This is extracted from an email.
On Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 2:04 PM, A Vun <> wrote:
Enough is enough, if you are Joshua Kong, say who you are and be responsible to what you wrote.
You are not "Sabah Anglican" because only our Standing Committee or
our Diocesan Synod can collective have the right to call ourselves
"Sabah Anglican".
1. We are not intimated by your hateful mails making wild
accusations - and being a coward hiding behind a name you are not worthy
nor do you have the right to claim.
2. We do not dialog with you in the tone of hate and falsehood.
If you have something to say, why don't you come and face me in
person. Your writing to me cc. to all our Bishops does not intimate
me. You act like a bully and behave like a coward. I have no respect
for people who make irresponsible claims, spread lies and sow dissent
between Christian brothers. If you are an Anglican, may I correct you
for you wrong behavior.
3. You wanted to stir up dissent and trouble during our
Centenary Celebration last year - threatening our me, our Cathedral
clergy and pastors. Now you want to stir up trouble again when we
prepare for our Jubilee celebration. This is your motivation - a
trouble maker - while all our members are working with the Lord to build
up the church.
4. Please remember our Diocese is not in crisis. Our
mission works are properly supervised, including our Academies. All our
accounts are properly kept and audited by qualified and responsible
professionals. Calling us names does not alarm us or make us fearful.
It only shows your words have no factual truth. You seek to destroy my
reputation and paint a negative picture of our church and our leaders,
calling 95% our synod representatives cronies and people with no
principles is very wrong. Please show yourself. You have no standing
in our church, neither do you have standing in our community. Our
whole Diocese is growing and our evangelism is bearing fruits. New
churches are being planted. Do not think that by making wide
allegations and accusations we will be distracted from our important
In the Name of Jesus, I forgive you for what you have done against
me and our Diocese. We leave room for God's vengeance because vengeance
belong to Him.
If you have any further things to say, please have the courtesy to
say it to me in person. I am putting your address as spam so I will
not give time to read your hateful mails in the future. In the past, I
have not answered you because in principle, I do not want to lower
myself to answer accusations made maliciously in anonymity. As
responsible leaders, we do not do that. This is the one time I do this
because you have gone too far.
Albert Vun
Bishop of Sabah
AVCF's letter on 21 July was the response to a letter dated 18 July
ReplyDeleteTo Albert Vun Cheong Fui,
In your facebook message (18th July) in response to the Daily Express article 'PROBE ON A BISHOP", you wrote "....I cannot debate our church matters in the internet. But in the coming Synod, all matters raised in the blog and every accusations made against me will be answered to all the Diocesan delegates ...."
Your response is totally wrong and unacceptable for these reasons :-
1. Explaining to the Synod Delegates is explaining to your cronies and blind supporters only. The Synod is 95% packed with your cronies, supporters and people with no principles. So it is very easy for you to fool these delegates in the same way that you pack the Standing Committee and Cathedral P.C.C. with your zombies and fool them all the time.
Your obsession for total and blind submission to your authority has rendered Synod, Standing Committee and Cathedral PCC your rubber stamps only. You should take full responsibility for imposing this culture of fear in our Diocese.
2. The Daily Express has publicly exposed your dictatorial and tyrannical conduct in public. Therefore, you have an obligation to our Diocese to clear the air in public - not in a restricted forum as YOUR Synod.
That newspaper article is read throughout the world, USA, UK, Australia, N.Z., India, Indonesia. You always wanted publicity and celebrity status, so you got it in the cheap - without having to pay anything for the publication. But anglicans in Sabah suffer.
The majority of Anglicans in Sabah (except your cronies who worship you as a cult leader) feel very ashamed and disgraced by the article published in public.
You have brought the utmost disgrace and shameful episode to us Anglicans in Sabah - through your greed for money, putting your hands in God's till and oppression on the congregation members.
You have also raised a big question mark on all churches, whether Catholic, Basel, SIB, etc. The non-Christians in Sabah are asking - "Is christianity that good and clean?" perhaps other religions are better.
Can Christian leaders, especially bishops be trusted with money and power? City Harvest Church just recently exposed that the leader (Kong Hee) and his cohorts can put their hands in God's till to benefit his wife's (Sun Ho's) business.
You are also the Chairman of the Sabah Council of Churches. So can the Council trust you and have faith in your leadership?
