Address of the shop-lot: Lot No. 6, Block A, Pangie Industrail Complex. (TL167503844, District of Tenom)
6. Stamp duty payable : RM6,300.00 which was levied on RM365,000.00 (refer to the letter from LHDN dated 28/01/2010).
Payments made to the developer has however raised doubt about the integrity of the church leaders as it was overpaid for RM50,000.00, making the cost of the shop-lot from RM365,000.00 to RM415,000.00.
The following analysis of payments will justify the claim.
• 1st payment : RM36,500.00 (Cheque No. HSBC 344511) was made on 28/12/09 under payment voucher no. pv76/Dec 09.
• 2nd payment : RM328,500.00 (Cheque No. HSBC 344674) was made on 3/03/10 under payment voucher no. pv3/Mar 2010.
• 3rd payment : RM50,000.00 (Cheque No. HSBC 593261) was made on 18/06/10 under payment voucher no. pv53/Jun 2010.
Church members are asking the following questions.
1. How many sets of the relevant agreement are being kept by the leader?
2. Why did he need to make the additional payment of RM108,830.00 to the developer?
3. Was the agreement tampered with?
4. Was the additional amount paid to the developer?
5. Was it just a miscommunication that caused the extra payment?
All church leaders and clergies are reminded to be honest in their behavior. Cheating violates a holy God. Cheating and godliness cannot live together in peace. One must give in to the other.
They are urged to read Proverbs 11: 1-3 “1The LORD hates cheating, but he delights in honesty. 2Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. 3Good people are guided by their honesty; treacherous people are destroyed by their dishonesty.”
Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The leader, the chancellor and the treasurer are required to give parishioners a detailed explanation.
By William Thien
Dated: 14th September 2012
who are the signatories of the bank accounts of ADOS?
ReplyDeleteActually AVCF as sole "trustee" cannot delegate the duty to anyone, and he cannot blame anyone watch out JY if you also sign cheques..
We have been reading that BAV is right and others are wrong and this is totally unacceptable.
ReplyDeleteIf you come across any argument in favour of the Bishop with respect to the
shortfall of funds in ADOS as the blame would be pushed to others,
then you should raise this issue such as if that not the fault of the
Bishop, he as the head of the ADOS, he should take approprate action
like charging those people involved and not use these people as scapgoats.
Dear friends,
ReplyDeleteThere are a few options (the quicker and cheaper approach preferred) to resolve the prevailing accounting system and presentation of accounts for the internal auditor.
Before any auditors - internal or external - can come in now, the accounts must be in order.
From the scarce information and the reported manipulation of accounts by the honorary Treasurer (as per asc blogs), it would appear an impossible thing for any one to do a proper audit. Again, we must have the source documents before verification can be done. Are those sourced document genuine ? That is the cause of any mess in the accounts. For the Tenom shoplot, it would appear there are three sets of S&Ps with differing selling price.
It is very likely that most of the ADOS genuine documents are missing or adulterated. When I had the Court Order to collect the documents, none was given by the AVCF. So we can assume his modus operandi.
I also don't know what the Provincial Advisory Committee PAC done any checking on the ADOS accounts if any been done. I heard some people came to collect quite substantial documents from ADOS but not knowing for what purposes? Any thing is possible with AVCF.
Many also call for Forensic audit and if documents are missing/manipulated what can such effort generate? No guess work please and the price of forensic audit is upfront and likely very expensive for 6 years. If the church money is paid upfront and the full forensic audit cannot be done, we will be the worst losers.
If only I can get those accounting/documentary records, I think I can make something out to give how much we have lost due to pilfering and possible frauds. All these must be done quickly now.
We can go for another Ex parte Order based on the latest Diocesan Accounts presented at the Synod 2012.
So we need to work hard for that, now and not write and talk so much here.
