From: Joshua Kong <>
Date: Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 9:44 PM
Subject: Written questions (first batch) for AGM on 24th March
To: "Most Rev. Bolly Lapok" <>
Cc: Ping Chung Yong <>, canonmoon Ng <>,, Tais Bishop Melter <>, Bishop chen fah <>,
Dear friends in Christ,
We need to investigate the state of affairs of All Saints' Cathedral and Anglican
Diocese of Sabah for win-win-win scenario.
Thank you,
Joshua Kong
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Kong <>
Date: Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 9:38 PM
Subject: Written questions (first batch) for AGM on 24th March
Cc: Rosalind Liew <>,, Rev Thiam Choy <>, Charlie Fu <>
Dear Chairman Dean Chak, Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary,
I have pleasure to submit my first batch of Questions on the account 2013 to save time and to get specific answers at the AGM, rather than next time.
I have been doing this at AGM of public listed companies.
Once you have the answer, you can project the Q & A on the screen but adjust the font of the letters accordingly for the members to see clearly.
Hon Treasurer, please insert the 2009 figures wherever is missing now. Thank you.
After you have presented the Q&A, I may have supplementary questions or comments.
To improve ASC vis-à-vis ADOS, this is the way forward.
I trust everything is in order.
God bless all,
Joshua Kong
All Saints’ Cathedral AGM on 24th March, 2013
Questions -
Audit Accounts Year Ended 31.12.2012
1. other creditor and accruals (page C/2 )
The details for other creditor and accruals RM506,581.14.
2. House of Celebration as proposed
2.1. The accounts do not show how much fund for the said project has been collected by All Saints’ Cathedral as ASC needs to secure 60% of the cost of the project of RM30m (estimated).
2.2 I would like to see a full report with updated information on the fund raised.
2.3 Substantial amount was collected at the Jubilee Anniversary Church Service held in the ASC after the ground breaking ceremony on 24th July, 2012. Is this amount considered to be raised by ASC?
2.4 The hand over of the fund raised at the dinner can be considered to be ADOS portion.
2.5 Since it is a joint project with ASC, ASC should be given a full report with financial data regularly.
3. Conferences and seminars held in ASC in 2012
3.1 Like all previous years, conferences and seminars had been held in ASC where the participants have to pay a fee.
3.1.1 Why is it ASC annual account does not show any income on this source when the premises of ASC is used for the events incurring costs borne by ASC? I know the payment of fees were paid to the ADOS bank accounts.
3.1.2 Also ASC staff would be involved in the management of such events. Please confirm.
4. Tithes and offerings
Please confirm that all the Tithes and offerings are paid into the ASC bank account intact.
5. Fixed Assets
5.1 It is good practice in ASC to have the details of the fixed assets with relevant costs to listed with the notes to the account. Why is this not done in recent years especially in 2012? This is to ensure all the substantial assets are accounted for annually.
5.2 Does ASC own the Toyota Landcruiser SA8222T?
6. Net current liabilities (NCL)
The following NCL were RM266K (2008); RM (2009); RM447K (2010); RM1,477K (2011) RM1,310K (2012)
How would the ASC deal with this unhealthy financial scenario for a few years already?
7. ASC Building Development Fund
7.1 Isn’t it that this fund is to be utilised for ASC only?
7.2 In 2012, RM70k for renovation of Sulaman Worship Centre as explained in 2011 account. (Page C /9)
7.2.1 In view of this church not under ASC but a Diocesan project, how was this RM70K being accounted for?
7.2.2 Was the cheque made payable to Bishop of Sabah? Show us the cheque/ payment voucher.
7.2.3 Can all relevant documents be produced for this purpose?
7.2.4 Can Sulaman Worship Centre extend a copy of its 2012 audit account for the purpose of accountability?
7.2.5 Did Sulaman Worship Centre call for quotation?
7.2.6 Is this renovation supervised by ASC’s PCC since it was approved by it?
7.2.7 Please show the minute of PCC approving this grant and who were in attendance.
8. Forecasted tithe and offering for 2013 too ambitious. (Page C /10)
8.1 Based on the trend of collections in January and February 2011, 2012 and 2013, it has been downward even in 2013 after the new Dean was appointed on 6th January, 2013. No faith in the head.
8.2 With the crisis in ASC and ADOS still unresolved, ASC collection for 2013 would unlikely exceed RM2m when the budgeted figure is RM2.7m..
8.3 How much can RM2m contribute to improved the financial status of ASC unless we do away with the Diocesan assessment.? Can we revise the budget for 2013?
