Friday, March 29, 2013

Calling EGM for one and more Motions aborted at ASC AGM

Motions as proposed for All Saints’ Cathedral AGM on 24th March, 2013 but aborted

 Motion 3
We call for a full review of the Diocesan Assessment for All Saints Cathedral in the context of Biblical interpretation and administrative justice for God as money or tithe collected by ASC to be largely retained in ASC and the Diocesan Assessment in the transition be capped at RM500,000 per year to the Diocese of Sabah which is not a church.  Diocese of Sabah would be under a new structure and constitution after the transition.

1.      Diocese Assessment should not be there as it is NOT business of any church to pay any taxes or dues to any one.  You think the church itself cannot manage its own affairs like there are so many independent churches self financing.
2.      In the transition towards the total abolition of the Diocese Assessment, it is best to cap the ‘assessment’ or contribution to the Diocese  at RM500,000 a year for ASC.
3.      I believe if we cap it at RM500,000 for the transistion for the revamp of ADOS and the PCC manages ASC well financially, the tithes and donation could more than double in two years from now.
4.      As the churches are the storehouse of God’s money, all the churches in Kota Kinabalu with ASC as the mother church should form a working committee with fair and proper representation to reap more harvest for God.
5.      With regional zones based on the localities in Sabah, the Synod could be more effective as a channel in the mission field rather than what we observed in Synod 2012.  Unity for common purpose is better than the fragmentation of  the illegal Synod 2012 which even approved a very much questioned Financial accounts with misappropriation of over ten million Ringgit.
6.      The shortcomings in ADOS are mainly due to the structure of ADOS vis-à-vis churches within the set up.
7.      Under ASC Constitution  Article XI Finance  subclause 6 –The Council may seek discussion with the Bishop on the matter of Parish assessment.
7.1   Does the Constitution of ADOS mention Diocese Assessment?  If not, where is the authority?
7.2   It does not sound right when the receiver of money can dictate terms to the givers especially when it is God’s money to be handle properly.
7.3   It is further mindless that the receiver of God’s money can tell what the givers have to do like the power of prerogative.
7.4   Should we now not address the curse of ADOS or the Bishop of Sabah in this very basic and fundamental matter as the best wine is last to emerge.
8.      ASC being the mother church has contributed much more to the Diocese of Sabah unrecorded.
9.      ADOS is not properly managed financially.  According Malachi 3, ADOS/Bishop are robbing God.
10.  The purpose of tithes and donations in church and usage thereof has been totally distorted by the ADOS as a management body.  Hence a full review is desirable. 


Motion 2

We demand for a full investigation of the performance of the acting Dean
since 2006 in ASC. An investigation committee be formed in this AGM to look into
all aspects of ASC vis-à-vis ADOS to declare Datuk AV as unfit to remain as Bishop.

1. Platform for appropriate corrective actions including restitution of losses etc.

2. To firm up misleading accusations as denied.

3. For moral boosting, morale restoration and good practice.

4. To implement the vote against AVCF as acting Dean in last AGM as he did not
resign accordingly..

Proposed by Joshua Y. C. Kong                                Supported by :  Charlie Fu

Dated: 7th March, 2013

More comments ---

1.      We have massive deficits as a sign of mismanagement of God’s money especially in the Jubilee year lacking in the true spirit of humility resulting in attention diverted to mega projects and mega spending so unnecessary causing massive profligacy in great departure from the purpose of tithes and donations.

2.      The massive mismanagement of 6 years has been fully exposed in at least three massive blogs and finally the Church of England’s newspaper stated that the bishop had committed financial misconduct.

3.      The local newspapers have covered this malpractice on 17th July, 2012 and the high profile Civil Court case from 25th July, to December 17, 2012.

4.      The more the bishop and acting dean denied on the mismanagement and do nothing about that with known and unknown reasons, the more there is a need to conduct a full investigation as there is nothing to fear if no wrong doings had occurred.

5.      The fact that AVCF was voted out as acting Dean and yet he remained as acting Dean until December 2012 gives the impression of his hidden agenda which should now be scrutinized by a full investigation.