ReplyDeleteNovember 23, 2012
RM120,000 Bonus
UPDATED Nov 23, 11:10pm:
Bishop Albert Vun gives himself a RM20,000 bonus. This sum is taken from the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund. Traditionally, the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund is used to help parishes with urgent financial needs that cannot wait for the Stand Comm, which only meets every 3 months, to deliberate. It is unclear how BAV concluded he deserved such a bonus at this time, nor do we know how BAV was appraised.
Dear Anglican members,
We have reached that stage that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Based on the reply of AVCF to one parishioner in Christ Church circulated in an email,
AVCF is definitely UNFIT to be bishop.
We as Anglican Sabah needs to conduct an inquiry on the way money has been taken out of the bank and paid without vouchers and records etc.
AVCF is cheating.
----- Forwarded Message -----
ReplyDeleteFrom: vunalbert
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 2:22 AM
Subject: Re:
Dear Philip,
This was done end of last year on the principle which was agreed in our salary terms n conditions, that we reward those who worked harder, n for clergy n pastors from smaller churches where no bonuses were paid. I shared with the Stand Com. the Treasurer n accounts staff were in the know. The Diocesan office staff were given about 1 month's pay each. The rest distributed to clergy n pastors. $1000 to $2000 each. we have 60 over clergy n pastors. Yes, we didn't have a full name list. That was my mistake.
In the future, we will do a full name list, if we do this again. Now there is a group trying to discredit me. I have led the best I could in the right spirit. If you don't trust me on this, I also cannot do anything now. I'm taking time off to pray if the Lord wants me to serve someway else..
Please help to pray for the church n help to built unity.
Sent from Samsung tablet
Date: 04/12/2012
To : The Right Revd. Datuk Albert Vun, Bishop of Sabah.
From: Philip Lee ( member of Christ Church)
Dear Bishop Albert Vun,
Re Accusation of Ill-gotten money
I was saddened to learn from the “The Truth” that you have, under the excuse of making payment of bonus to the clergies, cashed out RM 100,000 from the Diocese Bank Account.
It was also said that no payment voucher was issued for the recipients to acknowledge receipt of the so-called bonus payment. Don’t you realize that you have violated the accounting rule? Don’t you realize that your violation has raised doubt about your integrity—church members suspected that you have misappropriated church money?
Being a senior member in Christ Church, I have confidence in you and I do believe that the accusation against you is probably calculated to defame you. If your conscience is clear, I hope you would take action to refute the rumors by listing all the names of the recipients and the respective amount paid.
Again, I must reiterate that I have my undivided trust in you and I hope that it is not misplaced.
I look forward to receiving your explanation at your convenience.
Philip Lee of Christ Church, K.K.
Email :
October 23, 2012 - 1:18 pm KFK
After I finished listening to the Sandakan audio recording,I have this to say-AV opened the dialogue with an opening prayer that all must tell the truth! Did he? All I heard was his spinning long winded answers which were not very relevant to the question and wasted a lot of time in getting right to the point.When he answered the practising accountant’s questions he betrayed himself.From what he revealed,he knows about the diocese account more than MT.Even MT said he could not give out some of the answers because he did not know,but look at AV,he was so knowledgeable how funds were transferred from one fund to another,even teaching the accountant so to speak how his figures derived at!He thought he knew better than the accountant! It also proved that indeed he is in charge of the accounts and fiddles with the accounts so that even the treasurer Paul Chong also could not keep track! He is the sole CEO,office manager cum treasurer and accountant,all in one.Now the accounts are so messy he put blames on others except himself. Look at the KK video,did he speak like he did in Sandakan? He did very well even when the treasurer was not there and how come in KK he played’stupid’ He thinks the Sandakan people are ignorant to believe in his stories.I took my hat off to those vocal members and hope someone will translate what the BM member was trying to say to AV. In court,the judge will not listen to long explanations without proofs ,(Chinese saying,more saliva than tea)the questions will be short and specific,mostly YES or NO! SC also beware,I heard lots of times,AV said his transferring of funds were approved by SC,if so it should be supported with minutes of the meetings! If you are asked to be witnesses in court ,be careful, you may be charged for perjury if you lie to cover the bishop
@@@ money fiddled by AVCF..@@@