Monday, December 28, 2015
be real with God and not with avcf...
Friday, November 20, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
AVCF was guilty and so was Kong Hee
Both should see these ---
Singapore City Harvest megachurch leaders guilty of fraud
another item--
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Borneo for Christians
Do you know that it was the joint venture of illuminati and Osama (both fake people) to destroy the twin tower on 911 to enable them to share the reign of the world or rule the world but failed... God knows best. Actually the Islamists albeit fake were well prepared to takeover the world, but failed miserably. Also ask the Sultan of Brunei in his private visit -uninvited soon after 911 - to come to Sabah, Kota Kinabalu...with a big contingent, and if not the failed 911, Sabah would be over run, and thank God in Christ, we are still on course to reclaim Borneo for Christians.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Millions of miracles of Jesus and Mary
Yes, there had been millions of miracles of Jesus Christ and Mary but miracles are there for a special purpose for everyone but do you think such miracles would stick with you by just be a Christian (RC) as I am very disappointed that being religious is nothing but an empty vessel without any ommph when challenged spiritually. I had gone through thousands of black magic attacks (still ongoing) which have caused much money by those including Christians who dabble in black magic to harm me and instead as I draw closer and closer to Jesus Christ -not relying on His miracles-but by His true Spirit, I have survived millions of occasions for few decades. That is what when we claim to be true Christians in Christ only. Do not think you are safe just because there are miracles out there, and we must have Jesus Christ and his Cross in our hearts so that when we pray to Him, He will come almost instantly to our cry every movement and every day. Hope this can touch you.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Friday, October 2, 2015
ADOS- year of transformation?
Is it transformation of ADOS, the top clergy, the clergy in general, the staff, the evengelists,the pastors, the church members, the systems with transparency, fair and free elections of PCC etc etc??
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Pray that Christians are set free of the oppression of Malaya in MA63
The substance of the Spirit of Malaysia says it all with clarity
Since Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri wants to see the evidence on any non-compliance with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and intergovernmental committee (IGC) report.[ Provide proof of breach first DE 19 September, 2015], I would like to respond as these long standing issues of 52 years need to be resolved promptly as this has impacted everyone in Malaysia especially Sabah and Sarawak as we need to re-make Malaysia from 16 September 2015 or otherwise following the Prime Minister signing the Malaysia Commemorative Book in Kota Kinabalu’s Merdeka Padang witnessed by the TYT of Sabah followed by the raising of the Jalur Gemilang signifying a fresh start of promises affirmed or otherwise. It was in the same place that the Proclamation of Malaysia was done 52 years ago. Was the Spirit of Malaysia seriously bruised or dented so much so that an affirmative action (possibly questioned) was done symbolically by the signing of the Commemorative Book after 52 years?
What was the intention from August 1961, when it was first announcement by the founding Father Tunku Abdul Rahman when it was meant to be five in the proposed family of Malaysia and then the action was first pursued by the Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee (MSCC). Going through the various ideas and comments floating in recent years, it is likely that “Malaysia” is a red herring confirming all the breaches done ab initio. The Spirit of Malaysia at the formative years namely 1961- early1963 was at grave variance as soon as the Proclamation of Malaysia was declared on 16 September, 1963.
Then we had the Malaysia Agreement 1963 where Emeritius Professor Datuk Dr. Salem Shad Faruqi said Malaysia Agreement is not an internal arrangement but international one and he said at the presentation of paper entitled “Constitutional Issues in Federal-State Relations’ at the Malaysia Federalism and the Way Forward closed door discussion organised by the Society Empowerment and Economic Development Sabah (SEEDS). It was to note that in the Proclamation of Malaysia on 16 September, 1963, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore were still British colonies and not nations/parties to commit in International agreement. Was this a serious legal breach as null and void and no effect? If you study the Proclamation of Malaysia carefully, the first paragraph started with four partners(states)/nations and then ended with sort of vagueness to include other 11 states in the Federation of Malaya. Quote: “MALAYSIA comprising the States of Pahang, Trengganu, Kedah, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak, Perlis, Penang,[1] Malacca, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak shall by the Grace of God, ….” Was that the true Spirit of Malaysia from the start? Can we treat the Proclamation of Malaysia as sort of sabotage of the movement? We could see the form and substance in conflict precipitating great injustice as soon as Malaysia came into existence. This article would illustrate some of items of injustice or even a scam of sort.
While another headline titled “ Now the moment for Sabah” by Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat at the same forum of SEEDS could encourage Sabahans to proceed further except to face the possibility of Sedition Act 1948 as amended or the section in penal code of 124 in the context of Parliament democracy. So to avoid such untenable and undesirable scenario occurring it is best that Cabinet bring this malaise of Malaysia as too many breaches right from the beginning to the Parliament’s next sitting after 52 years and forthwith go forward promptly to do the needfuls. Now after 52 years, it is likened that we need to call up those early leaders (some still living) and the spirits of those who had passed on to re-create the substance of the Spirit of Malaysia. Nevertheless, their spirits may not be visible amongst us but the spirit of the words in the formation of Malaysia and the implementation of Malaysia are very much with us as we can now see more books to be published to state the strong case of the Spirit of Malaysia.
Dr. Salem went to say that “Even the words used by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak such as devolution and empowerment are inaccurate.” So in this context, we really need the appropriate action and performance accordingly to the original concept of Malaysia. So is this substance and its spirit emerging to clear all the doubts of 52 years?
The other intention for Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore was the de-colonisation of the British Empire after the World War 2 which was possibly good but premature for Sabah and Sarawak as it was Brunei still a colony till 1984. So was this process of true independence followed through by the British and Malaya? Was United Nations Resolution No. 1541 principle 1X complied with? Was this a breach of sort in the international context? Was there a hidden agenda of sort wounding the Spirit of Malaysia as UN was also sort of helplessness or party to sort of “scam” emerging? Would UN now assess its own failing in the formation of Malaysia?
There was the Malaysia Agreement 1963 signed on 9th July, 1963 but like all Agreements subject to breaches when the parties signing that Agreement could be influenced by whatever persuasions especially we were told by some of those who were involved then. This MA63 was obviously breached or even null and void and ineffective or unenforceable since the beginning with the Proclamation of Malaysia especially with the forced departure of Singapore on 7th August, 1965, and on 9th August, 1965, Singapore became a new nation.
As we all known it is difficult to enforce any Agreement if there is a dominant party or parties. So likewise MA 63 was supported by a Malaysia Act 1963 passed in the UK Parliament. Was a similar Malaysia Act 1963 passed in the Malaya Parliament? Would it be any difference if an Act of the parliament is violated unlike an agreement? I leave this to learned legal scholars to tell us now.
Another ongoing argument is that every thing done in all powerful Parliament would over write others such as the 20/18 points being the basis of the negotiation for the Spirit of Malaysia to be in place and possible the InterGovernmental Committee (IGC) report. In the absence of Malaysia Act 1963 in Malaya, the Parliament of Malaysia would amend anything as time passed by. So the Argument goes on unabated about Malaysia as 4 parties (Singapore included) or Malaysia of 13 units ranging from very big Sarawak and smallest Perlis. If the dispute had started with the Proclamation of Malaysia, it was sort of confirmed by an amendment in the Parliament on 27 August, 1976 so soon after the Double six plane tragedy over Sembulan, Sabah making Sabah and Sarawak as the 12 and 13 states of great diminished status in every respects and aspects within Malaysia. Why amend 13 years later in 1976?
Another anomaly with Malaysia if we go the way of thinking of USA (Federal versus States), every states would have a state Government but Malaya from the outset did not maintain its own Government except what we see a Malaysian Government (Federal) overshadowing the Government of Singapore, Government of Sabah, and Government of Sarawak. So what does that tell us? Let the learned legal fraternity in Constitution law tell us of this anomaly of missing Malaya’s Government in term of Spirit of Malaysia.
So much from me on the legal framework of the Spirit of Malaysia in the various documents as being exposed by some parties.
Now I would go into the reality in the implementation of the true Spirit of Malaysia in the context of power and money as the actual direction of Malaysia in 4 or 3 partners rather than 13 states to share the spoilt.
If we give prominence to the Federal Cabinet of Ministers as this connects to power, we would see this a pittance in terms of the number of Sabahans and Sarawakians holding cabinet posts then at the beginning and now. If Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak are 3 in 1, then each partner should have 12 Cabinet ministers each but how much do we have then and now? Search this spirit of power in the right number of clean hands. Also give the quantum of allocation of funds to the various ministries in the “clean” hands of Cabinet members of Sabah and Sarawak as compared with those of Malaya. I hope Nancy can provide such data for the 52 years.
So I come to the financial aspect as in all Agreement, there is the financial consideration and implications of contributions and then the sharing of financial responsibilities – give or take or givers or takers?
It was great impression at the preliminary negotiation that great help was forthcoming to Sabah and Sarawak being the much less developed partners and would like to remind our people what is recorded in the formative years namely:-
Kuala Lumpur and London Talks on Malaysia- Agreement on Establishment of Federation by Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah The financial question s previously in dispute between Singapore and Malaya were settled in the following manner: (1) 60 per cent of the Federal revenue collected in Singapore would be paid to the Singapore Government and 40 per cent to the Federal Government: (2) to assist development in the Borneo territories, Singapore would make available to the Federal Government a 15-year loan of 100,000,000 Malayan dollars, free of interest for the first five years, and a 15-year loan of 50,000,000 Malayan dollars at current market rates in the Federation (i.e. 150,000,000 Malaya dollars in all or about £17,500,000). (Source: Keesing's Contemporary Archives- November 2-9, 1963)
So some of my questions would be as follows:
Was the Sabah's portion fulfilled? Why the sharing proportion as with Singapore not applied to Sabah? Was Article 8, on the Intergovernmental Committee recommendations fully complied? Was Singapore expelled over Lee Kwan Yee retained as Prime Minister of Singapore holding much power to resources and Malaya unable to fulfil the promise of 60% of gross revenue after two years of trials? As a nation, revenue would go to the Central Government as was this case in Singapore vis-à-vis Malaya?
