The assets of ASC.
The staff and human resources of ASC.
The Deanery
The accounts of ASC since 2006.
Many unsightedly affairs in ASC as reported in the blogs – public dormain.
The Clergy and laity relationship.
The projects –past and present - in ASC.
The donation scenario for projects.
The Diocesan Assessment affecting ASC.
The Constitution review.
Any other matters.
Still waiting for an appointment since my email on 27 March, 2013.
Anyone want to join me, contact me on 6013-8394513 or
<><><> from the truthasc
What problem you are think of?
Some people have classified as “troublemaker” but who caused the headache and trouble in the first place?
Some people have classified as “troublemaker” but who caused the headache and trouble in the first place?
Not many people can see the wrong doings as thieves do get away most
times, otherwise the Courts would be loaded and the prisons would be
We know who are the thieves as the marks are every where.
Surely, the thieves do not want see any problems they face.
The solution is obvious namely put the whole house of God in proper order as God is about order.
The solution is obvious namely put the whole house of God in proper order as God is about order.
BTW, I can smell rats under the command of the highest ORDER running away from knowing the TRUTH.
I am still waiting for the audience with Dean Chak as promised prior to AGM ASC.
ReplyDeleteTill now on 19 April, 2013 almost a month later, there is no news of that going to take place.
If the audience is not genuine, then it is a sure confirmation that AVCF is behind/involved everything criminal in ADOS and ASC.
Doom to ADOS and ASC soon to unfold and so be prepared for that...