6.      A full internal investigation would provide the platform for the facilitator Bishop Moses Tay to act accordingly to enhance the ASC vis-à-vis ADOS as the Anglican church in Sabah. 

7.      A full internal investigation if conducted properly would allow the amendments of the ASC Constitution to be more focused as far as it is related to the Constitution of ADOS.

8.      A full internal investigation would end the present impasse of brokenness in the Diocese and ASC with what next to be in the revamp programme.

9.      To interprete what the Dean shares in his brief Report, I strongly believe this investigation would

9.1   Connect us to the right thing and put the wrong doings in proper perspective to nuture unity
9.2   Commit honour when the wrong doings of AVCF as acting Dean have been properly identified and not deemed as lies by the Bishop hence we rest in the full knowledge of what went wrong.
9.3   Continue encouragement is a two way traffic and such encouragement cannot prevail when the many suspected wrong doings are swept under the carpet.
9.4   Connect with God in crisis is desirable when the wrong doings are investigated conclusively.

10.   We need to move this motion forward to resolve the Crisis promptly.                    


Motions as proposed for All Saints’ Cathedral AGM on 24th March, 2013
Motion  1.   All Saints’ Cathedral members would urge the Dean and the PCC to appeal to the Bishop of Sabah to amend the following matters in the Constitutions that affect ASC in good governance with a Constitutions’ Sub-Committee (CSC) comprising 50% of ASC members and such amended Constitutions be in due process with the members of ADOS apart from Synod based on a guideline of proceedings.
The matters are as follows:-
1.1       Article XIII Cathedral Chapter of The Constitution of  Diocese of Sabah in sub section 3 as “In the event of the departure or transfer or retirement of the Dean, the Bishop shall be the acting Dean until a suitable successor is appointed” to be amended to ““In the event of the departure or transfer or retirement of the Dean, the Bishop shall be the acting Dean until a suitable successor is appointed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND WITHIN one YEAR”
1.2       The Composition of the Council ---Under clause ( c ) of Article VIII  where “Any other clergy and lay workers licensed by the Bishop to serve in the Parish” shall be observers status only and not part of the quorum.
1.3       In the Conduct of Annual General Meeting
The Motions and the audited accounts together with the previous AGM minutes and Reports must be made available in hard copy one week before the AGM and issued to those who are entitled to receive them.
The AGM minutes must be ready within one month of the AGM as concluded.  Such minute must be verified within 45 days from date of AGM by a verification committee consisting 2 member of clergy, 3 members of outgoing/incoming members plus 5 ordinary members attending the AGM.  The AGM’s minute must be fully signed and confirmed as correct.
1.4    Major projects above RM30,000
Any major projects above RM30,000 at any time in the basis year should be approved by an EGM unless it was already approved at the previous AGM.  A proper project paper would be desirable at the EGM.
Rational:-   1.  Norms for governance to be defined  2.   To avoid conflict, contradiction and selective applications.  3.   Certainties of roles.     4.  No profligacy of God’s money derived from tithes and donations.

Proposed by Joshua Y. C. Kong                               seconded by   Charlie Fu
Dated:  7th March, 2013

supporting arguments

Supporting argument for motion 1

On 4th November, 2012, the rector wrote “A committee will be formed to re-examine the church’s constitution and give suitable suggestions according to the growth of the church.”

So far we do not know what is happening with this Committee and the structure of this committee plus the processes of this review of the church’s Constitution in line with recent development in ADOS vis-à-vis ASC and other Anglican churches in Sabah and beyond.

In prevailing situation we have come to the stage to review all the constitutional aspects that would affect the lives of the members and beneficiaries of the ASC.  We cannot leave it to chance or the prerogative of the Bishop.  We should also examine all the constitutions of the Diocese of Sabah that can affect the lives of members and beneficiaries of the ASC.  We cannot allow anyone or any group to make new procedures in any situation without going through general meeting of ASC.

Items in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are for good governance.
A Bishop and Dean performing dual roles for any extended period is disastrous undesirable as the Diocese of Sabah is very big with capable persons within and if not then engage someone outside with the right experience on contract.

