what utter rubbish? Actually nothing has changed since AVCF went on Sabbatical leave and it has become worst with non Anglicans in charge of ADOS. what a messier mess!!!! Joshua
14 June 2013
Dear Pastors-in-charge,
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who truly is the Head of the
Church. We praise God for your faithful ministry of pastoring the flock under your care.
The Lord Himself will reward you for your labour of love and for handling the affairs of the
Kingdom of God on your own, "God-fearingly".
Many events have taken place in the last 6 months, not only within the Diocese but also
within Sabah. While some were crisis happenings, we have nevertheless witnessed the
more wonderful working of God Himself, especially at the children and youth camp events,
besides other areas of ministry. There is much to thank God for.
We have entered into perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). As shepherds and stewards over
Christ's flock, it is often necessary, during such times, to have "your sword girded by your
side" while building the work of ministry (Nehemiah 4:18). It is the foundation of Christ that
we are building on, and Christ Himself is truly building His Church, so much so that even
the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Yet at the same time, the fact of Christ building
His own Church will not prevent you from being diligent and faithful in your service. Praise
and glory be to God, for even in the absence of your Bishop you have not let the work of
ministry suffer negligence, nor have you failed to attend to the affairs of the Kingdom of
God, for you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
A Special Holy Communion Service - A Step Towards Revival
After these few months of much prayers, study, consultations, and deliberations in relation
to the crisis facing our Diocese, the PHoB (Provincial House of Bishops) has concurrently
confirmed a date to hold a Special Holy Communion Service "A Step Towards Revival".
The date is on a Friday 19th July 2013 (presumably to be held in the evening) in the 3
main churches in Kota Kinabalu (All Saints' Cathedral), Sandakan (Good Shepherd) and
Tawau (St Patrick), where a Diocesan Bishop from the PHoB will be present to lead the
service. Then on the same weekend Saturday 20 July or Sunday 21 July, the other
parishes or centres may hold similar services in their respective locations, led by their
respective Pastors-in-charge.
This Special Holy Communion Service will provide the environment: (1) for the intentional
re-gathering of God's people to go forward in God's way, (2) for the process of healing,
and (3) for the restoring of the confidence and faith of the Christian Community.
The Service
A simple layout of the service is attached as a guide for the order of service. A covenant
renewal card or form (each in one language) is also attached so that you can have them
printed out on both sides of the cards or paper of 80gsm or above, in the quantity
appropriate for your services.
ReplyDeleteFeet washing ceremony is not for crimes-laden Bishop .