Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Distortions by Bishop
BAV wrote on 22 April ASC Sunday Bulletin "In Numbers 13 and 14, it took 10 spies to spread negative report"
JK- according to the Bible it is 12 men were sent out to find out
the true situation and they did not spread negative report but
the true scenario then. Moses did not make it to the promised land
for other reasons mainly lack of faith in God. You all know Joshua and
Caleb went to the promised land after the walls of Jericho collapsed
as Joshua had strong faith. In this sharing BAV considers himself the
Moses in Sabah and he too had failed in his initial vision and mission
which he claimed that God had asked to do. If BAV gives wrong sermons
or teaching, how can enter the promised land in Sabah.
Hence Joshua came into this crisis on 25 December 2011 and
get through the Jericho wall as his mission was accomplished on 23 April, 2012 with Caleb.
BAV also wrote "Some members criticize the House of Celebration project,
but we had discussed this in at least 2 PCC meetings and supported
by all except 2 members. This project was tabled and supported by
the Diocesan Standing Committee without objection."
JK - Would you tell us how long was the debate/discussion in those
2 PCC meetings. Who are the 2 members and please name them.
Tell me how many of your clergy and members in the PCC
know project planning, project funding, project valuation, project analysis,
project management, project appraisal, project maintenance once completed?
Did you present complete development plan together with the
financial implication to the PCC? Can you now exhibit the minute
of the PCC meeting to approve the CC project? Who approved
the contractor to construction if the agreement was already signed?
Was there a tender called? Was there a cost and benefit analysis?
If all these is not done, there is obvious an hidden agenda as we
now see all the ad hoc collections and transfer of funds in the name
of CC. Even now, ADOS and ASC does not know how much was
collected with figures ranging from RM300K for ASC and RM3m for ADOS.
From the information so far given it is no way near the RM3m.
Please show us the statement of accounts now as there is nothing to hide.
BAV keeps on writing like the worst mocker in ASC and ADOS.
What you wrrte or speak must be supported as head of the church, otherwise it is cheating.
Bishop wrote this on 22 April???
The Bishop writes
22 April2012
In Numbers 13 and 14, it took 10 spies to spread negative report to affect the whole congregation of God's people to go against Moses and Aaron, to refuse to go in to take possession of the land God had promised to His people, and they showed contempt to what God had done for His people. This is a warning to us that we must not be influenced by a few negative people or to listen to them. Some of them write all kinds of
things in the internet that are false. They sow doubt. They show contempt to the church and to the leaders of our church. We are clearly commanded to think on honorable things: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8. Some members may not agree with how the church's money is
used, but the PCC is responsible to mobilize the funds of the church to do the works of the church. Last year, because of the Centenary celebration, extra funds was mobilized to clean up the pews, to publish the centenary history book, to upgrade our facilities for the youth and children ministries, etc. All these are good and they build up the life of the church. Some members criticize the House of Celebration project, but we had discussed this in at least 2 PCC meetings and supported by all except 2 members. This project was tabled and supported by the Diocesan Standing Committee without objection. We all know the Cathedral needs extra parking as the number of our members glows. We need a larger sanctuary for our growing congregations in the future. We need to provide for a Cathedral office. This project will house the Diocesan Training School which will train our future pastors and missionaries. This has never been a "one man show". We
discussed and received feedback. We received finance support from other churches. Tawau raised over $400,000 recently for this project to support Diocesan training facilities to be housed there. 2 members from Tawau gave $100,000 each. We have been receiving givings from interior churches. A student from our Academy gave all his savings even though he is not from a believing family. Let us all be sober-minded and think carefully. Let us not be influenced by bad reports from a small group of disgruntled people. We and our children who will benefit more from this new sanctuary should be the ones giving more.
I encourage you to work together with a positive spirit and not be affected by negative people. Through the ages there are people like this in the church: in the days of Noah, Moses, David, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Haggai, Paul, and even in the days of Jesus. They criticized John the Baptist and they criticized Jesus. "To what then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the
market place and calling out to each other: " 'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not cry.' For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, A friend of tax collectors and "sinners."' But wisdom is proved right by all her children. " Luke 7:31-35
April Foo*L or what?
About the proposed EGM or even the reconvene of the AGM on 1st April,
a real April fool with the FOO*L not so constructive and positive.
The Chancellor should raise relevant issues like the validity
of the AGM like the Chairman not properly authorised,
the 2011 AGM's minute not signed, the legal implication
of the massive deficit in two years, the Dean's warden
report as inaccurate or cheating. the missing Dean's report, the reports
and accounts only given one hour before the start of AGM.
The learned Chancellor must know that any NGO under
the Society act need to furnish the notice together with
the relevant reports for the AGM two weeks before the AGM.