In item 1.2, with so many non elected members, any PCC meeting could be conducted by their presence along as the quorum would be no problem.  These non elected members could vote for their own projects as the number can be big in PCC.  Such non elected members can be ‘loyal’ to the Bishop and the Dean and no accountable to the ASC members for any decisions as this was shared to us by Dr. James Chhoa in last year AGM in his motion on this  clause ( c ) of Article VIII . 

In item 1.3, the procedures for proper AGM or EGM should be introduced in writing and would encourage very good attendance.  What have been done for some years have been in disorder.  I believe we have a good office and good workers to comply with the time factor.  The minutes and reports of 2011 and 2012 are clearing lacking because we need the Constitution to discipline this performance not only available one hour before the AGM.

In item 1.4, about the amount of RM30,000 per project  is a good indicator of self regulatory that .we are conscious not to be wasteful or profligacy of the public fund and in this case it is God’s money needed to be handle properly.  To avoid reckless and improper unplanned spending, RM30K is good level and to some RM50K or RM100K maybe still too low.  If the PCC does its homework properly, any major project should go through the budgetary process at the earliest AGM.  We have this very sad episode of the House of Celebration worth RM30m in ASC ground without any planning and yet ASC is committed to RM18m namely 60% of the project.  Who actually approved that with one or two PCC meetings?  We have seen how RM70k was given to Sulaman Worship Centre under dubious circumstances.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pending meet with Dean & PCC

The brief Agenda would include the following:-

The assets of ASC.
The staff and human resources of ASC.
The Deanery
The accounts of ASC since 2006.
Many unsightedly affairs in ASC as reported in the blogs – public dormain.
The Clergy and laity relationship.
The projects –past and present - in ASC.
The donation scenario for projects.
The Diocesan Assessment affecting ASC.
The Constitution review.
Any other matters.

Still waiting for an appointment since my email on 27 March, 2013. 

Anyone want to join me, contact me on 6013-8394513 or 

<><><> from the truthasc
What problem you are think of?
Some people have classified as “troublemaker” but who caused the headache and trouble in the first place?
Not many people can see the wrong doings as thieves do get away most times, otherwise the Courts would be loaded and the prisons would be over
We know who are the thieves as the marks are every where.
Surely, the thieves do not want see any problems they face.
The solution is obvious namely put the whole house of God in proper order as God is about order.
BTW, I can smell rats under the command of the highest ORDER running away from knowing the TRUTH.

Yes, the TROJAN HORSE avcf

Was Bishop Albert Vun still the Mastermind behind the 2013 AGM of ASC?

Well done, blogmaster, 

The 'Maundy Thursday' day you choose to revive this blog with a timely message is very important on very Good Friday.

We will see the resurrection power of Christ in a few days on Easter Sunday, and praise the Lord Jesus for ASC.

If anyone is familiar with the land office where the search is done, why do we have to provide MyKad for searching this piece of land?

Why so special about this land when it is normal just search by filling up the form and then pay the appropriate fee to get the land title?

So beware of the TROJAN HORSE selling of the ASC land for peanuts and everything members and beneficiaries treasure for over 100 years would be gone.  The TH and his gang would be very rich like Judas to Jesus Christ.

Joshua Kong
6013-8394513 .

Sunday, March 24, 2013

ASC PCC election

Analysis of the results against the SMS –

!, 2, 6 were supposed to be elected but 6 did not make it and 5 make it for the Warden.

The Secretary and Treasurer as proposed were elected with the incumbent treasurer lost by 9 votes.

For the PCC members:-
1,2,7, [9],11, [12] ,14,15,18, [19] were listed in the SMS.  [    ] = not elected.

Incumbent Dorothy Chin  (12)  was defeated and number Ian Ma (9) did not make it while Hazel (1 )  Liew (2,)  Ng (7), Foo (11), Ku (14), Ho (15), Timmie (18), were elected.  7 out of 10 in the list were elected.

The incumbent were elected 1,7, 14,15, 18 and who are the seat warmers?

The new faces are likely on the list as  19,  9  were not elected.

3 new faces elected to PCC.

So the other new face is Foo (11) in the SMS list.

Who is this new face - Vun Ket Cheng  (5) not in the SMS ?,

So the new face is Fabian Lai (8) not in the SMS list.

