Diocesan Synod
of Sabah (DSS) 2012 is a sham
DSS is all
illegal – no proper notice (3 months), no proper agenda (six weeks), and on the
1st day, the heavily qualified audited
reported accounts was only handed out in late morning and yet the Bishop and
Chairman under injunction wanted the accounts to be approved in the afternoon
in such a hurry according to the report in the blog “Thetruthasc”.
the members and beneficiaries are not informed at all about the meeting etc.
The AVCF has
again failed as a trustee albeit illegal trustee. So AVCF should be removed by all the good reasons
as an unfit person in the mind.
AVCF has a
lot to hide as how he had spent RM49m in less than two years apart from the massive
corruption in ADOS and the church.
There is
already a long list of malpractices.
DSS as an
illegal status cannot resolve those issues in BISHOPGATE just be some crocodile
The Chairman
is illegal as an invalid trustee.
God bless
ADOS and ASC and all the Anglican churches for a new beginning.
So start
Joshua Y. C.
August 31, 2012 - 6:40 pm Anon
This writer had originally no intention of writing this part of the story as it gets personal but recent uncanny resemblances in the ongoing Synod leaves him no alternative but to expose the evil deeds of AV.
Some 20 years ago, the writer was involved with the then Rector Albert Vun in the construction of the Goodsam Parish Hall. A committee was set up to oversee this project of which this writer was co-opted as a member. In the beginning, the committee was very involved in the coordination and preparation of the drawings and tender documents. When tender was called, four tenders were received and opened by the committee. The summary of the tender was submitted to RAV for his info.
There was a long silence after the documents were submitted to RAV. We soon found out that RAV and the Treasurer at the time had bypassed the committee and took the deceptive step to contact the 2nd Highest Bidder ‘to negotiate’. This writer was shocked and could not believe his ears. He had seen too much of this in his workplace and the last thing he expected was for this ‘negotiated-tender’ thing to happen in the church. He resigned from the committee as a matter of principle as he wanted no part in this decision-making process. The contract was eventually awarded to this contractor.
The then church-warden was asked by RAV to call this writer to reconsider and come back to continue to serve in the committee. The writer declined as a matter of principle as he wanted no part in the decision that was made then by RAV. A few days later, RAV called this writer and ‘asked for forgiveness’. The writer was taken aback by this seemingly genuine repentance by RAV and forgave him and ‘moved on’. RAV also asked this writer to come back to the committee but he declined for the reason already given to the church warden.
Shortly, RAV was transferred to Tawau and this writer had almost forgotten about this incident until the ascs and this blog came about. It is very clear to this writer that AV is corrupt to the core. He said a lot of things to defend himself but there is NOT ONCE he offered to show the project accounts for all the projects he boastfully declared he had undertaken ‘single-handedly.’ He is desperately hiding all the project accounts. Once they are exposed, we can see light that will illuminate the darkness that are in there. He had graduated from Goodsam with a Bachelors degree in Project Mismanagement and Embezzlement, a Masters degree of the same in the Tawau Vision School and now with the Kokol and the CC, he hopes to graduate with a PhD of the same discipline.
This writer is convinced AV is stealing from ADOS (God’s Money) and will continue to steal with impunity if he is allowed to stay on. For those who still thin AV is a saint, think again. The Word of God is clear regarding those whole steal or rob God. They will cursed as what AV and his prosperity-gospel preachers time and again teaches in their sermons. What will happen to those who abet in the stealing and robbing of God’s properties?
This crook and hypocrite must be stopped. He is using the same tricks he did 20 years. Beware of the Angel of Light.
September 1, 2012 - 3:07 am joshuakong823
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So there is a greater pressing need to ask the same corrupted av to account for the RM49m in the ADOS account as at 31.12.2009..