Although ASC is not under the ROS, good governance should
prevail. If the Dean or acting Dean is serious about his job,
he should have a summary of the financial scenario and the
two motions to be published in the Sunday Bulletin two weeks prior to the AGM.
Is there any hanky panky here?
The Hon Treasurer told the AGM that the meeting of the PCC
on 19 March was not tabled the audited account. What a coincidence
that the auditor signed the accounts and report also on that date,
and yet the PCC did not go through the audited accounts before
the AGM. So was this audit report back dated?
Tell us the real scenario.
I did ring up the church office asking for a copy of the reports etc on Friday
- a few days before the AGM - but was told that translation had delayed
the report for distribution. But it was already posted in this blog that the deficit was massive.
So that is how our Dean or acting handle our AGM affairs and now he tells us we lie in this blog.
I also want to know from the Chancellor if the membership of ASC
is all valid especially some or many are foreigners. We need to establish
this fact before we proceed to AGM or EGM for the purpose of elections
and voting on motions for the good of ASC. Can we appoint a committee to
scrutinise the membership list? Can foreigners be full members
of any NGO including the ASC set up?
It is also strange that what is the point of voting for any motion at AGM
and EGM if the same person as acting dean/dean and Bishop finally decide on the resolutions.
Are we sane as Christians in the ADOS and ASC where public interest
can be ignored with a fraudulent onemanshow?
So do something to put the rights and wrongs into proper perspective.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Ruins to come
There are plenty of stories how rich and powerful people by
whatever means straight or crooked to amassed more assets
or fortune at the expense of others especially the poor,
the underpriviledged and the oppressed. See all those land grabs now in Sabah.
I know this person has a string of terrible scammings in
Sabah as money and power can help manipulated any
scenarios to make more money be it illegal or proper.
You also know that those loaded with cash,
the banks would not pay good interests and so such wealth
could be invested in landed properties and land especially in those marketable regions.
If you are a very rich man looking for good investment,
would you prefer to deal with many landowners
(known and unknown to the rich man) or a single landowner
(known to the rich man) with land and properties spread
out over the whole Sabah mostly in golden zones?
This is a real story of a rich and powerful man who
influenced an NGO to develop a piece of idle land
in the city area for a multi storeyed building.
Then the NGO was so tempted to go into with
the approval of the council or exco. Everything was done
and a loan was arranged. Somehow for whatever reason,
the project was stalled due to financing/funding problem.
So this man arranged the adequate loan for the project and
took over the property without paying for the land.
The land can easily be of value of RM20m. You can imagine,
if that project was not completed in the initial scenario,
the NGO would have to compensate the contractor for
the abandoned project and no building to use.
[more daylight robberies with this rich man on that property
and nothing has happened despite some Police Reports].
If you attend SAFE meetings I can tell a string of stories of this rich man.
Why I mentioned that scenario? It is a reality for the ASC/ADOS
project on the CC when there is only little money raised when
it is speculated that construction contract was already signed.
If that is not true about the CC, then tell me what is the status now?
It is also questionable if the consultants had been appointed
when the members supposed to fund it are kept in the dark about the project from the start.
BAV says all the items in the blog are false. Please list items
by items for those false ones as I know there are a lot of truth
in these postings here. It is obvious the gang of BAV also tried
to post some incorrect items to mislead others but we can
verify most of them. If BAV does not take it to task over the
blog to prove he is right, then he is a ‘mocker and a liar’
I tell you there are already discrepancies in his two messages
if we analyse them properly.
Very sad indeed that BAV is linked to the rich and powerful man
and soon the Anglican members would be the worst losers
with assets worth RM1 billion and more to be lost one way or another.
Who are then the biggest robbers of our Anglican treasures?.
You are the judge but STOP it before it is too late.
I was more convinced of the ruins to be on BISHOPGATE
after the short trip on 23 April, 2012.
So we need to act now on BISHOPGATE without any delay.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Fund to operate this mission to STOP the BISHOPGATE
We need some fund to pursue this case further and we do not know what lies ahead in a sequence and consequence of the action starting with the Police Report.
Some of us have done a lot of work and myself commenced work since 25 December, 2011.
If God touch you, please help me to help ourselves and bank in the following accounts - you decide the most convenient one nearest to you, thank you.
Please contact me on 6012-8380897 or 6013-8394513 preferable by SMS and then send me an email to jknow823@gmail.com, TQVM.
Kong Yun Chee @Joshua Kong = Public Bank Bhd, Branch Kota Kinabalu ( api-api) current account No. 3148190327
PBBEMYKL - public bank (branch code) - 33-10018
Kong Yun Chee @ Joshua= Alliance Bank=Branch Damai Luyang= current account No. 100930010001223
MFBBMYKL - Alliance Bank (branch code) 12-10093
Harvest ICT Solutions = RHB =Branch Jln Gaya =current account no. 21002800146468
RHBBMYKL - RHB= (branch code) 18-10028
God bless all. Please keep me informed.