Suddenly, Malaya is awaken by the Spirit of the 40% of net revenue (federal portion) arising in Sabah and Sarawak goes to both partners. Had the Federal Government considered this factor in its accounting system which is likely almost fully consolidated centrally since much earlier years? If that is the case how would the two partners get their shares hence financial breaches is of paramount importance as we will see later. Also a lot of federal revenues come from Sabah and Sarawak sources but not segregated for such basic accounting for 52 years.
In response to the 40% net revenue to Sabah, MP of Kota Belud Rahman also Federal Cabinet Minister said Federal Government spends a lot of money in Sabah.
I want Rahman to come up with a back up detailed paper on that statement and NOT talk to cheat others.
I want to see a detailed balance sheet of Sabah revenue going to KL less the amount Sabah is getting from KL for as long as 52 years.
In the balance sheet, please show the fund separately showing the Capital portion mainly for the development and Revenue expenditure to collect all the Federal revenue back to the KL coffers.
For most development fund coming to finance Sabah projects, please indicate how much of that had been awarded to the companies in KL where a certain percentage already deducted before the fund come to Sabah for the target project.
Your detailed paper would clear all the doubt when all Federal Allocation had been one of thirteen rather than one of three.
If he knows history, he should learn that Singapore and Malaya owe Sabah in their pledges a lot of fund prior to 16th September, 1963. With accrued statutory interests of 8%, such promised fund could be tens of billions Ringgit. Would Singapore and Malaya make good such debts made in good faith then. Looking back Sabah had been cheated ab initio.
So with some hindsight, I had done much research on private funding or sacrifice and came up with a revealing book “Sabah Wealth – image of wood power” in 2004 where I republished my article published in Daily Express titled “Sabah a case for review in the Msia Plans” 4th July 1999. For 30 years, from 1971 to 2000 in 6 Malaysia Plans, the equal partners of Sabah and Sarawak only got allocations of 5.58% and 6.11% respectively when Malaya got 88.3% out of a total of RM229billion.
So the financial allocations without the return of 40% net revenue really spells out the real intention of Malaya sidelining the Queen’s Obligations that partnership was fake. So it was an evil intention that an amendment was done in 1976 to confirm the question of Spirit of Malaysia.
The financial allocations for Sabah in annual budget and the recent Malaysia Plans namely 8, 9 and 10 from 2001-2015 were clearly inadequate per capita when Federal Conspiracy had brought in one to two millions project IC holders in Sabah evident in the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants Sabah (RCIIIS) 2012-2014 with a sort of “fake” Royal Report. The is clearly a breach of the partnership by a demographic felony or misdemeanour of Malaya as the well being of Sabah had been very much challenged and allegation of Genocide (ethnic cleansing & “apartheid”) is not unfounded when illegal given project IC become bumiputra overnight. Wither RCIIIS in 2015?
The other major financial debacle is the Petroleum Development Act (Act 144) in 1974 could be construed as breach of MA63 as it was not there in 1963, and what followed with the oil agreement in 1976 of 5 % Royaty after the skyline “broken” over Sembulan and blood in the shallow water, we cannot accept that equal partners have to lose so much more to the dominant player. All these happened before the Parliament amended the Constitution to 12 and 13 states in 1976 and see how this conspiracy developed to cover up something which the Spirit of Malaysia did not expect to have happened when the expressive hope of much help for Sabah and Sarawak from Malaya and Singapore was dashed.
Is there any silver lining now that PM had affirmed the Commemorative booklet after 52 years? Would Nancy be in the real position to handle the so many breaches of the Spirit of Malaysia in various context? Can we set up an Interim Good Governance Government Malaysia (IGGG M) to resolve or dissolve Malaysia in amicable atmosphere without any shouting and boasting.
Was it the founder Tunku Abdul Rahman’s intention alone that Malaysia had turned out this way? He was still around in 1973-1976. Did he voice out anything? Now it would appear that Malaya had done it Malaya’s Way wounding the Spirit of Malaysia incredibly and not repayable or irreparable?
So what is the way forward, Nancy? Obviously, there are a few options open in an Agreement even without going to Court as she urged. The options of various dimensions could be worked out like any breach of Agreement. What happen if the Constitution and the Acts of Parliament are breached? Is there really a Malaysia or the Spirit thereof? One thing is for sure there is no stopping now after 52 years and possible to exert pressure for a reverse takeover to empower Sabah and Sarawak for the execution of MA63 to the letters and the Spirit thereof albeit 52 years later no matter the cost thereof.
Joshua Y. C. Kong 23 September, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
any proof, ask God.
Bishop with USD20m from nigeria via London....aiding and abetting.. to be very rich super rich as he told the church...
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Please pray that I can be the PM of IGGG M
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Birthday on 23 August, to Jesus Christ
Very Happy Birthday to Jesus Christ for his healing of Anglican church.
Were you there in Ranau amongst 2,500 walking for Jesus (daily express 24/8/2015) when 23/8/15 was birthday of Jesus Christ.
Why Ranau decided to walk with Jesus ? Jesus did come to Mt Kinabalu to rescue over 139 stranded there when all the heli failed. now 23/8 is an historic days for all.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Jesus is coming
Friday, 5 June 2015
The Prophesy that The LORD revealed to me on 8th March 2015 about a distress coming to the nation of Malaysia whereupon there would be a foggy, a misty and a smoky weather as this distress will be unfolding, has been accurately fulfilled 2 months later on 5th June 2015 following a strong earthquake that has hit near Mount Kinabalu, in Sabah area in the nation of Malaysia. This is the biggest earthquake that has directly hit the nation of Malaysia in many decades (almost 40 years: since 1976). The epicenter was near the Mount Kinabalu; a foggy, smoky and misty Mountain in the nation of Malaysia and it occurred in the very early morning at about 7 AM Malaysian Time. At that time there are always a lot of mists, foggy and smoky weather on Mount Kinabalu; meaning that The LORD was also giving a hint in that prophesy 2 months ago about the timing of the judgment of The LORD that was coming to hit the nation of Malaysia.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
God gave me a sign to bring a challenge to Court against AVCF
The late Bishop Albert Vun who I brought to the High Court for crimes. How many of you dare to fight the Bishop deemed to be "Don't touch the God's Anointed one" and face instant "death". I knew from God that I could handle BAV because God showed me the sign in 2009. He used to tell church members to leave the church if anyone did not like. One fine Sunday morning, BAV was very early at the lobby of the ASC and I asked him one question, and he answered me " If you don't like..." and instead of complete his normal sentence, he was turning around in front of me and no words came out. That is God's sign that the "anointed" was in trouble before God and me and with this I could face him in Court.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Kadazan Bishop to comment on this in spiritual terms
Too much focus on Unduk Ngadau
Published on: Friday, May 29, 2015
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Kota Kinabalu: A life member of the Kadazan Society of Sabah (KSS) feels there is too much emphasis on the Unduk Ngadau or beauty pageant rather than the true meaning of the Kaamatan (harvest) celebration.
"If you look in KDCA, it's all about the Unduk Ngadau and nothing else. The focus is not there. What is the story of Huminodun? How was she sacrificed? For what was she sacrificed? Why is the Unduk Ngadau there?" asked Datuk Seri Dr Ghulam Mohd Sayeed.
"Many of the Unduk Ngadau do not even know the Kadazan language," said Ghulam, who is of Turkish-Kadazan parentage.
Speaking at the Sayfol International School Sabah's Harvest Festival celebration, Thursday, he said the Unduk Ngadau was to remember Huminodun every year and to thank the god of paddy for the harvest and thus celebrate it in Huminodun's memory.
"Instead, the festival is about the Magavau ceremony where bobohizans (priestesses) gather together to chant in a ritual that lasts for seven days.
"That ceremony of the bobohizan is the ceremony of the cracking of the paddy, that's what it's all about.
"And to me the ancestors are watching what we are doing, the spirits are watching. So it is a respect to the ancestors and upkeep of the Kadazan traditions."
He said the bobohizans would begin chanting after sunset and no words chanted would be repeated adding that the chants were used to evoke the spirits.
Ghulam also said that many Kadazans now do not even know what the Sumazau, the Kadazan traditional dance, is about while many also have forgotten its sanctity and religious value.
He said the dance arose from how the Kadazan people would thrash the paddy during the harvest where the movement of the feet signifies how one foot would hold the stalk while the other foot would crush the paddy to separate the paddy.
"And then when you're doing that, there are many birds that come in to take away the paddy to eat, so what they do is put out their hands giving the feeling that they themselves are birds.
"So when the birds see a bigger bird, they won't disturb and the pangkis (a war cry) they do is to drive the birds away.
"That is the essence of the Sumazau dance. It's not just a dance that came from nowhere … it is the thrashing of the paddy that became a dance."
He also said in the olden days, the Kadazan costume was made from the leaf of the sago plant due to the smoothness. The leaves, he said, allow the spirits to touch the wearer when they pass through the festival ceremony.
Kadazan costumes now are made of velvet which he said also gives the same smooth feeling.
"Of course, some people have taken to using batik (but) I protested at KSS, I also protested that at KDCA.
"I said look, you're killing the tradition by getting into the batik style thing and not only are you killing the tradition; you're also killing people's income."
Ghulam also said he has done a lot of research on Kadazan culture and belief and wholly believes that the Harvest Festival is the one and only religious ceremony of the Kadazan people.
He said other celebrations such as Christmas and Hari Raya were adopted celebrations that came in due to intermarriages but the Harvest Festival is the festival of the Kadazan people and was the most sacred festival of the Kadazan.
He said that the festival was not just for celebration but to appease the people's ancestors and not to forget their roots, beliefs and culture.
Ghulam urged Kadazans to revive the language so that the culture and traditions may also be preserved.