God would know how to deal with this gang of robbers robbing God’s money in deceitful manner covered up by tainted crocodile tears…
Also posted at thetruthasc.wordpress.com
ReplyDeleteFirst, the Synod 2012 is unconstitutional for lack of notice (3 months) and Agenda (6 weeks);
2nd -The Chairman under the Injunction of the Court Order is illegal. Check this with the constitution of the ADOS.
3rd - The delegates are not properly elected according to the Constitution especially the ASC delegate was appointed only days before the Synod. The church must publish a list of the delegates with their IC number.
4th - The motions were not properly approved by the members as the standing committee lacks credibility. Why scared of the members as God own the ADOS and the church?.
5th - The Proposer and seconder of any motion should not be changed from the floor. What do they think of the Church with such gangsters.
6th - Was the socalled "chairman" there at the time the motion was discussed? If so, it is bias and illegal too as the motion 2 affect AVCF. Where got any good governance when he wrote about his affidavit as "the Truth"? He was there to witness those who voted. Was the ballot held in secret and not by show of hands?
7th - For such an important motion done second time, two third must be needed hence the Bishop lost it morally and legally. Why is he still there?
8th - Why the Diocesan Chancellor voiceless when 'nincompops' do their dirty rounds?
9th – Were any other motions shelved at the last minute?
10th – Were Crocodiles tears allowed at Synod? Such persons including those swayed emotionally should have their heads checked, and the church can pay for those fees.
SAFE is the answer…to save ADOS and the Anglican church in Sabah and elsewhere
Proposed Motions to Diocesan Synod 2012
1. Preamble
It is established in the tradition of the Anglican Church, that a Diocese is Episcopally led and Synodically governed. The Bishop holds the apostolic authority in all matters pertaining to faith and order of the Church. The Synod, who consists of official representatives of the Diocese from the various local parishes and churches is the highest governing body of the Diocese. The Standing Committee, who is elected from the Synod, is mandated to execute the functions of the Synod in the governance of the Diocese in between Synod sittings. All affairs of the Diocese are therefore, to be determined and decided within this traditional framework of the Anglican Church.
The Church is the community of God’s covenantal people. She is, among others, characterized by mutual love for one another (John 13:34-35). However, she is also characterized by mutual commitment to one another in relationships. Without commitment, love cannot be effectively expressed. Without commitment, love is meaningless. That commitment must be evident by mutual respect and honour. As a Church, we must be committed to uphold the integrity of the institution. We must be committed to respect the due processes which are within the boundaries of our institution and our Constitution.
In the past many months, the affairs of the Diocese have been discussed in the public arena, in particular over the internet and on the blogs. Comments and questions have been posted by people who remained anonymous. The discussion of issues relating to the affairs and life of the Church on the blogs is clearly inappropriate and unacceptable. This had in fact usurped and disregarded the due processes within our Diocese and the Church. Some of the postings include audio recordings of private conversation conducted in good faith, private correspondences, distorted reports or biased views, which are malicious in nature. We are deeply saddened by the irresponsible postings on the blogs. The actions of the bloggers have greatly tarnished the image and witness of the Church. These postings have caused much pain and confusion to the Church which the bloggers professed to care and love.
In the premises, we propose the following motion to this current Synod :
“That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, strongly and totally denounce all malicious postings over social medias in relation to the life of the Sabah Anglican Diocese, her leaders and members. We call upon all members of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah to discuss the affairs, issues or disputes through the propel channels available within the framework of the Church.”
2. Preamble
ReplyDeleteOur Diocesan Bishop is appointed, according to our Constitution, by the House of Bishops of the Province of Southeast Asia, and not by way of election. The Scriptures tell us that all authorities are appointed by God (Romans 13:1). We recognize that the Diocesan Bishop is the spiritual authority appointed by the will of God. It is therefore of paramount importance that our life as a Church must reflect this Scriptural truth in relationship with our Bishop. We believe that by submitting to any spiritual authority, we in fact, submit out of reverence for God, who has appointed that spiritual authority. When in disagreement with spiritual authority, we should persuade with the very spiritual authority we disagree with, and pray for God’s will be done. A spiritual authority is ultimately accountable to God. Our response should reflect full confidence in the God to whom the Church belongs. We believe that those whom God has appointed, He will also enable.