Meanwhile we have to register the Association to be known as
Sabah Anglican Fellowship Entity SAFE for a purpose God has destined
us to go ahead as after BISHOPGATE, there is major agenda to be
An NGO would present a united front.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Some of us have done a lot of work and myself commenced work since 25 December, 2011.
If God touch you, please help me to help ourselves and bank in the following accounts - you decide the most convenient one nearest to you, thank you.
Please contact me on 6012-8380897 or 6013-8394513 preferable by SMS and then send me an email to jknow823@gmail.com, TQVM.
Kong Yun Chee @Joshua Kong = Public Bank Bhd, Branch Kota Kinabalu ( api-api) current account No. 3148190327
PBBEMYKL - public bank (branch code) - 33-10018
Kong Yun Chee @ Joshua= Alliance Bank=Branch Damai Luyang= current account No. 100930010001223
MFBBMYKL - Alliance Bank (branch code) 12-10093
Harvest ICT Solutions = RHB =Branch Jln Gaya =current account no. 21002800146468
RHBBMYKL - RHB= (branch code) 18-10028
God bless all. Please keep me informed.
Meanwhile we have to register the Association to be known as
Sabah Anglican Fellowship Entity SAFE for a purpose God has destined
us to go ahead as after BISHOPGATE, there is major agenda to be
An NGO would present a united front.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Letter to Archbishop Bolly Lapok on 20 April, 2012
20th April, 2012
AR REGISTER also by Fax: 60 88 261422 & bishopk@streamyx.com
The Most Revd Bolly Lapok
Bishop's House
P.O. Box 347
93704 Kuching, Sarawak
Dear The Most Revd Bolly Lapok
Re: STOP the BISHOPGATE in Sabah over Bishop Datuk Albert Vun
God bless you and your family.
I am writing this letter to appeal for your urgent attention and action as you deem fit.
I attach herewith three sheets namely two letters dated 5 April, 19th April to Bishop Albert Vun, and the message of BAV in the ASC Sunday Bulletin on 15th April for his office to confirm. All the three items had been faxed to his office but none has been acknowledged. For the third item, I rang the office but still not returned to me by fax. Now, I am sending the three items to him by AR Registered letter next Monday.
I am very sorry to tell you that any action to be taken must be very urgent and whatever approach you have done and yet to do please make an order that would let us have the documents, details of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah ADOS and All Saints Cathedral on the assets and the financial accounts. We have heard major valuable pieces of land of the ADOS had been sold by BAV in recent years and we would like to know whether all the sales proceeds are properly accounted for. Yet ADOS is aggressively campaigning for fund for the Celebration Centre project for RM30m. Where has all the money gone?
The message of BAV in the ASC Sunday Bulletin on 15th April, 2012 is a document that can nail him to the true position that is alleged in the blog and elsewhere. Every accusations in the undesirable words [indicated in the said message] used by him must be proven by him.
Whatever action you may intend to do such as the Ecclesiastical court must be done in great urgency. If the House of Bishops of the Province of SEA can appoint any Bishop, the same can be said to suspend such person for the purpose to resolve the BISHOPGATE in Sabah.
We would like this crisis to be resolved within the Church is that avenue is still available within two weeks from now.
Praise God and I hope to hear you as the expectation of the parishioner is to be satisfied.
Thank you,
Yours love in Christ,
Helpful blogs for reference:- allsaintscathedralsabah.blogspot.com/ (thousands of postings over 7 months)
http://bishopgateinanglicansabah.blogspot.com/ [new and still under construction with updates]
AR REGISTER also by Fax: 60 88 261422 & bishopk@streamyx.com
The Most Revd Bolly Lapok
Bishop's House
P.O. Box 347
93704 Kuching, Sarawak
Dear The Most Revd Bolly Lapok
Re: STOP the BISHOPGATE in Sabah over Bishop Datuk Albert Vun
God bless you and your family.
I am writing this letter to appeal for your urgent attention and action as you deem fit.
I attach herewith three sheets namely two letters dated 5 April, 19th April to Bishop Albert Vun, and the message of BAV in the ASC Sunday Bulletin on 15th April for his office to confirm. All the three items had been faxed to his office but none has been acknowledged. For the third item, I rang the office but still not returned to me by fax. Now, I am sending the three items to him by AR Registered letter next Monday.
