Round 1: Bishop Albert Vun lost. This was because many of the clergies, especially the older stalwarts stood their ground against him.
BUT 2012, most of his cronies all in the SYNOD to be held on 29 Aug to 1 Sept.
details below===
14, 2012 02:17 AM
Lau Sang Joo smell a rat ?,What was BAV's agenda by pushing ahead to make his right hand man a Fake Rev. Philip Lo ?
Was there also a motive & agenda in pushing most of the senior Priests to resign &
planting all his yes men & women to the various churches in Sabah ?
Was there also a motive & agenda by promoting his other right hand man from just a very junior Rev. in Labuan 6 years ago to Canon,thereafter to Archdeacon and eventually Asst. Bishop of Sabah by-passing very senior Archdeacon Mosses Chin ?
Will Vun Chong Fui's motive & agenda be very soon unfolded in the coming Synod meeting ?. Will he be making his move & final stunt by taking Anglican DOS out of South East Asia Province and eventually be the King of Kings Bishop of SABAH province ?
The next few months or within these 2 years will be very critical situation for
Anglican DOS. BAV will certainly make his final move and go for the kill.
When BAV grand plan implemented, no one will be able to touch Vun Chong Fui and he
will be the King of Kings BISHOP of SABAH Province and assisted by three Bishops, Bishop John Yeo, Bishop Melter and a new Bishop Yong Thiam Choy.
Eventually Rev.Philip Lo will be Dean of ASC.
The next Senior Priest to resign will be Archdeacon Mosses Chin.
We urge all Anglicans to wake up, stand up for your rights and be counted before it's too late.
Vun Chong Fui has tried doing it once but failed and are we going to seat still and wait for his grand plan to materialize ?.
Nothing but the TRUTH shall prevail and all these robbers hiding behind the sacred white robes MUST be gotten rid off fast ?
are-we-expecting-changes- after-asc-2012.html
17, 2011 04:47 AM
Beware! ‘The kingdom of bishop Albert Vun’ is at hand.
This is an issue of the deepest concern to all members of the ADOS and not just ASC.
During the last synod, towards end of August 2010, bishop Albert Vun suggested ADOS to pull out of the Anglican Community. The reason he gave was that the Constitution, rules and regulations of ADOS is a hindrance to his ‘mission plans’.
Round 1: Bishop Albert Vun lost. This was because many of the clergies, especially the older stalwarts stood their ground against him.
Round 2: Since then, he has been equipping himself for 2nd round by:
1. Appointment of 2 assistant bishops whom he has absolute power over.
2. Institutionalized in-house training for the production of more loyalists who are his clones. (Easily noticeable in behaviour of the new pastors, salaried staff members, the youths and his henchmen.)
3. Victimization of the stalwarts who thwarted his designs in the 1st round, forcing a number of them to resign.
4. Abuse of the church bulletin and pulpit to mislead the congregations.
5. Building a hedge of protection around him and with imports from Tawau. He trusts nobody, but himself.
6. Others (To be followed up at a later date)
Anglicans of DOS, are you sitting back and let this happen? Are you letting him ‘rob, steal and kill’? The blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers upon which Christ’s Church is built, is it in vain? Be men of courage for God has made us victorious! Already chinks are showing in his armour! The writing is already on the wall!
15, 2011 10:27 PM
Unforgetable memories at 26th DOS SYNOD....Bishop Vun loudly,boldly,arrogantly declared that....
1. We must obey,listen to him as we have no choice bcz he's the current bishop.
2. He intend to execute ALL his authorities & never surrender, even 1 inci.
3. a Synod member got shamed from bishop vun for critise the trouble kokol project just because his church didn't donated much for the project.
4. Eagerly in changing kk landscape.
As an mature Anglican we ought to know how our financial situation. At the year ending 2009, our a/c had 49million.Major contribution from land sold to IJM (31M), our assessment amouting to 4M annually(squeezed from head to toe nonstop). major spending are salaries nearly 2.8M & young rev keep on increase,other expenditure are,mission ,evangelism,medical,outreach,
Clearly this mega project can't sustain in long run..& truly unfair to us as it only benefit ASC.
Bishop Vun kills the hen rather than taking their eggs.
Do bear in mind our Bishop Vun are the next Archbishop.

This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletefor those postings please go to the following and follow the date of each postings==
Response to the Bishop of Sabah, Dtk Albert Vun's Conduct & Leadership
what else do APSEA needs with the Investigation and too late come this Aug/Sep...