In recent months, with the affairs and issues of the Church and our leaders being discussed in public arena, it is necessary for us as a Church to reiterate and affirm that our Diocesan Bishop is the authority appointed by God over our Diocese.
In the premises, we propose the following motion to this Synod:
“That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby affirm that the Right Rev. Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui is the spiritual authority appointed by the will of God through the House of Bishops having episcopal oversight over the Anglican Diocese of Sabah and we express our full confidence in his leadership.”
Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and the same judgment
(I Corinthians 1:10)
from synod 2012
Proposed Motions to Diocesan Synod 2012
3. Preamble
With the recent speculations that this Synod will discuss and deliberate, among others, the possibility of disassociating the Sabah Diocese from the Anglican Communion, it is in our opinion, necessary for us to express the will and mind of the Diocese.
In the premises, the following motion is proposed to this Synod:
“That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby reaffirm our commitment to the life, ministry and mission of the Anglican Communion in its orthodox expression of the Christian faith.”
The whole bunch at the synod 2012 is brainless, not idiot, but dumb, sleeping under the charm of the mad man who started to cry and the crocodiles tears had swayed them with no brain of themselves as they did not raise questions against the biggest thieves in church led by TPW.
ReplyDeleteImagine , the person or persons were the worst put together as the Motions were designed but dare not face the light as such motions must be available 6 weeks before the Synod meeting as the Agenda must be ready and sent out then. Do they call themselves leading Counsels in town? So they can cry now after reading this.
I think KT was fully aware as how AVCF aka TPW was made the Bishop against three other challengers.
Proposed Motions to Diocesan Synod 2012
QUOTE: “2. Preamble
Our Diocesan Bishop is appointed, according to our Constitution, by the House of Bishops of the Province of Southeast Asia, and not by way of election”
Was there a vote at the Synod then? Then the votes were discounted and the appointment was made by the Archbishop then. Did not KT made such a statement in the Synod before the announcement when he was the Diocesan Chancelor? KT if you visit this site or my site, please confirm this.
Now I think TPW declared that the Bishop was not elected but appointed. That may be correct, but TPW ignored the process towards that announcement. TPW always use his prerogative to make himself happy and MAD. TPW simply ignore all the process even in the case of appointing the Dean of ASC as per Cathedral Chapter as per Constitution of ADOS.
TPW used to write, “I am not appointing a Dean”..as per ASC bulletin 15 April, 2102
TPW is a mad man to like to see appointment when it suit him well.
QUOTE “In the premises, we propose the following motion to this Synod:
“That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby affirm that the Right Rev. Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui is the spiritual authority appointed by the will of God through the House of Bishops having episcopal oversight over the Anglican Diocese of Sabah and we express our full confidence in his leadership.”
Then he turns round and ask KT to prepare a Motion to confirm his appointment by the will of God and it was voted by the hands and feet of the cronies clergy who had pledged canonical obedience to him as TPW. If this motion put to vote is not contradictory to when he claim his office was by appointment, then he should ask the Archbishop of the Province to re-confirm his appointment. So over to TPW on your madness and indeed a grave insult to the Province and the Archbishop.
So AVCF as TPW, one-man-show, great liar, biggest thief, biggest scamer, greatest mocker, the best step forward is for you to resign and restore what you and your cronies have stolen from the church.
Anything else mean the hell is awaiting for you.
Very bulky Synod Report 2012 with rubbish--
ReplyDeleteAt a glance of the Report of Synod 2012, it is very shocking for the contents and the accounts of ADOS.
I don’t have a copy but I can do better if I have a copy.
AVCF is too clever to be the Chairman of what he called Agenda when it was nothing in it and only a repitition of the time table in the same report.
What a fool all those who were in the Synod?
EVen a small NGO can do much better than that…
See how the crocodile tears had done to those present – all blinded or they are ao stupid.