8.4 How can we address the deficits since 2007 as follows:-RM237k (2007); RM338K (2008); RM (2009); RM577K (2010); RM654K (2011); RM308K (2012) with worsening scenario?
9. Centenary books sales
Note 4, (page C/4 ) shows sale of RM1,365 in 2012 and none was sold in 2011?
9.1 Can we have a stock taking of the books?
10. Human Resources (Note 5 page C/5)
[By comparing the past few years’ figure, we can assess the this area in the administration is very questionable].
10.1 Many questions can be asked and we definitely need to investigate and review how this situation can arise.
10.2 Who make all those decisions in human resources?
10.3 Remuneration has been on the rise but the EPF & Socso portion have remain almost the same except for year 2008. Need an examination of all records.
10.4 This can be considered mismanagement.
10.5 Who are the recipients of the Christmas/Love gift; Bonus/love gifts in the years concerned.
10.6 The way human resources are managed and the provision of Diocesan Assessment as questioned in para 11 below justify a full investigation is indeed desirable as per motion 2 already submitted to ASC but yet to be seconded.
11. Provision of Diocesan Assessment
NB: Please insert the data for 2009.
11.1 Many questions need to be asked.
11.2 Why the rates varied in different years?
11.3 The Diocesan Admin at 7% and 10% are too high.
11.4 We have to return to the church as the storehouse [as per motion 3] and a bishop to earn his own keep by a role to be attached to a church as an ordinary humble clergy
11.5 We have to cap the Diocesan Assessment at maximum RM500k for the purpose of rural churches if ADOS is retained.
11.6 The inconsistent rates mean investigation/review is desirable.
From: Joshua Kong <>
Date: Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 9:38 PM
Subject: Written questions (first batch) for AGM on 24th March
Cc: Rosalind Liew <>,, Rev Thiam Choy <>, Charlie Fu <>
Dear Chairman Dean Chak, Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary,
I have pleasure to submit my first batch of Questions on the account 2013 to save time and to get specific answers at the AGM, rather than next time.
I have been doing this at AGM of public listed companies.
Once you have the answer, you can project the Q & A on the screen but adjust the font of the letters accordingly for the members to see clearly.
Hon Treasurer, please insert the 2009 figures wherever is missing now. Thank you.
After you have presented the Q&A, I may have supplementary questions or comments.
To improve ASC vis-à-vis ADOS, this is the way forward.
I trust everything is in order.
God bless all,
Joshua Kong
All Saints’ Cathedral AGM on 24th March, 2013
Questions -
Audit Accounts Year Ended 31.12.2012
1. other creditor and accruals (page C/2 )
The details for other creditor and accruals RM506,581.14.
2. House of Celebration as proposed
2.1. The accounts do not show how much fund for the said project has been collected by All Saints’ Cathedral as ASC needs to secure 60% of the cost of the project of RM30m (estimated).
2.2 I would like to see a full report with updated information on the fund raised.
2.3 Substantial amount was collected at the Jubilee Anniversary Church Service held in the ASC after the ground breaking ceremony on 24th July, 2012. Is this amount considered to be raised by ASC?
2.4 The hand over of the fund raised at the dinner can be considered to be ADOS portion.
2.5 Since it is a joint project with ASC, ASC should be given a full report with financial data regularly.
3. Conferences and seminars held in ASC in 2012
3.1 Like all previous years, conferences and seminars had been held in ASC where the participants have to pay a fee.
3.1.1 Why is it ASC annual account does not show any income on this source when the premises of ASC is used for the events incurring costs borne by ASC? I know the payment of fees were paid to the ADOS bank accounts.
3.1.2 Also ASC staff would be involved in the management of such events. Please confirm.
4. Tithes and offerings
Please confirm that all the Tithes and offerings are paid into the ASC bank account intact.
5. Fixed Assets
5.1 It is good practice in ASC to have the details of the fixed assets with relevant costs to listed with the notes to the account. Why is this not done in recent years especially in 2012? This is to ensure all the substantial assets are accounted for annually.
5.2 Does ASC own the Toyota Landcruiser SA8222T?
6. Net current liabilities (NCL)
The following NCL were RM266K (2008); RM (2009); RM447K (2010); RM1,477K (2011) RM1,310K (2012)
How would the ASC deal with this unhealthy financial scenario for a few years already?