Despite the cheating or rigging with unfair advantage, the anti Reform team has nothing to shout about as  an incumbent and two new faces in SMS list failed.

By the way, were all candidates present in ASC and introduced to the congregations at the briefing by the Dean before the polling?

Strictly if any of the candidates were not present, they would be disqualified as in previous elections.

The Reformer team is NOT wiped out like Christ Church. 


I think it is that important when elections could be held.  I think with such a big number of more than one thousand members including foreigners, the polling could have been done on Saturday and the result not declared until after the AGM is done towards the end.

It was really messy on Sunday as the announcement first time missed out the AGM and Polling process.

According to the Rev Sim, it was 1pm for registration at the glory centre and that was not to be.

Then the polling was announced to be at 2-4pm but again it was after 3pm that the polling was started.

The worst part is the AGM Agenda was at 2pm meaning the AGM proper with the Reports at the Cathedral but that was not to be until past 4.30pm waiting for the voters to come in despite got the quorum for AGM.

The other unthinkable part in the AGENDA is the dissolution of the PCC before polling started but before the AGM proper when the PCC should deal with all the reports.  This is all wrong and yet the Chairman said it was  agreed at the PCC meetings when the seat warmers should know that it was wrong.

Then the Chancellor was of another kind to go along with the Dean and PCC, and subsequently  reversed back to the incumbent PCC at work for the Reports.

Can we believe all these things are to frustrate members with time wasting because the PCC fear Q&A ?

Strictly speaking, AGM is again illegal when the PCC was also illegal. 

Can anyone tell us how many more voters were added to the rolls since it was exhibit on 3rd March or earlier.
I was told my own number in the roll was changing after the first set of roll when I went to the office on 18th March, 2013.
So need to check who are really on the rolls including foreigners?
As some would say, we will lose out the burial ground to the non “ASC” members who happen to be on the

Did anyone check the changing rolls?  All new members must be approved by the Dean when the Dean is new and so who know the new members to be registered for the Roll especially when the Dean was away much of March until 21 March, 2013?



The election process was only partial transparent.
What about the Roll with new members added in the last two weeks?
Why no mention of the SMS sent out to belittle the socalled winners?
Was the very close losers recounted?
I still don't know how the individual votes can be traced except they can trace how the
three congregations voted in total and separately if they want to analysed them.

I don't know why they want to check they have voted unless there were bribes involved?

many more questions to be asked.

Dear Charlie,

The Constitution of ASC was amended in 1996 when there were already three congregations.

The Constitutions of ASC and ADOS are so brief and so many things are silent like submissions of motions.
There is no clause to say that PCC can reject any motions submitted and only the AGM can defeat or approve the motions submitted.

The amended Constitution of 1996 was a ONE way traffic from the Bishop.

So today after the crisis - BISHOPGATE - we go through, we need a comprehensive review of the two Constitutions to make them very clear on many issues.

One of the major issues is that foreigners should not vote but can be associate members of ADOS/ASC.

Are you coming with me to see the Dean and the PCC possibly next week?

September 2, 2012
3 Laughable Resolutions

While winding up the Synod, Rev. Kenneth Thien tabled 3 resolutions. The move was controversial because the Diocesan constitution stipulated any resolutions must be published in the Synod agenda, at least 6 weeks before the Synod. This is to provide all the churches adequate time discuss, study and weigh the issues. I’m puzzled how our learned Chancellor missed that. Not only the Synod was unconstitutional, the 3 resolutions were laughable. Please read on



ASC AGM 2013

Only one from the change/reform team in Dr James Chhoa means God is watching.
Despite all the manipulation by the delay of the polling to start at 3 instead of 2pm to allow those BM (more to arrive), James still managed to get in the new PCC.  How can foreigners be voters ?  Maybe they can be associate members without voting rights.

The outgoing PCC is illegal because it did not hold meeting within 3 months after AGM 2012.
The evil intention of the manipulation was to wipe out the reform team.

So one is a majority according Rev YTC and that is God's hand or mind to tell others "Watch out".

