Thursday, August 30, 2012

Diocesan Synod of Sabah (DSS) 2012 is a sham

Diocesan Synod of Sabah (DSS) 2012 is a sham

DSS is all illegal – no proper notice (3 months), no proper agenda (six weeks), and on the 1st day, the heavily  qualified audited reported accounts was only handed out in late morning and yet the Bishop and Chairman under injunction wanted the accounts to be approved in the afternoon in such a hurry according to the report in the blog “Thetruthasc”.

Furthermore, the members and beneficiaries are not informed at all about the meeting etc.

The AVCF has again failed as a trustee albeit illegal trustee.  So  AVCF should be removed by all the good reasons as an unfit person in the mind.

AVCF has a lot to hide as how he had spent RM49m in less than two years apart from the massive corruption in ADOS and the church.

There is already a long list of malpractices.

DSS as an illegal status cannot resolve those issues in BISHOPGATE just be some crocodile tears.

The Chairman is illegal as an invalid trustee.

God bless ADOS and ASC and all the Anglican churches for a new beginning.
Joshua Y. C. Kong

Friday, August 24, 2012

Serious, not a joke from ass bishop JY

 extract from:-
On 28 July during the confirmation service, Bishop JY was teaching on the need to forgive and it was when he also expressed how unpleasant it felt to be accused of things he hadn't done. With that, he expressed how he had recently been constantly attacked by all the slanders and untrue statements. He went on saying,"Ngin Kah Kong Ngai Kiam Hoi Sam Chen Man (RM 30 mil), Tan Heh Ngai Mau Kiam Woh, Kan Nyong Pin Ngin Ka Kong Heh Meh Hau Mmm Tai?" Congregation nodded vehemently. Some shouted:"Mm Tai!" "Heh Kong Ngai Yu Kiam Han Tai Dee, Tan Heh Ngai Mau Kiam Woh!" Congregation laughed. Translated: "People said I took RM 30 mil but I didn't! It's so "not worth it"! If I had really taken it, it probably would have been more worth it!" While I know the last line was meant to be a joke, I thought this is an absolutely inappropriate analogy used, especially at this time of spiritual atmosphere. First, I do not know if there are people really accusing him of taking RM 30 Mil. But again, I rarely come across any ONE MAN can have the ability to swindle that large amount of money. So in my opinion, this is an analogy. A bad one. The more interesting (or rather worrying) thing is you had the whole (almost)congregation laughing along, nodding along, responding to him in agreement that the accusation was absurd. So what's my point? My point is, the church has been using this kind of "harmless analogy" to brainwash the congregation. Was JY lying about the RM 30 mil? No! It was a harmless example! Did the congregation empathise with him? YES!! This is only one of the many examples of techniques used in Tawau. Do you see the danger? How I wish the priests would not seize every opportunity to defend themselves in the pulpit. More and more church members are asking "What does it have to do with today's sermon?" Perhaps you should consider using more appropriate analogies or to preach without ulterior motives. After all, "the sheep hear His voice." Commented by "ONCE LOST"
Mr. JY ---is he the nincompoop from Tawau…..?

Did he say so….as written in the following comment? Was it a humor to him? If it was not from him, he should make a clarification lest the public deride him as a nincompoop.

The public would never spread such a low-class rumor unless they are the nincompoops. Mr.JY, are you the nincompoop who spread the low-class rumor?

***Anonymous7 August 2012 08:48
On 28 July during the confirmation service, Bishop JY was teaching on the need to forgive and it was when he also expressed how unpleasant it felt to be accused of things he hadn't done. With that, he expressed how he had recently been constantly attacked by all the slanders and untrue statements.

He went on saying,"Ngin Kah Kong Ngai Kiam Hoi Sam Chen Man (RM 30 mil), Tan Heh Ngai Mau Kiam Woh, Kan Nyong Pin Ngin Ka Kong Heh Meh Hau Mmm Tai?" Congregation nodded vehemently. Some shouted:"Mm Tai!" "Heh Kong Ngai Yu Kiam Han Tai Dee, Tan Heh Ngai Mau Kiam Woh!" Congregation laughed.

Translated: "People said I took RM 30 mil but I didn't! It's so "not worth it"! If I had really taken it, it probably would have been more worth it!" While I know the last line was meant to be a joke, I thought this is an absolutely inappropriate analogy used, especially at this time of spiritual atmosphere. First, I do not know if there are people really accusing him of taking RM 30 Mil. But again, I rarely come across any ONE MAN can have the ability to swindle that large amount of money. So in my opinion, this is an analogy. A bad one. The more interesting (or rather worrying) thing is you had the whole (almost)congregation laughing along, nodding along, responding to him in agreement that the accusation was absurd. So what's my point? My point is, the church has been using this kind of "harmless analogy" to brainwash the congregation. Was JY lying about the RM 30 mil? No! It was a harmless example! Did the congregation empathize with him? YES!! This is only one of the many examples of techniques used in Tawau. Do you see the danger? How I wish the priests would not seize every opportunity to defend themselves in the pulpit. More and more church members are asking "What does it have to do with today's sermon?" Perhaps you should consider using more appropriate analogies or to preach without ulterior motives. After all, "the sheep hear His voice." Commented by "ONCE LOST***

I will do a write up soon.