Dear friends in APSEA
ReplyDeleteDo you know that Bishop Albert Vun at the Synod of ADOS in 2010
wanted to pull out of the Province of SEA by a vote which was lost.
Now Synod of ADOS Anglican Diocese of Sabah is to be held on Aug 29-Sept 1, 2012.
I understand the notice and agenda for the Synod of ADOS has not been sent out
at least 3 months before Synod meeting in Kota Kinabalu. [ADOS constitution Article
VII para 2. Albert Vun violates all Constitutions.
Why nothing was done on Albert Vun about the departure from Canonical Obedience to the
Archbishop of APSEA in 2010?
How to stop Albert Vun to repeat the same feat in 2012 when the Agenda for the Synod meeting is
unknown when it is only less than three weeks away?
If the pulling of ADOS out from APSEA is on then APSEA has no control on ADOS and Albert Vun.
Albert Vun and his cronies should all be suspended now.
The injunction by the Order of the High court is still on to restrain him from administration and
With this in mind, settle out of Court needs all round consent to my terms.
Joshua Kong
Synod 2012 and its questioned move to pull out of APSEA
ReplyDeleteAfter the Daily Express’s publication of the title "Bishop under probe" on 17th July, 2012,
BAV was very much agitated as his conscience was known and yet he tried to cover up
what was reported in the press for the public consumption for the first time.
Roman Catholic church instantly had its denial published on the next day.
Nothing came out in the press especially in Daily Express except the publication
of BAV was downgraded to a very small sized letter in the Sunday (22nd July)
forum of Daily Express where Diocese of Sabah (DoS) confirmed that its
Bishop is under probe and that DoS demanded an apology for the falsehood it had published.
BAV did a better but not convincing enough by a pastoral letter dated
21st July, 2012 which was circulated in Anglican churches in Sabah.
Some points and issues were dealt with by that pastoral letter in two pages
of A4 but largely fail to address the issues raised in the "Bishop under probe" only to confirm that all is NOT well.
Two points are important to be addressed namely:-
1. BAV wrote that "we immediately issued a letter to Daily Express demanding
that the article be unconditionally withdrawn and that a public apology be published,
listing down all allegations that are false and damaging to the Bishop Sabah and to the name of the Diocese.
My comment is that we need to see that letter to the Daily Express.
2. The Bishop also wrote "We will be answering every allegation in the coming
Synod so every delegates can have opportunity to seek clarification".
my comments:
Unless the Bishop show us the books and records now and before the Synod
set for 30 Aug-1st Sept, it is meaningless to conduct the Synod whose delegates
are largely his known cronies. It is pointless that the toothless and rubber stamp
Synod held in closed doors and still without its agenda made known to the church
to seek clarification when we know all the irregularities would be swept under
the carpets. The Agenda for the Synod should be sent out three months
before the meeting proper and now it is less than a month.
So what the Synod 2012 would do is to pull out from the Anglican Province of
South East Asia (APSEA) as it failed in Synod 2010.. When ADOS is out of the APSEA,
there will not be any probe on its Bishop. The investigation committee of APSEA
with its report on Bishop Albert Vun to be issued on 31st August, 2012 would be
academic and obsolete and no effect on ADOS as it is no longer in APSEA.
Some people can be screaming/barking at the wrong tree too late.
Anyone want to believe that APSEA can deal with the recalcitrant Bishop Albert Vun,
must be very wrong. In Synod 2010, APSEA did not deal with Bishop Vun for
his Canonical Disobedience. So how can APSEA deal with him in 2012 after
the Synod’s decision to withdraw from APSEA unilateral and he would argue
and justify until the moon comes down for his right and legitimate move.
APSEA can definitely suspend Bishop Albert Vun for his infimity of minds in
his lying habits aplenty confirmed in his writings (I have identified them) and
that is under the Constitution of Anglican Dioces of Sabah. APSEA can also
suspend the Synod 2012 until the settlement of the various crisis
(Investigtion by HoB, Court Case, Blogs, Press, Police Report) in BISHOPGATE.
With such measures to be applied immediately, we can rest assured that ADOS is safe..
Prepared by Joshua Y, C, Kong 11 August, 2012
I believe APSEA can join me in my Court Case now as the signs are obvious more effective as E Court cannot send AVCF to jail or civil penalties.