I am very sorry to tell you that any action to be taken must be very urgent and whatever approach you have done and yet to do please make an order that would let us have the documents, details of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah ADOS and All Saints Cathedral on the assets and the financial accounts. We have heard major valuable pieces of land of the ADOS had been sold by BAV in recent years and we would like to know whether all the sales proceeds are properly accounted for. Yet ADOS is aggressively campaigning for fund for the Celebration Centre project for RM30m. Where has all the money gone?
The message of BAV in the ASC Sunday Bulletin on 15th April, 2012 is a document that can nail him to the true position that is alleged in the blog and elsewhere. Every accusations in the undesirable words [indicated in the said message] used by him must be proven by him.
Whatever action you may intend to do such as the Ecclesiastical court must be done in great urgency. If the House of Bishops of the Province of SEA can appoint any Bishop, the same can be said to suspend such person for the purpose to resolve the BISHOPGATE in Sabah.
We would like this crisis to be resolved within the Church is that avenue is still available within two weeks from now.
Praise God and I hope to hear you as the expectation of the parishioner is to be satisfied.
Thank you,
Yours love in Christ,
Helpful blogs for reference:- allsaintscathedralsabah.blogspot.com/ (thousands of postings over 7 months)
http://bishopgateinanglicansabah.blogspot.com/ [new and still under construction with updates]
Letter to acting Dean/Dean of 20th April, 2012
20th April, 2012
AR REGISTER, By Fax: 212631/261422 and email
The Acting Dean/Dean
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu.
CC: Archbishop Bolly Lapok, Diocese of Kuching
Dear Right Revd Bishop Datuk Albert Vun,
Further to my letters dated 5th April, 2012 to you as faxed to you at 9.30am, 19th April, and the your message on 15th April, for confirmation of writer, I have yet to receive any reply to date. Your office also did not acknowledge the said letters/document as faxed to your office.
I am enclosing the three items namely:
1. Letter dated 5th April, 2. Letter dated 19th April and 3. The message as printed in ASC Sunday Bulletin on15th April.
Needless for me to tell you what to do now.
I hope to receive your replies accordingly as soon as possible to resolve the BISHOPGATE within the church if this avenue is still available.
I trust God would deliver us from the prevailing crisis.
I hope to hear from you soonest.
Yours faithfully,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Helpful blogs for reference:- allsaintscathedralsabah.blogspot.com/ (thousands of postings over 7 months)
http://bishopgateinanglicansabah.blogspot.com/ [new and still under construction with updates]
AR REGISTER, By Fax: 212631/261422 and email
The Acting Dean/Dean
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu.
CC: Archbishop Bolly Lapok, Diocese of Kuching
Dear Right Revd Bishop Datuk Albert Vun,
Further to my letters dated 5th April, 2012 to you as faxed to you at 9.30am, 19th April, and the your message on 15th April, for confirmation of writer, I have yet to receive any reply to date. Your office also did not acknowledge the said letters/document as faxed to your office.
I am enclosing the three items namely:
1. Letter dated 5th April, 2. Letter dated 19th April and 3. The message as printed in ASC Sunday Bulletin on15th April.
Needless for me to tell you what to do now.
I hope to receive your replies accordingly as soon as possible to resolve the BISHOPGATE within the church if this avenue is still available.
I trust God would deliver us from the prevailing crisis.
I hope to hear from you soonest.
Yours faithfully,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Helpful blogs for reference:- allsaintscathedralsabah.blogspot.com/ (thousands of postings over 7 months)
http://bishopgateinanglicansabah.blogspot.com/ [new and still under construction with updates]
Letter to Acting Dean/Dean of 19th April, 2012
19th April, 2012
The Acting Dean/Dean
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu.
CC: Archbishop Bolly Lapok, Diocese of Kuching
Dear Right Revd Bishop Datuk Albert Vun,
Further to my letter dated 5th April, 2012 to you as faxed to you at 9.30am, and I did not receive any reply to date. Your office also did not acknowledge the said letter with very important 11 points thereof.
2. Since you saw fit to ignore that letter as a prelude to lodging of Police Report on 11th April, 2012 to take advantage of that holiday and unfortunately the Police Report was postponed. There was enough voice support for the Police Report.
3. Instead of replying to my letter, you decided to publish a message in the ASC Sunday bulletin on 15th April, after you have left for mission in Mauritius till 2nd May, 2012. That message fall so short to answer any of my 11 points. There are still plenty of issues to be raised on your questionable leadership of 6 years.
4. So I am writing this letter to ask you to answer my letter on your return from Mauritius within 7 days. You would have adequate time to prepare the answer while away or you can instruct your office to provide the answers. It is obvious more questions would arise from your first reply.
5. You cannot point to the blog for not giving me the pertinent answers as I had based my 11 points on the just concluded AGM 2012 on 1at April, 2012 when your stand-in as Chairman could not give the answers then.