Question:  Did JY sign any cheque?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Report on House of Celebration


Since I have asked the Bishop of Sabah as he likes to be called Bishop Datuk, but no report has been presented to the church on the project then known as CC (Court Case) or rather Celebration Centre and now known as House of Celebration (HoC). Or House of Contempt.

So hear from me with my special report on House of Celebrations at All Saints’ Cathedral ground costing RM30m – a value given by the Bishop Datuk out of the thin air.

So I am putting my report in short sentences.

1.  CC was launched 1st November 2011 at the All Saints’ Cathedral 100 years of Celebration hence it is a Centre of Celebration.

2.   Fund raising cards were printed and distributed to get pledges and donations but how much had been collected only AVCF knows.since there is no statement of accounts.

3.  At the AGM 2012 of ASC, on 1st April, 2012, al least RM3 millions were collected but where is the money now?

4.  Something like RM200,000 from ASC had been transferred to the Bulding fund in 2011 alone.  How much more in 2012 is yet to be declared?

5.  At the ground breaking of the House of Celebration on 24th July, 2012 – the 50 Anniversary of Anglican Diocese of Sabah or rather House of Contempt as many people were angry about the launch and ground breaking without proper authority.

6. The ground breaking ceremony was also in contempt of Court injunction that AVCF be restrained from finance and administration of the Church.  So is it a House of Curses? Several reports had been lodged by the  people inside the Wisma Anglican against me including a false Police Report by Ass Bishop John Yeo.

7.  Why is an illegal project? Plenty reasons for that.
7.1        The Synod 2012 has yet to approve the HoC and more so the congregation has yet to approve the massive project.
7.2        The HoC or CC  has only gone through the ASC PCC in two meetings (so expert) and from there it is believed that the standing committee had given the ‘green’ light.  Is that good enough for such a big project likely to be a white elephant if implemented against protests?

7.3        The fund raising was launched in November, 2011 without any Police Permit.
7.4   How much was actually collected is unknown.
7.5  Is it really true that all the building consultants including the architect give free service as declared by AVCF at the ground breaking ceremony?
7.6        In the press article on the ground breaking ceremony in Daily Express 26th July, 2012, it was declared by AVCF that donation for the project would soon start. Does he have a Police Permit?  Who is he trying to fool except he has infirmity of mind – unfit to be the Bishop – too much of pressure for him to have short memory or he is through and through a liar as he had started fund raising in 2011?
7.7    Do you launch anything when there is no proper approval from the stakeholders or members of the church.  Was the architect’s plan ready?  Was the Development plan approved by DBKK?  Was it even submitted for consideration? 
7.8  Do you have ground breaking ceremony when everything is still in artist impression?
7.9  How can AVCF just incur all the expenditure for the ground breaking ceremony with the scale of that operations including bringing so many people from outside of KK?.  If God bless the project, just a simple ceremony would do like what happened with Wisma Anglican at the ground breaking ceremony in the late 1980s.
7.10  How can we trust AVCF with money, when we would need at least RM15m before the actual building starts?  Do we have that amount?   Have the building contract already signed quietly without tender and without informing the members and the beneficiaries?
7.11   Where is the development plan if already submitted to DBKK, please exhibit in the ADOS and ASC.
7.12   If ADOS does not have RM15m in the coffer, that prove something is amiss as ADOS had RM49million at the end of 2009 according the Synod 2010.  So where is the RM49 million now?  Please show all records and documents to clear all doubts.

7.13      At the Celebration Dinner for the 50 Anniversary, some thing like RM800,000 was collected but still far too short for the HoC project.

8.  So if the HoC project has not been approved at the earlier Synod 2010, it should not have been proceeded in 2011 and now.  Now, don’t expect Synod 2012 to approve this House of Contempt as Synod 2012 is illegal as the Chairman cannot chair the Synod 2012 due to the Court injunction is still valid on AVCF.  The chairmanship cannot be delegated by the Bishop of Sabah..

9.  The modus operandi of AVCF for having this CC and now HoC is known and hope it will be revealed in due course.

Joshua Y. C. Kong


Thursday, August 9, 2012

ADOS out of APSEA by Albert Vun in SYNOD 2012?

During the last synod, towards end of August 2010, bishop Albert Vun suggested ADOS to pull out of the Anglican Community. The reason he gave was that the Constitution, rules and regulations of ADOS is a hindrance to his ‘mission plans’.