"What does a Kadazan father or mother in the house speak to their children now? Malay. That is not the language. You speak to them in Malay (outside) but you speak to them in Kadazan in the house (to) let them learn.
"(Because) when that language is forgotten, everything goes, especially now with intermarriages."
He said parents need to make their children aware of what the Kadazan culture is all about before teaching them other cultures.
They should also ensure their children are fluent in English as it is very lacking among children, he said, adding that English was a neutral language that can be used to teach Kadazan culture and beliefs.
He said he had begun efforts to help the Kadazan children five years ago by sending some of the English teachers from Sayfol to teach in the villages for free. To date, he said, the effort had helped over 600 children.
The Sayfol Harvest Festival celebration had a variety of activities among of which were a Sumazau dance performance and Magavau performance by invited guests.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
after life - yes - LOVE of God in Christ
God is LOVE.
– The fabric of the afterlife was pure LOVE. Love dominated the afterlife to such a huge degree that the overall presence of evil was infinitesimally small. If you wish to know the Universe, know Love. - See more at:
Monday, May 18, 2015
sixth Bishop today
First Kadazan to be made Anglican Bishop
Published on: Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Daily Express
Kota Kinabalu: A Kadazan clergyman will be installed as the first indigenous bishop to head the 90,000-strong Anglican community in the State under the Diocese of Sabah on Tuesday.
Bishop Melter Jiki Tais who was actually appointed the bishop of the diocese on Feb 20 will be replacing the late Bishop Albert Vun who passed away on July 15 last year.
The 50-year old Melter was born in Kampung Nangoh, Labuk and was ordained into the Anglican priesthood in 1993 and had served in various capacities in many parts of Sabah, including Priest-in-Charge of St. Margaret's Church in Keningau and St. Peter's Church in Tenom, Rector of St. Mark's Church in Lahad Datu and St. Luke's Mission District in Telupid.
The father of four will be the Anglican Diocese of Sabah's sixth bishop and the first native of Sabah to be installed to the highest office in the church in Sabah.
"I believe that God calls people at the right time. I need to seek clearer guidance from Him over what He wants me to do and not what I want to do. I believe there must be a purpose that God appointed me at this very particular time.
"When a time comes when there is a need to speak up objectively and constructively to the government, then as a bishop I need to do that, to protect the rights of not only the indigenous Christians in Sabah and Sarawak but also in the whole country," he said.
Due to the rising problem of certain groups trying to convert or entice Christians to their religions, Melter said he would hold discussions with leaders of the diocese on how to handle some of the issues and how to help the members who have been forced to embrace other religions.
"There is no easy answer to it but definitely we will look into this matter. As we all know, under the Constitution, we have freedom of religion, that we are free to choose our own religion and express our worship.
"But of course when it comes to practise, that is a problem. However as a church, we will continue to express our worship in ways that we feel it should be without allowing certain parties or quarters to dictate us how to express our faith to God," he said.
Regarding the church's policies and what the Anglican community could expect during his tenure, for example women ordination, Melter said while other Anglican dioceses and provinces have decided to ordain women to the priesthood, the province of Southeast Asia has not taken the step yet.
"For the time being, we are not ready yet. Whether we will be open to the idea or not, we do not know but the stance now is, we are not ready for it. In terms of the so-called same-sex marriage, we are totally against it. We do not allow for it to be carried out in the church," he said.
The installation service will be held at the All Saints' Cathedral in Kota Kinabalu on Tuesday at 5pm.
The service will be conducted by Archbishop and Primate of the Province of the Anglican Church in Southeast Asia Datuk Bolly Lapok who is also the Bishop of the Diocese of Kuching.
He will be assisted by the Bishop of the Diocese of West Malaysia Datuk Ng Moon Hing and the Bishop of the Diocese of Singapore Rennis Ponniah.
About 1,500 people are expected to attend the service which will be followed immediately by a thanksgiving dinner at 8pm at the Hakka Association Hall.
Home - News - Sabah
First local Anglican Bishop to be installed today
Posted on May 19, 2015, Tuesday
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KOTA KINABALU: The Right Reverend Melter bin Jiki Tais will be officially installed as the sixth Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah today (May 19), the first native of the Kadazan community in Sabah to be installed to the highest office in the diocese. The installation service will be held at the All Saints’ Cathedral here at 5 pm today, where 1,500 people are expected to attend.
Melter was appointed as the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the State on February 20 this year, after his predecessor, Rt Rev. Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui passed away on July 15, 2014.
On his vision for the diocese, Melter said that he believed there was a reason and purpose for God to call him to be the first bumiputera Kadazan Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah at this particular time.
“My vision is supposed to be the vision of the Lord. I really need to seek clearer guidance from God on what He wants me to do, not so much on what I want to do.”
Having said that, Melter acknowledged that there have been many issues affecting the Christian churches in Malaysia today. In West Malaysia, for example, many Christians are either Chinese or Indian, he said.
“When we open our mouth to say something, sometimes they tell (Christians in Peninsular Malaysia) to go back to China or India. So I believe there must be a purpose that God appoints me at this particular time, a time that if there is a need to speak up objectively and constructively to the government, then as a Bishop, I need to say that to protect the rights of not only natives or indigenous Christians in Sabah and Sarawak, but also the rights of Christians in Malaysia as a whole,” he said, at a press conference here yesterday.
On a similar note, Melter said, he would discuss with his fellow clergy and leaders of the Anglican Diocese, including members of the diocese standing committee, on how to handle issues like Islamization, and how to help Christian members in the interior who were so-called forced to embrace the other religion without their consent.
“There is no easy answer to it, but we will definitely look into this matter.”
When asked about his views on the extent of freedom of religion in Malaysia, Melter said, the freedom of religion and freedom to express one’s worship are enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
“When it comes to practice, that is the problem. As a church, we will continue to express our worship to God in a way we feel it should be without allowing certain parties or quarters to dictate us how to express our faith in God.”
Nonetheless, Melter said, the Anglican Diocese of Sabah would seek to establish good relationship with the government without compromising its biblical stand for the well-being of the city and State.
On other matters, Melter said, the Anglican Diocese in the Province of South East Asia is not ready for the ordination of women yet. He added that the Anglican churches were also against same sex marriage.
“We totally oppose it (same sex marriage). We do not allow it to happen in our churches.”
At present, there are more than 26,000 active members who attend Sunday service at Anglican churches throughout Sabah every week, while the total number of Anglicans in Sabah is expected to be around 90,000.
The installation service today will be conducted by the Archbishop and Primate of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia, the Most Reverend Datuk Bolly Lapok, who is also the Bishop of the Diocese of Kuching.
Bolly will be assisted by the Bishop of the Diocese of West Malaysia, The Right Reverend Datuk Ng Moon Hing, and the Bishop of the Diocese of Singapore, The Right Reverend Rennis Ponniah.
The service will start at 5 pm followed by a thanksgiving dinner at 8 pm at the Hakka Hall, off Tanjung Lipat.
Melter was born in Kampung Nangoh, Labuk in 1965. He is presently serving as the Assistant Bishop cum Vicar-General of the Diocese of Sabah. He was called to God’s service and began his ministry as a parish worker in 1988 and was subsequently ordained into priesthood in 1993.
As a priest, he has served in various capacities in many parts of Sabah, including Priest-in-Charge of St Margaret’s Church in Keningau and St Peter’s Church in Tenom, Rector of St Mark’s Church, Lahad Datu and Rector of St Luke’s Mission District, Telupid.
He was collated as a Canon of All Saints’ Cathedral in 2006 and appointed as Archdeacon of the Central Archdeaconry in 2007. On August 14, 2009, he was consecrated as a Bishop and appointed as the Assistant Bishop of Sabah.
Melter is married to Angeline Wong Moi Yin, and together they have four children.
He created history by being the first native of Sabah from the Kadazan community to be consecrated as a Bishop of the Anglican Church of Sabah in 2009. His installation of the Bishop of the Anglican Church of Sabah will be another first, being the first native of Sabah to be installed to highest office.
The Anglican Church in Sabah began as a chaplaincy work in Borneo in the late 19th century among the then European expatriates. Its first church was established in the Federal Territory of Labuan in 1855. The work expanded to include the Hakka Chinese from China and Hong Kong.
Later, mission work was initiated among the natives of Sabah. It was only in 1962 that the Diocese of Borneo, as it was known then, was divided into the Diocese of Kuching and the Diocese of Jesselton, now known as the Diocese of Sabah. Today, the Diocese of Sabah has more than 120 parishes, churches and worship centres all over the State with mission work in the northern part of Kalimantan, Indonesia and in Thailand.
Also present were dean of All Saints’ Cathedral, Chak Sen Fen; diocesan treasurer of the Diocese of Sabah, Michael Tong; diocesan chancellor, Datuk Stephen Foo; Assistant Bishop, John Yeo, and standing committee members, Canon Lidis Singkung and Roland Ng.
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Friday, May 15, 2015
19 May Installation Service of New Diocesan Bishop of Sabah no. 6.
The disturbing question is:-
You are succeeding someone in disturbing scenario
Is AVCF really DEAD or he had just absconded?
Have you seen his full medical report?
Have your seen his Dead certificate?
Why the coffin closed all the way during the funeral service?
Why was he preaching at his funeral service, if he is really dead and No RIP?
Was the coffin heavy laden?
Where is his "final resting place" and under heavy double doors and locks?
I call for FULL investigation.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The time "bomb" of the 6th (sick) Bishop....from 19 May 2015
I let any reader to fill up this page...
The VC was appointed 6th Bishop in December, 2014 must have in place a high power Anglican Restoration and Truth Committee (ARTC) or ARESTTRUTH to resolve so many important matters that had happened 2005/2006 - 2014 and in this post I would list out some of the urgent items for proper action -----
1. Many Police Reports would have to be made in those years of AVCF, but not done and who are guilty? Is AVCF guilty?
2. There was an alleged child rape by a "MAN" of God but the Dean AVCF did not make a Police Report. Who was the rapist? Don't find a scapegoat.