6. I can prepare a few pages of questions and also give relevant comments on the state of affairs of your leadership in Anglican Diocese of Sabah vis-à-vis All Saints Cathedral and that would be done in due course.
7. Your message in the Bulletin of 15 April, which I call “Post April Foo+l” cannot give you any confidence or assurance that you can get away from the crisis which I call “BISHOPGATE”. So we have two new codes to address to allow normal life to come back in the Anglican Church.
8. Suffice to give you some challenges to consider here in the context of your appointed Bishophood in Sabah. The challenges are as follows:-
8.1. You as a Bishop/acting Dean/Dean have to provide all members a copy of the Constitutions of the Diocese and All Saints Cathedral especially on request for good governance as expected in any NGO. If the Constitutions are against public interest and bias to you in dual roles –Bishop and Dean, special attention must be taken to review the Constitutions for natural justice.
8.2. The role and responsibility as a Bishop need to be considered in the context of power as exercised within limits and bound by the pledge you had made in the Installation first an ordained priest and then a Bishop recently. The rights of members who contribute the volunterism and finances in terms of donations and tithes over the decades should be given appropriate respect in a harmonious church environment.
8.3. The Bishop in the position as the head in the Church as per present practice should take the immediate initiative to resolve the crisis in the Anglican family now spreading like wild fire if BISHOPGATE is not put to rest now. So the members want to see how you want to handle this crisis to full settlement possibly for win-win-win scenario in the three hierarchy of the .Anglican church without any further damages financial, human and labour relationship, morale or otherwise so that the church can move on in its core objective to touch souls for Jesus Christ..
8.4 Your “Post April Foo+l” started with the word “disgruntled” and ended with ‘mockers’ and you cannot ignore our stance be it in letters and blog postings as I can show you the ‘lies’ coming from you.
9. Please instruct your staff concerned or PA to confirm your message in the ASC Sunday Bulletin of 15th April as supplied and approved by you. The A4 sheet is already faxed to your office and your kind lady on the phone agreed to do that.
I trust you would give your full attention on this letter.
Yours faithfully,
The Acting Dean/Dean
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu.
CC: Archbishop Bolly Lapok, Diocese of Kuching
Dear Right Revd Bishop Datuk Albert Vun,
Further to my letter dated 5th April, 2012 to you as faxed to you at 9.30am, and I did not receive any reply to date. Your office also did not acknowledge the said letter with very important 11 points thereof.
2. Since you saw fit to ignore that letter as a prelude to lodging of Police Report on 11th April, 2012 to take advantage of that holiday and unfortunately the Police Report was postponed. There was enough voice support for the Police Report.
3. Instead of replying to my letter, you decided to publish a message in the ASC Sunday bulletin on 15th April, after you have left for mission in Mauritius till 2nd May, 2012. That message fall so short to answer any of my 11 points. There are still plenty of issues to be raised on your questionable leadership of 6 years.
4. So I am writing this letter to ask you to answer my letter on your return from Mauritius within 7 days. You would have adequate time to prepare the answer while away or you can instruct your office to provide the answers. It is obvious more questions would arise from your first reply.
5. You cannot point to the blog for not giving me the pertinent answers as I had based my 11 points on the just concluded AGM 2012 on 1at April, 2012 when your stand-in as Chairman could not give the answers then.
6. I can prepare a few pages of questions and also give relevant comments on the state of affairs of your leadership in Anglican Diocese of Sabah vis-à-vis All Saints Cathedral and that would be done in due course.
7. Your message in the Bulletin of 15 April, which I call “Post April Foo+l” cannot give you any confidence or assurance that you can get away from the crisis which I call “BISHOPGATE”. So we have two new codes to address to allow normal life to come back in the Anglican Church.
8. Suffice to give you some challenges to consider here in the context of your appointed Bishophood in Sabah. The challenges are as follows:-
8.1. You as a Bishop/acting Dean/Dean have to provide all members a copy of the Constitutions of the Diocese and All Saints Cathedral especially on request for good governance as expected in any NGO. If the Constitutions are against public interest and bias to you in dual roles –Bishop and Dean, special attention must be taken to review the Constitutions for natural justice.
8.2. The role and responsibility as a Bishop need to be considered in the context of power as exercised within limits and bound by the pledge you had made in the Installation first an ordained priest and then a Bishop recently. The rights of members who contribute the volunterism and finances in terms of donations and tithes over the decades should be given appropriate respect in a harmonious church environment.
8.3. The Bishop in the position as the head in the Church as per present practice should take the immediate initiative to resolve the crisis in the Anglican family now spreading like wild fire if BISHOPGATE is not put to rest now. So the members want to see how you want to handle this crisis to full settlement possibly for win-win-win scenario in the three hierarchy of the .Anglican church without any further damages financial, human and labour relationship, morale or otherwise so that the church can move on in its core objective to touch souls for Jesus Christ..
