5th April, 2012
The Acting Dean
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu.
Dear Right Revd Bishop Datuk Albert Vun,
Re: Post Questions and comments of AGM 2012 0n 1st April, 2012
I am giving a brief letter as a follow up to your missing in action at the last AGM. I expect a reply also by fax by Monday, the 9th April, 2012.
1. A post mortem report of the PCC for the Centenarian Celebration where financial losses were incurred addressing all relevant issues concerned on the overall organization of the project..
2. When and where would the Kokol Prayer Summit’s OC be exhibited preferably at the ASC entrance?
3. The details of three cheques unsigned by the hon Treasurer in 2011 including all documents for scrutiny. Photocopies would be acceptable for now.
4. The accounts of All Saints Anglican Academy since the beginning and the licence of the ASAA.
5. The full report on the Celebration Centre and statement of accounts of the fund so far collected by ASC and the Anglican Diocese plus the other agreements especially the contractor’s agreement if already signed. The working paper for the total project would be appreciated.
6. Would you agree to attend to the Committee of Inquiry if it is established?
7. Have you acted on the 1st Resolution of the AGM to appoint a senior priest as the Dean of the ASC?
8. Please give full reports of all your travels overseas on missions or otherwise.
9. How would you resolve the massive deficits of the funds in ASC in 2011 and 2012?
10. Why did you not give a Dean’s report for the AGM 2012? Rector’s report is inadequate for three months only.
11. Why did you not sign the minute of AGM 2011 when there were some important errors?
All the above questions could be asked and answered by you if you were the Chairman of AGM 2012.
So I hope you would resolve all the crisis in ASC vis-à-vis ADOS now, and failing which we are in more precarious position as a religious establishment.
Praise God for this small, humble and brief letter. Go to the blog for much more.
Yours truly,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
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