Monday, June 24, 2013

message from the commissary Herbert Tong

 what utter rubbish? Actually nothing has changed since AVCF went on Sabbatical leave and it has become worst with non Anglicans in charge of ADOS.  what a messier mess!!!! Joshua

14 June 2013
Dear Pastors-in-charge,
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who truly is the Head of the
Church. We praise God for your faithful ministry of pastoring the flock under your care.
The Lord Himself will reward you for your labour of love and for handling the affairs of the
Kingdom of God on your own, "God-fearingly".
Many events have taken place in the last 6 months, not only within the Diocese but also
within Sabah. While some were crisis happenings, we have nevertheless witnessed the
more wonderful working of God Himself, especially at the children and youth camp events,
besides other areas of ministry. There is much to thank God for.
We have entered into perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). As shepherds and stewards over
Christ's flock, it is often necessary, during such times, to have "your sword girded by your
side" while building the work of ministry (Nehemiah 4:18). It is the foundation of Christ that
we are building on, and Christ Himself is truly building His Church, so much so that even
the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Yet at the same time, the fact of Christ building
His own Church will not prevent you from being diligent and faithful in your service. Praise
and glory be to God, for even in the absence of your Bishop you have not let the work of
ministry suffer negligence, nor have you failed to attend to the affairs of the Kingdom of
God, for you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
A Special Holy Communion Service - A Step Towards Revival
After these few months of much prayers, study, consultations, and deliberations in relation
to the crisis facing our Diocese, the PHoB (Provincial House of Bishops) has concurrently
confirmed a date to hold a Special Holy Communion Service "A Step Towards Revival".
The date is on a Friday 19th July 2013 (presumably to be held in the evening) in the 3
main churches in Kota Kinabalu (All Saints' Cathedral), Sandakan (Good Shepherd) and
Tawau (St Patrick), where a Diocesan Bishop from the PHoB will be present to lead the
service. Then on the same weekend Saturday 20 July or Sunday 21 July, the other
parishes or centres may hold similar services in their respective locations, led by their
respective Pastors-in-charge.
This Special Holy Communion Service will provide the environment: (1) for the intentional
re-gathering of God's people to go forward in God's way, (2) for the process of healing,
and (3) for the restoring of the confidence and faith of the Christian Community.
The Service
A simple layout of the service is attached as a guide for the order of service. A covenant
renewal card or form (each in one language) is also attached so that you can have them
printed out on both sides of the cards or paper of 80gsm or above, in the quantity
appropriate for your services.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

201. Appeal to YDP Agong on GE13

Any concerned Christians should do their part to bring to light such development to send to the
Agong on fax 03-6205-2121 for the Glory of God in Sabah and beyond.  Joshua 

Appeal to YDP Agong on GE13

From:  Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 088 247823

DYMM YDP Agong                                                              24th June,, 2013
Istana Negara,  Kuala Lumpur.

Greetings from Sabah, Daulat Tuanku.
Ampun Tuanku,
This appeal is to the DYMM YDP Agong only, thank you.

Re: General Elections 2013 and formation of Government

As a whistleblow for the nation especially for Sabah, I have a burden for all after the General elections 2013 had been fixed yet again by the Election Commission Malaysia (ECM) as in GE2004 and GE2008.  The evidence of the rigged GE13 is everywhere and also in the many Courts cases now filed.
2.         Just to mention to you Ampun Tuanku, I am to list three very important items to confirm the rigged GE13 known to the Election Commission Malaysia as follows:-
2.1.  The official main Gazette of 22nd May, 2013 together with the subsequent -corrigendum - Gazette of 31st May, 2013 confirm the GE13 as null, void and illegal as the Form 16 cannot be amended by anyone.  The official main Gazette did not comply with the Form 16 as there was a missing item like the ‘referee’ not playing by own rules.

2.2.  The indelible ink was easily washed within minutes meaning ECM designed it for cheating.

2.3.  The ECM only demanded the aggrieved parties to lodge Police Reports and nothing is followed up by ECM or the relevant authorities such as the PDRM, MACC, Judiciary have failed the nation.

3.         To speak a simple language - the ECM is caught again with pent down in cheating.

4.         So Ampun Tuanku, please do the following immediately -
4.1.      As ECM is appointed by you, ECM’s Commissioners should be removed and replaced with new independent commissioners.
4.2       Suspend the present illegitimate Government and instal an Interim Good Governance Government (IGGG)..

Yang benar,

Joshua Y. C. Kong

A prayer item in ASC 23d June, 2013 7.30am

The only prayer item is that asking God to heal those who are hurt in church.

What is the vague item asking God?

Actually GOD is very aggrieved with AVCF and his gang of socalled servants not doing their pledge to serve HIM.

So the prayer item is meaningless unless the TRUTH about AVCF is laid bare in ADOS and ASC.