Did you not put your hands into God's till to benefit your wife, Datin Mary's Academies here, KL, elsewhere and nearly Beijing?
You don't have to write any more pastoral letters or to preach. Over 90% of the Anglicans in Sabah cannot believe you anymore and will not listen or read your sermons or messages. You have fooled your congregation for 6 years and it seems like 60 years of deception.
[to be continued]
ReplyDeleteIf you have the manly courage, you should sue Daily Express for telling "lies" about you (your favourite response - "lies, slanders, etc, etc") immediately. If you dare not, it means the article about you is correct.
If you also have the manly courage, then arrange for a forum before the start of the Synod for all Anglicans throughout Sabah to attend so that everyone can raise all pertinent questions with you and you can distribute all the diocesan accounts and statements of income and expenditure for the period 2006 up to August 2012 for everyone to inspect and digest.
In this way, no one can say that you bury your head into the sand (the Synod - your safe haven) for an easy way out.
You always declare very proudly that you "fear no man". Now is the time to do so and don't use diplomatic language that you don't debate in internet or other media.
You were so courageous to put your hands in God's till for 6 years and to bully staff members (especially ladies) and young and meek clergy and pastors.
Why not show that same courage and clear your name in the newspaper and sue it in Court AND meet your flocks in a forum face to face!!
another letter from Sabah Anglican---
ReplyDeleteSent: Sunday, 22 July 2012 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: My Answer
To Albert Vun,
Thank you very much for your speedy reply.
Firstly, may we request you not to be angry and lose your cool. As an ordained senior clergy and now somewhat consecrated as a relatively new bishop, you should have patience and love as a preacher and servant of God.
We are not Joshua Kong or the 5 Complainants. So please don't fire your shotgun and hoping to kill a bird or two. You have been wrong to accuse, scold and curse others without any basis for the past 1 year.
We are faithful Anglicans spread throughout the Diocese. At least 7 of us will appear as witnesses when your Corruption case and a High Court Civil case against you are held. So just be a bit patient to find out our identities because we don't want to be influenced to drop out in our crusade to cleansing the diocese of all the corruption, stealing, oppression and deception for the past 6 years resulting in the crisis now.
Please don't deny that there is a crisis caused only by you. You are so good in denying that you arrogantly claimed and lied that the Advisory Committee is not formed to investigate you for all your wrong doings and criminal acts, but only to investigate if the 5 complainants accusations are true. You should be a politician or a lawyer like your beloved chancellor.
It is okay if you put our constructive mails into spam because our past and future mails are also meant for all those who truly care for the continued growth of the Diocese. So we will contine to write to you and copy to all genuine Anglicans as well as your cronies.
How wrong can you be to say that we want to intimidate you by copying to our Bishops. As your brother bishops, they are very concerned about your wayward, oppressive, dictatorial and corrupt filled conduct (SO THE CRISIS TODAY) and they need to be informed so that they can guide and correct you as a delinquent bishop.
We know that no-one can intimidate you because you come from a very rough family back-ground and will bull doze through everything - whether correct or not (SO THE CRISIS TODAY) and you always claim "I AM THE BISHOP - SO WHAT I WANT TO DO, NOBODY CAN STOP ME."
[to be continued]
continued ---
ReplyDeleteYou made the greatest joke by saying that "we are not 'SABAH ANGLICANS" because only our Standing Committee or our Diocesan Synod can collectively have the right to call ourselves "SABAH ANGLICAN".
You have just made a new 1-man decree which has no basis at all. Your brother bishops, clergy and pastors (including all your cronies) and long time Anglicans will laught at you.
Are you not a dictator? Have you gone mad?
It is you who cannot claim to be a SABAH ANGLICAN because in 2010 you tried but failed to pull our Diocese out of the Province and the Anglican Communion and hoped to be a leader of an independant church. You still harbour that hope, especially now that you are under investigation by the Advisory committee.
You heart was never with the Anglican Communion and you want to compete with Pastor Kong Hee of City Harvest Church, Singapore. Well, you have succeeded and both of you are in the Ivy League of Investigations and Publicity. Congratulations and Many More To Come!
We don't have to argue with you on the fact that your Synod this August will be packed with your cronies in the same way that you packed your present Standing Committee and Cathedral PCC with your people - you co-opted and made all pastors and clergy as SC members and PCC members.
