Saturday, August 31, 2013

218. Still the great LIAR in white robe!!!!

Not a bit of change as before and could be worst with an evil vengeance. I  will be making comments as I go along but he was given the chance to clear his alleged CRIMES in the Civil Court but AVCF abused that together with his most 'stupid' legal team. Now the most empty talks of a criminal. period -  Joshua

Message from Bishop,
The Rt Rev Datuk Albert Vun


A New Season
I have just returned from a good and helpful sabbatical. This is the first time I have taken such a long time for rest, replenishment and reflection.  Mary and I spent some time as guests with Ellel to receive ministry and to be quiet before the Lord. The rest of the time is spent with New Life Fellowship Church learning how to develop an Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Most time is spent in replenishing my own soul. We all know the last year has not been easy for our Diocese. With all the accusations and allegations, I went away with much hurts. I have lost the loyalty of some. I needed to spend time to take stock how I am responsible for what has or has not happened. The time spent in heart-searching was like going through the “dark night of the soul”. The word of God builds me up: 1Jn 3:19-20 This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. If not for the grace of God, I would not have survived. Much of the time was spent in rebuilding my inner soul, to re-centre my heart with the Lord, and to just rest in Him. I have learned many deep spiritual truths from the Lord. Trusting the Lord to enable to lead into a new season under His grace.
We are very glad to be back in Sabah. I want to thank all those who have given godly leadership in the Diocese over this period. My Commissary, Rev Herbert Tong has done a wonderful job of “holding the fort” with the help of all the pastors and leaders of the local churches. Bishop Moses and Cynthia Tay came to help and facilitate the process of moving forward in revival. It has been a difficult time when our members are confused by all kinds of misinformation. The need to provide clear spiritual leadership is critical to move our Diocese forward in revival. 
I am far from perfect, but I serve according to the will of God. In all the 7 years I led as Bishop, I have tried to lead under the grace the Lord has granted me every moment. I have given my wholehearted effort to build up the church, to extend God’s kingdom through effective evangelism and mission, and to train up a team of responsible and able clergy/pastors/evangelists. The Lord being my Judge, if my words and my actions in anyway have hurt any of you, I would be most willing to reconcile with anyone. Please let me know so I can arrange to meet with you.  Let us stop all the idle talk, mud-slinging and anonymous attack of one another. Those activities are not honorable and neither are they pleasing to God. We are not to be a people who stir up dissension or promote a spirit of rebellion. The Lord hates those who bear false witness and sow dissension amongst brothers (Pro 6:19) And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Eph 4:30-32) 
I urge all our members to remain steadfast in the faith. Let us focus in serving the Lord and building up the church. God is a God of order. I call on all our members to close ranks to build up and not to tear down. I call on all our members to speak well of one another and to honor those whom God has put over us. In doing so, the Lord will bless us and bless our Diocese. A door is opened for the Lord to shower upon us a powerful revival as we have not seen before. A new season is set before us. We must all make the choice to rise up in strong faith, to enter and take possession of what God has promised to His Church.

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