Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Distortions by Bishop

BAV wrote on 22 April ASC Sunday Bulletin "In Numbers 13 and 14, it took 10 spies to spread negative report" JK- according to the Bible it is 12 men were sent out to find out the true situation and they did not spread negative report but the true scenario then. Moses did not make it to the promised land for other reasons mainly lack of faith in God. You all know Joshua and Caleb went to the promised land after the walls of Jericho collapsed as Joshua had strong faith. In this sharing BAV considers himself the Moses in Sabah and he too had failed in his initial vision and mission which he claimed that God had asked to do. If BAV gives wrong sermons or teaching, how can enter the promised land in Sabah. Hence Joshua came into this crisis on 25 December 2011 and get through the Jericho wall as his mission was accomplished on 23 April, 2012 with Caleb. BAV also wrote "Some members criticize the House of Celebration project, but we had discussed this in at least 2 PCC meetings and supported by all except 2 members. This project was tabled and supported by the Diocesan Standing Committee without objection." JK - Would you tell us how long was the debate/discussion in those 2 PCC meetings. Who are the 2 members and please name them. Tell me how many of your clergy and members in the PCC know project planning, project funding, project valuation, project analysis, project management, project appraisal, project maintenance once completed? Did you present complete development plan together with the financial implication to the PCC? Can you now exhibit the minute of the PCC meeting to approve the CC project? Who approved the contractor to construction if the agreement was already signed? Was there a tender called? Was there a cost and benefit analysis? If all these is not done, there is obvious an hidden agenda as we now see all the ad hoc collections and transfer of funds in the name of CC. Even now, ADOS and ASC does not know how much was collected with figures ranging from RM300K for ASC and RM3m for ADOS. From the information so far given it is no way near the RM3m. Please show us the statement of accounts now as there is nothing to hide. BAV keeps on writing like the worst mocker in ASC and ADOS. What you wrrte or speak must be supported as head of the church, otherwise it is cheating. Joshua

1 comment:

  1. quote:"Even now, ADOS and ASC does not know how much was collected with figures ranging from RM300K for ASC and RM3m for ADOS."

    Collection was done since 1 November, 2011, and yet in his statement to the press BAV told that donation and collection would start soon after the ground breaking ceremony on 24th July, 2012.

    What another BIG lie?

    So where is the statement now on the project of HoC?