Where is the position of the Director of mission in the ADOS constitution ?
If he really have the power to appoint such a position, the Bishop must also appoint a Financial controller to the Standing Committee to clean up the massive mess in the financial matters immediately or the ADOS sure to be bankrupted by terrible mismanagement and corruption.
Lots of reports to come when I can get a copy of the Report.
Please show us the hard copies of the Motions considered ILLEGAL – not in the Agenda.
ReplyDeleteNow posted in the official sites-
In the premises, we propose the following motion to this current Synod :
1.“That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, strongly and totally denounce all malicious postings over social medias in relation to the life of the Sabah Anglican Diocese, her leaders and members. We call upon all members of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah to discuss the affairs, issues or disputes through the propel channels available within the framework of the Church.”
In the premises, we propose the following motion to this Synod:
2. “That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby affirm that the Right Rev. Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui is the spiritual authority appointed by the will of God through the House of Bishops having episcopal oversight over the Anglican Diocese of Sabah and we express our full confidence in his leadership.”
In the premises, the following motion is proposed to this Synod:
3 “That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby reaffirm our commitment to the life, ministry and mission of the Anglican Communion in its orthodox expression of the Christian faith.”
AVCF show us the hard copy.
From my experience gained so far in my struggle that is the direction to be – CBT and long term detention in Bukit Padang in seclusion and Prison or a mix of both. That would only happen if we work hard together in bigger number from the bystanders and no more talking to feel good only. Only expect so and so to do something, and very sad.
ReplyDeleteSo I have been pressing home this point since April, 2012 that more people to be visible and most people telling all sorts of stories and AVCF was given the false hope hence he had the crocodile tears to wrap up his crimes in front of the stupid synod – sorry no apology to Synod to approve such a lousy set of accounts accounting for virtually nothing, and a deception of AVCF and PC and others.
So my friends whoever you are, please come out to carry the Banner, “In God we trust, and in God we act for His glory” There are lots of work now in ADOS and even after AVCF ‘disappears’ with his rich cronies.
Quote from ascblog “Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Ezekiel 3:18
When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.
Any financial person will ask some of these questions in the Synod if they are given time to read the accounts: "
Since we now know all those illegal transactions not properly accounted for, we ALL should make protests and lodge Police Report.
Don't wait any longer, especially those in the Synod must do the additional duty.
Is that you agree that God's money to be used in private pockets?
also check it out in
Michael Tong as an observer cannot offer himself for an elected office as the Treasurer, hence he could not second the illegal Motion as per b elow--
2nd Resolution
To affirm that Bishop Albert Vun is God’s appointed leader for the Diocese of Sabah and we support his leadership. This kicked up a huge storm. The little goodwill the Bishop gained by apologizing, crying and hugging went down the drain. Many delegates objected it, including James Chhoa. First, all clergy had sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop. Thus it is absurd Rev. Kenneth Thien raised this. Secondly, why should the clergy vote on this when they have already sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop? How do you expect the clergy to vote against the Bishop?
The Chancellor concurred it wasn’t appropriate Rev. Kenneth Thien proposed the resolution, so Thien stood down. However Chris Chiew from St. Patrick’s Church re-tabled the resolution. The house was quiet as not body stood up to second it. Michael Tong, the new Standing Committee treasurer, seconded it. Then all hell broke loose.
I want to ask anyone who has a copy of Diocesan Synod 2012 Report, were the pages of Note 7 – Diocesan Assessment in the last two pages of the Financial Report? If not, why not?
ReplyDeleteRemember, what AVCF wrote in his Bishop’s pastoral letter of 21 July, 2012 that all problems would be resolved in Diocesan Synod 2012, but what happened is so MUCH messy with all sorts of illegalities so countless to do so, and blame others and crocodiles tears for nothing and I can tell you it is just covering his crimes aplenty in ADOS.and the victims are members, beneficiaries and the church of Christ and no longer to be tolerated..