Then God can deal with AVCF and the Diocese- be positive.

Whoever prepared that prayer item, please search your conscience...


Saturday, June 22, 2013

199. Feet washing for What?

A Step Towards Revival?

It’s been almost five months since Bishop Albert Vun was relieved of his duties under the guise of “sabbatical”. Herbert Tong was appointed the Commissary and Bishop Moses Tey the “facilitator” to find “the way forward” in this protracted crisis. So what is next? According to a recent email from Herbert Tong to all the clergy, he concludes there is no misappropriation of fund in the Diocese, feet washing ceremonies will be held around Sabah, and the youth camps deserve special praise. I would like to highlight the key points of the email in this post.

Feet washing for What?
I would advise Anglicans not to be doomed  with feet washing in ASC and other churches.

If we are trying to emulate Jesus on a Maundy Thursday, that may be alright.  Jesus was sinless and we can be part of Jesus.

But in the BISHOPGATE, it is about the sinfulness of Albert Vun and whoever allow to be washed for this purpose would be part of the MAN.  So beware.

Are we going back to the DARK days of Mustapha – the DG of Freemason where “criminals” against Mustapha can be forgiven by him if someone sucks his main toe.  True or not and maybe Datuk Pang can confirm that.  Such person may need to convert to be given projects, licences, and timber land, true?

Don’t be the laughing stock in this era and can close down Police stations, Courts of law, Prisons and all the lawyers and judges would be irrelevant.

So go on to be robbers, criminals and wash the feet of criminals by criminals and all settled once and for all.

This issue should be debated in public now.

Joshua Kong


198. Letter to Dean Chak,

From  Joshua Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu

Dear Dean,
Re: several pressing issues
I would like to mention the following issues in this lette namely:-
1.   The promised meeting with you and PCC of ASC.
2.   The exposed email communication
3.   The tragic death of Alinah
2.  If you are so busy to meet for all my questions, it is alright for you to provide written answers or even publish them in a blog.  This can be forum.
3.  The unfortunate exposed emails of yours and AVCF on the Elections of PCC at the AGM held on 24th March, 2013 should be addressed. Nothing could be hidden from God as it was messy and nervous at the 7.30am service on 24th March, 2013.
4.  The latest tragic death of Alinah on 30th May, 2013 must be addressed by the ADOS and in particular yourself on the alleged “disobedience” of the dead sister Alinah who cannot defend herself.  Can we accept stone silence from you?

Unfortunate for the socalled leaders of ADOS especially the Bishop AV staying silent or in denial in most incidents so much so it has sort of become a culture equivalent to lying stances.  Would this stance be acceptable to the Anglicans?

Dean, would you make a difference and not be in the same feather flocking together  already known in ADOS?

Yours brother in Christ,

Joshua Y. C. Kong

Thursday, June 20, 2013

197. "GENOCIDE" of sort in ADOS

ADOS has a string of curses including accidents ending in deaths all exposed in the blogs --

now this one  may decide it all by the SILENCE in totality -

Rest in Peace, Alinah

Look like this is going to be "genocide" of sort in our midst in ADOS.  Sad and tragic.

we may go further on this -- and God helps us.

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the websites of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at and .

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada

I lodged an e-Aduan in the PDRM website on 21-6-2013

According to a blog, there was a death due to drowning.

Was any Police Report lodged by the organisers of the Diocesan camp for BM youth?

Your attention and action is vey much appreciated.

Joshua Kong
Member of Anglican Diocese Of Sabah/All Saints

Sunday, June 16, 2013

196. Father Day message to AVCF

Questions for AVCF in forced  Sabbatical leave

It is strange that HoB had allowed a commissary and a mediator then turned into facilitators since February, 2013 and today in Mid May and more than three months, there are no reports whatsoever on this assessment to resolve the crisis in ADOS which I call BISHOPGATE.

It is indeed very strange that we have not heard anything from PHoB except two previous great disappointments on the complaints of the 5 and then the appeal of the 10 to PHoB.

What is happening now especially with so many unanswered issues or unresolved matters all exposed in the three blogs namely :-  - slightly dormant like a volcano  (my blog)  and  - still very active today

Why AVCF does not challenge all those glaring claims in the three blogs speak volume of his crimes not be denied again and again within his circle of cronies including most clergies and pastors?  You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to confirm that.

Unless challenged by AVCF, it is for him to surrender now.

AVCF was given the chance in Kota Kinabalu’s High Court to lay bare his claims that he is innocent but he did not do that except that his lawyers Ronny Cham and assisted by Stephen Foo earned the credit comment that they have earned “moral victory” in defending AVCF.  Again that speaks volume of the crimes of AVCF in ASC and also ADOS which were in my Statement of Claims.  The lack of the questioned locus standi does not change the position of the crimes of AVCF all already exposed in the three blogs.