Round 1: Bishop Albert Vun lost. This was because many of the clergies, especially the older stalwarts stood their ground against him.

BUT 2012, most of  his cronies all in the SYNOD to be held on 29 Aug to 1 Sept.
details below===

Lau Sang Joo smell a rat ?,
What was BAV's agenda by pushing ahead to make his right hand man a Fake Rev. Philip Lo ?
Was there also a motive & agenda in pushing most of the senior Priests to resign &
planting all his yes men & women to the various churches in Sabah ?
Was there also a motive & agenda by promoting his other right hand man from just a very junior Rev. in Labuan 6 years ago to Canon,thereafter to Archdeacon and eventually Asst. Bishop of Sabah by-passing very senior Archdeacon Mosses Chin ?
Will Vun Chong Fui's motive & agenda be very soon unfolded in the coming Synod meeting ?. Will he be making his move & final stunt by taking Anglican DOS out of South East Asia Province and eventually be the King of Kings Bishop of SABAH province ?
The next few months or within these 2 years will be very critical situation for
Anglican DOS. BAV will certainly make his final move and go for the kill.
When BAV grand plan implemented, no one will be able to touch Vun Chong Fui and he
will be the King of Kings BISHOP of SABAH Province and assisted by three Bishops, Bishop John Yeo, Bishop Melter and a new Bishop Yong Thiam Choy.
Eventually Rev.Philip Lo will be Dean of ASC.
The next Senior Priest to resign will be Archdeacon Mosses Chin.
We urge all Anglicans to wake up, stand up for your rights and be counted before it's too late.
Vun Chong Fui has tried doing it once but failed and are we going to seat still and wait for his grand plan to materialize ?.
Nothing but the TRUTH shall prevail and all these robbers hiding behind the sacred white robes MUST be gotten rid off fast ?


Beware! ‘The kingdom of bishop Albert Vun’ is at hand.

This is an issue of the deepest concern to all members of the ADOS and not just ASC.

During the last synod, towards end of August 2010, bishop Albert Vun suggested ADOS to pull out of the Anglican Community. The reason he gave was that the Constitution, rules and regulations of ADOS is a hindrance to his ‘mission plans’.

Round 1: Bishop Albert Vun lost. This was because many of the clergies, especially the older stalwarts stood their ground against him.

Round 2: Since then, he has been equipping himself for 2nd round by:

1. Appointment of 2 assistant bishops whom he has absolute power over.

2. Institutionalized in-house training for the production of more loyalists who are his clones. (Easily noticeable in behaviour of the new pastors, salaried staff members, the youths and his henchmen.)
3. Victimization of the stalwarts who thwarted his designs in the 1st round, forcing a number of them to resign.
4. Abuse of the church bulletin and pulpit to mislead the congregations.
5. Building a hedge of protection around him and with imports from Tawau. He trusts nobody, but himself.
6. Others (To be followed up at a later date)

Anglicans of DOS, are you sitting back and let this happen? Are you letting him ‘rob, steal and kill’? The blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers upon which Christ’s Church is built, is it in vain? Be men of courage for God has made us victorious! Already chinks are showing in his armour! The writing is already on the wall!


Unforgetable memories at 26th DOS SYNOD....

Bishop Vun loudly,boldly,arrogantly declared that....

1. We must obey,listen to him as we have no choice bcz he's the current bishop.
2. He intend to execute ALL his authorities & never surrender, even 1 inci.
3. a Synod member got shamed from bishop vun for critise the trouble kokol project just because his church didn't donated much for the project.
4. Eagerly in changing kk landscape.

As an mature Anglican we ought to know how our financial situation. At the year ending 2009, our a/c had 49million.Major contribution from land sold to IJM (31M), our assessment amouting to 4M annually(squeezed from head to toe nonstop). major spending are salaries nearly 2.8M & young rev keep on increase,other expenditure are,mission ,evangelism,medical,outreach,scholarship,theological,welfare,education,repair & maintenance,renovations,vehicle,water,electricity & etc....

Clearly this mega project can't sustain in long run..& truly unfair to us as it only benefit ASC.
Bishop Vun kills the hen rather than taking their eggs.

Do bear in mind our Bishop Vun are the next Archbishop.



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

AVCF makes Philip Lo a priest,,
 Bishop Moon Hing <>,
 Bishop Yong PC <>,
 Bishop chen fah <>,
 David Wong <>,,
 john yeo <>,
 Tais Bishop Melter <>,
 Moses Chin <>,
 Lidis Singkung <>,
 Thiam Choy Yong <>,
 stella lo <>,
 Datuk Stephen Foo <>,
 Michael Tong <>,,
 Mechiel Chan <>,
 Jimmy Liew <>
date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 8:16 PM
subject: Si Quis for Philip Lo Vui Chong - an OBJECTION
This is a message received from a BM member in the interior churches to share with the world regarding AV and Philip Lo:-

Sejak dia jadi bishop, dia paksa semua padri hantar cop gereja ke pejabat diosis, dan lantik Philip Lo jadi projek manager, dan Philip Lo pakai hanya satu syarikat untuk buat hampir semua projek disetiap gereja pendalaman dan hal pengesahannya senang dibuat sebab dia ada cop semua gereja di pejabat diosis. Bishop dan Philip Lo cuba rahsiakan nama syarikat itu.