ReplyDeleteAlso E Court would be too late after the Synod 2012 in ADOS.
Since Article IV para 4 states "The Bishop of the Diocese shall be the Chairman of the Diocesan synod and shall preside at its meetings" and he cannot for the injunction
ReplyDeleteSo the Synod should make a stand and suspend him as Bishop pending investigation to be completed.
Go to thetruthasc for a copy of the Constitution of Diocese of Sabah to be downloaded for FREE.
If the Synod does not do that, who else can be contempt of Court? I leave that to the Judge.
We have arrived for specific action for a better ADOS.
Is the Synod on or not?
ReplyDeletewhy no news in the ASC Sunday Bulletin today?
The Homepage of Anglican Diocese of Sabah does not tell us of the programme Diocesan Synod 2012 except the item Synod - 30 August - 1 Sept, 2012.
ReplyDeleteWhy no other details and so secretive?
Synod should be held in OPEN forums to observe how the delegates perform.
We as members and beneficiaries must also know what is to happen to ADOS and the church.
So the claim of the one-man-show as dictator cannot be disputed.
At least the Agenda plus other items to be disclosed.
We want to know how ADOS spent RM49m since 2010 the last Synod.
AVCF must be suspended as in all investigation if we are serious.
ReplyDeleteHoBs to act today as the oP Lo in Si Quis.
Do it now before more damages in the Synod 2012 to get two third majority with the three new priest tonight for the Synod meeting on 30 Aug - 1 Sept.
August 29, 2012
Forming 3 Dioceses?
This Synod is very odd. As of 12 noon, 29 August, you have not received the agenda. Besides violating the constitution, don’t you think it is highly unusual and secretively? I must warn you some of the rumblings I’ve heard on the ground. While what you are about to read is yet to be confirmed because the agenda hasn’t been published, I must warn you nonetheless, lest you become a deer staring at the headlights of an oncoming freight train.
Forming 3 Dioceses?
According to the Diocesan Constitution…
think and pray for the true divine direction for ADOS.
ReplyDeleteDid Bishop Lie?
The Crisis
The Investigation
The Investigative Team
Upload Your Info
The Constitution
August 29, 2012
Is the Synod Unconstitutional?
The Bishop has violated the Constitution with regards to the upcoming Synod. Notice for the meeting was not published in all churches 3 months before the Synod. This round, communication of the Synod was done between between the Diocesan office and the priests in charge of respective parishes, who in turn inform the delegates. This is wrong.
It isn’t just the priests and Synod delegates that need to know about the Synod. The point of Synod is to hear from the entire Diocese. In the past, when notices were published, people from every parish would approach their delegates for issues they feel should be discussed at the Synod. The delegates would then submit a motion or resolution for discussion. If approved, the motions and resolutions will be incorporated into the agenda.
When the Diocesan office failed to give sufficient notice of the Synod, and in this case no public notice at all, it deprives the people from having their motions/resolutions submitted, thus denying them the right to be heard.
Article VII of the Diocese of Sabah constitution
Article VII of the Diocese of Sabah constitution
The Diocesan office also failed to provide the agenda 6 weeks prior to the Synod as stipulated by the Constitution. In fact it is still not published as of 12 noon today, and the Synod proper convenes tomorrow morning. Nobody knows what will be discussed at this Synod. This is the FIRST EVER Synod in our Diocese where the delegates have not received the agenda even the day before the meeting. This denies the delegates the opportunity to consult their members’ position on any matters that concern them.
Article XI of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah constitution
This is certainly selective application of the Constitution for the Bishop who quoted on the Constitution to justify his ordination of Philip Lo. As the Bishop had failed to adhere to the Constitution in calling for the coming Synod, is this Synod unconstitutional?
The failure to publish the notice and agenda could be more than an administrative oversight. Why is this Synod so closely guarded, why is the agenda of the Synod stays under wrap till the eleventh hour? The Bishop could have cynical agendas and want to pull a fast on the delegates.
Stay tune for the next post.
How did the ADOS spend the RM49m in the account as at 31.12.2009? Synod 2012 must clarify on this matter.
ReplyDeleteASAA =All Saints Anglican Academy is the correct name. I believe more than RM500m of ASC had been incurred for ASAA since it was established, and how can this sum of money be justified now, when a self financing Anglican Kindergarten was closed down? When can ASC get back the RM500m? Who has the correct amount?