3. Properties were lost in the Deanery for an illegal occupation and yet no theft report was made. Why?
4. A false Police Report was promptly made against me for a petty item and yet the important ones for CRIMES were ignored.
5. Outsiders intruded in the All Saints Cathedral during certain services and event and yet no Police Reports were made meaning AVCF was behind such intrusion.
6. What happened to the Police Report over a grafitti incident in Indah Anglican Church? Did AVCF followed up with this Police investigation?
7. The new Bishop must open an investigation why Archdeacon Moses Chin was "demoted" to determine why Moses was "demoted"?
Failing this he must be re-instated as the Archdeacon.
8. Make sure he complies with the decisions of the Appeal court over the Archbishop Bolly to set up the E-Court and release the PAC report and recommendation over 40 matters on AVCF. The issue of "non-legal-entity" is a thorn in Anglican Province and ADOS..
9. What happen to all the assets registered in the name of AVCF ?
10. Have a review of all the assets of ADOS and to be properly done.
11. Make sure 6th Bishop of Sabah is legally appointment as the Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee).
12. Update the ADOS Constitution to reflect legality and transparency and no delegated trusteeship to others.
13. ADOS must appoint a honorary auditor, and not a paid auditor.
14. The case of the sudden departure of AVCF must be fully investigated and first get the medical certificate from the Singapore's clinic of DR Kong, then the DEATH certificate..including a declaration to re-open the coffin.
(more to come)...
Friday, May 1, 2015
Stephen Foo must resign from Diocesan Chancellor
Dear Anglicans,
Stephen Foo came out with a disgusting article on 6th March, 2014 in Daily Express when the Court case was still in progress.
Now the said case went through the Appeal Court with a decision against Anglican Province in SEA on 23 May, 2014, Stephen Foo did not come out with another article or did he?
Then Bolly appealled against the Court of Appeal's decision by Ronny C. with an application to Federal Court but then withdrawn by same lawyer on 24th November, 2014.
Today is 2nd May, 2015 and has Stephen come out with another press article on the same case? Please clarify .
Thank you.,
Joshua Kong
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Anglican Province in SEA (APSEA) should apologise to Christians to call themself "Non legal entity".
Bopim demanded that the church apologise to Christians in the country, especially its congregation, put back the cross where it rightfully belongs, promise not to cave in to fringe groups, stand up for constitutional rights including the separation of church and state and the rule of law.
Action of church shameful, says NGO
Published on: Thursday, April 23, 2015
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Kota Kinabalu: The church at Taman Medan in Petaling Jaya shamed Malaysians, especially in the Christian heartland of the country, Sabah and Sarawak, for not knowing its rights under the Federal Constitution, said UK-based Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (Bopim).
"Such a thing could never happen in Sabah or Sarawak. We will not allow it," said its President Daniel John Jambun, adding Muslims who claimed that the cross on the wall's exterior was a challenge to Islam "don't know what their faith is all about."
Bopim, an apolitical human rights NGO, expressed surprise that the Church in Taman Medan, caved-in to threats and intimidation and quickly brought down the cross in response to demands by a group of 50 unruly protesters on Sunday.
It attributed the protest to "the Barisan Nasional (BN) provoking politically-motivated incidents in Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states".
Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), he said, was in the shape of the biggest cross in the country. "Airplanes are in the shape of a cross. Then, we have the plus sign and many other things in the shape of a cross."
The church's "cowardly tail between the legs" reaction was shameful, humiliating and hurts our feelings and sentiments, he said.
Bopim demanded that the church apologise to Christians in the country, especially its congregation, put back the cross where it rightfully belongs, promise not to cave in to fringe groups, stand up for constitutional rights including the separation of church and state and the rule of law.
Bopim also advised the church to pursue legal options in dealing with the protesters, reportedly sparked off by a WhatsApp group chat.
"The church should lodge a police report," said Daniel.
"It should also send a letter of demand to the leaders of the group to apologise for the incident on Sunday, publish the apology in the media, retract all demands and statements, promise never to repeat them and compensate the church."
If the group ignores the letter of demand, Daniel said the next course of action should be to haul them to court in a civil action suit. "Let the court decide."
The NGO expressed confidence that Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi would make good his pledge and charge the 50 protesters, including the IGP's brother, under the Sedition Act.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
The financial part in the Court settled but what about the E-Court and the PAC report plus recommendation?
The E-Court once convened would confirm APSEA is not "non legal entity" to the world.
April 22, 2015 - 5:04 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Where would this money come from ? From the tithes of the churches?
I am also in the midst of writing a book on BISHOPGATE in Anglican Sabah for a proper record and public dissemination. Would appreciate that the Court would also release the PAC report and the recommendation plus the convening of the E-Court in the absence of the recalcitrant bishop to bring the whole episode to rest for a better APSEA..
April 21, 2015
House of Bishop Finally Paid Up
We praise God for finally bringing the legal dispute between the Legal Action Task Force and The House of Bishops to a positive outcome with the receipt of the payment awarded to the plaintiff by the Appeals Court from the House of Bishops. The payment had been long overdue but we rejoice that further action to recover the debt is no longer necessary since the payment had been received.
The Legal Action Task force will meet soon to disburse the accumulated money in our account and will inform you again when we had made a decision. After everything is all said and done, we will publish and close the account and dissolve the Legal Action Task Force.
We like to thank all concerned who had supported our cause with prayers, encouragement and financial resources. Without your support we may not have reached this level of defending the Church against the might of those in a position of power. The Lord had been truly gracious to us.
Legal Action Task Force
Sunday, April 19, 2015
need you to clarify the solitary memorial ground for AVCF
latest : coffin bearers says the "coffin" was light.
Anything would surprise you?
Why so special in a solitary memorial ground in Fook LU siew zone?
I don't have the photo but I am told access to that place is "restricted" with
double gates to get to the memorial place.
Why like that? What is that? When bought? whose money? who bought it? How can that be for God's servant?
Do we think we can reserve a place in heaven to be with Jesus?
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
what say Christians on the burning of churches?
Australia: Churches Burned to the Ground Easter Holiday
Apr 14, 2015
by Eliyokim Cohen in DIASPORA
In the days before Easter, Christianity’s holiest time, no fewer than four Melbourne churches were torched.
Haven’t heard about this? Of course not. The left applauds such destruction and desecration, as long as it’s a church or even a synagogue. If it’s a Hindu or Sikh temple, the media will only report on it if they can spin as an act of ‘islamophobia,” alleging that the vandals actually meant to attack Muslims.
But if someone leaves bacon on the door handle of a mosque, they serve prison time. If someone vandalizes a mosque, non-Muslims are excoriated — even when the perp is Muslim (which it is the majority of the time).
“Opinion: Leftist media seems to be deaf when it comes to crimes against Christians,” The Courier Mail, April 10, 2015
CRITICISE Islam and you’re an “Islamophobe”. You risk court, as two Christian pastors in Melbourne found in 2004.
But criticise Christianity – celebrate even the burning of a church – and you’re a “progressive”. The ABC is your friend. Islamophobia bad; Christophobia good.
Take last week. In the days before Easter, Christianity’s holiest time, no fewer than four Melbourne churches were torched.
The loveliest, Brighton’s Catholic Church of St James, was burned down, its magnificent stained glass, bells and organ destroyed.
This was not just an attack on a building, but on a community pledged to goodness.
As the St James website reminds parishioners, each have “special talents or gifts … given to us for the enrichment of the lives of others and so that we can serve God better”.
So “visit the sick and elderly, feed the hungry, teach those who want to learn, console the lonely and sorrowful …”
When St James was destroyed, actor Rachel Griffiths was given sympathetic time on Melbourne ABC radio to say how good she felt.
Such teachings have already inspired Christians to create the Red Cross, St John Ambulance, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society, World Vision and many fine private hospitals, hospices and schools.
Yet when St James was destroyed, actor Rachel Griffiths was given sympathetic time on Melbourne ABC radio to say how good she felt.
“I was quite elated, like many of my generation, when I heard the news,” she said.
See, this church had – more than three decades ago – employed a paedophile priest, so “it’s always been a difficult building for us to drive past”.
This church must be burned for the sins of one priest? Should we also burn your Hollywood for the crimes of Roman Polanski, Ms Griffiths?
As Anglican priest Mark Durie, an adjunct research fellow of the Centre for the Study of Islam and Other Faiths at the Melbourne School of Theology, says: “There is a kind of popular mood of hatred of Christianity.”
The media class is responsible for much of it, often savaging Christianity in a way it wouldn’t dream of doing to Islam.
For instance, Fairfax newspapers and the ABC in 2011 damned an obscure US pastor for threatening to burn copies of the Koran.
Yet Australian filmmaker Corey Sinclair marked Easter Monday with a column in the NT News attacking his Christian relatives and boasting of “a small bible they handed out at one sing-a-long that my friends ended up using for joint paper”.
Or take the reaction three years ago to Innocence of Muslims, a laughably bad YouTube clip crudely satirising Islam.
Then-prime minister Julia Gillard called it “truly disgusting” and The Age published a polemic attacking such “Islamophobia”.
Yet SBS marked Easter Sunday – the day of Christ’s supposed resurrection – by screening Monty Python’s Life of Brian, a film mocking Christ as “just a naughty boy”. No respect? No problem.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
where is the burial place of AVCF?
Why in Fook Lu Siew's private area under gate?
who want his corpse?
Who paid for this burial ground?
Is he really DEAD?
If in the mile 5 , Jalan tuaran, it is an OPEN ground with access to all people.
So the question starts here...why so special??
where is the thick dossier of AVCF to Yong Ping chung?
Never to be swept under the ADOS...
It was reported in blog that AVCF as bishop of Sabah handed a thick dossier to Yong PC.
It was reported that Yong PC was embarrassed.
so where is that dossier?
Now it is timely that the new bishop elect Meltar J Tais provide a dossier of AVCF before he is LEGALLY ordained
on 19 May, 2015 as Bishop of Sabah.