Since he (AV) became bishop, he forced all priests/pastors to bring all their church ‘chops’ (seals) to the Diocesan Office and appoint Philip Lo as project manager, and Philip Lo used only one company to carry out almost all of the projects of the interior churches and things were quickly carried out because all the ‘chops’ of the interior churches are in the Diocesan Office. Bishop and Philip Lo are making every effort to keep the name of this company secret.

I heard there were written objections about the ordination of PLo officially sent to BAV, and his 2 assistant bishops but BAV still went ahead to ordain PLo. The complaint was with valid reasons. Moreover, BAV has refused his official Diocesan Chancellor to witness the ordination. Why? Because that ordination was illegal? Instead he appointed another ADK lawyer friend from his tawau church to witness the ordination of PLo. Is this unlawful? Why & why? His Diocesan Chancellor could flew in tawau for another meeting yet BAV told him no need to witness the ordination. Hanky panky ? Wow! That is to show our BAV is outrageous and his unlawful practice has proven his character.

You know what BAV said in the ordination service? He wants to train his workforce in house so he justified the need of the celebration centre. 2 points for BAV to answer: 1) You need to celebration centre to train your priest or to facilitate your wife’s students? 2) Why are you training your own people? You have problem adopting other theological training which is biblical based?

Rector Canon Yong Thiam Choy (sort of illegal position in ASC,

Re:Si Quis for Philip Lo Vui Chong

Whoever is responsible, please clear the above-mentioned items before ordination to priesthood.

Also would the Diocesan Chancellor witness the ordination?  If not, is the ordination legal?

Why Philip Lo not on the pastor list of ASC, be allowed to proceed to priesthood?

Can husband and wife team work in ASC?

Take notice of this protest, or those responsible should immediately resign.

Joshua Kong

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Police Report against Asst Bishop JY

I have lodged a Police Report against AB John Yeo for false report and other ingredients including malicious and untrue statement plus assault on 24 July 2012, today Karamunsing 013206/12

We wait and see what the Police would do now...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Have you seen this AVCF letter?

This letter was not addressed to me, but I don't know why name was featured there--

This is extracted from an email.

On Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 2:04 PM, A Vun <> wrote:
Enough is enough, if you are Joshua Kong, say who you are and be responsible to what you wrote.
You are not "Sabah Anglican" because only our Standing Committee or our Diocesan Synod can collective have the right to call ourselves "Sabah Anglican". 
1.    We are not intimated by your hateful mails making wild accusations - and being a coward hiding behind a name you are not worthy nor do you have the right to claim.
2.    We do not dialog with you in the tone of hate and falsehood.  If you have something to say, why don't you come and face me in person.  Your writing to me cc. to all our Bishops does not intimate me.  You act like a bully and behave like a coward.  I have no respect for people who make irresponsible claims, spread lies and sow dissent between Christian brothers.   If you are an Anglican, may I correct you for you wrong behavior.
3.    You wanted to stir up dissent and trouble during our Centenary Celebration last year - threatening our me, our Cathedral clergy and pastors.  Now you want to stir up trouble again when we prepare for our Jubilee celebration.  This is your motivation - a trouble maker - while all our members are working with the Lord to build up the church.
4.    Please remember our Diocese is not in crisis.  Our mission works are properly supervised, including our Academies.  All our accounts are properly kept and audited by qualified and responsible professionals.  Calling us names does not alarm us or make us fearful.  It only shows your words have no factual truth.  You seek to destroy my reputation and paint a negative picture of our church and our leaders, calling 95% our synod representatives cronies and people with no principles is very wrong.  Please show yourself.  You have no standing in our church, neither do you have standing in our community.   Our whole Diocese is growing and our evangelism is bearing fruits.  New churches are being planted.  Do not think that by making wide allegations and accusations we will be distracted from our important task.
In the Name of Jesus, I forgive you for what you have done against me and our Diocese.  We leave room for God's vengeance because vengeance belong to Him.
If you have any further things to say, please have the courtesy to say it to me in person.  I am putting your address as spam so I will not give time to read your hateful mails in the future.  In the past, I have not answered you because in principle, I do not want to lower myself to answer accusations made maliciously in anonymity.  As responsible leaders, we do not do that.  This is the one time I do this because you have gone too far.
Albert Vun
Bishop of Sabah