8.4 Your “Post April Foo+l” started with the word “disgruntled” and ended with ‘mockers’ and you cannot ignore our stance be it in letters and blog postings as I can show you the ‘lies’ coming from you.
9. Please instruct your staff concerned or PA to confirm your message in the ASC Sunday Bulletin of 15th April as supplied and approved by you. The A4 sheet is already faxed to your office and your kind lady on the phone agreed to do that.
I trust you would give your full attention on this letter.
Yours faithfully,
Letter to Acting Dean of 5th April
5th April, 2012
The Acting Dean
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu.
Dear Right Revd Bishop Datuk Albert Vun,
Re: Post Questions and comments of AGM 2012 0n 1st April, 2012
I am giving a brief letter as a follow up to your missing in action at the last AGM. I expect a reply also by fax by Monday, the 9th April, 2012.
1. A post mortem report of the PCC for the Centenarian Celebration where financial losses were incurred addressing all relevant issues concerned on the overall organization of the project..
2. When and where would the Kokol Prayer Summit’s OC be exhibited preferably at the ASC entrance?
3. The details of three cheques unsigned by the hon Treasurer in 2011 including all documents for scrutiny. Photocopies would be acceptable for now.
4. The accounts of All Saints Anglican Academy since the beginning and the licence of the ASAA.
5. The full report on the Celebration Centre and statement of accounts of the fund so far collected by ASC and the Anglican Diocese plus the other agreements especially the contractor’s agreement if already signed. The working paper for the total project would be appreciated.
6. Would you agree to attend to the Committee of Inquiry if it is established?
7. Have you acted on the 1st Resolution of the AGM to appoint a senior priest as the Dean of the ASC?
8. Please give full reports of all your travels overseas on missions or otherwise.
9. How would you resolve the massive deficits of the funds in ASC in 2011 and 2012?
10. Why did you not give a Dean’s report for the AGM 2012? Rector’s report is inadequate for three months only.
11. Why did you not sign the minute of AGM 2011 when there were some important errors?
All the above questions could be asked and answered by you if you were the Chairman of AGM 2012.
So I hope you would resolve all the crisis in ASC vis-à-vis ADOS now, and failing which we are in more precarious position as a religious establishment.
Praise God for this small, humble and brief letter. Go to the blog for much more.
Yours truly,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
The Acting Dean
All Saints Cathedral,
Kota Kinabalu.
Dear Right Revd Bishop Datuk Albert Vun,
Re: Post Questions and comments of AGM 2012 0n 1st April, 2012
I am giving a brief letter as a follow up to your missing in action at the last AGM. I expect a reply also by fax by Monday, the 9th April, 2012.
1. A post mortem report of the PCC for the Centenarian Celebration where financial losses were incurred addressing all relevant issues concerned on the overall organization of the project..
2. When and where would the Kokol Prayer Summit’s OC be exhibited preferably at the ASC entrance?
3. The details of three cheques unsigned by the hon Treasurer in 2011 including all documents for scrutiny. Photocopies would be acceptable for now.
4. The accounts of All Saints Anglican Academy since the beginning and the licence of the ASAA.
5. The full report on the Celebration Centre and statement of accounts of the fund so far collected by ASC and the Anglican Diocese plus the other agreements especially the contractor’s agreement if already signed. The working paper for the total project would be appreciated.
6. Would you agree to attend to the Committee of Inquiry if it is established?
7. Have you acted on the 1st Resolution of the AGM to appoint a senior priest as the Dean of the ASC?
8. Please give full reports of all your travels overseas on missions or otherwise.
9. How would you resolve the massive deficits of the funds in ASC in 2011 and 2012?
10. Why did you not give a Dean’s report for the AGM 2012? Rector’s report is inadequate for three months only.
11. Why did you not sign the minute of AGM 2011 when there were some important errors?
All the above questions could be asked and answered by you if you were the Chairman of AGM 2012.
So I hope you would resolve all the crisis in ASC vis-à-vis ADOS now, and failing which we are in more precarious position as a religious establishment.
Praise God for this small, humble and brief letter. Go to the blog for much more.