MJT should be able to do that as he was "crony" of AVCF.
We want change in ADOS, and MJT must come clean and with "unclean" hands, MJT is doomed to fail or fall in ADOS.
Church of God cannot afford to do that.
Who are we serving then ? God or Man??
ADOS needs to have a system of restoration and reconstruction or should be disbanded.
what happen to the disappeared RM20m in ADOS accounts
Who are the robbers of God's money?
Bishop AVCF - the illegal bishop.
The Standing Committee together with the Diocese Chancellor and the Hon Treasurer?
The synod of 2014 who allowed the "robbery".
God is watching.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Robbing God by the clergy aided by some "professionals""
email to Dean and others,
Dear Dean and others,
Don't let the persons close to you mislead you.
The accounts of ASC for 2013, 2014 are still NOT alright despite
paying RM10,800 to the auditor now your warden.
If you are true to God, OPEN up your books to proper scrutiny and not sweep
the horrible "dirts" under the carpet.
If the adjustment of RM69,120 (issue) was just changed at the opening figure
of 2013 account, meaning 2012 accounts was also wrong.
The wrongs or unbalanced accounts will go on in 2015.
I hope Philip Chhoa may open up the "wounds" if given the space.
The accounts of ASC have fundamental errors.
If the book keeper cannot identify the errors, then the Treasurer would not see it and the auditor also cannot see in such short time.
So clean up the book for the next Dean.
Thank You,
two major items by me amongst many questions -----
2.2.1 House of Celebration
If the PCC decide on the project, can PCC members provide the guarantee as guarantors as they feel no risk.
If not, I would like to add the following:-
1. How much is the estimated project costs? RM60m or RM30m ? Dont be fooled by RM5m from ASC.
2. What are the documents have the PCC scrutinised? Is the construction contract signed already?
3. When would the project start based on the level of financial availability? The project cannot start unless the full amount is
In the bank deposit for this project.
4. There are several key reasons why this Diocesan project linked to ASC cannot proceed namely:-
4.1 The reduction of ASC financial contribution is a temptation not to be entertained.
4.2 The records/performance of Diocesan projects had been irregular.
4.3 ASC had contributed much to the Kokol Prayer Summit but it had been an illegal project from the beginning and the OC
Indicated the owner of KPS as the land owner. Can this be construed that many members had been cheated by a gang of and you know them?
4.4 We don’t want another one in our backyard.
4.5 We also cannot trust ADOS go on this project unless the assets of ADOS are resolved following the event on 15 July, 2014.
5. Quality of the accounts
5.1. Proper accounting of God’s money or who is robbing God?
5.2 The quality of the accounting function is very much questioned in the following manners:-
5.2.1 Item of Minute of AAGM - Bank Reconcialitions not completed since 2012 meaning - accounts had been in errors.
5.2.2 My repeated questons for full details on the human resource on cleaners/guards salaries/allowances for 2013 and 2014 not provided and not investigated.
5.2.3 Asset listings are not done.
5.2.4 F 2.5 where Mr Michael Tong as Diocesan Treasurer would not influence the audit, but do we get value for such fee paid audit? The 2014’s audited accounts in item 10. Provision for Diocesan Assessment (page 13) where surprised items of over/underprovision of last year assessment of
2013 (63,014) and 2014 (212,564) and such revisions must be reviewed by independent parties as Michael Tong is the Diocesan Treasurer and the auditor of ASC. We must see the relevant ledgers of this ite.
5.2.5 C 3.3 of Minute of AAGM 2014 where Madam Thersa Hong questioned on the basic book keeping function.
5.3 The acceptance of the questioned 2013’s accounts was subject to a members’ vote by show of hands and the margin was little.
5.4 Two offers of honorary auditors were rejected.
5.5 The questioned figure of RM69,120 in 2013 was just adjusted in the opening figure for 2013 hence 2012 account was not balanced.
So accounts of 2014 not approved.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Appeal to Bishop of Sabah elect
Dear Bishop of Sabah elect,
I appeal to you for your attention.
Please take this as my first friendly notice.
Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Kong
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 9:36 AM
Subject: Restore my 4 motions or.....
To: Mary Gambidau , "" , Thien William
Dear Dean,
Under Article VII AGM, 2 (c) any other matters of parish of general church interest and how you justify to deny
my 4 motions based on jurisdiction?
1. Where is the PCC's power to reject my 4 motions?
2. My motions are relevant and important for the parish as the mother
church cannot be under an "non legal entity" bishop soon to be illegally installed.
3. Dean of the ASC is "undisciplined" to be recommended to be removed especially allow RELA to disturb the church event. You did not
stop the RELA then.
4. If jurisdiction is an issue, the APSEA is "non legal entity" and Bishop of Sabah/ADOS also without jurisdiction.
Please restore the 4 motions as it is still timely for a vote.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Open letter to Anglican Province of Churches in South East Asia (APSEA)
Open letter to Anglican Province of Churches in South East Asia (APSEA)
This is a very important message to the APSEA and beyond for the better tomorrow.
It is important that the faith and order must be synchronised with the secular matters of the church for God’s glory
I had submitted motions of good intention and in good faith to the mother church All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu Sabah in the Anglican Diocese of Sabah (ADOS) in 2014, 2015 and all the motions properly filed were rejected for the reason of jurisdiction.
Jurisdication is according to the Oxford Dictionary - administration of justice; legal authority; right to exercise this; extent of this.
If it is administration of justice, all levels with the church hierarchy should pay attention to this especially for God’s order.
If it is legal authority, I do not know where in APSEA there is a legal authority when APSEA had been self-declared as “non legal entity” as the case was prematurely withdrawn from the Civil Court at the highest level at the Federal Court.
If APSEA has accepted it legal status at the Appeal Court level, then has the Archbishop of APSEA complied with the decisions thereof?
If APSEA has not accepted its legal status as per Appeal Court, then ADOS at the lower level of APSEA is also a non legal entity.
In this case, ADOS, synod of ADOS, Diocesan Standing Committee are all illegal and non legal entity to exercise jurisdiction over All Saints’ Cathedral as the mother church with its inherent power to exercise its role in the administration of justice as unfettered by illegal structures above it.
We know ASC (1911) and ADOS (1962) are creatures before Malaysia and before the Society Act, 1966, hence we have the concession and privilege of the colonial era.
But APSEA (1996) comes after 1963, and how is this power structure be accepted except by the similar concession as extended. So by this extention, the power of APSEA with its own Provincial Constitution is laid out. Yet it is still a non legal entity as far as APSEA vis-a-vis the Anglican churches are concerned as the Civil Court cannot “change” its vested interests.
Whether I am right or wrong with this understanding, it is open to learned views.
My humble motions as submitted but rejected mean there is no jurisdiction even within the APSEA to do anything if mother church is disabled as I can see it that the “rottenness” already identified would be perpetuated within.
If we want to review our physical structure known as Diocese which simply means a certain area for administrative purpose, it is strictly a non legal entity. Malaysia has no legal power but the Government of Malaysia has power as a legal entity.
Biblically according to Malachi, Diocese is not store house as it is not a church but money/donation/tithes going into the churches in the Diocese is “siphoned off” by what is known as Diocesan Assessment a substantial “robbery” especially in the context of ADOS where accounts 2006-2012 were “manipulated” for frauds. If we really need a Bishop, then he must be attached to the mother church.
So we need to do likewise to make ADOS legalised and that legal matters is actuated by the Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee).
But since 1962, the role and responsibility of the Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee) has not been applied properly as scenarios of illegality have surfaced in deliberations and proceedings of two civil court cases with much research. The established principles of trusteeship and beneficiaries have been simply ignored and abused, hence my motions were trying to restore such grievous anomalies.
We have to thank God that two “inevitable” but now considered “desirable” civil courts cases had highlighted such weaknesses for decades in our church.
So such weaknesses must be corrected immediately to avoid any further challenge legal or otherwise.
How could the Archbishop and Bishop of Sabah not recognise the respective Constitutions and do the right things to bring glory to God for a long time despite the latest rulings from the Appeal Court?
So hopefully, my motions to ASC as rejected for lack of jurisdiction would enlightened everyone of our weaknesses with this OPEN message.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Servant of God. 22 March, 2015
P/s - can still restore my 4 motions for ASC AGM 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
"Albert Vun" with a very dark cultic shadow in ADOS
Albert still alive and scared of his own very dark cultic shadows in ADOS by rejecting my 4 motions.
His cronies still shaking in their pans.
We have denggue in our midst because of Muing Choing (Worms). Here we in ADOS has Vun Choing (worms)
Unless we deal with the mosquito AEDES, we die from Denggue.
Unless we deal with this Vun Choing, ADOS and Anglicans in Sabah die too.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
1-100 of 179 Ronny Cham & Co??? Ronny Cham??? on a fishing ??expedition for an apology??
How?? by emailling in WWW.
Any lawyer to advise if in an email asking for apology, it is deemed a "threat" or "intimidation" even "criminal intimidation" as what had been demanded is sort of incriminating of guilt.
4 motions submitted and hope not block for the lawyer case.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Freethinker?? no more...!!!!
I was given a lift by a casual friend of more than 20 years.
He asked me about BISHOPGATE.
Then, I just mentioned briefly that we have the mess to clear.
So then my wife asked him if he is any church?
He replied that he is "FREETHINKER"
Then I told him, there is no such thing as Freethinker.
Then he said he believe in God but very distracted/disheartened by all the "religious" groups.
So I told it is all HUMAN weakness and errors.
So we have to reflect that we are all believers in God but how do we organise ourselves to handle
the needs of all people.
God bless all especially with direct access to Jesus Christ.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Christian uniform??
Is there such a thing as Christian got uniform??
Put ADOS in proper order
Dear Saints,
I am trying my best to put the House of Anglicans in Sabah and beyond in proper order due to the change of
Archbishop of Canterbury (AC) to Archbishop of APSEA in 1996 long over due for update.