Unless AVCF want to challenge me again in Court on my Writ, it is for him to surrender now.  Don’t use another deceptive law to protect his crimes aplenty.

Since this case in Court, many issues are in the rumour monger field of AVC’s activities, and I now want to list out some items for AVCF to confirm or deny them for the ADOS to move forward in the mission field to save souls and right now, it is very handicapped against all Christians to reach out to the lost souls- very sad.

  1. What is happening to the near empty Sulaiman property with the top floor of the 5 storeyed building/shophouse used as a church under the management of a widowed pastor.
1.1  Why not a priest to manage a church worth almost RM5m?
1.2   Why such a church is so near to another Anglican church in Riverside City in King Fisher Park
  1. Does AVCF only have one wife?
2.1  Does AVCF only have one family?
2.2  Does he conduct an extra marital affairs with other women within Sabah and beyond?
  1. Did he cover up the rape of the teenager girl by a young man known as D Lo?

3.1  Why as a Dean and Bishop, he did not consider this statutory rape as a serious crime and did not lodge a Police Report?
3.2   Who is D. Lo to AVCF?

  1. What action did he take when the Deanery was almost empty on and around 6th December, 2012?
4.1  Why did he allow unqualified person/persons to live in the Deanery since 2006 to 6th December, 2012?
4.2    Who is S. Lo to AVCF?

  1. Is AVCF in the process to dispose off church land and church properties for some songs including the land on which ASC is sited?  Please confirm this.
5.1  Are you aware of a piece of land near SPC  worth RM3 millions where Chew and Pang are the owners once?

  1. What happened to the RM85,000 transferred by AVCF and P. Lo to Thailand for ‘visa’ and was supposed to be returned in December 2012?  This is not rumour.
  2. Do you have a report on the closure of the Anglican kindergarten at very short notice?  This is not rumour.
  3. Why AVCF’s wife as an unqualified and unexperienced ‘teacher’ was appointed the principal of All Saints Anglican Academy since 2006 -2012?  Who else have protected her?  This is not rumour.
  4. Why AVCF’s wife was later appointed the administrator of ASAA when she is also not qualified for position?  This is not rumour.
There are lots of other questions already raised in the blogs but no replies from AVCF.
Silence means what in this case?

Definitely, there are enough crimes and ground to remove the Bishop.

What is PHoB waiting for?

I had been promised several times by the Dean Chak for a proper meeting on all my many questions since March, 2013 and yet nothing is forthcoming.

By July, I will pursue this case in more than one ways.

The present and revailing lull is not a good sign for AVCF.

Joshua Kong      6013-8394513

195. Some thing good about Archbishop Justin Welby

Have you read about the Archbishop Justin Welby?

A rich man by being an oil executive who gave up his profession
To serve God.

In today’s paper, there was an article about the Pope Francis meeting
Welby for the first time.

It is reported that Welby does travel by bus, wear clothes bought from
Charity shop Oxfam and wear shoes with holes likely rejected shoes on offer
for very low prices.

That is a disciple of Jesus Christ.

We have AVCF a man of the earth serving his lust, greed, flesh, ego etc by driving posh cars, dine in 5 star restaurants, travel in the air in style,  keep on building and wasting God’s money to bring Glory to God as in Kokol prayer summit and repeated renovation in ASC and other projects to pocket the money for himself and his cronies etc.  AVCF was doing it Goodsam in the late 1980s.

So is AVCF really serving God?

Today in ASC, why pray for such a man AVCF?  The only prayer for AVCF is full confession to ADOS and return all the alleged stolen wealth of ADOS which he is fully aware of.  Then resign to avoid any more complication.

All his crimes had been exposed in the blogs which he has not defended because there is no defence and AVCF also avoided the Court to prove his innocence.    

Datuk Jainab made a press statement that some people should not use law to cover up own crimes.  We have seen how the lawyers Stephen Foo and Ronny Cham used laws to cover up the crimes of AVCF in the High Court to earn “moral victory” on 18th December, 2013.

Crimes of Pope Benedict 16 who abdicate

Former pope Benedict moves back into the Vatican

Two months after his resignation Pope Emeritus Benedict is to move back into the Vatican.
Benedict whose former name was Joseph Ratzinger has been living in the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo since he became the first pope in modern history to abdicate. He’s been there while his apartment was being renovated.
His return could present problems for his successor Pope Francis as it will be the first time a reigning pope and a retired one will be living within the Vatican walls.
Some scholars worry that if Francis undoes some of his predecessor’s policies while he is still alive, the former pope could become a catalyst for conservatives and split the Church.
However, the former pope has admitted he is in failing health and has promised to live quietly in retirement and not interfere.
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So why AVCF with plenty of 'crimes' in ADOS and ASC, stays on as bishop?