Yours truly,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Did the Bishop write the message on 15/4/12
NB: I fax to his office on 18 April, 2012 for confirmation if BAV had actually wrote this message - which is the POST APRIL FOO+L. but no reply now. Joshua
The Bishop writes 15 April 2012
Over the months, some disgruntled members have used the internet to slander me and to speak negatively of our church and our Diocese. I did not respond to them because I cannot debate our church decisions in the internet
especially when the real intent of these people is not to know the truth but to slander and stir up ill wills. From the example of Moses, I learn to bring the matter to the Lord first. From the example of Nehemiah, I learn not to allow my work to be distracted by people who behave like Sanballat and Tobiah (Neh 4) in Nehemiah's day. Why should our agenda be decided by people who do very little to build up the church but spend their time talking negatively of our church. But it seems that some of our members are affected by these negative talks. For these members, I write so you are not confused. Matters about decisions in the Cathedral PCC being dominated by
the clergy and pastors are all untrue. Firstly, clergy and pastors are posted to the Cathedral to serve and to assist to build up the church. Because they are involved in ministry, they are members of the PCC. In 1996, Bishop Yong included the licensed pastors also as full members of the PCC. To suggest that I put these pastors into the Cathedral just to control the PCC would be wrong. The Cathedral is important but it is only one part of our Diocese. There is no need for me to control the PCC using the clergy and the pastors. Besides they have a mind of their own and they will vote for what is right and good for the church. In fact, ALL our decisions in the PCC that I know of were passed by a vast majority. That means without the pastors' participations, those decisions would have been passed. This false accusation come from people who want to control the PCC but cannot. People will not follow their narrow minded and ungodly ways. They do not have the vision to lead the church forward but they want to control how the funds are mobilized. They have to resort to slander. In the AGM, the resolution was also defeated. As to the appointment of a Dean, the question is to appoint a Dean that can lead the church to grow; who can also grow vibrant youth and children ministries; who can mobilize the whole church to evangelism etc. Both our former Deans have resigned. I do not want to appoint a Dean and then to find that he cannot handle the difficult challenge of leading the Cathedral to grow. As it is, with Canon Thiam Choy as the Rector and a dedicated pastoral team, the Cathedral is in a better position than it has been for a long time. The worship services are run well, the preaching is strong, evangelism is growing and bearing fruits, our youth and children ministries are strong, and our pastoral works are done well. If we all can work together, our Cathedral will grow. The appointment of a Dean is the Bishop's prerogative. You can make suggestion and share with me your wisdom. But you certainly cannot force me to appoint anyone as Dean. So stop listening to lies and stop fellowshipping with those who are mockers. " Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers." Psalm l: I
The Bishop writes 15 April 2012
Over the months, some disgruntled members have used the internet to slander me and to speak negatively of our church and our Diocese. I did not respond to them because I cannot debate our church decisions in the internet
especially when the real intent of these people is not to know the truth but to slander and stir up ill wills. From the example of Moses, I learn to bring the matter to the Lord first. From the example of Nehemiah, I learn not to allow my work to be distracted by people who behave like Sanballat and Tobiah (Neh 4) in Nehemiah's day. Why should our agenda be decided by people who do very little to build up the church but spend their time talking negatively of our church. But it seems that some of our members are affected by these negative talks. For these members, I write so you are not confused. Matters about decisions in the Cathedral PCC being dominated by
the clergy and pastors are all untrue. Firstly, clergy and pastors are posted to the Cathedral to serve and to assist to build up the church. Because they are involved in ministry, they are members of the PCC. In 1996, Bishop Yong included the licensed pastors also as full members of the PCC. To suggest that I put these pastors into the Cathedral just to control the PCC would be wrong. The Cathedral is important but it is only one part of our Diocese. There is no need for me to control the PCC using the clergy and the pastors. Besides they have a mind of their own and they will vote for what is right and good for the church. In fact, ALL our decisions in the PCC that I know of were passed by a vast majority. That means without the pastors' participations, those decisions would have been passed. This false accusation come from people who want to control the PCC but cannot. People will not follow their narrow minded and ungodly ways. They do not have the vision to lead the church forward but they want to control how the funds are mobilized. They have to resort to slander. In the AGM, the resolution was also defeated. As to the appointment of a Dean, the question is to appoint a Dean that can lead the church to grow; who can also grow vibrant youth and children ministries; who can mobilize the whole church to evangelism etc. Both our former Deans have resigned. I do not want to appoint a Dean and then to find that he cannot handle the difficult challenge of leading the Cathedral to grow. As it is, with Canon Thiam Choy as the Rector and a dedicated pastoral team, the Cathedral is in a better position than it has been for a long time. The worship services are run well, the preaching is strong, evangelism is growing and bearing fruits, our youth and children ministries are strong, and our pastoral works are done well. If we all can work together, our Cathedral will grow. The appointment of a Dean is the Bishop's prerogative. You can make suggestion and share with me your wisdom. But you certainly cannot force me to appoint anyone as Dean. So stop listening to lies and stop fellowshipping with those who are mockers. " Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers." Psalm l: I
Pending reply
10 April, 2012
Most Reverend Datuk Bolly Lapok
Archbishop of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia.