7. ASC Building Development Fund
7.1 Isn’t it that this fund is to be utilised for ASC only?
7.2 In 2012, RM70k for renovation of Sulaman Worship Centre as explained in 2011 account. (Page C /9)
7.2.1 In view of this church not under ASC but a Diocesan project, how was this RM70K being accounted for?
7.2.2 Was the cheque made payable to Bishop of Sabah? Show us the cheque/ payment voucher.
7.2.3 Can all relevant documents be produced for this purpose?
7.2.4 Can Sulaman Worship Centre extend a copy of its 2012 audit account for the purpose of accountability?
7.2.5 Did Sulaman Worship Centre call for quotation?
7.2.6 Is this renovation supervised by ASC’s PCC since it was approved by it?
7.2.7 Please show the minute of PCC approving this grant and who were in attendance.
8. Forecasted tithe and offering for 2013 too ambitious. (Page C /10)
8.1 Based on the trend of collections in January and February 2011, 2012 and 2013, it has been downward even in 2013 after the new Dean was appointed on 6th January, 2013. No faith in the head.
8.2 With the crisis in ASC and ADOS still unresolved, ASC collection for 2013 would unlikely exceed RM2m when the budgeted figure is RM2.7m..
8.3 How much can RM2m contribute to improved the financial status of ASC unless we do away with the Diocesan assessment.? Can we revise the budget for 2013?
8.4 How can we address the deficits since 2007 as follows:-RM237k (2007); RM338K (2008); RM (2009); RM577K (2010); RM654K (2011); RM308K (2012) with worsening scenario?
9. Centenary books sales
Note 4, (page C/4 ) shows sale of RM1,365 in 2012 and none was sold in 2011?
9.1 Can we have a stock taking of the books?
10. Human Resources (Note 5 page C/5)
[By comparing the past few years’ figure, we can assess the this area in the administration is very questionable].
Year | Cleaner/ Guards |
Admin | EPF & Socso | Christmas/ Love gift |
Bonus/love gift | Diocesan Clergy & Pastors Allow |
y2007 | 49k | 76k | 49k | 43k | 28k | |
y2008 | 68k | 74k | 68k | 55k | 19k | |
y2009 | ||||||
y2010 | 86k | 100k | 48k | 58k | 12k | |
y2011 | 100k | 114k | 46k | 62k | 12k | |
y2012 | 104k | 113k | 52k | - | 43k | 4k |
10.1 Many questions can be asked and we definitely need to investigate and review how this situation can arise.
10.2 Who make all those decisions in human resources?
10.3 Remuneration has been on the rise but the EPF & Socso portion have remain almost the same except for year 2008. Need an examination of all records.
10.4 This can be considered mismanagement.
10.5 Who are the recipients of the Christmas/Love gift; Bonus/love gifts in the years concerned.
10.6 The way human resources are managed and the provision of Diocesan Assessment as questioned in para 11 below justify a full investigation is indeed desirable as per motion 2 already submitted to ASC but yet to be seconded.
11. Provision of Diocesan Assessment
Particular |
Rate %
Amount |
Amount |
Amount | |
Interior Ministry works |
181k |
150k |
Theological Training Fund |
155k |
150k |
Development Fund |
77k |
179k |
Diocesan Admin |
259k |
209k |
Mission Fund |
52k |
30k |
Reserved Fund |
0 |
150k |
Clergy reimbursement |
129k |
172k |
Pastors reimbursement |
33k |
66k |
Total | 887k | 1106k | 1062k |
Particular |
Rate % | Amount |
Amount |
Rate %
Amount | |
Interior Ministry works |
123k |
115k | ||
Theological Training Fund |
74k |
69k | ||
Development Fund |
123k |
69k | ||
Bishopric Fund |
25k |
23k | ||
Diocesan Admin |
49k |
46k | ||
Oversea Mission |
99k |
69k | ||
Centre Fund |
49k |
46k | ||
Clergy reimbursement |
135k |
80k | ||
Pastors reimbursement |
40k |
72k | ||
Total | 0 | 726k | 588k |
NB: Please insert the data for 2009.
11.1 Many questions need to be asked.
11.2 Why the rates varied in different years?
11.3 The Diocesan Admin at 7% and 10% are too high.
11.4 We have to return to the church as the storehouse [as per motion 3] and a bishop to earn his own keep by a role to be attached to a church as an ordinary humble clergy
11.5 We have to cap the Diocesan Assessment at maximum RM500k for the purpose of rural churches if ADOS is retained.
11.6 The inconsistent rates mean investigation/review is desirable.
Prepared by Joshua
Kong 19 March, 2013
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