I don't believe the new PCC can move forward in ASC as there are lots of confusion today with uncertainty of the schedule and time factoring. .

My team hopes to meet the Dean and the new PCC soon with a proper agenda as many of my questions are ignored so far. Who want to be in this team - get in touch with me on as all is not lost.

Hopefully, we will get the margins of the candidates.

So where to now?

LIVE report from here

Auditor must be elected at AGM

Dean Chak said the PCC would deliberate over the alternative candidacy for auditor in their next meeting as he could not find a candidate in time for AGM. 

So Sad, (reply to thetruthasc)

About the auditor, Paul Chong had never declined but this time it is really strange when that happened.
The acting Dean, the Rector and the new Dean refused to answer my 30 questions and at least another 30 questions for AGM 2013 plus three motions rejected.  My questions would be tough for any auditor if asked to handle.

It is against procedure to appoint auditor outside of the AGM.

Maybe  what is done cannot be undone but it is timely to appoint an auditor committee to look at the total aspects of the affairs of ASC as you know that no inventory was kept for the few hundred thousands Ringgit of deanery items.  The auditor should have raised this issue years ago.

Today we know who are really at fault when the deanery was almost empty. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Dean wrote today on AVCF

What Dean wrote on 24th March 2013 in the ASC Sunday Bulletin can actually be directed to AVCF and his gang not members of ADOS.

The verse:-

Luke 19:41-44 (New International Version (NIV)

41 As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it 42 and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. 43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. 44 They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”
My comment:-
Maybe AVCF imitated Jesus when he wept before the general meeting  but AVCF’s weeping is crocodile tears to cover up his  massive theft.
AVCF also cried because  43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side.
So the ASC members have encircle with the TRUTH of AVCF’s theft.

Psalm 44:21  (New International Version (NIV)

21 would not God have discovered it,     since he knows the secrets of the heart?
My Comment:-
God had known of AVCF’s theft for 20 years and it is the duty of the Saints at ASC to deal with AVCF’s crime.

Hebrews 4:15    (New International Version (NIV)

15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.
My comment :-
There is no excuse for AVCF’s weakness as the Bishop and be tempted in such a  way as he is rotten since young and our High Priest Jesus, our Lord and our Saviour who does not sin cannot tolerate AVCF’s sin.  So AVCF beware of eternal doom.
Joshua Kong

good or bad news for ASC vis-a-vis ADOS

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Kong <>
Date: Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: Rt Rev Dean Chak to save ASC now
To: Mary Gambidau <>
Cc: "" <>, James Chhoa <>

Dear Secretary PCC,

I will respond to you after the AGM tomorrow.

This is not my personal affairs but for the best of ASC vis-a-vis ADOS.

God would take care of this concern and not what we want to do alone.

I want to claim that God is real in me that I have survived so far and so long in
the pursuit of the TRUTH.

God bless those who stand in His side.


On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Mary Gambidau <mgambidau@XXXXXX> wrote:
Dear Mr. Joshua,
I have received the motions and the  four batches of questions. On behalf of the PCC I would like to extend our appreciations for your concern towards our church.

However, we are unable to table your motions to the AGM due to it It was received late. It was late in a sense that the completed set (with the seconder)  was only received after the closing date 17 march 2012. In regards with the four batches of questions, the PCC decided not answer it during the AGM due to time constraint.

In a spirit of brotherhood in Christ, we would like to see you in person after the AGM for us to explain and give answers to your questions. You can set the date and time for us to meet. Please let me know if you have other suggestions. You can also contact me through my mobile phone 0198231585.

Thank you and God bless us all

PCC Secretary.