Your lordship Archbishop,
I would like to have your help in this matter.
All Bishops at the installation would have made a PLEDGE or vow of office.
Would you extend me a copy by email ? Fax it to 088 247823 if you will.
What would naturally happen when this PLEDGE is breached?
Thank you.
God bless you,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
----- Original Message -----
From: jkong823@streamyx.com
To: bishopk@streamyx.com
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Police Report on 11 April, 2012
Most Reverend Datuk Bolly Lapok
Archbishop of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia.
Your lordship Archbishop,
I think you can do something for the Anglican Diocese of Sabah.
I intend to lodge a Police Report against the Acting Dean of All Saints Cathedral /Bishop
of Sabah for various serious offences and possible crimes such as
Abuses of power; Financial Irregularities and mismanagement;
Missing in Action/ irresponsible and Unaccounted incomes from overseas.
It is normal that Bishop Albert Vun be suspended until he clears all those allegations.
So I pray you will use your high office to deal with this to glorify God.
There are enough allegations which had been confirmed true in the blog since October 2011.
Trusting every thing is in order.
God bless all who share this tough challenge.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Most Reverend Datuk Bolly Lapok
Archbishop of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia.
Your lordship Archbishop,
I would like to have your help in this matter.
All Bishops at the installation would have made a PLEDGE or vow of office.
Would you extend me a copy by email ? Fax it to 088 247823 if you will.
What would naturally happen when this PLEDGE is breached?
Thank you.
God bless you,
Joshua Y. C. Kong
----- Original Message -----
From: jkong823@streamyx.com
To: bishopk@streamyx.com
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Police Report on 11 April, 2012
Most Reverend Datuk Bolly Lapok
Archbishop of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia.
Your lordship Archbishop,
I think you can do something for the Anglican Diocese of Sabah.
I intend to lodge a Police Report against the Acting Dean of All Saints Cathedral /Bishop
of Sabah for various serious offences and possible crimes such as
Abuses of power; Financial Irregularities and mismanagement;
Missing in Action/ irresponsible and Unaccounted incomes from overseas.
It is normal that Bishop Albert Vun be suspended until he clears all those allegations.
So I pray you will use your high office to deal with this to glorify God.
There are enough allegations which had been confirmed true in the blog since October 2011.
Trusting every thing is in order.
God bless all who share this tough challenge.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
BISHOPGATE in Anglican Diocese of Sabah ADOS
Very sad indeed as it is a time for total change or revamp in Sabah.
It is known that ADOS is now not part of the global Anglican Communion based in the UK. Why did that happen? We are not informed of the full details.
ADOS is part of the Anglican Province of South East Asia APSEA.
How capable is the APSEA in the general approach when things do not go right in any seats of the Anglican Bishops in SEA such as the West Malaysia, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah?
Our Constitution of ADOS which I have not sighted yet can be questioned as it had been based on the global concept as it is no long a global set up but much smaller unit incapable to handle any crisis like what we have now as BISHOPGATE.
In a global set up, there maybe a global check and balance rather than the Bishop Datuk Albert Vun of Sabah telling us of his power as Bishop of Sabah as supreme and unchallengable as his prerogative to act in any matters.
The landed properties of the ADOS are vested in the name of BISHOP of SABAH hence Bishop Datuk A Vun could do what he likes with the assets of ADOS.
Without accountability and transparency, the Bishop of Sabah must know his limits in the handling of the affairs of ADOS.
So it is timely that whole system of ADOS be reviewed and revamped as soon as possible in the latest developments
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Very sad indeed as it is a time for total change or revamp in Sabah.
It is known that ADOS is now not part of the global Anglican Communion based in the UK. Why did that happen? We are not informed of the full details.
ADOS is part of the Anglican Province of South East Asia APSEA.
How capable is the APSEA in the general approach when things do not go right in any seats of the Anglican Bishops in SEA such as the West Malaysia, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah?
Our Constitution of ADOS which I have not sighted yet can be questioned as it had been based on the global concept as it is no long a global set up but much smaller unit incapable to handle any crisis like what we have now as BISHOPGATE.
In a global set up, there maybe a global check and balance rather than the Bishop Datuk Albert Vun of Sabah telling us of his power as Bishop of Sabah as supreme and unchallengable as his prerogative to act in any matters.
The landed properties of the ADOS are vested in the name of BISHOP of SABAH hence Bishop Datuk A Vun could do what he likes with the assets of ADOS.
Without accountability and transparency, the Bishop of Sabah must know his limits in the handling of the affairs of ADOS.
So it is timely that whole system of ADOS be reviewed and revamped as soon as possible in the latest developments
Joshua Y. C. Kong
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