So it is very impoortant to know which House of Bishop with Bishop being singular appoint and install the 6th Bishop of Sabah.
Who knows APSEA has passed on to AC as it is in the Constitution of the APSEA.
If it is the AC install the 6th Bishop, there is legally no problem with the existing documents of appointment for the Bishop of Sabah as Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustees) under the Trustee (Incorporation) Ordinance Sabah Cap 148 (TIO)- see document below.
There are a few conditions under this TIO appointment namely--the Constitution of Diocese of Sabah where is Diocese is an area defined in Sabah; only one person in Bishop of Sabah; and appointed by AC.
I have studied the two cases recently namely my case against AVCF and then ASC against Bolly. What I have learned I want to make sure sure we are on solid ground and not to be challenged again because of the public odium when what had happened since 2011.
Stephen Foo knew about my challenge on this in my court documents. If we review the documents of my case both my counsel and that of AVCF, and the Appeal Judgement of ASC case against Bolly, there are certainly contradictions legally both in form and substance.
So we must avoid such legal complicity in future with grave consequences.
What we need to do it to update all the documents of the ADOS in several areas.
But the important thing is that - had the 6th Bishop as the VC since August, 2014 done any update of the relevant documents of his appointment?
Unless TIO document is updated for the APSEA to appoint him, the 6th Bishop remains an illegitimate Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee).
So the appointment of 6th Bishop must be delayed.
I wrote to the 6th Bishop an email on this about 10 days ago, and has not received a reply. Timmie Liew’s notice revived my thought.
It is fatal to have an illegal Bishop as the Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee).
The ADOS Constitution must be updated as well before the 6th Bishop of Sabah to hold appointed office.
If you study the ADOS Consitution which is one of the conditions of the Corporate body as Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee),
You don’t see who can operate the bank account as it is silent about the role of the Honorary Treasurer?
There is no mention of who is/are the signatory / signatories in the TIO or the ADOS Constitution.
So I presume the sole trustee is the sole signatory of the bank account of ADOS but the account name is
Diocese of Sabah rather then the corporate body and that is Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee).
That is FATAL legally should anything goes wrong with the bank accounts and the bank deposits.
We are no more in 1962, 1996 but 2015.
After going through two high profile Court cases with the second one yet to be resolved fully, we must put our ADOS
And ASC standing in the right perspective.
In every corporate body, finance is so important and who can operate those operations.
I believe the sole trustee cannot delegate the signatory of the bank account to any other persons unless spelt out
In the ADOS Constitution.
So we must press on to put the Anglican House in order.
Thank you,
see the documents there ---
Saturday, February 28, 2015
ADOS is the real loser in both civil suits.
Another item of technicality that my case against Albert Vun was wrong party.
If we study the Appeal Court's Judgement of Archbishop case, Bolly was ruled a valid defendant as he was in control
of APSEA although APSEA has a Constitution.
So likewise Albert Vun was in control of ADOS, and so where got "wrong party"?
Dear Anglicans,
If we scrutinise the Government Proceeding Act and the terms thereof and the Bishop of Sabah wanted to claim protection from that Act as consent needs to be granted by the AG for two plaintiffs.
On the other hand like any law is a double edged sword, and if the Bishop has failed under that Act as his appointment is by the TYT, the State AG must file a case against the Bishop for failure to discharge his duty of Trust as a Registered Trustee.
My counsel did ask the State AG if he wanted to pursue the prosecution but that was turned down for known agenda. So the State AG also failed.
So there is grave injustice when I lost the locus standi to pursue my case as simply GPA. So Bishop continued to flourish in his crimes until he disappeared on 15 July, 2014.
Any one got anything to add? We need to set up a commission of truth.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Need to do this properly
Dear C,
So if this is not done Tais is also an "illegitimate" Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee), especially
Timmie Liew wrote that 6th Bishop of Sabah is appointed by the House of Bishop when APSEA is House of BishopS, and
House of Bishop is also Bishop of Canterbury.
Maybe APSEA has passed on to the BoC to appoint 6th Bishop when that is in the Provincial Constitution. What is what now?
We must be sure what is what now and not another Legal Challenge of negligence.
Dear Joshua,
There was no filing. That is why it still read Archbishop of Canterbury. Kenneth Thien should have filed the change but was negligent. They should get this done first before they amend the trustee and install the new bishop.
If not, anybody can challenge the legality of Bishop of Sabah as it is appointed by the Archbishop of APSEA instead of Archbishop of Canterbury as presently stated.
Dear Rev C ,
Who had actually file the Summon in High Court and when?
APSEA was formed in 1996 and Albert was appointed in 2006.
Whose fault then?
The incorporated name is "The Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee). not Bishop of Sabah - which is illegal.
I had a few words with Dtk Roderic about Albert at the ASC AGM 2014 as illegitimate Bishop and he said nothing wrong.
So how? If the going goes tough, ADOS may lose all assets.
Dear Joshua,
I think you have a case on the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Chancellor before the present one failed to rectified this item in the trustee incorporation Terms and Conditions. They have to file a summon in the high court to amend it to read the Archbishop of APSEA instead of Archbishop of Canterbury. The transfer of authority and jurisdiction has been done legally and stated in the Constitution but they failed to "update" the Trustee Incorporation.
going by all the agreements in both civil cases over and against avcf, AVCF was illegitimate bishop in all context.
Dear Bishop Tais and Dean,
This motion may not be necessary at the AGM of ASC if there is firm commitment and full transparency of all transactions in ADOS properties and that this mistake be rectified immediately before the AGM on 29 March, 2015
Motion 4 --
The Mother Church - All Saints’ Cathedral must make sure that the appointed new 6th Bishop of Sabah be done legally within the
Constitutions of Diocese of Sabah and Provincial Constitution of Anglican Church in South East Asia for the protection of all assets of the .
Anglican Diocese of Sabah.
1. Going by the sort of undesirable arguments and developments by the learned Counsel and team of advisors acting for the Bishop of Sabah and Archbishop in two civil suits since 2012 and ended on 24 November, 2104, any thing could be possible including Res Judicata and "non-legal entity". We must put the legality of the 6th Bishop of Sabah -Registered Trustee in proper perspective.
2. Which House of Bishop, when Bishop is singular? Can it be House of Bishop of Canterbury? House of Bishops of SEA Province? or remotely possible "House of Bishop" of Sabah? According to the not updated Certificate of Incorporation of the Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance Cap 148, the name as incorporated under the name of Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee), but according the Conditions attached thereof was in Condition 6 that Bishop of Sabah be appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and in the case of Albert CF Vun, he was appointed by the sort of once “non-legal” entity APSEA and that Archbishop of “non-legal” entity APSEA. We must make this beyond all doubts legally and avoid any challenge for the 6th Bishop of Sabah.
3. Several titles I had seen is owned by the Bishop of Sabah while a land transaction done by the Keningau lawyer was right to show the owner as Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee). The lawyer acting for Albert Vun did state this but had he informed the late exBishop of Sabah?
3. The full ramifications (legal, religious and spiritual) could arise if the proper House of Bishop is not defined and ASC be under an illegal Bishop of Sabah with grave consequences when the 6th Bishop is once again challenged to perform. He may declare himself an "illegal" Bishop and free to do as he likes with the prerogative power still in the ADOS constitution.
4. God is the God of order and so ADOS must put in order many disputed matters internally only if the vested parties want to listen and not to be dragged and prolonged to the Civil Courts by sort of learned lawyers for hidden agenda especially with last minute withdrawal at the Federal Court. Maybe we need to have a new Diocesan Chancellor and the ADOS land registrar to put all the records in proper order.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
the 6th Bishop of Sabah
Dear Dean and others,
When I used to propose motions in the time of Dean Koo, they were generally discussed in AGMs.
Now especially, since Albert was the acting Dean, motions were largely "ignored" and rejected.
So is Albert still alive in the body ?
Very sad day for Anglicans as Albert legacy is going to ruin everything Christians.
God bless His church.
Joshua Kong
Has the 6th Bishop of Sabah truly repented of his "cult" following in ADOS? If not, how can he be in the position to undo all the rottenness in ADOS? Did VC chaired the Synod in August/Sept 2014 as little had been exposed? If that same person does not amend for God's sake, ADOS already in very bad shape is really doom. His appointment as 6th Bishop by House of Bishop can be challenged both secularly, legally and spiritually. We had seen how the Diocese Chancellors had failed in many times if only the full report on the "crimes" of AVCF is made public after the Court of Appeal had ordered it on 23 May, 2014.
Monday, February 23, 2015
ADOS's Synod Annual Report 2012-2013 wanted
Dear Anglican friends,
In the
superior interest of Anglicans in Sabah, in term of transparency and
accountability, please publish the last "audited" accounts of Synod of
ADOS for the years 2012 and 2013 at the last Synod's meeting in Aug/Sept
Joshua Kong's 4 Motions
Dear Dean and others,
When I used to propose motions in the time of Dean Koo, they were generally discussed in AGMs.
Now especially, since Albert was the acting Dean, motions were largely "ignored" and rejected.
So is Albert still alive in the body ?
Very sad day for Anglicans as Albert legacy is going to ruin everything Christians.
God bless His church.
Joshua Kong
20 March 2015
Mr. Kong Yun Chee @ Joshua
Kota Kinabalu
Dear Sir
Motions Proposed for All Saints’ Cathedral (‘ASC’) Annual General Meeting on 29 March 2015
The above matter refers.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) in a meeting convened on 17 March 2015 has deliberated on the motions proposed by you through letters dated 14 March 2015.
After discussion and consideration, the PCC has decided that the motions shall not be tabled this coming AGM due to the fact that they are outside the jurisdiction of Cathedral AGM to make decision on such matters.
Yours faithfully
Hon. Secretary of PCC
4 motions submitted on Saturday 14/3/2015 by fax and email. please support.