On Mar 23, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Joshua Kong <> wrote:

> Dear Dean and secretary,
> I hope you have received all the transmission by hardcopies and emails as follows:-
> Just a reminder --
> I had faxed you the two motions 1 and 3 after it was seconded plus personal delivery to Rev Sim
> in the Cathedral office on 18/3/13.  I had earlier on 10th March, 2013 - three motions including 1 & 3.
> The motion 2 needs a seconder hopefully can be found from the floor as it was done in the recent Synod.
> I had also sent you by email such items -  (I can also fax them to you if needed)
> 1. Q&A on the accounts (first batch)
> 2.  Another working paper on Dean's Report, Secretary's Report plus the Wardens' Report
> dated 20/3/13.
> 3.Another working paper on Accounts, Wardens' Reports and Secretary's Report dated 21/3/13
> 4.  Paper on the matters arising from 2012's minutes.
> I hope all these papers would be answered and projected on the screen to save time me reading
> them on the floor.  Someone can also translate them to BM simultaneously as our Chinese members
> all can read English.
> I have also prepared the supporting arguments for the 3 motions and if you allow them to go to the AGM
> as there is no constitution to block them, I can forward them to you before 12 noon on
> Sunday or I bring my pen drive.  All these is to save time so that AGM can finish it business for more
> fellowship of  .members.
> I trust this is in order to bless all God's people.
> Joshua Kong
> 013-8394513

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

AGM for attention of Dean and others

to pastorchak, mgambidau, James
Dear Dean, Hon Secretary

The following questions and comments would be presented by me at the AGM.
I am sending them ahead for you to get the good answers and to be projected on the screen.
There are nothing to hide.  It would save time for asking on the spot and getting instant good answers while it can be translated into BM simultaneously.

From the answers or comments offered, I would make supplementary comments or questions as required.

So Praise God for this effort.  The first of its kind in ASC.

Thank you,

Joshua Kong

Questions and Comments on the various Reports of All Saints’ Cathedral AGM  2013.
Dean’s very brief Report
The new Dean Report for 2013 is very disappointing.  It looks like ASC had lost one year of work without any report.
If the acting Dean and the Rector had answered 30 questions given to them in the first week of 2013, it could be considered a fair report for ASC in 2012.
So it is recalcitrant for the acting Dean and the Rector as they have absconded from their duty to serve God in ASC.
The new Dean could have worked with the PCC to have prepared a more comprehensive Dean’s report 2013 because there had been so many important issues not addressed by the acting Dean and the Rector in 2012.  How can such important issues be swept under the carpets in ASC vis-à-vis ADOS?  Most of these shameful issues already made available in all the blogs.
I would urge the Dean to form an investigation committee to deliberate on those important issues affecting the Anglican Church and then take up those issues with the relevant authorities on crimes committed in ASC.  Otherwise all these issues would haunt us later.
Since there is a new ruling that we need to produce Identity cards to get our copies of AGM documents for 2013, I would the Dean proceed to enforce that ADOS and ASC review all the clergies and pastors if there are genuine Sabahans or otherwise  needing work permits to work in Sabah with special attention not to engage Project IC holders.  The implications of employing non Sabahans would be serious.

Secretary’s Report
1.                  Why the new Dean took more than one month to call the first PCC meeting?
2.                  Important Decision
2.1             What is the intention of the Decision to donate RM10,000 sowing seed to the House of Celebration in 2012 when the acting Dean already grab some money from ASC in 2011 possibly without the sanction of PCC?
2.2             Madam Ku and Mr Lu were elected as representatives to the Cathedral Chapter.  When was this done?  Do we have a report on this Cathedral Chapter as far as the appointment of the new Dean of ASC is concerned?  The acting Dean was writing that it was hard to appoint a senior priest as Dean and then suddenly a new Dean was announced.  I want to hear from the Cathedral Chapter on this.
2.3             Purchase of furniture for the Deanery
2.3.1       What happened to the existing furniture?
2.3.2       Do you have an inventory of the old furniture?
2.3.3       Is it only furniture to be purchase?
2.3.4       How much was approved ?
2.3.5       Do you have a new inventory of the new furniture?

3.                  Payment of bonus to three diocesan staff members
3.1             Is it a normal practice for ASC to pay bonus?
3.2             Would you provide the names of these recipients?
3.3             Does ASC staff members also get bonus?

