Anonymous8 June 2014 at 08:00
the beginning, the HOB should not even had tired to defend themselves
using their non legal entity status then put up all the lies to say they
are under the archbishop of Cantebury. We all know that was not
factually correct. How their counsel managed to twist thru the facts?
Whatever it is praise the Lord, God has redeemed us!We have gotten the PAC report as a public document from the High Court. The whole world judged the case. The real truth had been unfolded. The church has to go thru the refiner's fire.
May 27, 2014 - 9:06 am Interesting
Something is not clear-who is RC’s client Bolly or AV? The appeal case was against Bolly but how come the lawyer did not even know where Bolly lives? Who fed RC all those information then? Something is not right!
Yes the dateline given by the Court of Appeal was 30 days from the date of Judgement which expires today 23rd June 2014, but the HOB had on 20th June 2014 filed a Notice of Motion for leave to appeal to the Federal Court through their Solicitors, Messrs Ronny Chan Co. They had also applied for an extension of time of 21 days from the date of the Order granting leave to file and serve the Notice of Appeal. THis is their legal right to do so. We just need to have more patience.
Any good lawyer to advise here?
see the Daily Express Article of 6th March, 2014 below.
see also here---