The AGM in April discussed in details the composition of the PCC and you have your way through throwing away of votes.
What is there to celebrate the Jubilee since you have already badly damaged this Diocese built up 50 years ago by God's faithful bishops, clergy and lay people.
You ae looking forward to this event of glorifying yourself only again as many of your flock of sheep concluded that you only glorified yourself during the Cathedral 100 years celebrations in 2011.
Mr. Albert Vun, can you really accuse us of stirring up trouble for you as you are geared up for Jubilee Celebrations.
TRUTH is all of us have been writing individually in the blog since it was set up by a blog-master in October 2011, appealing to you to repent and let us have all the diocesan accounts on your wife, Datin Mary Vun academies, the bishop-house renovations, etc, etc.
Yesterday, you just threw out a figure of about RM600,000.00 as the renovation costs after the Daily Express article on "BISHOP UNDER A PROBE" mentioned it.
[to be continued]
continued ---
ReplyDeleteWhy do we parishioners and donation givers have to go to the newspaper to get a piece of accounting information on our bishop's house renovation done in 2006-2007?
We kept appealing to you to let us have all the acounts on your massive spendings since you became our bishop and spiritual leader in 2006.
You ignored arrongantly and treated all diocesan monies and properties as your own.
So today, all the 4 family members of yours drive very expensive cars at the diocese and cathedrals expense.
Since you like all the luxury things of life, you will never dare to preach on servanthood humility like Jesus.
You should resign and be a business man or politician or lawyer and earn plenty of money and live luxuriously. Then no one can accuse you enjoying at the expense of hard earned monies donated or given by parishioners only for the purpose of extending God's Kingdom.
When your giving parishioners drive cheap and old cars and live in simple houses, you enjoy at their expense.
By the way, is RM600,000.00 the true bishop house renoation costs? Is it nearer or over RM1,000,000.00 as the contractor or sub-contractors say? For the time being, we try to believe you.
So Mr. Albert Vun don't accuse us of stirring up trouble only when the celebrations are at the eve. We have been giving you chances after chances to repent and to be accountable, BUT you ignored us proudly.
Your claim about church growth is a big lie. Under your leadership, growth is stagnant.
Of course, we have some biological growth and some conversions which also happened during bishop Chhoa's and bishop Yong Ping Chung times.
But you never mentioned about massive losses like 400 following Ronnie Liew at one go and the many Anglicans in our 3 K.K. churches going over to SIB, Skyline and Basel Churches.
Mr. Albert Vun, we know that vengence belongs to the Lord long ago and you don't have to preach to us with your prosperity gospel and theology of forgiveness. We have not sinned against you in anyway just because we have been appealing to you to repent and be accountable in the accounts since October 2011. So you don't need to forgive us. Also so sad that a bishop is thinking and talking about vengenance.
Mr. Albert Vun, how can you correct us when you are so tainted with wicked actions and wrongful mental attitude yourself. You transform yourself first - then you come and see if you have a anything to correct us.
Mr. Albert Vun, if you really love God's church and you don't want to see it divided and damaged further and you want to run your own independent church like City Harvest Church, all you have to do is -
resign gracefully and graciously.
pay back all that your hands have put into God's till and taken.
just move over to New Zealand with the family of counter-feit Rev. Philip Lo and Stella Lo. (Permanent Residene is obtained or about to be obtained) with your RM Millions, even after paying back what is stolen by you,
don't preach again to us in view of your tainted motive and actions.
finally let the Diocese and the Cathedral be cleansed and be like what they were before.
Mr. Albert Vun, we know that you have been lying all the times to all your peo0ple. In fact, many of your sheep are addressing you as the 'FATHER OF ALL LIES".
Quote: "Enough is enough, if you are Joshua Kong, say who you are and be responsible to what you wrote."
ReplyDeleteI think in his anger, he missed out the word "NOT" before Joshua Kong and then he continued to lash out against the anonymous people who are also Sabah Anglicans.
William Thien, quote "All parties are advised to settle their disputes out of court."
We need to sit down with the parties concerned to resolve BISHOPGATE and only then settlement out of court is the next item as sincerity all round is important to find a lasting solution to ADOS and a revival to the church when we get rid of the 'cancer' within the church.
joshua y c kong, 012-8380897;