Sunday, June 16, 2013

196. Father Day message to AVCF

Questions for AVCF in forced  Sabbatical leave

It is strange that HoB had allowed a commissary and a mediator then turned into facilitators since February, 2013 and today in Mid May and more than three months, there are no reports whatsoever on this assessment to resolve the crisis in ADOS which I call BISHOPGATE.

It is indeed very strange that we have not heard anything from PHoB except two previous great disappointments on the complaints of the 5 and then the appeal of the 10 to PHoB.

What is happening now especially with so many unanswered issues or unresolved matters all exposed in the three blogs namely :-  - slightly dormant like a volcano  (my blog)  and  - still very active today

Why AVCF does not challenge all those glaring claims in the three blogs speak volume of his crimes not be denied again and again within his circle of cronies including most clergies and pastors?  You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to confirm that.

Unless challenged by AVCF, it is for him to surrender now.

AVCF was given the chance in Kota Kinabalu’s High Court to lay bare his claims that he is innocent but he did not do that except that his lawyers Ronny Cham and assisted by Stephen Foo earned the credit comment that they have earned “moral victory” in defending AVCF.  Again that speaks volume of the crimes of AVCF in ASC and also ADOS which were in my Statement of Claims.  The lack of the questioned locus standi does not change the position of the crimes of AVCF all already exposed in the three blogs.

Unless AVCF want to challenge me again in Court on my Writ, it is for him to surrender now.  Don’t use another deceptive law to protect his crimes aplenty.

Since this case in Court, many issues are in the rumour monger field of AVC’s activities, and I now want to list out some items for AVCF to confirm or deny them for the ADOS to move forward in the mission field to save souls and right now, it is very handicapped against all Christians to reach out to the lost souls- very sad.

  1. What is happening to the near empty Sulaiman property with the top floor of the 5 storeyed building/shophouse used as a church under the management of a widowed pastor.
1.1  Why not a priest to manage a church worth almost RM5m?
1.2   Why such a church is so near to another Anglican church in Riverside City in King Fisher Park
  1. Does AVCF only have one wife?
2.1  Does AVCF only have one family?
2.2  Does he conduct an extra marital affairs with other women within Sabah and beyond?
  1. Did he cover up the rape of the teenager girl by a young man known as D Lo?

3.1  Why as a Dean and Bishop, he did not consider this statutory rape as a serious crime and did not lodge a Police Report?
3.2   Who is D. Lo to AVCF?

  1. What action did he take when the Deanery was almost empty on and around 6th December, 2012?
4.1  Why did he allow unqualified person/persons to live in the Deanery since 2006 to 6th December, 2012?
4.2    Who is S. Lo to AVCF?

  1. Is AVCF in the process to dispose off church land and church properties for some songs including the land on which ASC is sited?  Please confirm this.
5.1  Are you aware of a piece of land near SPC  worth RM3 millions where Chew and Pang are the owners once?

  1. What happened to the RM85,000 transferred by AVCF and P. Lo to Thailand for ‘visa’ and was supposed to be returned in December 2012?  This is not rumour.
  2. Do you have a report on the closure of the Anglican kindergarten at very short notice?  This is not rumour.
  3. Why AVCF’s wife as an unqualified and unexperienced ‘teacher’ was appointed the principal of All Saints Anglican Academy since 2006 -2012?  Who else have protected her?  This is not rumour.
  4. Why AVCF’s wife was later appointed the administrator of ASAA when she is also not qualified for position?  This is not rumour.
There are lots of other questions already raised in the blogs but no replies from AVCF.
Silence means what in this case?

Definitely, there are enough crimes and ground to remove the Bishop.

What is PHoB waiting for?

I had been promised several times by the Dean Chak for a proper meeting on all my many questions since March, 2013 and yet nothing is forthcoming.

By July, I will pursue this case in more than one ways.

The present and revailing lull is not a good sign for AVCF.

Joshua Kong      6013-8394513

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