Dear Bishop Tais and Dean,
This motion may not be necessary at the AGM of ASC if there is firm commitment and full transparency of all transactions in ADOS properties and that this mistake be rectified immediately before the AGM on 29 March, 2015
Motion 4 --
The Mother Church - All Saints’ Cathedral must make sure that the appointed new 6th Bishop of Sabah be done legally within the
Constitutions of Diocese of Sabah and Provincial Constitution of Anglican Church in South East Asia for the protection of all assets of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah.
1. Going by the sort of undesirable arguments and developments by the learned Counsel and team of advisors acting for the Bishop of Sabah and Archbishop in two civil suits since 2012 and ended on 24 November, 2104, any thing could be possible including Res Judicata and "non-legal entity". We must put the legality of the 6th Bishop of Sabah -Registered Trustee in proper perspective.
2. Which House of Bishop, when Bishop is singular? Can it be House of Bishop of Canterbury? House of Bishops of SEA Province? or remotely possible "House of Bishop" of Sabah? According to the not updated Certificate of Incorporation of the Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance Cap 148, the name as incorporated under the name of Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee), but according the Conditions attached thereof was in Condition 6 that Bishop of Sabah be appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and in the case of Albert CF Vun, he was appointed by the sort of once “non-legal” entity APSEA and that Archbishop of “non-legal” entity APSEA. We must make this beyond all doubts legally and avoid any challenge for the 6th Bishop of Sabah.
3. Several titles I had seen is owned by the Bishop of Sabah while a land transaction done by the Keningau lawyer was right to show the owner as Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee). The lawyer acting for Albert Vun did state this but had he informed the late exBishop of Sabah?
3. The full ramifications (legal, religious and spiritual) could arise if the proper House of Bishop is not defined and ASC be under an illegal Bishop of Sabah with grave consequences when the 6th Bishop is once again challenged to perform. He may declare himself an "illegal" Bishop and free to do as he likes with the prerogative power still in the ADOS constitution.
4. God is the God of order and so ADOS must put many disputed matters internally only if the vested parties want to listen and not to be dragged and prolonged to the Civil Courts by sort of learned lawyers for hidden agenda especially with last minute withdrawal at the Federal Court. Maybe we need to have a now Diocesan Chancellor and the ADOS land registrar to put all the records in proper order.
5, Even the bank account of the ADOS is illegal with the name “Diocese of Sabah” when it should be “Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee)”.
With the latest announcement by the ADOS's diocesan secretary, Timmie Liew as attached to the ASC Sunday's bulletin on 22nd February, 2015 on the appointment of Tais as Bishop of Sabah, here is my motion ---
The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu Motion 1-- The Mother Church - All Saints’ Cathedral must make sure that the appointed new 6th Bishop of Sabah be done legally within the Constitutions of Diocese of Sabah and Provincial Constitution of Anglican Church in South East Asia for the protection of all assets of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah Rational:- 1.1 Going by the sort of undesirable arguments and developments by the learned Counsel and team of advisors acting for the Bishop of Sabah and Archbishop in two civil suits since 2012 and ended on 24 November, 2104, any thing could be possible including Res Judicata and "non-legal entity". We must put the legality of the 6th Bishop of Sabah -Registered Trustee in proper perspective. 1.2 Which House of Bishop, when Bishop is singular? Can it be House of Bishop of Canterbury? House of Bishops of SEA Province? or remotely possible "House of Bishop" of Sabah? According to the not updated Certificate of Incorporation of the Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance Sabah Cap 148, the name as incorporated under the name of Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee), but according the Conditions attached thereof was in Condition 6 that Bishop of Sabah be appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and in the case of Albert CF Vun, he was appointed by the sort of once “non-legal” entity APSEA and that Archbishop of “non-legal” entity APSEA. We must make this beyond all doubts legally and avoid any challenge for the 6th Bishop of Sabah. 1.3. Several titles I had seen is owned by the Bishop of Sabah while a land transaction done by the Keningau lawyer was right to show the owner as Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee). The lawyer acting for Albert Vun did state this but had he informed the late exBishop of Sabah? 1.4 The full ramifications (legal, religious and spiritual) could arise if the proper House of Bishop is not defined and ASC be under an illegal Bishop of Sabah with grave consequences when the 6th Bishop is once again challenged to perform. He may declare himself an "illegal" Bishop and free to do as he likes with the prerogative power still in the ADOS constitution. 1.5 God is the God of order and so ADOS must put many disputed matters internally only if the vested parties want to listen and not to be dragged and prolonged to the Civil Courts by sort of learned lawyers for hidden agenda especially with last minute withdrawal at the Federal Court. Maybe we need to have a new Diocesan Chancellor and the ADOS Diocesan registrar to put all the records in proper order. 1.6 Even the bank account of the ADOS is illegal with the name “Diocese of Sabah” when it should be “Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee)”. Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu 2. We need a new Dean for the ASC to move forward with restoration post the crisis previous Dean Albert CF Vun. Rational:- 1.1 It is more than two years Dean Chak had failed ASC in many ways especially lack of leadership. 1.2 He was caught to follow the irresponsible instructions of ex Bishop Vun especially in the appointment of church volunteers/lay readers and the elections of office bearers. 1.3 Dean Chak did not make any effort to answer to my many questions and comments since he assumed office of Dean in late December, 2012. 1.4 Dean Chak failed to make the proper procedures to enable the Annual Accounts of ASC for year 2013 to be approved by the AGM in March 2014 and then the EGM in June 2014. 1.5 Dean Chak failed to get the approval of the important motions - some with errors - at the EGM held in February, 2014 when such motions were doomed to fail abin ito. Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu 3. The Solicitor Ronny Cham and his team of legal supporters must explain to Anglican Diocese of Sabah especially All Saints’ Cathedral why he had withdrawn his notice application of Appeal to the Federal Court on 24th November 2014 at the last minute in Court and if deemed appropriate he should apologise to all Christians especially Anglicans. Rational:- 3.1 Ronny Cham was the lawyer in two legal suits acting for Albert CF Vun in the first one and then for the Bolly Lapok in the second but both on the matters of Albert CF Vun. 3.2 Ronny Cham was also advised by the ADOS Chancellor cum the Chairman of the Archbishop Advisory Board Stephen Foo and ex Diocese Chancellor Kenneth Thien. 3.3 Based on the Article in Daily Express of 6th March, 2014, following the first ruling by the High Court on 29th January, 2014, Ronny as the defendant lawyer brought up the issue of Res Judicata of my civil suit against Albert CF Vun earlier. Can this be a “perjury” when he was aware my case was not heard or judged but simply struck out? Can this be “perjury” when it is irrelevant as the defendants in the two cases are different persons? 3.4 Ronny Cham and his team were so confident to stick to the “illegal identity” when it was mentioned in Catholic context as “As far as the law is concerned, each diocese is a separate legal entity, incorporated in the states where it operates. Generally speaking, they are organized as what’s known as a corporation sole—a legal corporation wholly controlled by the individual bishop rather than a board of directors. Yet with “illegal identity”, APSEA could proceed to Federal Court, an irony indeed. 3.5 Several ingredients of both civil suits during and post-events are likely “Contempt of Court” if pursued. Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu 4. Ronny Cham and team as the legal of the defendant in the APSEA case must advise that the Archbishop must implement the compliance of the Appeal Court’s decisions which reversed the rulings of the High Court by releasing the PAC Report of 2012 on Albert CF Vun and proceed to conduct the Ecclesiastical Court or E-Court without fail. Rational;- 4.1 Court of Appeal held on 23rd May 2014 ruled as follows:- 4.1(a) that the HOB is to forthwith produce to the Appellant and to file into court a copy of the complete Report AND Recommendations of the PAC dated 27.08.2012; 4.1(b) that the HOB is to refer the complaints against BAV to the Ecclesiastical Court within 30 days from the date of the Order; 4.2 Instead of compliance of 4.1, Ronny Cham appealed by filing a notice of appeal to the Federal Court. 4.3 to avoid going back to civil courts, the Archbishop must know the consequences. 4.4 This case had largely affected All Saints’ Cathedral (Dean) vis-a-vis ADOS (bishop) in dual roles of conflict and abuses of prerogatives Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... ( subject to amendment Date:
The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu Motion 1-- The Mother Church - All Saints’ Cathedral must make sure that the appointed new 6th Bishop of Sabah be done legally within the Constitutions of Diocese of Sabah and Provincial Constitution of Anglican Church in South East Asia for the protection of all assets of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah Rational:- 1.1 Going by the sort of undesirable arguments and developments by the learned Counsel and team of advisors acting for the Bishop of Sabah and Archbishop in two civil suits since 2012 and ended on 24 November, 2104, any thing could be possible including Res Judicata and "non-legal entity". We must put the legality of the 6th Bishop of Sabah -Registered Trustee in proper perspective. 1.2 Which House of Bishop, when Bishop is singular? Can it be House of Bishop of Canterbury? House of Bishops of SEA Province? or remotely possible "House of Bishop" of Sabah? According to the not updated Certificate of Incorporation of the Trustees (Incorporation) Ordinance Sabah Cap 148, the name as incorporated under the name of Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee), but according the Conditions attached thereof was in Condition 6 that Bishop of Sabah be appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and in the case of Albert CF Vun, he was appointed by the sort of once “non-legal” entity APSEA and that Archbishop of “non-legal” entity APSEA. We must make this beyond all doubts legally and avoid any challenge for the 6th Bishop of Sabah. 1.3. Several titles I had seen is owned by the Bishop of Sabah while a land transaction done by the Keningau lawyer was right to show the owner as Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee). The lawyer acting for Albert Vun did state this but had he informed the late exBishop of Sabah? 