Wednesday 26th September 6pm—followed by supper
St John’s Cathedral, Ann St Brisbane
For more info email
Bishop Albert Vun & a team from Sabah Malaysia will be in Australia. Come & hear Bishop Vun speak about ….
Evangelism in a
Multi-Cultural Society
Join us on
Saturday, 29th September
Where: Bardon Anglican Church 290 Simpson’s Rd (Cnr Burnham Rd) Bardon
When: 8.30am for 9am start (finish 12.30pm)
Cost: $10 pp (morning tea included)
RSVP: 22nd September 2012
email Wendy Gunnell
Ph 07 3369 3301
Why is he there when there is a crisis in Diocese of Sabah
As we prepare for the coming visit from the Sabah Team, please keep them in your prayers. We are hopeful to receive photos of the Team soon so that we have a face to a name that we pray for; already we have a picture of Bishop Albert and his wife Mary. Joining them are Cynthia Kong [Bishop’s secretary], Ronald James, Adeline Fong, Lawrence Kiew, Pastor Margaret Sim, Rachel Mui, Jovina San, and Chanel Hui. Their ministry gifts include working with children and youth, praise and worship leading, cell group ministry, and prayer and intercession. And as you will see from the program we are planning for them to teach and encourage us in some special areas of ministry and mission, such as evangelism, small group ministry, praise and worship.
ReplyDeleteAlso keep the parish in your prayers as we continue to make final arrangements for the planned events to happen. One of those in particular requiring special prayer focus is our 60th Celebration at the Cathedral on 26th September. Why the Cathedral you might ask? Because we wanted to share our particular emphasis on praise, worship and proclamation with the wider Diocese; and if the attendance is good then St Mary’s Church will not be big enough! We have been talking with other clergy and lay people from other parishes for a long time now about the impact we should be having on the Diocese. I have personally been in contact with clergy colleagues about supporting the 60th celebration and another planned event [Workshop with Bishop Albert] involving clergy and lay people of the Diocese. And I must say I am excited by the prospect that other parishes will join us in this celebration and accompanying workshop with Bishop Albert. In fact, what I am now hearing is that other parishes are looking to have praise and proclamation services at the Cathedral on a regular basis – something that has not happened in many years, that is, not in the style we are used to. So we see this celebration as marking a beginning for something new to happen in the Diocese; let’s pray God is working something really special to be happening among us.
We have also been able to gain the support of EFAC [Evangelical Fellowship of Anglican Churches], CMS, and PMC [Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission] for The Workshop with Bishop Albert. This is important because it means that other organisations of our Diocese are supporting the event so that attendance promises to be good. It also means that we are able to get the valuable message that Bishop Albert brings to the wider Diocese.
extract from Bardon Anglican Church
Are LIES contagious?
ReplyDeleteAre DENIALS contagious?
Is GREED acceptable?
Is GLUTTON acceptable in God's Kingdom?
Is RECALCITRANCY acceptable?
you can go on and on..
STOP the madman from ADOS..