4.                  PCC to review ASC Constitution
4.1             Who chaired the PCC to approve the review of the ASC Constitution when the Bishop has the prerogative to do it?
4.2             Is the review done?
4.3             If it in the process,  when is the draft ready?
4.4             I hope the draft would include so many items of good governance which are not in ASC Constitution.
4.4.1       The qualification of members and beneficiaries such as genuine Malaysians
4.4.2       The defined roles of the PCC members
4.4.3       The process of decision of major projects on formation and liquidation.
4.4.4       The amendment of the Constitution of Anglican Diocese of Sabah as far as it affect ASC.
4.4.5       Specific application of the Diocese Assessment for ASC.
4.4.6       The Constitution Committee should include some members of ADOS so that there is uniformity for all Anglican churches in Sabah.
4.4.7       I have studied all three Constitutions of ASC, ADOS and Province of South East Asia and have noticed shortcomings which can be reviewed in the context of ASC.
4.5      Why the first PCC meeting held after 4 months after AGM 2012?
5.                  The Wardens’ Reports for the Dean, English and Chinese Congregations
5.1             The reports are too brief to be nurturing for the congregation.
5.2             How many really know the roles of Wardens?
5.3             These reports should highlight some major issues and offer solutions.

Prepared by Joshua Kong  20/3/2013

additional items:-

For All Saints’ Cathedral  AGM on 24th March, 2013
12.        Who are the signatories of the bank accounts for 2012?

13.        Under Article XII of ASC Constitution subclause 4, were the half year statements of the  finances of the Parish circulated to the PCC?

14.        Would the treasurer propose to the PCC and AGM for a revaluation of the landed assets of ASC be carried out to reflect the current values of the Parish?

Wardens’ Report - Dean, English, Chinese, BM
6.                  Under Article XIII, the duties of the Wardens subclause b, the wardens maintain order during service
6.1             Many issues had happened in some services in 2012 but none of the wardens mentioned any of them,  I would like to know why.
6.2             In the joint service of the Ordination of an ‘unqualified’ priest on 29th August, 2012, it was reported that the Police personnel in some numbers were in the congregation  and a Police patrol car was in the front car park. 
6.2.1       Were the wardens aware of that?  Did any of the wardens seek the Police to maintain order during service?  If not, were the Wardens/PCC consulted on getting the Police presence in church service?
6.2.2       The Rector even blame me for the presence of the Police as too far fetched and no apology had been offered to me for such allegations.
6.2.3       Were any payment made to the Police and who paid for it?
Secretary’s Report
4.5.                       Why the first PCC meeting held after 4 months after AGM 2012?
4.5.1                   Under Article IX – meeting of the Council subclause 1.  meeting of the council shall be held not less than once a quarter.   Who should be penalized here?

NB:  I will send by late Friday the matters arising from 2012 AGM’s minute.
Prepared by Joshua Kong   21/3/2013

last portion ---

ASC AGM 2012 minutes arising matters –

Joshua Kong’s Comments on the aforementioned matters:-

1.  I did mention several times of “onemanshow” throughout the AGM but none of this
Comment was recorded and I strongly believe that it is not personal attack for omissions or deliberate designs of the acting Dean.  Why was the last AGM minutes of 2011 not signed?  Why the Chairman was absent from the AGM 2012 to face the truth?

Wardens’ Report
  1. Q6.1 on Kokol Prayer Summit -  Why OC still not exhibited?  Isn’t it a big lie that building costing nearly M8m does not belong to ADOS or Bishop of Sabah as disclosed by the OC.  [6.1a] I mentioned KPS because the Dean’s warden refer to the project and that ASC contributed significantly to the said project.

Q6.3a -  Please show the letter authorizing Rector to perform the work of Dean and under what authority of the Constitution of the SC?

3.         Treasurer’s Report
Q3.5 – my question on the Bishop’s income of foreign speaking is relevant and any income should be accounted for in the ASC and Synod’s account as the acting Dean is sustained in financial support by ASC and the ASC Diocesan Assessment from which the Bishop derived his remuneration and allowances.  So his speaking income should go back to ASC and the ADOS.  Please provide his itinerary of overseas travels.

  1. The missing signature of the Rector/ PCC Chairman

The recent transfer is no excuse for the missing signature as there is a greater need for the AGM minute to be ready by 30 days and verified within 45 days and to be signed by all concerned.

The AGM minutes should be ready early for the PCC to refer to for all the developments for the year to be dealt with.

Prepared by Joshua Kong  21/3/2013