1.4 The full ramifications (legal, religious and spiritual) could arise if the proper House of Bishop is not defined and ASC be under an illegal Bishop of Sabah with grave consequences when the 6th Bishop is once again challenged to perform. He may declare himself an "illegal" Bishop and free to do as he likes with the prerogative power still in the ADOS constitution. 1.5 God is the God of order and so ADOS must put many disputed matters internally only if the vested parties want to listen and not to be dragged and prolonged to the Civil Courts by sort of learned lawyers for hidden agenda especially with last minute withdrawal at the Federal Court. Maybe we need to have a new Diocesan Chancellor and the ADOS Diocesan registrar to put all the records in proper order. 1.6 Even the bank account of the ADOS is illegal with the name “Diocese of Sabah” when it should be “Bishop of Sabah (Registered Trustee)”. Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu 2. We need a new Dean for the ASC to move forward with restoration post the crisis previous Dean Albert CF Vun. Rational:- 1.1 It is more than two years Dean Chak had failed ASC in many ways especially lack of leadership. 1.2 He was caught to follow the irresponsible instructions of ex Bishop Vun especially in the appointment of church volunteers/lay readers and the elections of office bearers. 1.3 Dean Chak did not make any effort to answer to my many questions and comments since he assumed office of Dean in late December, 2012. 1.4 Dean Chak failed to make the proper procedures to enable the Annual Accounts of ASC for year 2013 to be approved by the AGM in March 2014 and then the EGM in June 2014. 1.5 Dean Chak failed to get the approval of the important motions - some with errors - at the EGM held in February, 2014 when such motions were doomed to fail abin ito. Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu 3. The Solicitor Ronny Cham and his team of legal supporters must explain to Anglican Diocese of Sabah especially All Saints’ Cathedral why he had withdrawn his notice application of Appeal to the Federal Court on 24th November 2014 at the last minute in Court and if deemed appropriate he should apologise to all Christians especially Anglicans. Rational:- 3.1 Ronny Cham was the lawyer in two legal suits acting for Albert CF Vun in the first one and then for the Bolly Lapok in the second but both on the matters of Albert CF Vun. 3.2 Ronny Cham was also advised by the ADOS Chancellor cum the Chairman of the Archbishop Advisory Board Stephen Foo and ex Diocese Chancellor Kenneth Thien. 3.3 Based on the Article in Daily Express of 6th March, 2014, following the first ruling by the High Court on 29th January, 2014, Ronny as the defendant lawyer brought up the issue of Res Judicata of my civil suit against Albert CF Vun earlier. Can this be a “perjury” when he was aware my case was not heard or judged but simply struck out? Can this be “perjury” when it is irrelevant as the defendants in the two cases are different persons? 3.4 Ronny Cham and his team were so confident to stick to the “illegal identity” when it was mentioned in Catholic context as “As far as the law is concerned, each diocese is a separate legal entity, incorporated in the states where it operates. Generally speaking, they are organized as what’s known as a corporation sole—a legal corporation wholly controlled by the individual bishop rather than a board of directors. Yet with “illegal identity”, APSEA could proceed to Federal Court, an irony indeed. 3.5 Several ingredients of both civil suits during and post-events are likely “Contempt of Court” if pursued. Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... The Secretary, All Saints Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu 4. Ronny Cham and team as the legal of the defendant in the APSEA case must advise that the Archbishop must implement the compliance of the Appeal Court’s decisions which reversed the rulings of the High Court by releasing the PAC Report of 2012 on Albert CF Vun and proceed to conduct the Ecclesiastical Court or E-Court without fail. Rational;- 4.1 Court of Appeal held on 23rd May 2014 ruled as follows:- 4.1(a) that the HOB is to forthwith produce to the Appellant and to file into court a copy of the complete Report AND Recommendations of the PAC dated 27.08.2012; 4.1(b) that the HOB is to refer the complaints against BAV to the Ecclesiastical Court within 30 days from the date of the Order; 4.2 Instead of compliance of 4.1, Ronny Cham appealed by filing a notice of appeal to the Federal Court. 4.3 to avoid going back to civil courts, the Archbishop must know the consequences. 4.4 This case had largely affected All Saints’ Cathedral (Dean) vis-a-vis ADOS (bishop) in dual roles of conflict and abuses of prerogatives Proposed by: Seconded by .................................... .................................................... Joshua Y. C. Kong Date:.......................... ( subject to amendment Date:
what is this Res Judicata in the Daily Express of 6th March, 2014
Anonymous8 June 2014 at 08:00
the beginning, the HOB should not even had tired to defend themselves
using their non legal entity status then put up all the lies to say they
are under the archbishop of Cantebury. We all know that was not
factually correct. How their counsel managed to twist thru the facts?
Whatever it is praise the Lord, God has redeemed us!We have gotten the PAC report as a public document from the High Court. The whole world judged the case. The real truth had been unfolded. The church has to go thru the refiner's fire.
May 27, 2014 - 9:06 am Interesting
Something is not clear-who is RC’s client Bolly or AV? The appeal case was against Bolly but how come the lawyer did not even know where Bolly lives? Who fed RC all those information then? Something is not right!
Yes the dateline given by the Court of Appeal was 30 days from the date of Judgement which expires today 23rd June 2014, but the HOB had on 20th June 2014 filed a Notice of Motion for leave to appeal to the Federal Court through their Solicitors, Messrs Ronny Chan Co. They had also applied for an extension of time of 21 days from the date of the Order granting leave to file and serve the Notice of Appeal. THis is their legal right to do so. We just need to have more patience.
Any good lawyer to advise here?
see the Daily Express Article of 6th March, 2014 below.
see also here---

Sunday, February 22, 2015
What is the 6th Bishop Tais going to deal with this BISHOPGATE?
The installation is wasting and worthless if the unsettled matters are swept under the carpet as title and positions are so important rather than serve God in the truth and the spirit.
The 6th Bishop of Sabah has a very heavy duty after the very much unsettled BISHOPGATE - the sole sin of AVCF.
Don't find the excuse as the Vicar General since August, 2014.
The 6th Bishop of Sabah has a very heavy duty after the very much unsettled BISHOPGATE - the sole sin of AVCF.
Don't find the excuse as the Vicar General since August, 2014.
Friday, February 20, 2015
who are these names, and please let me know
This post has attracted many visit to this blog.
who are the following persons:-
Liew King Fah, Voo Foo Jin, S. K. Pang and K. H. Chiew in the context of a story of a land deal in Tawau??
Is there a "fake" will?
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Joshua Kong’s 3 motions
Please prepare your points here and support these 3 motions. TQ Joshua 20/2/2015
Joshua Kong’s motions to All Saints’ Cathedral AGM on 29 March, 2015
1. We need a new Dean for the ASC to move forward with restoration post the crisis previous Dean Albert CF Vun.
1.1 It is more than two years Dean Chak had failed ASC in many ways especially lack of leadership.
1.2 He was caught to follow the irresponsible instructions of ex Bishop Vun especially in the appointment of church volunteers/lay readers and the elections of office bearers.
1.3 Dean Chak did not make any effort to answer to my many questions and comments since he assumed office of Dean in late December, 2012.
1.4 Dean Chak failed to make the proper procedures to enable the Annual Accounts of
ASC for year 2013 to be approved by the AGM in March 2014 and then the EGM in June 2014.
1.5 Dean Chak failed to get the approval of the important motions - some with errors - at the EGM held in February, 2014 when such motions were doomed to fail abin ito.
Proposed by: Seconded by
.................................... ....................................................
Joshua Y. C. Kong
2. Ronny Cham and his team of legal support must explain to Anglican Diocese of Sabah especially All Saints’ Cathedral why he had withdrawn his notice application of Appeal to the Federal Court [just minute before the hearing] on 24th November 2014 and if deemed appropriate he should apologise to all Christians especially Anglicans.
2.1 Ronny Cham was the lawyer in two legal suits acting for Albert CF Vun in the first one and then for the Bolly Lapok in the second but both on the matters of Albert CF Vun.
2.2 Ronny Cham was also advised by the ADOS Chancellor cum the Chairman of the Archbishop Advisory Board Stephen Foo and ex Diocese Chancellor Kenneth Thien.
2.3 Based on the Article in Daily Express of 6th March, 2014, following the first ruling by the High Court on 29th January, 2014, Ronny as the defendant lawyer brought up the issue of Res Judicata of my civil suit against Albert CF vun earlier. Can this be a “perjury” when he was aware my case was not heard or judged but simply struck out? Can this be “perjury” when it is irrelevant as the defendants in the two cases are different persons?
2.4 Ronny Cham and his team were so confident to stick to the “illegal identity” when it was mentioned in Catholic context as “As far as the law is concerned, each diocese is a separate legal entity, incorporated in the states where it operates. Generally speaking, they are organized as what’s known as a corporation sole—a legal corporation wholly controlled by the individual bishop rather than a board of directors. Yet with “illegal identity”, APSEA could proceed to Federal Court, an irony indeed.
2.5 Several ingredients of both civil suits are Contempt of Court if pursued.
Proposed by: Seconded by
.................................... ....................................................
Joshua Y. C. Kong
3. Ronny Cham and team as the legal of the defendant in the APSEA case must advise that the Archbishop must implement the compliance of the Appeal Court’s decision which reversed the rulings of the High Court by releasing the PAC Report of 2012 on Albert CF Vun and proceed to conduct the Ecclesiastical Court or E-Court without fail.
3.1 Court of Appeal held on 23rd May 2014 ruled as follows:-
3.1(a) that the HOB is to forthwith produce to the Appellant and to file into court a copy of the complete Report AND Recommendations of the PAC dated 27.08.2012;
3.1(b) that the HOB is to refer the complaints against BAV to the Ecclesiastical Court within 90 days from the date of the Order;
3.2 Instead of compliance of 3.1, Ronny Cham appealed by filing a notice of appeal to the Federal Court.
3.3 to avoid going back to civil courts, the Archbishop must know the consequences.
3.4 This case is largely affecting All Saints’ Cathedral (Dean) vis-a-vis ADOS (bishop) in dual roles of conflict and abuses of prerogatives
Proposed by: Seconded by
.................................... ....................................................
Joshua Y. C. Kong
( subject to amendment or additional points)
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