ADoS cannot expand/operate beyond a designated area in the Constitution. So it is illegal to set up in Thailand and KL. Anyone to clarify on this?
Synod 2012, if it is to be held, stop this AVCF and you can exercise your power to recommend to HoBs to have him removed as he is the law breakers in all counts. AVCF cannot stop you to make that decision even that is not in the Agenda. vote of no confidence as soon as he sits in the Chair.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
correction from RM500m to RM500k.
ReplyDeleteASAA =All Saints Anglican Academy is the correct name. I believe more than RM500k of ASC had been incurred for ASAA since it was established, and how can this sum of money be justified now, when a self financing Anglican Kindergarten was closed down? When can ASC get back the RM500k? Who has the correct amount?
There are cases in the Internet where Bishops are recommended to be removed by Synod meeting.
ReplyDeleteSo bless the Diocese Synod of Sabah to do that to hasten the whole process of the crisis -BISHOPGATE – to a quick end.
As the Agenda is invalid with the time compliance, hence the motion can come from the floor.
Go for it now, Diocesan Synod..
ReplyDeleteAugust 31, 2012 - 5:39 am joshuakong823
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Quote: “August 29, 2012 – 5:14 pm
Bishop Albert Vun
My son Yoda, I should have told you not to fight my battles. Otherwise people will laugh at me that I send a kid to fight a man’s war. I am big enough a bully to fight the troublemakers. Afterall, only 5 people mah. Yea, now rose to 130 people but I have 28,000 members so why worry! You see, your language, temperament, language is exactly like mine. Like father, like son. We do not read the blogs ok? The only way I talk to the congregation is through one-way radio ie bulletin, sermon or pastoral letter. That way they cannot talk back to us lor. Don’t waste time reading blog la, we have ordination service starting very soon.”
That was the posting earlier but deleted by the blogger.
Real crocodile tears as a leopard cannot change its spots.
Nothing short of resignation immediately and full accountability for all the issues so far raised and the
many issues yet to come out in the open.
What about the hidden land transactions done and yet to be done? Don’t be fooled by the TPW.
AVCF is very worried/fearful about the letter from the Archbishop to come on 31 Aug, 2012.
AVCF knows the Synod can be cheated to save his skin and when it is too late.
Was not Dr. James Chhoa called what by AVCF?
The whole ADOS needs to be revamped without AVCF and his cronies.
The Synod must demand his resignation and accountability as how he spent RM49m with nothing to show in the accounts as per Auditor report. He cannot say he is not in control…
Did any other Diocesan Bishop cries like he did in total shame?
It is still an illegal gathering of nincompoops for the whole world to see the world famous TPW (AVCF) involving crooks and gangsters and socalled misled legal counsels…
ReplyDeleteWhy waste more public funds for such meaningless Synod and where has the RM49m gone to in two years?
Soon we will find out how the socalled “God’s anointed” rob God?
2nd Resolution
To affirm that Bishop Albert Vun is God’s appointed leader for the Diocese of Sabah and we support his leadership. This kicked up a huge storm. The little goodwill the Bishop gained by apologizing, crying and hugging went down the drain. Many delegates objected it, including James Chhoa. First, all clergy had sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop. Thus it is absurd Rev. Kenneth Thien raised this. Secondly, why should the clergy vote on this when they have already sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop? How do you expect the clergy to vote against the Bishop?
The Chancellor concurred it wasn’t appropriate Rev. Kenneth Thien proposed the resolution, so Thien stood down. However Chris Chiew from St. Patrick’s Church re-tabled the resolution. The house was quiet as not body stood up to second it. Michael Tong, the new Standing Committee treasurer, seconded it. Then all hell broke loose.
What a farce?
Even the ASC motion must be approved by PCC two weeks prior to the AGM with proposer and seconder.
Here you have proposal and seconder from the floor..the work of evil gangsters..
Quote - the third illegal motion is still meaningless
ReplyDeleteIn the premises, the following motion is proposed to this Synod:
“That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby reaffirm our commitment to the life, ministry and mission of the Anglican Communion in its orthodox expression of the Christian faith.”
What does it tell us?
It does not refer to the Anglican Province of Church in South East Asia but the Anglican Mission.
Be careful, ADOS can still pullout from APSEA as a desperate move for ill gotten gains for AVCF himself.
Best to remove him as Bishop now.
ReplyDeleteIt does not refer to the Anglican Province of Church in South East Asia but the Anglican Communion.